Own property

>own property
>collect money from other people in exchange for them living at your property
>functioning system
Why is it so hard hard for some people to understand this concept?

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That tradwife is built for BBC.


Now that is a beautiful picture

is that Taylor Swift?

Yes, it is.

>is that Taylor Swift?
Yes, thank you for being so interested in pic related.

Because most people don't understand the costs of keeping a property running functionality, or the loans taken out to own property in the first place.

she has nice thighs

>>own property
>Own property
This is the key failure of the modern rental market
Most landlords do not own the building they are renting
The bank owns it, they pay a mortgage
They sub-lease it to the rentee at mortgage charge+profit

This is why the cost of rent is now higher than getting a mortgage yourself
The system is broken

no, Ella Fitzgerald you dumbo.

Tranny squad getting early posts

Oh hey, another one of these threads

>This is why the cost of rent is now higher than getting a mortgage yourself
That's how it's supposed to be

I think she's going to vore him.

bcuz their n*gg*rs

Do not pay the BBC licence tax.

Your digits are appropriate for your post, Satan. It's possible to shelter every AMERICAN, I know that much, and would like the opportunity to work to it

When you have a god complex people hate you. This is a very simple concept to understand.

kys disgusting betafag

>It's possible to shelter every AMERICAN
Most don't deserve it

>owning a thing is a God complex
lol woe

I want her to coke me with those thighs

>own property
>literally do nothing, just a parasitic middleman
>collect money

When you factor in management and maintenance the average landlord breaks even. They plan to profit on appreciation.

>poor nigger cope

this is getting stale

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Poor people are poor for a reason, they are subbumans.

>nigger commies who don't know money printer doesn't go brrrrrrrr forever

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Because it never works out in reality that smoothly.

>Property owner refuses to up keep property.
>Property owner keeps trying to increase personal income by shoving extra costs onto renter
>Property owner takes any excuse to evict people and thus create extra problems for everyone involved
>Property owner thinks by owning the property they own the individual renting it and can control their every move and behavior
>Property owner doesn't realize that by giving up a portion of their property for extra income they are essentially giving up say on what goes on inside the property.
>Property owners over inflating the value of the property to keep increasing rents.


>Renters destroy property, no respect for it
>Renters try to skirt rules, but this goes back to what was said about making arbitrary rules.

The economic concept is simple but psychological problems are different with it. It's about the way humans treat each other. I found it's better to rent from a more corporate entity than it is to rent from some random person, they're the ones I'm complaining about the most pulling shit. The more professional land-owners they are, the smoother the transaction is.

But a fat old bitch trying to rent out her old kids 5x5 bedroom for $4000 a month is the problem with the system.

>what is MMT
get with the times, grandpa

Problem here is you can't simply change a system where there is a giant apparatus behind.

You are not welcome here pajeet

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Ok Bernstein

What are you going to do about it?

>owning things is Jewish

>Taylor Swift
why do you keep worshipping this 30yo post-wall roastie guys ?

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Then buy all the property and rent it to AMERICANs at cost. You can do it.

I think it's one guy who just filters on new in Catalog, and posts this to every thread which has a picture of a white woman.

It's probably some Asian or half Asian guy.

Just because euros fuck kids doesn't mean she's unattractive

>Why is it so hard hard for some people to understand this concept?
Because they're brain damaged and refuse to work to gain property.
They will complain about people having properties left to the and hand me down generational properties that their ancestors work for, for their families generational benefit, but they refuse to do the same for their future families.
The leftist mentality is a damaged mentality, they think communism and socialism are the greatest things on earth despite it never working in the known history of mankind.
In before
>they just didn't do it right.
The only way to do that is to ban usury outright. All forms of lending with interest. We all know what happens to countries that ban usury.

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you're right, 80% of Cucknada is chink. Don't believe the government estimates.

In your dreams nigger.
All you get is out throw aways and used up cum community rags.

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Kill the bank

Because homes should be used as homes and not investments. This is, in part, what has led to the insane inflation of housing prices and everything else that comes with it. Homes should be sold to citizens only, and used as homes only.

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>Because homes should be used as homes and not investments

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That child can see she has no soul. It looks terrified. Poor baby.

This is why Yas Forums should be a text board.

Care to give your input?

you add 0 value to society and steal money from those who do. Government should be in charge of housing and make housing at cost.

Paid shills just go from script. The are barely conscious. You can tell when their new script goes out

The system broke down. You are pretending not to understand. The government suspended capitalism, your ideas dont matter anymore.

It's not that they don't understand but all of the speculation inflates the market to the extent that those renting will likely never be able to afford to purchase. It's a system without checks and balances, allowing foreign/domestic investors buying floors of units at a time in a condo building is less important than affordability for the average American.

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Just anyone telling me what I can and can't use property I purchased for should get half a dozen bullets or so

>homes should be used as homes
yes, but if you want to live near the nice shops and nice amenities of a central city, you don't just shop for a home. you shop for a status symbol, you shop for some lifestyle and communities
you can live in a safe area for 30% less rent with a little more commute, but people only choose this "homes" if nothing else is available
its ok in a free market to ask for money for luxury items

Thankfully cruel and unusual punishment is illegal in the US

So why doesnt everyone just buy?

If the people who worked hard, and saved up to buy property so that people may live in it add 0 value to society. What value are minimum wage workers adding?

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>Use literal nigger reasoning to a T
>Doesn't realize his own lack of self awareness

Are you a communist or a nigger? Hard to say.

Because in many countries the average wage doesn't cover the cost of living, much less allow you to accumulate 20% of an over-inflated price as a down payment. Did you really need someone to answer that or are you just pretending to be retarded?

Not true. Rents are lower than a mortgage. The landlord just eats the difference because tenants pay almost all of the mortgage. The landlord profits by buying property and only having to pay a small monthly sum.

I rent out two properties. If I don’t get rent then I’ll lose those properties.. pay rent!!