>"orange man bad"
I've spouted this meme before but he isn't who should be in office during something like this. He is doing a terrible job.
Trump should be removed from office
Other urls found in this thread:
Still president. Five more years.
How’s it feel to know your opinion is meaningless?
I don't know. If my parents are dead from this shit I guess not very great.
But you as a NEET retard with no social skills or contact with extended family due to being a failure and pariah from the rest of your family for being socially repulsive will be fine I guess. Unless you have any underlying medical diseases.
But you "win" is all that matters right? Retard.
I'm legit thinking about voting for Biden because of this. I haven't voted for Democrats in years. Trump is an idiot.
Who should be? Biden? Better Trump then anyone else.
This. Trump isn’t a fucking wizard, he can’t change the reality of the situation. No one else would do any better and most would do worse
OP is a dick sucking nigger faggot dying of ebola.
No one would be as retarded as Trump
Why do burgers rely on the president so much? Are you all children?
>Lookner is still seething
lmao dude go live again
This thread is gay, and you should feel like a faggot
If you and your parents just stay inside for half a year like I'm doing, you should be fine.
It's fine for people to make bold predictions.
But when those predictions don't come to fruition, then the consequence is they lose credibility.
Will Wescott has lost all credibility. His predictions have failed miserably.
He predicted Corona Chan genocide.
He predicted "millions" of Americans dead.
He predicted bodies collapsing in the street.
He was WRONG. It's that simple. When somebody is wrong, you don't continue to obey them. You call them out on it, and you let them know that they've lost credibility. ESPECIALLY when they're (hilariously) quadrupling-down on their FAILED PREDICTIONS.
It's time to call these I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE! wannabe faggots out for their FAILED PREDICTIONS.
This is the fakest and gayest of arguments. Know would be better than 2020 Trump? 2016 Trump, the dude we voted for, not the faggot he became.
The whole point of getting trump elected was to bring about the ultimate happening to destroy ZOG and end kike usury. The moment of truth is finally here and he cucked out
>Orang man bad
>Orang man bad
Better to obey this kike and the kikes and impotent anti-white faggots in the White House Press Corp who were "Wow. Just Wow"-ing after Trump said that he wants to put an end to this Bugman Paradise "lockdown" faggotry.
Go dilate tranny
Honestly this. He fucked up. Muh GDP and muh DOW are much more important then the lives of the old and infirm.
People here have no God so they rely on politicians for spiritual support.
Basically still Trump.
Trump is just the mouth piece for JFK JR Now SENIOR.
He lives.
Nobody cares about retarded debates from 2017.
The CoronaHoax is the biggest happening in a generation.
You and people in your camp were sharing these pictures a week ago, claiming they were all going to be filled with corpses.
Admit it, faggot. Just say, "I was wrong and I will be a bit more skeptical of SCIENCE! in the future."
Youre right. I love demographic replacement now and im with Her
Hydroxychloroquine has a 100% cure rate. It’s over.
2nd world leader to ban travel to China.
Did so against the WHOs recommendations.
Put together the Coronavirus Task force in January.
CDC shipped test kits on February 5th.
Spoke of the Coronavirus in the state of the Union.
Has held dozens of press conferences.
The CDC has praised him.
CA govenor Newsom has praised him.
NY govenor Cuomo has praised him.
Ilhan Omar has praised him.
Suggested Chloroquine as a treatment and was right.
Media lied about Google.
Media lied about Silencing Fauci.
Media lied about Chloroquine.
Media smeared his travel ban.
What more could he have done, Leftoid Faggot?
I wonder what its like to only get your news from buzzfeed and facebook.
>The whole point of getting trump elected was to bring about the ultimate happening to destroy ZOG and end kike usury.
No, the whole point was to cripple or destroy the Zionist globalist plot, which he has been doing. Try learning something one day.
GDP? Wall Street?
dafuq r u talking about? How about:
>Family reunions
>Class reunions
You're a weak, domesticated, impotent American man. Stop imposing your impotence on the rest of the white race because you believed the BULLSHIT from I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE!
It's basically Orange Obama now
>dailyfail shill proxyfagging again
You were on the UK flag all of Feb, then you switched to New Zealand in March, now you're back to American flag.
Trump could have ran with it and unleashed the night of long knives 2.0. Instead of sending us back to wagecucking for shlomo he could have deputized all white males into the freikorps militia that could enforce this martial law, all while purging nonwhites and leftists. Instead he cucked out
If we completely closed our boarders these faggots would complain.
1 month ago: Trump is racist for not allowing planes from china.
Trumptards can't handle the thought of taking their emperor's cock out of their mouth. They can only gargle out "yes maga daddy".
We have states and each state has a governor. We also have cities and counties (parishes in Louisiana) that handle the local stuff so there are mayors and commissioners. Leftists want everything run through Washington DC. When a local mayor doesn't do what they want, they demand Washington step in and force things their way. When a state passes a law they don't like, they demand the federal government override it. That's why the left is so obsessed with the presidency. Yas Forums jokes that Trump is the "God Emperor" but leftists truly want the president to be a godlike dictator, but not until they are able to win the office and keep it forever.
What the fuck are you babbling about?
Your fucking "Coronavirus Genocide!" theories fucking FAILED. You were WRONG.
Stop trying to obfuscate.
Oh, and by the way, when President Biden issues a "Government Lockdown to End Global Warming" now that you IMPOTENT WHITE FAGGOTS have so joyfully submitted to this shit and set the precedent, I know that you'll be supportive of that, too.
The man literally is telling us, as the facts and situation evolves, what the CDC and WHO are saying.
There is nothing anyone can do harder or better than whats being done right now, and you democrat disaster opportunists should social distance themselves off of a pier with a backpack strapped on full of rocks
Dude, he could barely even close travel with China without the anti-Whites reeeeeing
The CDC, AMA, WHO, and the rest of these corrupt, corporate-funded I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE! NGOs are full of shit and were dead wrong, too.
Fuck them, fuck their vaccines, fuck their trannyism, and fuck their CoronaHoax faggotry.
ding ding ding ding ding
drumpf made the buglets eat bats because of his trade war. IMPEACH
It is because I love my race that I would shut everything down. Do you understand that millions of our elders and folks who are immunodeficiency would die?
Richard Spencer has been sounding off on Trump for his incompetence. Visit his twitter and his live-streams to see what I’m talking about.
Are you kidding? I was stocking my shit in a supermarket here in London when I saw a fag with bunny ears and a basket full of onions milk! My priority was to buy meat-eggs-beans etc. his priority? Fucking onions milk!
>why the fuck would you want martial law to crush the left right now when we can just do nothing and the leftists can pass their own martial law later?
You want to sacrifice the strong to (supposedly) save the weak? Dafuq?
Even if this fucking cold would "wipe out" millions (spoiler: it won't), then the solution is for the weak and elderly to self-protect with masks and good hygeine, not to lock every little child into their homes for three fucking months.
Richard Spencer's retarded predictions also FAILED. His endless claims of "global cataclysm like the world has never seen" were DEAD WRONG. All of these Alt right "revolutionaries" have been exposed as retarded I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE! wannabes.
Im sure Biden would lift the travel ban to china after his kid got a 1.5 bil investment from them.
I have plenty of critiques of Blarmpf but this Twitter account and Richard Spencer sound the same as Boomer democrats replying to Trump's tweets
Don't try to retcon this, faggot.
You weren't supporting the quarantines and lockdowns because you thought it was an opportunity to GTK and RWN.
You were supporting them because you believed these hilariously bogus I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE! "models" claiming that 60 million Americans were going to die.
>it’s just a cold bro
Gas yourself you subzero IQ cancer scum
>Trump isn’t a fucking wizard
take that back you corn pop commie
So? This virus is the perfect excuse to shut everything down so we can purge the niggers and leftists. He could have turned on the EBS for all electronic media, shut down print media for being a disease vector and would have deprived the kike media of a voice to rally the left and the niggers. We should be balls deep in a race war by now but he cucked out despite the godsend of a happening
Corona causes both a medical and economic problem: there’s more than 1 variable here.
It’s a child-like understanding of the world to not see that economic collapse could bring a lot of death. The federal government can’t print money indefinitely to supply resources without big problems. We’ve seen how hyperinflation and economic disasters work throughout history to cause starvation, death, and upheaval.
>yea hey, ill take what's a rhinovirus for $500?
One of the biggest things that is going to come out of this when the investigations are done is that the CDC lied to everyone in the chain of command above them about their ability to provide an accurate test. It won't be a case of them not having enough funding or that they were merely incompetent but that they knew they were in over their heads and then lied to everyone about it. They didn't want to ask for help designing the tests and everyone lost time because of it.
Nice projection nigger, you faggots have been saying JUST WAIT TWO MORE WEEKS since fucking December. Biggest coping retards I've ever seen
He’s definitely below average, he’s a fucking moron but hey I guess that has appeal to Americans.
The "It's just a flu, bro" bros have been fully vindicated.* YOU were dead fucking wrong, faggot.
Admit that this was an absurd, embarassing hoax.
Actually....you're right. This wasn't "the flu". CoronaHoax was way EASIER than the flu.
In 1918 the nation shut down for 2 months to fight Swine flu. We were fine economically after that.
I have two degrees, you illiterate condom snorter. If your parents are dead, it’s because you didn’t quarantine and gave it to them, because you’re the NEET.
He still getting five years in the White House. Your opinion has just been made more worthless, if that’s possible.
Nice argument while showing that graph. You make the most autistic retard look like Einstein. That graph shows how deadly it is to the elderly. Much more so then the flu. But you don’t care, your god blompft said not to fear.
You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. No matter how bad the virus is people are freaked out about it enough that he could have actually locked the whole fucking country down without a huge chimpout and silently pulled the trigger on the race war while all the normies were cowering in their homes. It was the chance of a lifetime and he fucking blew it
The sad, sad copes of the Corona Chan True Believers:
>"This is just the beginning...."
>"Now now....but soon!"
>"Any day, now...."
>"This is merely the calm before the storm...."
Fuck these self-important drama queens. YOU WERE WRONG, FAGGOTS. You've lost all credibility. That's what you get for going full I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE!
He knew in January that the coronoavirus could blow up into something big, and did absolutely nothing to prepare for it.
Orange Man Stupid.
Your beloved USA government is literally classifying dudes who fall off ladders as "Corona Virus Fatalities".
In statistics, we call this, "Garbage in, garbage out."
Go back to your I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE! Facebook page, faggot.
>less than a thousand dead
Why do you hope that more people die? Very sad
Ok Satan, look at what is happening in Italy. Hundreds dying by the day from it. Eat my cum crust you deformed nigger.
So when you let people go out again and pretend like its nothing, millons of americans arent going to die and bodies wont be collapsing in the street? Or is it purely that your brain cant think further than a day ahead?