Oregon executive order: you're not allowed to go innawoods. NO FUN ALLOWED

Oregon user here. Our retard communist Governor shut down businesses and gatherings of over 10 people ahead of the rest of the country. It blows but everyone just went outside and enjoyed the beautiful nature we have around here. Now she's issued an executive order to shut down the parks and deployed patrols to kick people out of the FUCKING WOODS because people were enjoying themselves too much. No one here has beer-itis or knows anyone who has it and everyone knows it's a complete scam. I'm now 100% convinced this "social distancing" bullshit is a desperate means of preventing people from manifesting higher consciousness abilities that are coming online because of some yuga cycle / Age of Aquarius type evolution. They don't want people enjoying themselves in social groups. Psi-phenomena are well documented to be amplified in groups and especially when accompanied by positive emotions.

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You’re in fucking Oregon, if Sasquatch can be in the woods undetected so can you

Maybe they did that because the retards that would be gathering at the malls and pubs are now gathering at the park. If you want some sun, go out in your backyard, work out, play catch, whatever, then GO SIT IN THE HOUSE DUMBASS. It's a lockdown not a vacation.

Beer virus is a hoax and it's fucking obvious.

You're a Portlandian huh? All that weird hippie-speak has given it away. Thanks, lived in PDX for 5yrs. Miss that place.

She didn’t close the parks. She closed certain park facilities like interpretive centers and museums.

The bathrooms remain open and parks remain open.

We have laws on the books protecting Sasquatch.
Anyway, it doesn't matter. There is no escaping FLIR drones that TTID holdouts.


>They don't want people enjoying themselves in social groups.
This is actually the responsible course of action during a pandemic. OP needs to get back on his meds again.

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Eat shit and die nigger.

>he doesn't know about Bigfoot

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>I like taking government orders with a side of government dick in my ass.

Space blankets

>implying loggers will call the cops shooting on public lands
>northwest armory has shut both its locations for the second time within 7 days for restocking/cleaning/background check processing
>oregon rifle works only had 3 or 4 red dots in stock on friday, 1 case of 300bo, every box of 9x18 marked on as not the same as 9mm luger, still piles of 6.5 and other hunting loads, still a shitload of cleaning supplies

>incel inside

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Freedom of assembly you crypto commie bastard. Get fucked.

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assembly to protest although that makes me wonder what the Fed would do if there was a massive outdoor protest right about now. Any glow niggers in here who can give us some insight on how you would handle that?

Your country is too small
Itt: countrylets

The treeees are alive, with the souuuund of NIG-

>3,855,100 sq miles
>3,796,742 sq miles

Except 90% of America isnt a frozen wasteland.

kys boomer

But how the fuck are they to enforce this nonsense? Isn’t it just CYA proclamations all the way? Unless they pull in national guard and set up roadblocks people will just go wherever.

>not living walking distance from woods

Tomorrow there's an order in place that we can't even visit our friends / family anymore unless you're taking care of them. No way for them to enforce it though.

t. Wisconsinfag

No more missing 411 cases for now then.

Do they have the manpower to actually enforce these rules? If not, fuck the police.
If the cops come for you, start coughing on them. They'll think twice before risking exposure.

>he chose mississippi over the 4th largest oil reserve in the world
>he doesn't realize the earth is warming and we playing the long game

Half of Canada is inaccessible artic wasteland. I can actually enjoy the outdoors here

Stupid faggot.
Sunlight is the best medicine for viruses. It kills them with a quickness. UV light tears away at RNA.
>sit inside
If you're actually infected that's the last thing you should do.

Mississippi isnt a country and global warming is a bunch of bullshit

>point of the lockdown is to prevent large crowds of people
>people congregate in large crowds at nature parks

don't be stupid ya dingus

Actually there is.. thick foliage will block flir.

I've met bigfeet they actually arent that bad

>oh yes daddy government fuck my ass and lock me in a cage

This is just state parks and forests.

There is millions of acres of National Forests in Oregon that will remain open

That's my point. It's idiotic and makes no sense given the stated goals. They don't want you having fun or enjoying yourself with friends.

I’m still working in OR. Praise construction. But yeah, our governor is a dumb broad.

what do u miss about it

Gov Kate brown is a Zionist shill. Also, a reptilian. Also, Portland is disgusting and full of weird troglodyte women, liberals, hippies and homeless. This place is visually beautiful but at its core, soulless.

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If you don't go near someone else or touch things that are likely to be touched by another what does it matter if you are inside your house or out in the woods going for a hike?

You could try recreating the psi shit here on pol
If space doesn't matter for most psi experiences, this shouldn't be any different

The ding dong Guberner is a confirmed Boot Licking commie. She was in cahoots with Obama and Jarrett during the Bundy standoff at the wildlife refuge. She was all for the FEDS coming in and smoking the Bundy's.

So glad MY PRESIDENT pardoned Father and Son Hammond

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>Except 90% of America isnt a frozen wasteland.
Only about 1/4 of it is Alaska.

I'm a forester and not locked down. No members of the p*blic ruining my plantations and letting their dogs shit on my Sitka saplings. Based coronachan

its true, normie faggots have to ruin the outdoors for us loners

Look at all the braindead replies to this lmao.
>Yeah dude just potentially spread a highly infectious disease that is entirely novel, this increasing it's chance to mutate and potentially become worse.

quit being a whiny fucking overreaccting nigger, for fucks sake. you can still go outside all you fucking want. theres alot more nature in oregon than just the big parks you stupid faggot.
T. Oregonian

If feel you i got a fine for making my dog piss in the woods.
I live in the middle of nowhere, no walker here usually, not a single time in my life i have seen a cop here, but this morning there was one to fine me.
>Sir its the law
Fucking bastard

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OP is lying frog-bro, being by yourself with your dog is perfectly fine here still. Just walked my dog not an hour ago

I love how the governor can legally limit the travel and assembly of free people and get away with it, and have brain dead room-temperature IQ useless eater faggot liberals cheer along their own confinement and destruction of civil liberties to the tune of a trendy hashtag on social media.

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There’s ur problem, phaugette

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You are onto something and it comes together with shit I was thinking before even considering your idea. A new age is here

Its not legal here, you need a fucking paper attestation that you are going make your dog piss.
I am suppose to write 3 times a day that i fucking attest that my dog need to piss.

Op is right, he is just predicting your future, it will happen in the US too.
135 euro for a paper, its Kali Yuga tier degeneracy, and no one complain about it.

The legend from natives is that they're born twins. One good, one bad.

Low population means less genetic diversity leading to deformities. But the good one protects people from the bad one.

Underground caverns and interdimensional.. complete non-issue for them


You dont need groups of ppl gathering

Most of the ppl are negative and evil deep inside

The hive mind will not work

Only by distancing and extreme believe,you can be in the woods spiritually,you can even move mountains,think about it ,the highest level of mind power are achieved in isolation and monasteries

State of Emergency trumps your right to assemble.

OP is full of shit.
State park campgrounds are closed. Some towns are closing local parks and trails.


Yup. Oregonfag here also. I was just walking down by the river an hour ago. As long as you're not in a group you're fine. I also went to Safeway, walmart, and the liquor store, and didnt get approached by any cops. Every store is out of eggs though so that kind of sucks.

Holy shit Germany that's excellent.

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Also oregon user here. Wtf? I have 2 buddies just went innawoods near hood a few days ago.

She didn't say that at all you dumbass. In fact, the Stay At Home order specifically says you CAN go hiking.

This took two seconds to Google.

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>live in the woods
cant kick me out NIGGERS

Yeah i ordered a m400 tread a few days ago and was told wait until they call me to come in but no ammo :(. Im talking about Milwaukee location btw

Considering oregon has only 209 cases thus far and 5 dead, sandwiched between WA and CA, we should shut down the borders rather than everything else.

Liquor stores are open?

Had an apartment on NW 22nd and Johnson. I miss having everything I could want within walking distance. Cinema pubs, supermarket, co-op, libraries, coffee shops, bars, restaurants, West Hills, forest park, japanese gardens, rose garden, fantastic public transport that was new and clean, no nogs other then the bus mall just north of burnside by the chinese garden and the NE. Powell's city of books. Powell's rare books in the SW. St johns Bridge. Waterfront park. The escapade, or whatever that floating walking/biking path thing was called. I miss that city. It's fucking beautiful. I lived there before it became what it is now. 1997-2003.

If ou don't own that wood , I agree ... stay in the city poor fag ... I own a huge land and I'm doing fine ! Enjoy having nothing to ur name

Fucking kys yourself for using that retarded ass coolspeak hippie jargon. Faggot.

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Oh and the columbia river gorge. A giant 11,000ft freestanding volcanic mountain Hood fucking 50 miles away the lodge up there. Not too far from the coast. ....BEER.

>State of Emergency over a cough

Nah. Fuck off

And hiking up to Pittock Mansion to watch the sun rise behind the cascades.

>giving up your freedom this easily

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>le take your meds
here come the shills