The Third Holy Temple soon to be built?

During the reign of Solomon, son of King David, the Jewish people abandoned the Tent of the Meeting to worship God in a high place in the territory of Judah, Jerusalem. It was David, king of Judah, who wanted to build a temple for God so that all the people could come to worship him. He brought back the Ark of the Covenant and built his palace. But God made his will known to him through the prophet Nathan.

" When your life is over and you have joined your ancestors, I will designate one of your sons. He will be king after you, and I will firmly establish my power. He is the one who will build my house for me, and thanks to me his royal power will be established forever."
2 Samuel 7: 12-13

David made Jerusalem the capital of his kingdom, but he will not see the Temple rise from the ground.

The first Temple was therefore built by Solomon (10 centuries BC), and was destroyed by the Babylonian army around 587-586 BC. JC. The Jewish people were then deported to Babylon by the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar.
The second Temple was rebuilt under Cyrus (king of Persia) by Zorobabel (grandson of the king of Judea, Joachim). He took the head of the people after their liberation from Babylon.

This second Temple was destroyed in the year 70 by the Roman army, led by Titus.

Biblical Prophecy:

Several interpretations of the word concern the construction of the 3rd Temple. Jews and Christians have different visions.

Jews believe that the Messiah will return after the Temple is built.
Some eschatological interpretations of Christians suggest that the Third Temple will house anti-Christ 7 years after its construction, which will plunge the world into chaos before the return of Jesus.

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Israel has officially said it is ready to build the 3rd Temple on what they suppose is the Temple Mount, but this place is currently occupied by the muslim mosque Haram al-Sharif.

NB: a lot of experts consider this place to not be the mount temple, but the place where the fort Antonia, a roman fortress, was standing during the time of the 2nd temple. They say the real temple mount is in the City of David, not far from it... Jews prefer to not listen to them and follow the tradition....

>The Third Holy Temple soon to be built?
Yes but it will be a giant mausoleum for 6 million Jews located somewhere in the Mediterranean sea.

The Third Temple already exists

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Jerusalem (yeru-Shalem, to the god Shalem)
has been a pain in the arse for three thousand years.
Sooner the whole shit-city lies beneath smouldering radio-active rubble the better.

I watched this incredible documentary on the Temples. We are very close to a construction of the 3rd Temple, and the coming of the antichrist I think.
I realized this world is the stage of spiritual wars and nothing that is not spiritual actually matters.

2024 last day in office, Drumpf declares Jerusalem capital of the world. Then sets off into the sunset like a boomer with his 1400 incel slaves

if it gets rebuilt, i hope a new roman empire will be around to sack and raze it again.

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Christian here. The bible actually says in Ezekiel 33 and 34, Hosea 3:5 and revelations that. God will gather all of the lost tribes from amongst the heathen nations where they will be preyed on no more and will be ruled by Mashiach Ben David under the King of Kings Jesus Christ. Not sure where Christians got that he's the antichrist that is the opposite of what is in the actual bible.

Mashiach will destroy Babylon.

Jerusalem is an amazing city. I was there last summer

Nice try, kike. Any real Christian knows that antichrist comes first.


"Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness[a] is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God."
2 Thessalonians 2:3

You see how there is the main structure that is taller than the wall immediately around it, and there are rooms in those walls.
What if someone told you that they are already building those rooms?

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Prove scripture to back up your claims as I have. I am it saying you are wrong just that I am not sure.

Christians know about Mashiach see

Obviously it's a big thing in Israel as well. Mashiach is supposed to defeat the antichrist and Babylon.

That is before the return of Christ. Mashiach and the key of David that opens the gate in Revaltion is before that.

Already built user.

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>Prove scripture to back up your claims as I have.
You're a joke, it's common knowledge that Jesus Christ returns AFTER the appearance of the antichrist.

You're quoting yourself, you stupid JIDF kike!

The Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque are in the way.

I understand that. And Mashiach Ben David is mentioned as early as Ezekiel; so I am
Not sure who comes first. I just know Mashiach is the one The Bible says will protect Israel during these times.

How the Messiah Ben David is going to Overwhelm New World Order

Your powers of observation are really impressive. Keep up the good work.

>our only hope is a kikey name goy!
>let's not talk about Jesus!
Please, by all means, kill yourself.

>I-I'm not retarded!

>Jews believe that the Messiah will return after the Temple is built
You know jack shit about theology, frogger

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And I actually don't care about "common knowledge"

I care about what the God of Israel said in my bible, I provided scripture.

22 Therefore will I save my flock, and they shall no more be a prey; and I will judge between cattle and cattle.

23 And I will set up one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them, even my servant David; he shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd.

24 And I the LORD will be their God, and my servant David a prince among them; I the LORD have spoken it.

Imagine my shock that this thread is under direct JIDF supervision.

The Anti-Christ is the King that exalts himself at Daniel 11:36
He clearly comes before the Messiah.

The third temple will be built in minecraft.

Take it up with God. His words not mine. Mashiach rules earth and Christ rules from heaven over the universe. That's what the bible says whether you like it or not. Clear as day.

It's a kike pretending to be Christian.

You may be right I was actually wondering about that myself. I just wanted to clarify that Mashiach Ben David is the servant of Christ, not the antichrist. That wouldn't even make sense for
The servant of God to fight God lol

Keep in mind Rebelation 3:9 Jesus said their would be fake Jews.

Biblical Israelites were white with red hair, the "jews" of today clearly hate those people and hate the lost tribes which is why they are trying to do white genocide.

Adam, King David, King Solomon, Judas, Jesus, Esau, all described as red heads or golden hair.

The Sanhedrin is lobbying for a temple mount sacrifice this in a few days.

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You're embarrassed, but don't worry, it makes you a better person.
>"jews" of today
..don't exist, unless you count Christians as the new Jews after the last real ones rejected Christ.

bullshit faggot
> muh OT
read Revelation. Daniel was sealed. As Paul said, we saw through a glass darkly. The NT tells you how to interpret the OT.
There will be a man claiming to be Jesus Christ and who will be the high priest of the religion that stitches together all major world religions and he will be seated in the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem. That man will be the Antichrist and his period of rule will be the Tribulation.
After the Tribulation will be the Rapture, then the outpouring of God's wrath. After the outpouring of God's wrath, Christ will come for the Millennium.
* don't join the one world religion
* don't take the mark in your hand and forehead

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Source: dude trust me

>Mashiach Ben David
do you take that whole son of David thing seriously? Who is the current son of David king of Israel, God promised David that a son of David would always be king.
it's Jesus, the root and branch of Jesse

You just called the bible scriptures I cited which are end time prophecies as "bullshit" which is your opinion, just don't try and pretend you follow the God of Israel when you just called his word "bullshit".

I'm thinking you're literally 15 years old.

make that 3 for 3

>Mashiach will destroy Babylon.
retarded jew worshipper

ITT: a teenager who can't be bothered to read the Bible and doesn't know that Jesus comes back to kick ass of the antichrist and the unrighteous

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I am not denying Christ. I am just going by the bible which says Christ is the KING OF KINGS and the LORD OF LORDS, Corinthians even says "LORDS THERE ARE MANY", he is the MOST HIGH.

I don't really care if you believe the bible or not I am just saying you people clearly don't know what you are talking about.

Ther is a end of times messiah on Ezekiel, Hosea and revelations that rules under the KING OF KINGS as a King under his authority.

Like it or not that's what the book says, my opinion or yours doesn't really matter, the book says what it says.

Romans should have genocided them, why the fuck they didn't?

Gonna be funny as fuck when they build the third temple and absolutely nothing happens.

if your Messiah comes before the outpouring of God's wrath, he is an antiChrist. Christ comes after the outpouring of God's wrath.

It's pretty funny watching Christians rage at their own book desu. Poor lost sheep. Decieved by Babylon. I will pray for you despite your anger and insults. Don't think I will stoop to your level, I am happy and I have seen and met my God. There is no upsetting me over this, I am but a servant of my Lord.

Your beef is with God, not me. The book says what it says. Simple as that. I am sorry this triggers you. Indoctrination makes people fly into a rage so I am not surprised.

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And whoever is saying that there will be someone who will rule under Christ, that is not Biblical.
Daniel 11 tells the timeline, showing the King that places himself where he should not. The verse before verse 36 describe the tribulation.
Then Daniel 12 describes the End war. The day of wrath as other scriptures put it, the day of clouds and thick gloom, or the day that the moon and sun become dark and the stars fall from heaven.
This is when Michael leads the heavenly forces against the forces of evil.
During this battle, this Day of God's Wrath, is when Zechariah 12 happens.
Zechariah 12:10 describes during that battle the Messiah appearing in the clouds and rescuing his people.
This is the description through the Hebrew Scriptures of the Messiah saving his people.
It happens then. The day of God's wrath.

Fuck off, nigger. Ingest grape flavored "drink" and strut like a chicken or whatever you do.

How do we know it hasn't already been built below the rock dome?
Some kinda as above so below kinda bullshit

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Is that even in the Bible? It doesn't even make sense because Revelation even refers to the Christians who were beheaded for not taking the mark. Is this sinking in?

Gods holy temple exists in the Form of an operating system.

If u disagree ur a CIA nigger

Hosea 3:5

5 Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the Lord their God, and David their king; and shall fear the Lord and his goodness in the latter days.

that's a 19th century meme

Yeah none of that is going to happen.

>Christians rage at their own book
rage at your blasphemous interpretation. The Antichrist comes first. If you don't acknowledge that the Antichrist comes first, then you're going to join the Antichrist's religion thinking he's the Christ and take the Mark of the Beast thinking it's the Seal of the 144,000.

>Decieved by Babylon.
lmao, babylon enslaved the kikes they were the good guys

of course the kikes hated them, but since you re a retarded jew worshipper who reads jewish book you get your worldview from 4000 year old jewish propaganda, its impressive how retarded you are

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Jesus said judge them by their fruit, I advise any lurker to look at the way this man speaks, cursing and full of anger, is this a servant of God?

I think you all can see it for what it is.

5 Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the Lord their God, and David their king; and shall fear the Lord and his goodness in the latter days.

the Rapture comes after the Tribulation idiot
pre-Tribulation Rapture is a 19th century coward meme


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Oh, so what does this end times prophecy mean? I can keep going all day long and providing more and more scripture. There is nothing with accepting you have been decieved brother. I am not your enemy.

5 Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the Lord their God, and David their king; and shall fear the Lord and his goodness in the latter days.

i wish i had more knowledge of scripture
this thread interests me but i have no fucking idea what any of you are talking about

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Yes they have returned and many are seeking their King.
And in the last days they will come trembling when Zechariah 12:10 happens.
When they see the one they pierced come in the clouds.
Yes the verses after that describe a great weeping for an only son.
They will come trembling in the last days.

>I have seen and met my God
What are you, prophet Elijah? Get out.

>Christian here......

Quotes old testament chapter and verse.
And in revelations....
Fuck off schlomo

Zionist evangelical trash.

I judge you to be a fruit.

Nah, I think I will stay around I like it here and clearly I am needed here.

What Old Testament book did I mention?


I think they need to slaughter the red goat, or blue zebra or somthing first. Not to worry, they are 100% sane and have a great plan in place.

They’ve already built the 3rd temple, noobs. Update your apocalyptic information

Nope I hate zionists. Why would I support the state of Remphan on the flag of "Israel"? This is a satanic symbol (acts and Amo mention this directly) and I worship the lord Jesus Christ, the KING OF KINGS

The rapture? The rapture is made up. No mention of rapture in anything KJV or earlier.
You are a Jew or a Satanist LARPing. Badly. Actually to all intents and purposes the same thing

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The Sanhedrin are nothing more than a bunch of bearded rabbis who decided that they’re the Sanhedrin. The real Sanhedrin are appointed by a king that the Jews do not have. They’re useful for triggering Christians.

>clearly I am needed here
Allow me to welcome you with a proper greeting anyone new is welcomed here:


You're all over the place, kid.

because you're only quoting the new testament. Begone