How do grifters like this get an audience? Serious question
How do grifters like this get an audience? Serious question
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A economic system that can't withstand the hiatus necessary for people to survive a disease outbreak is a system that deserves to die.
he's a literal glownigger, look it up. he was Glenn Beck's go to CIA alumni
these neocons and capitalists make me go full uncle Ted mode
we need eco terrorists to fuck up this system
the system itself has a self repair mechanism, but everybody is too scared to let it run by itself
the travel industry can get loans, they can up their ticket prices by two dollars which should be enough to cover all interest on that money for years to come
they just don't want to pay the interest and that's the issue here
He's not wrong. We could quarantine every year and bring flu deaths from 60,000 to a couple thousand but we dont do that either.
>human life has too much inherent value to start the economy again
You don't understand Uncle Ted at all
This "crisis" is being exploited to limit basic human liberty as well as your constitutionally protected rights
Uncle Ted hated this evil neo-liberal system but the "crisis" is just a problem-reaction-solution trap and a feature of the system itself.
They will use the "crisis" to:
>ram through cashless digital banking
>tie that digital banking to Chinese style social credit
>enslave everyone with UBI govt shekels, mandating economic equality (aka no one is allowed to be worth more than anyone else)
>normalize domestic military mobilization
>maintain a climate of fear to ensure total compliance
>have to go back to work
bitch you dont get some spring break
where are the fucking adults? clearly not on twatter
Hard work. Why don't people use their savings? Why do you need all of society to stop for you if you get sick?
Just stay away from whites and blacks
this system is a shit show and it's running on a tinfoil frame because it's all gutted and runs on a system of day-to-day consumerist spending.
USA is a "nation" in theory, the real "united states" was a federation of states with marginal federal framework for the benefit of the federation and their cohabitation. "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" Is literally a corporate entity.
The only reason everything doesn't come crashing down is were are debt slaves in perpetuity paying back a debt and creating fortune for invisible masters while they ransack and pillage the soul of the people under their yoke.
Not working brings that "harmony of disharmony" into instability and the question of the reality of the lives of the people of this "nation" into question.
This empire is a mirage in every single way and most of you don't even understand the depths of it, let alone the average normie or even the absolutely clueless politicians.
communists literally force shut down and you think its the system's fault? you're dumber than the average msnbc watcher. kys to free the gene pool from your idiotic existence
Not a valid comparison. Try again
Good luck Buck Sexton you can have my old job
>The answer to millions of people being unemployed for extended periods of time is loans and higher ticket prices
What the fuck is this post even lmao
the issue isn't that small, though. We're talking millions of deaths, but you won't believe me on that. So I guess we're all just going to have to watch.
>A economic system that can't withstand the hiatus
doesn't exist.
Actually, yes, it is the system's fault. The proper response to this was to shut down international travel in January, aggressively quarantine and test all people returning from abroad, and limiting its spread. This would have reduced its domestic impact. Instead, the same people telling us that we have to let people die 'for the economy' took half measures back when it was solvable safely because of the economy. The mindset you support caused this to accelerate to this point.
I have only one thing to say to people like you.
9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning,
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
11 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more:
12 The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble,
13 And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men.
of course it does. It's just not in the current paradigm to set that up. it's not enough usury.
15.7k likes from lolbert retards
hello schizo
whatever he is, it's a sentiment being echoed by all the 'conservatives' right now.
>literally dying so Jewish CEOs can make a profit
How about no
explain, then, what economic system using currently existing technology could withstand shutting down for longer? Doesn't even have to be indefinite—let's call it three months.
I'm not fucking with you, I'm genuinely interested.
I listen to him occasionally. He's been freaking out about corona virus and giving non-partisan information about what's happening in NYC where he lives. Then yesterday, he did a 180 and starting preaching that we should all go back to work. Total shill.
Oh fuck you you just like sitting on the couch with your thumb up your fucking ass.
There isn't one outside of repressive regimes like in China. You could rely on a responsible population, hence why Japan is relatively fine even with their older population, but the west is wholly degenerated.
Sad fact is, the system is unstoppable. Human life doesn't matter. There's no solution because that's the very nature of the thing you're dealing with. The trick is to recognize what you're living in, what you're helping to create.
You should see Cernovich playing both sides, stealing ideas from people like Taleb and acting as if he came up with them on his own. A lot of attention whores are trying to profit off this.
Can someone debunk or prove the China cell phone story?
I don't think it's any use, bro. The fucking dam has just broken wide open on Yas Forums from the pressure the globalists have put on us with this hoax.
Either we have a massive infiltration by 1-yuan-a-'you' Changs and state-worshipping Berniebros pathetically trying to pass as "Trump supporters till yesterday" or all the little nu/pol/ "class of 2016" really has folded completely.
I think the fundamental failing of the fightback against globalism that is being revealed here is that no one ever tried to give these little kids who spent a few years LARPing at being red-pilled a PHILOSOPHICAL education. You only have to read a few pages of Nietzsche to get clear about the fact that turning an entire hemisphere into one huge hospital ward just because ONE PERCENT of its oldest, weakest inhabitants is sick has and can never have anything to do with being "red-pilled".
And inb4: u doan get it faggit now its 1 per cent but in a month it will be 20 or 30 stfu
Yeah kid, and Ohio was going to be underwater by 2020 if we didnt stop burning coal and everyone was going to be dead of AIDS by 1995 if we didnt use condoms every time we had sex forever and blah blah blah.
Sorry about your great-grandmother, but I can't support crashing the entire economy of the Western world so she can have a happy 105th birthday, any more than I'd support you putting her in a bath and slitting the throats of virgins over her like the Countess fucking Bathory.
Do Trump and these neocons not understand that if we have massive death tolls the economy will still be bad at anyway?
How is he wrong you fucking FAGGIT? If we don't have an economy, MORE people will die than from the Wu Flu itself.
Yang overestimated how ready people were for the message, but he wasn't wrong. automation is coming, and it's going to put us in this position regardless. It's cheaper than spic labor. Automation in combination with a socially conscious society easily remedies this problem. how many people do you know who actually have savings? how many who have gardens to supply them with a year's supply of vegetables?
Setting ALL of that aside, sensible accommodations here could have curbed this entire fucking thing. Do you see people wearing masks or doubled over scarfs at the least, for the small amount of time they're outside? because I don't. and those will work nearly as well, for the short amount of time people are out and about.
The current system is built upon individualism, consumerism, and defaults to solipsism. As a result, it bred the perfect storm for this whole thing. People who don't look past the horizon and don't believe anyone who tells them something exists on the other side of it. They live in the moment and anything that threatens their peace of mind for that moment is the enemy.
I'm saying more socially conscious, economically responsible, closer communities that are adapted to automation could easily have shouldered this whole thing.
but that's not where we are. and that's not reality.
Ah, okay. I was legit hoping to learn something new.
For what it's worth, I agree with you.
>the "crisis" is just a problem-reaction-solution trap
At what point do people stop and say no
We did fine before the industrial revolution
He’s right you know.
>the solution to JIT supply chains, living paycheck to paycheck, and consumerism is higher ticket prices and loans
100 million wasn't enough.
there's no "paradigm" that keeps shit running without people. Someone needs to work in the power plants. Someone needs to fix pipes when they break. Someone need to transport goods needed for everything.
Entertainment can be cut. People can stop going to restaurants, cinemas, stop having parties. But that's literally it. Everything else is a circular system that's needed to sustain life itself. The only variable is how long the system can survive on stored goods. Anything over several months and it may turn out there's no copper wire needed to fix a broken transformer and electricity goes out.
(Leans into mic) wrong
I've seen different attempts. it boils down to cells being used in China to track movement/censorship, so in the cities you can actually be fined for not maintaining a cell contract and keeping certain software running. There were issues during the qaurantine of them sending drones outside people's windows to remind them to turn the software back on or face penalties. I believe it's also used to issue "social security" type stuff.
So it boils down to either they're willing to face the wrath of the CCP over it, 21 million of them, or a considerable portion of them are just gone. I don't believe it's a full 21 million dead. but the official numbers are equally incredulous.
why are the giving the money to corporations then?
Republicans are desperate for talking heads that are retard can become a conservative thinker and pundit
This retard. Kek.
Yes, it's like they received a radio signal then like a school of fish or a carrier task force, they turned simultaneously to push for going back to work. They must have all bought stock at the low and now want the stock to come back up. Profit over people.
Why don't companies use their savings? Why do you have to bail out fucking billionaires just because they missed exploiting people for a couple of months?
NPCs, that's how
>massive reeeeeeeetard
Scuse me there Hans. Here in Merica you voluntarily accept employment or draft a contract. In most cases you can quit and find better employment.
It's the same type of thinking that the earth was flat because you couldn't see anything on the horizon when you looked out to sea. It may take some degree of intelligence to be able to look beyond today and yourself.
Trump supporters are uneducated shitbagz who unironically vote against their own economic interests
You're all nigger-whores of your corporate kike masters and you don't even know it. You're fucking pathetic amerirats, hopefully China ends your degenerate asses.
dilate, groomer
Can you please close your legs roastie?
Am I the only one who noticed this “back to work” message start up right when they were about to give us our trumpbuckz?
Lol. I can just see this kid. Scrawny little antifa type in torn skinny jeans and with a ring in his fucking nostril. Every hard-working stiff who's had the balls and stamina and determination to build up a little plumbing firm or family restaurant is a "fucking billionaire" squatting on piles of innocent bodies sucking the marrow out of the bones of the proletariat.
Kill yourself, you deluded little shit. Or at least stop pretending you're "against the system" and go and post on fucking Reddit with the other nanny-state-worshipping welfare worms.
>Today on 4chin
Seething Hans desperate for an acknowledging cope.
the thing is, white people are supposed to be better at it. This whole thing is making me feel like it's an almost lost fucking art form. I don't know if the propaganda just broke everyone or what. I can see why that tendency to think short term is better in goyim. but fuck, it needs to go. We're better than this. We have to be better than this.
The system isn't the problem, the government meddling with it is. The businesses with extra money could choose to close if they saw fit. The others could make the choice between taking out a loan to weather a tough period, or risking the virus.
Nah, people just need to be willing to take risks, something all betas are afraid to do. Sheep.
>Why don't people use their savings?
True that. Why didnt the Banks use their savings? Why doent Boeing use theirs right now? Why do they leech off the taxpayers money instead while never paying a single dime into the system themselves?
Cope incel
Killing our country through inaction is the grift, retards.
Doesn't the average American have like, a mere $400 worth of savings? Something like that.
Stocks and jobs come back. Republican voting Boomers do not.
I've been working and am still working, I still commute every day and there's still retards clogging the roads. The US isn't only NYC and LA.
Nearly all education has been subverted and gone through "the long march of the institutions."
Do we really need to explain how this youth has been exploited from the start?
He’s right you know.jpg