Landlords at it again; Boomer Landlords evict roastie for having black men in their property

>ATLANTA — A Georgia woman evicted for inviting black lovers to her home and a black family to the house for playdates with her children will be paid $150,000 by her former landlords to settle a discrimination lawsuit.

>Victoria Sutton filed the complaint in July against Patricia and Allen McCoy of Calhoun, Georgia. Sutton said the couple made racist statements and threatened to physically harm her if she contested the eviction.

>“My landlord’s behavior was not just immoral, it was also illegal,” Sutton said in a statement. “I’m glad to see the McCoys are being held accountable and hope this settlement brings us one step closer to creating a more just society where people of all races can live together without fear.”

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pic of boomer landlord

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Built for dat BBC.

Based Biden!

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In the future racists will just hide it better. Fuck multiculturalism.

i will give money too see that

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Big Bavarian cock

>built for that oven

She looks like she _____ _____ ____

she should be my wife

Well done Mr McCoy, next time make sure no one is able to verify.


why is it illegal? his property, his rules

God I hate niggers as much as the next guy, but Christ these boomers just need to fucking die already.

Based. All white men should shun women who abandon their race.

>no animals on agreement
>invites niggers
How did he lose the case?

The article doesn't mention anything about black "lovers", Shlomo. Just Black guests. Nice edit though.

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If you begin renting out property, you legally forgoe certain freedoms of control over that property, because it becomes "their" home.

If she wasn't paying rent he could do it.

Except it's not his property. You cannot own property in the US.
The Government owns all property.
Also it's illegal mostly because she's a tenant and tenants have various laws made specifically to help them out.

He threatened to harm her and evict her for having black people over. Not because she didn't pay rent or causing a ruckus.
He even had a set of rules saying she COULD invite people over. The only thing he hated was that they were black.

not anymore- that stopped in the 60s. Government controls what you do with your property. Land of the free.

Are you still a teenager? It's more the tenants property than the landlords while the tenant is still legally allowed to live there

>woman invited her BBC lover over
>gets paid for it
>doesn't even have to be in porn
Is this the white woman endgame?

Dude, my grandparents bought 10 acres of land and finally paid it off to the banks and had no more bills outside of property tax.

They missed one payment of Property Tax and the Government within months came and took the land from them. I fucking hate this Government.

Coal burner has retarded daughter.
>The lawsuit claims that her 9-year-old daughter, who has learning disabilities, suffered from having to switch schools and "had difficulty receiving the specialized educational services she received at her prior school."

It's illegal because these renters said some really racist and stupid things that helped her to build a lawsuit against them. If they had just told her they don't want her living there anymore and gave her a legitimate reason she would have to leave.

This right here.
It's perfectly okay to racist in America and not allow Black people to rent from you but here's the big point...

YOU CANNOT PUBLICALLY state that you are not renting to or allowing black people onto your property. That's illegal. As long as you don't literally say "heh, they're fucking niggers they can't be on my property" then you're in the right.

land of the free...


>Smells like kike

>From the Hebrew name אֱלִישַׁע ('Elisha'), a contracted form of אֱלִישׁוּעַ ('Elishu'a) meaning "my God is salvation". According to the Old Testament, Elisha was a prophet and miracle worker. He was the attendant of Elijah and succeeded him after his ascension to heaven.


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They told me that the property was going to be given to me and my family once they passed on too.

The Government essentially stole from me and now the property is just an empty lot that'll probably get turned into a housing development.

This is based as fuck, for once boomer wasn’t a faggot.

my mom paid into Social security her entire life, she passes away - government keeps it - doesn't go to my father.

last generation that will ever protest their own replacement. Millenials will be the tip of the spear for muttinization.

Sue the government or vandalize/squat on the property. Government has no right, so tell them to fuck off

>MFW property tax is next to nothing over here
>MFW missing tax payment just results in tax authorities sending you a reminder
>MFW they dock your income or existing assets if you fail to make payment but are legally not allowed to touch owned property as long as you have liquidable assets
And you call us Socialists!

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Lol yes he could kill them all if they're on his property right? His property, his rules.
Mutts truly are retarded.

You just heckin know

Unfortunately you are correct, it’s unfortunate that my generation is basically the biggest globohomo advocates. Boomers definitely do not openly protest about replacement though, they love this shit. Cheap labor for their businesses.

Stop hating the elderly. Maybe you'll be old one day by then life expectancy will be extended to 90 or 100. Will you kill yourself at 65 so that you are no longer a burden on society? I wouldn't wish death on anyone, except Americans

>state enforced miscegenation
The wrong people won.

based, But dumb for attributing eviction to her fucking niggers and not conjuring up some other reason to avoid a lawsuit.

This goes out to all the European anons of this board, whenever an American mutt talks down to you never fail to remind them of what they are. Negrified mutts that live to serve Zion.

I’m willing to bet there were limits outlined in her lease about having people not on the lease staying the night, and then she lied and said it was because they were black.

are you from the timeline where barry goldwater won?

>American educational system
Do you know what the Fair Housing Act is?

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with all those niggers visiting her, was she allowed to have animals? otherwise the based boomer was in the right to evict her

She was slick about it. She called up the wife and baited her into saying something racist while she recorded the phone conversation. The couple initially denied they evicted her because of the black guy, but then the ACLU got involved, and the renters had to settle or be sued into oblivion. If not for that phone conversation they would have likely been in the clear.

If I ever had to pick the face of someone who wakes up and says “I hate niggers” every morning that’s the face lmao. I bet this dumb bitch already bought her kang the Nissan Altima he’s always wanted with rims and a stereo. Jew lawyer got half and she’s left with a couple thousand she’ll blow on dumb shit in a couple weeks. All it takes is 150k to not have to live around niggers that’s not so bad.

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A side note, it's one of the main causes of the 2008 recession. Reason being that it prevented banks from not lending to blacks whom were known by the bank to have a much higher statistical default rate. As a result banks figured out they could bundle up these shitty loans and sell them to investors (since rating agencies couldn't discriminate either, these securities had much higher ratings than they should have had). Eventually they made up enough of the housing market to fuck up the broader market.

Yes, you have to rent to them, and often the government will cover part or all of their rent. This is why black people always tear up everything nice that white people give them. They never work for what they have and so they never care to retain it. Then people who have never lived next to blacks before wonder why other people are racist.

Even those girls in your pic are just virtue-signaling attention whores. If they really want to prove their point they should show their face so people can identify who they are. Having a black fetish or pretending to have one is nothing to be ashamed of, right?

>hooker gets evicted for being hooker

report and sage slide threads.

Look at those dirty scummy finger nails, of course a dirtbag fucks black guys, what a shocker. Also, the only people who have to say "i fuck race x" are people who do the opposite. You see this all the time, girls who try to shame whitey on the internet always are caught actually only fucking white men. white men are the only kind of men women want to fuck, and white women know this, and they lash out, but they can't stop fucking white men. The only reason women fuck guys other than white guys is because they can't get a white guy, so they have to settle for something less. This is all logic, think about it.

Finally some good news. Congrats to these landlords.

Oh fuck, now I read the rest. Of course everything ends like that in muttland.

You Chang’s are fucking weirdos

looks like a anglozied version of my grandpa

The south is dead. Black men are enjoying that prime Southern pussy.

Nice pictures kike, you forgot to tell everybody that those are asian traps that lust for niggers

She doesn't have rights, she is at war against God.

Holy COPE, you are so mad.

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the hero we don't deserve

mad at facts? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ nice meme flag faggot, leave forever and don't come back

Landlords should have rights, too.
I have no problem with them evicting perverts from their property.
I wonder if the courts would have found if the perv were fucking some other kind of animal, like dogs or pigs.

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Someone already doxxed her - she's an Eastern European camslut. I wanna say she's Lithuanian but I don't really remember.

So you cant do w/e you want with your property?
Man im so glad i love in Romania in these times you dont even know.

Why peoples of US do not rise ill never know.

A retarded woman telling me what to do with my property, ill kill her, the bitch...i worked for my money like a lunatic and a whore is telling me she wanna stay in when i dont want?

No joke if she somehow sue me for 150k or w/e bullshit. Id say ok, grab the nail hammer (we dont have guns here) and cave her skull in... and the niggers too.

>His keeping her from Fornication, is Immoral.
>According to the roast beef.
There is nothing good coming her way.

lol you whites are unironically the most pathetic people i have encountered. you let your women run rampant and fuck niggers left and right. truly deserve everything that is happening to you right now.

Isn't it weird that I see this kind of women only in obscure videos? In real life, these kind of women are rarely seen. Also my country is not as depraved as America and that's to be taken in account. But come on, there still are plenty fine american/canadian women you can pick.

Built for a firing squad.

Stop LARPing. If thus was really true your grandfather is a really stupid cuck because from personal experience if you miss a payment of your property tax you receive a notice and usually have to pay it with a late fee added.

Thanks Ali, can't wait for you to drink more camel piss to cure Corona.


so she's a Hatfield then

I think I found the woman on faceberg the article is talking about. 5 head and clown makeup, as expected.

>missed one payment
I guarantee you it was more than one grandma and grandpa have a vicodin addiction or something zoomer

That's the landlord's name you dumbass

Shut up Shaorma.
If we had any sense we would rid the world of your filth.
But nono no, we have to be liberal.

k shlomo, we'll talk to ya soon

I really doubt it was because they were black. it was probably because the chimpouts and ooga booga screeching at 2 am.

Hey, welcome to the future

Why wouldnt you fuck blacks if you were a woman and had the chance? If its pure sex you're after then blacks have bigger dicks, more energy, more stamina, provide more love, dont get emotionally attached and clingy, more masculine etc etc.

If you had the pick of hundreds of women, to just fuck, you'd pick the sexiest too.

Come back later, burn her out and make her homless

He was saying how she must be a Hatfield the eternal enemy of the mccoy landlord. U nigger

>Violate no permanent visitor clause of lease
>Woke court rewards skank

Fucks niggers

Fuck off little cuck

confederate bro gets it, dumb niggers dont know real history amirite

>Boomer Landlords evict roastie for having black men in their property
you mean AS her property

he will die stupid and paying a white girl to fuck even more BBC.

I'm fine with it.

Fucking look at this and tell me you’re proud of being American.

Yeah, yankees think the south is racist when it is just as cucked as the north.

This picture is not related to your story, and appears to be a pic taken at some hotel event.
As a matter of fact, reverse image search indicates it was taken from a tumblre page called "interracial couples" run by some Jew.

The only pics related to your story are pics of the landlords, who are just a couple of old boomers.
And the story indicates she had the nog over as part of a playdate between their kids, the nog being a co-worker.

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