Why are there so many self-hating Muslims in America?

On Yas Forums, r9k, Yas Forums, and even on pure incel boards you'll see tons of middle eastern, arab, and Paki guys born in America who hate themselves and want to kill themselves.

"God bro i wish i wasn't born a shitskin"

"Fuark bros wish i was born white like Chad instead i'm a subhuman browncel"

So many lost Muslims in America. It's pretty sad to see.

Even on Yas Forums there are many Arabs, Iranians, Egyptians,Algerians, Pakis who come here with American flags desperately trying to be accepted as white.

In the UK and Europe this is a non-issue. Muslim and immigrant identity is so strong here. You'll never ever see a Paki walking around the streets of Birmingham or Luton or Bradford saying "fuark i hate being a subhuman Paki i should kill myself". It just doesn't happen. They know they have the Truth and are secure with that.

Muslim youth tend to grow up together forming a bond based on the fact they are from Muslim immigrant families. You'll get the Turks, the Sudanese, the Bangladeshis, the Somalians, the Ghanaians, the Nigerians, the Afghans, etc none of these youth are ashamed of who they are. And they never sellout and become the weak, pacified Muslims like Sadiq Khan and Maajid Nawaz that the British want. They never become puppets and cucks to the likes of Tommy Robinson.

Yet in America the situation seems bad. Muslim youth are ashamed of being ethnic and ashamed of being Muslim. Any proud Muslims living in America on this board need to reach out with some Dawah to the younger generation of the Ummah. Stop thinking it's not your duty to address the zoomer youth who are having doubts!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Europe gets Chad's Muslims. North America gets nerdy stem ones. Either that or we get Lebanese and iranian guys who wish they were white

Muslims in Europe act like blacks

Haven't you got a goat to fuck?

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the US has much less muslims in the population compared the the uk
and they don't really have those muslim ghettos you have

You shitskins want to be white too, you just feel a little less left out there because there’s more of you.

shitskin detected


top kek

>be stripped of culture
>have no relateable ethnic identity
>weakened religious ties
>most likely only speaks English
It's the price of diversity. You're no longer Egyptian, Persian, Syrian, Arabian. In the US, you're just a brown man, probably ugly too.
The natives in your ancestral lands will usually always treat you like an outcast, if you even bother traveling there.
It really sucks to be a minority in the US nowadays. People will always confuse your kind with Mexicans and treat your everyday practices with untactful disregard
And to add salt to the wounds, you no longer have the minority privileges of being unique, since we have so many brown people with similar backgrounds
You're effectively assimilated and your ethnic uniqueness will eventually get eroded by the muttification, if you're not too beta to breed

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I rarely see self-hating Brown men on /pol; are they hiding somewhere?

The only thing I see is Brown/Black/Asian subhumans spamming this forum and making bait threads.

Who cares faggot? Self hating faggots get the rope first.

> Chad
> Muslim

Yet none of that applies to men from those backgrounds living in Europe.

You think any of these men are ashamed of being brown and coming from a strict Muslim family?

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Stfu Ahmed. You inbreds have to rove in gangs as you are too scared to fight one on one just like niggers.
They are that inbred they are too dumb to feel shame. Only intelligent people feel that.

Not in that sense but there Muslims are way different than ours.

big words for a smelly turkroach

Because white women or American women don’t find them attractive

The vast majority of Muslim men and women in this country (and the rest of Europe) abandon their own culture and gravitate to black culture; they talk like blacks, they dress like blacks, they listen to black music, they value cars and clothes and money just like blacks. There is nothing special about Muslims in Europe. They are GOYIM, just like the rest of us.

they never fight 1on1

>t. literal arab rape baby
Ok, mahmoud el gomez.

>In the US, you're just a brown man, probably ugly too. The natives in your ancestral lands will usually always treat you like an outcast, if you even bother traveling there. It really sucks to be a minority in the US nowadays. People will always confuse your kind with Mexicans and treat your everyday practices with untactful disregard
This is very true. Every time I’ve faced ‘racism’ is unironically for being mistaken for something I’m not. Furthermore, I’m decent looking, (been told solid 7-8) but every time someone asks me if I’m Indian, paki, or a spic, I can feel my self-esteem plummeting.

Same rape babies who sent you covered in burning tar and heads chopped off when you tried to take over our islands. Seethe you turkshit.

Cope, ahmed.

From left to right
>Abdi-Karim: He tops first
>Jamal (OP visiting from Britain): He bottoms every time
>Ôzkan: He tops second
>Ali: Ali doesn't like to be third, so he just rams that fist up OPs well stretched anus
The surveillance team keeping track of the LTF (Little Timid Faggots) in Vollsmose, Odense.

Sure thing mustafa, the only one coping is you because your glourious shittman empire failed to capture one of the world's smallest countries.

You need a Merican Bacon Burger Mohammed.

Imagine not loving Merica even if dispora. Seems nasty.

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Cope harder

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>we wuz
come back when you become relevant, tariq.

never come across any muslim who ever wanted to be white lmao, no thanks I'd rather be brown
I don't speak for all brown people but I doubt any muslim would want to be white

fpbp kek thanks for the laugh


These guys are tough as fuck.


Pretty nigga


Fuck off mudslime. 1% of Arabs look like that.

More Chad than you and the Chaddest Chang, Chang

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Implying that a stack of smelly roaches is any more relevant than us. What did you mudslimes contribute to the world apart your shitty religion? Fuck all, Kemal. I am still whiter than you Hamin.

Random Syrians look better lol.

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>t. zhang

If White boys knew how to speak Arabic, it would be pretty much over for 99% of Arab men (if it wasn't the case already).

North America Muslims tend to have the polar opposite sterotypes as European ones. Euro ones are known for being thugs, do well with women and are generally threatening.

Muslims in Canada and USA never form gangs are known for being passive and usually end up getting into top university programs. There sterotypes tend to be a cross between Indians and Asians here .

rejs hjem Muhammad


This is how average right wing demonstrration goes. One Chaddam shows up and it's all over. Cry harder.

why stop them? we should encourage this. we can cleanse our nations without lifting a finger

Not really, that look is pretty specific to the entire region of the Levant which is like half the “Arab” world. Before surgery he looks like 99.99% of Levantines kek

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Muslims in europe are literal braindamaged monkeys

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>Europe gets low IQ bigger Muslims. North America gets nerdy stem ones. Either that or we get Lebanese and iranian guys who wish they were white
Ftfy. A lot of our arabs are Christians too. We also push the semi successful i.migrants into the suburbs where they assimilate faster. The ones that are dog shit people just blend with the niggers or Mexicans

yep this. Muslims in Europe are like American niggers. Arabs in Denmark even listen to American and French nigger rap

>arab rape baby
>I am still whiter than you


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>These guys are tough as fuck.
KEK, nice reddit spacing faggot.
Does it make your pepee hard to fantasize about beta sandniggers?

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Muslims niggers the type of faggots who will violate a half -dead corpse and try to cut off its dick and take a kidney to sell on the black market

I am half Italian, you are pure arabshit. I am whiter than you Jamal.

>thread turns into a load of low IQ euromuzzies and eurotards arguing with eachother
absolute state

bruv all the muzzies in denmark are cowards and cowards fathers who ran like pussholes from syria. shut your mouth cuz

stop posting bait. your country is an irrelevant shithole the size Northern Ireland

>a leaf
literally nobody here wants your opinion. piss off

fuck off amerifat

Det kan han ikke, de smider bøsser ud fra høje bygninger in hans hjemland

Iraqis look better than that. This is some random Iraqis from some poverty party lol.

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how is that poverty treating you?

Jeg voldtager en pige til på grund af det her lort. Det er alligevel straffrit haha.

Your communities are not something to be proud of. Parts of London and Paris look like shitholes because of Islam. Also you faggots never fight one on one it's a clan of inbreeds who gang up on people.

It's becasuse after 9/11 it was socially acceptable to shit all over Muslims in a social context, kinda just stuck around, now they are ashamed of who they are because every American (not just white american) is secretly or openly racist towards muslims.

This, rap culture have an huge responsability in the Europe shitshow.
Muslim in the US meet actual nigger with rap culture, so they dont want to end up like them

Its because its easier to integrate (to an extent, it takes 3 generations) in the USA. In Europe they live in ghettos and dont go through the psychological trauma of assimilation.

Yet every Friday the mosques are PACKED. Every Ramadan is observed. Vast majority of Muslims can recite some of the Qu'ran, know how to pray, etc. Seen many Pakis up the pub have you?

White Muslim convert here.
Love myself and people love me, online and IRL.
Believers and non-believers both.
I have no clue what you're talking about.


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(you) you fucking attention whore

If Arab men are so special and tough, why do Arab women lust after average 4/10 Whites?


t. 0_N_I_0_N_S boi cuck

We are half arabs and we look down on Islam, why did you have to be so cucked? Whites are fucking stupid.

Can you tell me what the hell is there to be proud of? Being a muzzie has to be one of the worst dice to roll in life

Basically this is what you have to know the two most thugged out groups

Europe: blacks and Arabs
USA blacks and Hispanics
Canada blacks and natives

Paki Muslim here. I think you need to off yourself. I don't care about weak low IQ garbage "Muslims" like you.
The younger zoomers either need to get with the program or let corona-chan take them.

Don't you dare even mention Algerians you shitskin cunt

Maybe that's why so many muslim immigrants here are educated and well off. I'm not saying all of them, but most of them are. Europe gets poorfags who never integrate into western society.

>Seen many Pakis up the pub have you?
They are too busy fucking their cousins or blowing themselves up for Muhammad piss be upon him.

Lol cope harder. Women love big cheekbones and a wide chin. He would slay anywhere. Lol at you coping, these Iraqi losers would clean up anywhere in America.

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Yeah you are a dumb fuck. Neck yourself. No better than a roastie

Cuz they post in faggot boards
If they were on fb or insta they’d be proud of what they got
Despite the chest pounding on being white here you know it’s the dorky kind no one wants to be
This quarantine normies n chads will stay fit with calisthenics while incels get fatter while playing vidya

Never blame your race for being a loser it’s you. If your skin suddenly became white you’ll still be a skinnny fat fag

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You should be ashamed to be muslim

Algerians are quite literally the lowest-tier non-nigger Muslims there are.

How do I know you are a virgin?

Depends on where they come from. Pakis tend to end up like their indian counterparts. You have some success stories but then some just end up like all other immigrant trash

It's a religious question, and I can tell you don't have any religion, so what's the point of talking to you?

In the USA people will fire back when you mess with their parts and parcels
Must be sooooo depressing

Dumb retard how am I coping? It was a one off joke you fucking irrelevant flag.

just cope harder lol i dont care

They love talking like blacks and dressing like blacks because they love listening to black music, and because they are not truly spiritual people they fall prey easily to consumerism just like everyone else. they love shiny new cars and nice trainers just like little children love new toys. Like I said there is nothing special about Muslims in Europe. They are GOYIM, just like the rest of us. If you dont want to accept that because your local mosques are always packed then OK, i dont care; it means nothing - peace in Europe will not last, none of what we are talking about will matter - the only thing that will matter is strength, numbers and lust for blood. Until then, just remember - all the young muslims boys I see ACT LIKE BLACKS. I see more Whites and Indians acting like Whites and Indians than Muslims acting like Muslims lol. I only see Muslims acting like BLACKS. Just go outside and look for yourself.

Back to incel reddit with u boyo

I bet I'm smarter than you are.
But you don't believe in God anyway, so why should I care?

Watcha sliding Abdul?

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You already ran out of things to say. Pathetic.
How do I know you look like this?

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Likely cAse but I’d say it’s annonmous boards attract losers of all kinds
If u were cool n hot you’d show your face everywhere
Persians n lebs here do well in nightclubs here

Go back to whatever shit hole you crawled out of Ahmed. It's fucking disgusting seeing you post under that flag.

We are mostly christian here, none of that pedo goat shagging stuff. And before you mention the child raping that went on in our churches, it is disgusting and deplorable and not part of our religion. Child marriages and wife beatings are part of your shitslam however and encouraged.

Keep in mind economically they do better then the average American
All immigrants do except latinos

And soon we shall inherit the whole world.

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>obsessing with aesthetics and cherrypicking
Yeah you are from one of those incel sites. Go back and kys. You are just like those chinks posting nigger dick you mentally ill freak.

Picture of jawline and timestamp faggot.

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Someone with actual experience with Muslims. I live in a 92% Muslim district.

Muslims in the US are tame because there’s no way to get there except on a plane, you need to pay, get a visa and whatnot, and the types that usually do this are your educated types.

Contrary to popular belief, educated Muslims aren’t usually extremists, are pretty tame and even get intimidated very easily. Much like educated people anywhere. They grow up doing programming, studying engineering, and really don’t have any connection to their faith. And their parents are that type too. I worked as a part time teacher at an Arts college and you’d have Muslim women without the burqa or hijab. Some even with miniskirts. These are your cream of the crop Muslims. They go around with iPhones and order Dominos pizza before watching a YouTube video and go to sleep to their comfy apartment in South Bombay. These are the ones most likely to end up in North America.

Then you have street Muslims. They live in the slums, some grow up in slaughterhouses by some guardian who can only teach them the Qur’an. These young boys look at Europe, countries like Sweden with their welfare system and want to go there, but not just go there, they also need to spread their faith. There’s a feeling of entitlement. In the words of the famous Muslim conqueror Khilji, “Everything beautiful crafted by Allah is mine”.

And going to Sweden isn’t a big fucking deal. Nordic countries have really sympathetic refugee laws so often you can claim discrimination and settle there.

My country lives this dichotomy daily. On one side you have ultrareligious extremists from both Hindus and Muslims convinced that their religion is in danger and on the other you have a urban educated population that desperately wants to be accepted in this world as normal people.

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Do you have a religion, yes or no? I'm talking to a single person here.

I’m a woman and think that bone structure looks freakish. Nothing attractive about it at all.

>The natives in your ancestral lands will usually always treat you like an outcast,
This happens now with arrange marriages now

They seem as degenerate as their white counterparts an would not give their daughters to some white wannabe complex
They just tell em to marry a westerner

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The only times you "find purpose" and Islam is after you've had a stint inside after a life of crime.
Then you go off and become "chad muslims" before you die in a fucking terror attack.

You're all weak and pathetic.

Persians consider themselves white and will insist that they’re white even if you tell them they aren’t. They feel like they belong among whites and they blend in well enough just by doing what whites do. Non-Persian Arab Iranians on the other hand are too fucked in the head with low IQ dna and a sense of Muslim chauvinism for the shithole they escaped from to blend in and won’t even try.

They were chad or alpha before the term hence the hate they got from soi goys even though they want a booze n bacon version of their culture for themselves

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You didn't invade Europe. You fled.
You ran away. You're less than women.

He is out of your league anyways. He doens't date whores.

No whites are seen as whipped n degenerate

This is why I like being a half shitskin, we are generally almost as civilized as other western countries but at the same time know when to chimpout and shut down any muslim nonsense that crops up.

I do actually agree with everything you've said there. They DO act like blacks I agree. I'm not disputing that. However from my experience they are extremely proud still of being Muslim despite indulging in haram practices. They will never abandon the core tenets of their faith and they will ALWAYS defend Islam first and foremost no matter how lenient they are in practicing it. They are Muslim before anything else. This is not the case in America where we see Muslims from all sorts of backgrounds desperately trying to whiten themselves and fit in with white culture. That doesn't happen here. Paki's and other Muslims may adopt some aspects of black thug culture like you say but they aren't trying to be white. They aren't dreaming to be WASP Chads like in America.

Honestly the way euros talk about Muslims and the Muslims I have seen in real life it's like night and day. Go to Toronto on the city it's mostly scrawny paki and Bengali guys who were living in mansions back in their old country came here to have 5 people living in a two bedroom apartment to get a better life.

When you go out to the suburbs it's Iranians who try really hard to act white. The only group that's somewhat thugged out here that are Muslims are afghans

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show tits

Take ur meds Florida man

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christian...well sort of

>He is out of your league anyways. He doesn't date women.

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oh and the sense of entitlement, they come like beggars and behave like conquerors when we let them in. Muslim immigrants are lower than insects

I don’t date shitskins anyway and wtf. Why am I a whore?


All of the Arabs that look like that should move to white counties while we carpet bomb the Middle East and purge the garbage phenotypes that remain. Give them each a harem of European women to take home and repopulate sand land with.

>faggots on an incel racist anime board talking shit about others
Off yourselves.

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He is attractive desu.

Aren’t Punjabi’s worse then blacks in canada
Like bc has more crime then Ontario

>white woman

Your country is getting sold to sand niggers, your privilege of growing among Canadians is denied EVERY future generation.
And you're looking at the curtains. You poor twat.

>and purge the garbage phenotypes that remain

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What does that even mean? Are you a Christian or not?


Yeah this is it honestly

I guess, if you like that effeminate look.