Why Are Leftist Such Shit at Debating?

I literally talked to a guy last night who did not even once make a single argument in his favor, opting instead to fuck adhom and reee like a little bitch for something on the odds of 3 hours straight.
This isnt just a phenomenon unique to Yas Forums either, you can se plenty mainstream "right vs left" debates where the leftist always tends to attack the opposition on their character rather then any of the content of their argument.
Why is this Yas Forums??

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Other urls found in this thread:


It’s because leftists are stupid.

come at me bro instead of your strawman "leftists"

also, fuck chaposhits

>it's another "instead of posting an actual leftoid/rightard argument i'm going to post le epik funny open mouth meme man with funny hat haha i win" episode
I hate reruns.

>come at me bro instead of your strawman "leftists"
Alright bro
Well how about you start by explaining why this is is a thing and how it makes sense within a Marxis World View??
pic related.

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still in the stage where you debate retards huh? it's pointless just so you know.

nice digits nigger

i've debunked this at least twice already.
it's nonsense for the simple fact that koreans comprised the largest foreign contingent fighting with the PLA in the chinese war of liberation/ chinese civil war.

also what is this fucking source: schmooze?
I see you've trimmed the macro to hide the source info
still garbage user

glad you're getting your jewish pop culture fix though user

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because their ideology is built on contradictions.

the farther right you go, the more the ideology is built on objective truths

this is why leftists subscribe to atheism/subjective morality/nihilism/futurism so much.

the idea that there is no objective truth, is an extremely convenient worldview for them, since it means they don't have to base their perception of reality on truth

>the third time he's posted this thread today
remember anons, herbs go in all fields

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>nice digits nigger
a man of taste.
>i've debunked this at least twice already.
Alright, how?
>it's nonsense for the simple fact that koreans comprised the largest foreign contingent fighting with the PLA in the chinese war of liberation/ chinese civil war.
And how does this change the fact the Communist movement in china was supported by jews, in some cases very wealthy jews, the world over running into complete conflict with Marx's idea of "Class consciousnesses" as the single most important organizing principle by which people live their lives?
>also what is this fucking source: schmooze?
Oh its from a kike liberal feminist cunt to be sure.
But she is litterally BRAGGING about how well the Jews subverted and puppeted the communist revolution in china.
Its some discovered scrolls of elder zion tier with a tad more autism
Also pic related is another exmaple of the same phenimon if you arent satisfied with that one.

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>objective truths
pray tell user what are these objective truths which provide the foundation for rightist ideology?

So you trust the jews with this number because it serves your argument?

I'm gonna pretend to be a leftoid, argue with me
Here are my views
>Immigrants should be allowed into our countries
>race and religion doesn't matter
>women and men are equal and should be treated as such
>white people are inherently evil and history shows


Cant speak for him but the simple answer your question is that man is first and foremost an evolutionary orgnaism (just like all other evolutionary life) and thus it his objective purpose and meaning in life to reproduce as much of his genes as possible and ensure those with the same genes as him survive to and do the same.
Understanding that race (or the thing which we have labeled "race" if you want to be autistic) is the fundamental driver of all human life, despite Marx's beliefs about class interaction allows you to construct an entire moral word view grounded purely in observation of the material world.
It shows you what humans actually are and what we are actually meant to do on an objective basis
Those are the objective truths at the basis of legitimate rightwing philosophy.
No i dont trust them
But the existence of accounts form multiple sources of similar phenimon, both within and outside of the Soviet union does lead credence to it.
Trials conducted in the 1930s for instance found that (((Trotsky))) was litterally a spy paid by MI6 as mutliple sources confirmed
This lines up with western sources who show that on several occasions MI6 interevened for (((Trotsky's))) benefit for shall we say at best dubious official reasons.
The phinomon of western bankers and communist jews form nepotistic plans is not a fucking rare case scenario
Pic related is yet ANOTHER example.

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I dont either trust this number or think its a lie. But in the absence of any intelligent contradiction im inclined toward the former.
To shill is to distract without puttinf out any actual testable information.

Do you realize that the source only makes that more alarming? ((((((Medium))))))) is not a nazi schizo site, it's literally a leftist j*w magazine by and for leftist j*ws. They are BOASTING about it.

user this is bullshit
among the the biggest foreign supporter of the bolsheviks was arthur zimmerman, the foreign secretary of the german empire. his deeds included funneling Lenin back into Russia from his swiss hideout.
bolsheviks nowt more than agents of the Kaiser!

no. many factors were at work.

>Understanding that race (or the thing which we have labeled "race" if you want to be autistic) is the fundamental driver of all human life, despite Marx's beliefs about class interaction allows you to construct an entire moral word view grounded purely in observation of the material world.

so literally just a degenerated marxism where racial struggle replaces class struggle.

the difference is marx actually backed up his assertions with hard data, you rely on >muh feels
>muh racial consciousness

>Trials conducted in the 1930s for instance found that (((Trotsky))) was litterally a spy paid by MI6 as multiple sources confirmed

The USSR was the greatest nation to ever exist, but the Moscow Trials were an unparalleled travesty of justice.
As the USSR admitted decades later when it cleared the vast majority of the defendants of any wrongdoing.

user it's cute how you seem wholeheartedly to believe that mongolian basket-weaving forum macros constitute hard evidence.

but if you really believe the verity of the Moscow Trials, please explain why over the course of the three main trials the foreign governments with which Trotsky and the other old bolsheviks were supposedly working with shifted with no explanation.

The perfect example of how porn destroys the mind and requires the watcher to indulge in progressively darker and perverted material to get off.

it's from the forward--a jewish newspaper.

Of course any ethnic/religiously oriented media will play up the deeds of its ethnoreligious group.

>user this is bullshit
>among the the biggest foreign supporter of the bolsheviks was arthur zimmerman, the foreign secretary of the german empire. his deeds included funneling Lenin back into Russia from his swiss hideout.
Yes the Kaiser was kiked.
Objectively so.
He event lamented how much he had been latter in life much in the vain of Woodrow wilson (pic related)
How does the fact that other monarchs were puppets of the Jewish banking cartel that backed the (((Bolshevic))) revolution make the fact that Certian Jewish Bankers did infact back the Bolshevic revolution, and many other communist revolutions the world over any less legitimate??
>bolsheviks nowt more than agents of the Kaiser!
Both were just agents of Jewish Power dude.
>no. many factors were at work.
If you seriously take this view user
You still have to deal with (at best) SOME wealthy jewish bankers backing the communist revolution in russia
Which once again
Flies in the face of the very nature and understanding of "Class Consiousness" as articulated by Marx.
>so literally just a degenerated marxism where racial struggle replaces class struggle.
You could just easily say that Marxism is a degenerated Darwinism where class struggle replaces the struggle between different genes
The difference being Darwinism is actually based on the reality of the Natural world
While Marxism is based on a 100 year social critique that is barely relevant today.
Fun fact by the way about Dialectical Marxism.
If a construction worker owns a single share of a single company netting him a single stock in dividends?
Under a dialectical reading of Marx he is a "Member of the Capitalist class" who must be purged in the comming revolution as he in part owns the means of production and is exploiting workers for their labor.

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Because the media stopped giving them new talking points 3 years ago and they're just reusing the same ones we've already knocked down 100 times. They've become incredibly disillusioned with questioning their ideas as it always seems to go tits up and now refuse to engage in any critical thought or discussion whatsoever.
>t. debate fag who gave up on trying

>it's from the forward


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Primarily, this: That all men are not equal to each other, that there is substantial differences to men based on their race, as well as there are individual differences

It is the admission that all men have different abilities

There are many more objective truths that rightists accept, that leftists deny, for instance that God exists, that time is cyclical and not linear, and others. But that is the one that matters most in our world.

Literally Yas Forums talks more about BBC than unironic tankie communities. Now why is that you think?

because they given up their minds and agency to be part of a hive mind. The hive mind are controlled by kikes who may be good at getting into power but are complete retarded at everything else. So the lack of creativity and wit rubs off on their little slaves. Thus why you see them always copy/pasting the same buzzwords and "no-u" memes.

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2/2>the difference is marx actually backed up his assertions with hard data, you rely on >muh feels
Lol fucking how dude?
If no one viewed themselves on a racial basis their genes would still be the same
And their objective purpose as an evolutionary organism would still be to replicate as many of said genes as possible.
We are just currently undergoing a mass culling of the species of all those to defective to understand there inherent need to breed within and perfer there own race to others.
>The USSR was the greatest nation to ever exist, but the Moscow Trials were an unparalleled travesty of justice.
"USSR was based but Stalin was BAD!"
And just when i thought i'd met a based commie
Trully saddened.
>As the USSR admitted decades later when it cleared the vast majority of the defendants of any wrongdoing.
Once it had been puppeted by the CIA and cucked by Gorbachev (who himself was a pupept of the CIA lol)
Dont fucking cuck on the one time the USSR was actually semi independent of the West dude (IE under stalin)

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How does that old commie quote go?
From each their ability to each their need.
That in and of itself is am acknowledgement of differing abilities of men. LMFAO

Jesus Christ you right wing autists are mental

>user it's cute how you seem wholeheartedly to believe that mongolian basket-weaving forum macros constitute hard evidence.
The book is called the Creature from the Jakel island
Feel free to read if you arent an illiterate.
>but if you really believe the verity of the Moscow Trials, please explain why over the course of the three main trials the foreign governments with which Trotsky and the other old bolsheviks were supposedly working with shifted with no explanation.
Probably because they were all ultimately working for the same jewish banking cabal that controlled all three kek.

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>funneling Lenin back into Russia from his swiss hideout.

The germans did that to get Russia out of WWI.

>user it's cute how you seem wholeheartedly to believe that mongolian basket-weaving forum macros constitute hard evidence.
Why don't you go back to your alternative "fact based" discussion forum?

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>Implying Yas Forums doesn't do this either
I see ineloquent people on this board all the time, but to be fair it's funnier when they do it. When I see a liberal attempt to engage in dialog I cringe.

>Not being NazBol
I shiggy
I diggy

of course all humans are different user.

It's just that most of these differences are socially-constructed.

And that our similarities far outweigh our differences.

I am not the type of leftist that thinks race does not exist. But it is far more complicated, and far less consequential, than most Yas Forumstards believe.

>Ingores my argument.
You remember in the OP when i was talking about leftists being shit at debates...
>It's just that most of these differences are socially-constructed.
>And that our similarities far outweigh our differences.
It doesnt matter dude
If the only difference the halves of humanity was that one was born with a red dot on their head and the other didnt?
It would still because to not interbreed
ALL ORGANIC ORGANISMS have the inherent purpose to procreate as many of their genes as possible
why is this so hard for you to understand?
>it is far more complicated, and far less consequential, than most Yas Forumstards believe.
Sure user, but you still act as if genetics isnt the inherent basis of all life when it obviously and objectively is.

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Good luck trying to explain to niggers how their whole (((culture))) is nothing more than a "social construct" and how they can be at the same level as white people if they just vote for the commiejew

> debates where the leftist always tends to attack the opposition on their character
This. If they're blatantly losing the argument, they will attempt to pin you as a "racist" or a "fascist" 100% of the time like anyone actually gives a shit. Even normal, apolitical people are rolling their eyes at this point.

Racial differences are biological. This isn't a "social construct" faggot.

Most leftists are stupid they read high theory whether it's philosophical or economic and don't understand it. The media has just told them being left wing is what smart people do so they jump in on the deep end with out historical context and being dumb they can't see they are being manipulated

imagine being so autistic you still listen believe libertarian fan fic in 2020

>liberterian fanfic
please feel free to debunk anything i said or referenced from the book if you can man
but if not you're really just providing the thread with a fucking example of what i meant by "Leftists attacking the character rather then the content of an argument"

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>Both were just agents of Jewish Power dude.
what are the other primary vectors of jewish power?

>You still have to deal with (at best) SOME wealthy jewish bankers backing the communist revolution in russia
Of course they did.
But to think the revolution was carried out in their interests or by their directives is pure knavery.

>Which once again
>Flies in the face of the very nature and understanding of "Class Consiousness" as articulated by Marx.

nonsense. Marx never says that individuals will always act in their class interests. Marx himself was not proletarian.

>You could just easily say that Marxism is a degenerated Darwinism where class struggle replaces the struggle between different genes
>The difference being Darwinism is actually based on the reality of the Natural world

Except the Communist Manifesto was published almost a decade before On the Origin of Species.

nigger I've been here since /new/

been away for a while but I'm back and ready to torment roastie reactionaries.

>"USSR was based but Stalin was BAD!"
>And just when i thought i'd met a based commie
>Trully saddened.

Stalin was fucking ace.
But he made serious mistakes--as do we all.
To err is human after all user.

>Once it had been puppeted by the CIA and cucked by Gorbachev (who himself was a pupept of the CIA lol)
>Dont fucking cuck on the one time the USSR was actually semi independent of the West dude (IE under stalin)

must admit i'm curious about your views of USSR.
So it was only based under Stalin in your eyes?

Right wing faggots only exist because they stay in groups where they all agree.

>hate Israel
>vote for the biggest Jew cuck ever
Obama was a lot tougher on Israel

>Be against deficit spending
>debt soars under Trump

>be against immigration
>Trump is doing everything he can to bring in street shitters

You incel faggots need to end yourselves quicker

To the dedicated mind? Debate is pointless.
Those people are pointless.
Their lives are pointless.
And only by making you suffer them do they get revenge on you because you had something better to do with your time.

Why would I? It's widely known that the book is historically inaccurate and makes baseless connections. And it also is not antisemitic just anti-Fed so even your own source does not agree with your conclusions


>what are the other primary vectors of jewish power?
Any Nation with a private central banking system.
>But to think the revolution was carried out in their interests or by their directives is pure knavery.
Oh come the fuck on dude.
Even fucking TANKIES will admit the revolution was inherently Jewish interest as a result of the anti-semetic poliicies of the Zar which caused millions of jews to flee in western europe and america.
It is the primary reason for instance that Jacob Schiff funded the revolution just liike he had funded the japense russian-japenese war
He was fucking salty at the Zar over his treatment of jews.
>nonsense. Marx never says that individuals will always act in their class interests. Marx himself was not proletarian.
Understood, but he did say this was the primary way in which people acted.
Which with more and more examples to the contrary starts to line up as if his ideas are at BEST secondary principles by which humans organize themselves.
Which would make sense considering the fact humans were organizing themselves into ethnically backed tribes for 95,000,000 before anything even vaguley reminicient of social classes emmerged.
Alot of this shit is just wired into our evolutionary phycology dude which Marx could not have understood at his time as the field was not even developed yet.
>Except the Communist Manifesto was published almost a decade before On the Origin of Species.
Kek so your contention is that Darwin stole his ideas from Marx and applied them to nature rather then observing them directly from nature as one tends to do as a scientist?
Your fucking delusional.
>To err is human after all user.
But killing those little rats who backed (((Trotsky))) and getting them to admit they were working for the god damn (((Capitalists))) was not one of them my dude.

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I never debate here. There is no point.
Most "leftist" posts are blatantly fake, but the leftist is such a caricature for you that you don't even notice.

its true that our similarities far outweigh our differences. for instance a negroe man and a white man are genetically FAR more similar to each other, than either is to a woman of any race.

however, small differences can have cascading effects in the real world. this is true of our physical forms - some people are very strong, some are very weak. here's one example - look at how many native americans (especially from plains tribes) get diabetes and other health issues on an american diet. its because they evolved to eat lots of red meat all the time.

but there is another aspect to this as well: its true that human beings are more similar than they are different PHYSICALLY, but that is not true when you are talking about the mental differences between humans, or the spiritual differences.

the physical realm is obviously the easiest to describe, the mental realm is more difficult. but there are very big differences between people in this regard: just look at the differences between intelligences in people. you don't even need to correlate them with race or class, although it is true that blacks tend to be less intelligent, and whites and asians moreso. likewise, rich tend to be smarter, and poor tend to be dumber. This supposedly small difference has led to whites and asians producing the huge, HUGE majority of technological innovations in all human history. There may even be huge differences in how we comprehend the world, look at the sheer amount language varies by race. There is a very good reason why so many east asian languages are tonal, and why so many european languages are inflective, why so many subsaharan languages are comparatively simple, these things are hardwired into our minds. yes, we have evolved these differences over time.

lastly. there is the realm of the spirit; this is the hardest to describe, certainly i don't think leftists even acknowledge its existence, so there's no reason to try and convince you.

Why did Stalin help Hitler invade Poland?

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well oy vey user

>>must admit i'm curious about your views of USSR.
>So it was only based under Stalin in your eyes?
To be clear it is obvious that the (((West))) DID perfer Stalin over Hitler (As they ultimately funded Stalin in a war against Hitler which they would have done if Stalin wasnt on some level one of their goys)
Stalin also helped found the state of Israel and oversaw mass pedophilic rapes in berlin and he arguably had a Jewish mistress/wife at one point
at the same time
There is fundamentally a reason why Stalin is seen as the "biggest communist mass murderer of all time" While Mao is BARELY fucking talked about in the Jewish Neo Liberal Press even though Mao Was responsible for something like 120 times the amount of starvation that occured under the holdomor which has objectively been overblown by Western Propaganda.
And the reason for this demonization of Stalin is this.
While it is true that Stalin never dealt with the Jewish problem in the USSR DIRECTLY (IE removing all jews from the soviet union tottally and completely) he did, in his own secular way, strongly and completely attempt to route out all "subersive elements" within his own government which ended up causing him consiquently to come into conflict with agents of jewish power more often then not.
It thusly cannot be said that Stalin, while Used by the (((Capitalist Eliete))) in the second world war, was infact their "puppet" or tottally and completely controlled by the as evidenced by how strongly he acted against the subversive elements within his own government.
This would eventually lead to the "stroke" he suffered while he was planning his second great purge
And the process of ((((De-Stalinization)))) that occured their after.
The USSR was, for a brief time, not tottally controlled by jewish influence while still under the strong leadership of Stalin.
But the kikes ultimately had him assinated as he was not willing to whore Russia out to the vipers.

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For that fresh polish cunny of course.

>shifts from using genetic evidence to talking about the "realm of the spirit" in the same post
Do you guys have even a single shred of self awareness?


>Why would I?
In order to show you arent a complete unthinking, unintelligent, brain dead hack??
>It's widely known that the book is historically inaccurate and makes baseless connections.
"Its widely known"
Is not a not a source user.
>. And it also is not antisemitic just anti-Fed so even your own source does not agree with your conclusions
The fact that a fact shows the jews in anegative light completely discredits it after all!!

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Here's why

i'm using physical differences and mental differences. i'm not going to bother going into the realm of the spirit because you are most likely a faggot atheist anyway.

"Genetic evidence" means nothing, the genetics of two people can vary by .001% and it can mean the difference between one being a functional human being and the other being a mindless husk that needs to be fed by a tube

I don't know why that other user is engaging in Lewontin's Fallacy. The high heritability estimate of within group differences implies a higher heritability of between group differences.

The fact that a fact shows the jews in anegative light completely discredits it after all!!
Holy shit you are so mad over one little phrase lol. Explain why you come to a different conclusion from the author yet you also want me to believe the book is true? That makes zero fucking sense, if it's actually true than you would be saying end the Fed not end the jews. Which is it, do jews run everything or is Griffin right? It can't be both

the funny thing is that i didn't actually use any genetic evidence, i said from the start that men are more similar than they are different in terms of genetics.

yet what little variation we have, has resulted in huge differences between our abilities

There are retards and geniuses on both sides of the aisle. That should go without saying.

I no longer see the political struggle in terms of "left vs right" I see it now more in terms of "Materialists vs Romantics".
We National Socialists are fighting for the future of our race to not be mindless consumerist production units for the state. We want to realize our potential, we want to build a world based on merit.

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I find it funny when NEETs advocate for a merit based system when they have no skills.

whatever the point is that you're blending scientific proof with vague spiritual/religious stuff. Unless you meant different races practice different religions, which I guess might be true.

Racial culture exists, and yes it was socialized, but that socialization was based on both environmental and genetics.

>Holy shit you are so mad over one little phrase lol.
No, I think its fucking hilarious
And i am laughing at you for using it
Its like when you hear someone say they find something "offensive" or they "cant even right now"
That person has pretty well shown they have little to no intellectual constitution what so ever.
Intelligent people dont judge ideas on the basis of whether or not the make them FEEL a certian way
They judge ideas on their objectivity.
Not on the basis of fucking buzzowrds.
> Explain why you come to a different conclusion from the author yet you also want me to believe the book is true?
I dont want you to BELIEVE the book is true user
I want you to read the book.
Reasearch the sources from the book
AND THEN find out whether or NOT the book is true.
The fact that the idea of doing this has never crossed your mind once again shows your straw poll leftist to be the exact sort of intellectual dead weight even the ((((moderate right)))) shows you to be.
>That makes zero fucking sense, if it's actually true than you would be saying end the Fed not end the jews. Which is it, do jews run everything or is Griffin right? It can't be both
You're right.
It cant be both.
Unless of course
The jews run the fed
And the Fed runs everything kek.
Though desu its more complex then that and Griffin is right on some things and wrong on others
however we cant realy have a serious discussion about that untill you READ THE FUCKING BOOK.
Just like i read the communist manifesto even though i knew i would disagree with it and some of the shit was dead wrong going in.
You read shit you dont agree with
That is how you form an educated political view my dude.

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