Paganism and the Fall of Rome

Is all sexual degeneracy inherently pagan? Faggotry was a key element of late Roman and Greek culture. Pic related. Modern pagans.

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Sexual Degenracy was actually banned by Christian Emperor Theodosius 100 years before the fall of of the Western Roman Empire, and things only got shittier

What is fag about an effigy having cock and balls?
Half the human population does.

>Paganism caused the Fall of Rome
>Rome was a powerful empire up until the point where it Christianized… then it collapsed.

Rome was already on a downward spiral before Christianity was introduced retard

t. follower of Rabbi Yeshua and the magical baby dick chop suck suck rape cult

Attached: This is in your bible.jpg (1280x619, 215.75K)

So what are you saying? That sodomy is great? My question was why sexual deviance is a part of pagan culture.

A common apologist's point of view. You also don't realize you're admitting Cuckstianity didn't preserve shit.

I'm not a Christian, I'm an atheist. Explain why faggotry is inherently pagan.

The christcuck is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a subverter, destroyer of Europe, a spiritual jew, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a christcuck and you will astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back "m-muh Leviticus".

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I didn't say Christianity preserved anything and I also didn't say Christianity didn't hurt and already crumbling empire, but the notion that the Roman Empire fell apart solely because of the introduction of a religion is false

It preserved the Byzantine empire for another thousand years dumbfuck.

What will happen to the pagan wenches that touch the magic tree man dick?

Yeah. It's like people completely fucking forget about this.

cause is a religion for barbarians
AKA nords

>"Of that Byzantine empire the universal verdict of history is that it constitutes, without a single exception, the most thoroughly base and despicable form that civilization has yet assumed. Though very cruel and very sensual, there have been times when cruelty assumed more ruthless, and sensuality more extravagant aspects, but there has been no other enduring civilization so absolutely destitute of all the forms and elements of greatness, and none to which the epithet mean may be so emphatically applied. They possessed knowledge; they had continually before them the noble literature of ancient Greece, instinct with the loftiest heroism; but that literature, which afterward did so much to revivify Europe, could fire the degenerate Greeks with no spark or semblance of nobility."

>"Its general aspect presents a disgusting picture of imbecility[...] Rebellion on the part of generals, depositions of the Emperors by their means or through the intrigues of the courtiers, assassination or poisoning of the Emperors by their own wives and sons, women surrendering themselves to lusts and abominations of all kinds [...] till at last—about the middle of the fifteenth century (a.d. 1453)—the rotten edifice of the Eastern Empire crumbled in pieces before the might of the vigorous Turks."

>"The history of the Greek empire [...] is nothing but a tissue of revolts, seditions, and perfidies."

>"There exists another history, more absurd than the history of Rome since the time of Tacitus: it is the history of Byzantium. This worthless collection contains nothing but declamations and miracles. It is a disgrace to the human mind."

It isn't. Germanics killed gays and Romans had laws against them.

Explain why it's inherently Christian.

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meanwhile chrisitian teutonic order raped and converted every single paganoid.
Cope harder

The LARPagan is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a subverter, destroyer of Europe, a spiritual jew, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a faggot and you will astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back "m-muh cuckstianity".

Just saying Christianity preserved the Byzantine Empire doesn't make it so. And btw the Byzantine Empire was absolute shithole filled by with nothing but homosexual monks hiding away in their monasteries or going into town lamenting any signs of prosperity and getting women to starve themselves to death for Yeshoua, and degenerate and corrupt leaders. Was in near constant decline until it finally fell, only surviving the migration period because it happened to get all the rich eastern provinces from the Roman Empire which it could pay off all the barbarians to leave them alone.

>muh byzantines
Which steadily evaporated and accomplished literally nothing.

>I'm an atheist
You're a mutt Christkike 8gag goyper courageously hiding their flag, like always, so no one sees you're from Puerto Rico or Guatemala.

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Faggotry becomes a thing right before collapse and chaos. Happens over and over

>YHWH worshipers did bad things to Europeans!!1!

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Bruh you need to learn to read. It sounds like you and OP are both kike worshippers, so you should actually get along. Of course, christfags are usually pretty slow, so I guess your reading difficulties come as no suprise.

Based I love it when the people working for the Jews kill us

Lmao. Christianity bans literally all forms of sodomy, whereas it was accepted in both pagan Rome and Greece. German paganism literally has faggot gods.

Post a primary source to back up your claims of them being gay to any significant degree. The gay was brought in by the jews, similar to christianity.

I rather take a based faggot that is against the Jews than a cringe straight jew supporter

Maybe you ought to change what you consider degeneracy.

There’s more christians in the world than at any time in history. There’s also more fags as well. Quite the coincidence.

>WOW ITS SO BASED that Yahweh-worshipers destroyed Europe's native culture and burned ancient temples and scrolls! Thank you Jews!

Attached: WE CHRISTCUCKS PRESERVED ROME.jpg (504x698, 73.37K)

Kill both

LMAO. Notice the eternal pagan. The ebil Jew makes him suck dicks.

No, we need a Hadrian

>Christianity bans literally all forms of sodomy,
No, it doesn't. You're thinking of your Jewish Torah which did, but still had gay overtones.

Attached: gay christkikes of jewmerica.png (689x535, 47.46K)

There's nothing degenerate about fertility and reproduction.

Good primary source, jew worshipper.
How many gay pride parades have they had in majority christian countries last year? How many gay clubs in those same countries?
How many gay clubs and gay pride parades were there in Greece and Rome?

>sexual degeneracy inherently pagan
in the sense that Christianity is expressly against it, sure, HOWEVER, what passes for Christianity today often is very different what what Jesus and Paul preached

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Roman scholars spoke poorly of Christians because of all their gay sex rituals.

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its not roman pagans were butchering barbarians for centuries, their cities and cultures

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> empire somehow lasts for 1000 years
> b-but they were trash

Christians are the golems of Jews that goes around calling people kikes as they smashes the cultures and nations of the goyim.
imagine believing this

Christianity have been known since Roman times to be an absolutely degenerate religion. There might have been degeneracy in pagan nations but Christianity made degeneracy into a institution. It gave them land where they could practice their trade, it gave them respect and power in the communities and it gave them wealth.

I recommend you read what the actual monks wrote themselves. They wrote it all down because they were given a pass on it all since it was all the work of satan anyway. The most esteemed desert father literally used to dream about naked nubian boys dancing and giving him fruits.

Nothing is more degenerate than Christianity.

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Eshi knows who is top dom

Post a primary source that proves he was gay


A typical old meme. Late Rome was monogamous and Christian. Fags were burned alive.

Reminder that I'm not a Christian so I don't have to defend Christianity. I'm just wondering how the white nationalist movement can adopt paganism if it is inherently degenerate? Perhaps the roman paganism that we know about is a late version of the Roman religion just like Christianity used to be traditionalist but is now subverted by the globohomo.

>Faggotry was a key element of late Roman and Greek culture. Pic related.
>posts pic of women worshipping male genitals
Wouldn't that be the opposite of faggotry?

Post source

>Is all sexual degeneracy inherently pagan
Yes. Paganism is, essentially, the worship of creation, not the Creator.

ok ahmed, nice quotes btw

I just watched the dovahhatty video

>I-I-I'm not a Christian goys err guys, I just have a templar flag on and defend them vigorously throughout the entire thread

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The Byzantines were preserving culture and build the greatest city there has ever been, while fighting with any plague that came from the East. Only to be backstabbed by western dogfuckers whose only sport was burning witches or raiding monasteries (vikings).

A pagan is a person who lives outside of the city. That’s literally all that word means

Paganism is basically just embracing your inner nigger and doing whatever degernate shit you want and justifying it with muh might is right.

Sure, right after you post your primary sources for all your claims.

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I thought it was Christians who destroyed Constantinople? Because you didn't pay your debts.


“The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero
“The customs of that most criminal nation (Israel) have gained such strength that they have now been received in all lands. The conquered have given laws to the conquerors.” – Lucius Annaeus Seneca
“Even while Jerusalem was standing and the Jews were at peace with us, the practice of their sacred rites was at variance with the glory of our empire, the dignity of our name, the customs of our ancestors.” – Marcus Tillius Cicero
“The Jews . . . ate the flesh of their victims, made belts for themselves out of their entrails, and daubed themselves with their blood.” – Lucius Cassius
>“[The Jews have] an attitude of hostility and hatred towards all others.” – Tacitus
“They sit apart at meals, and they sleep apart, and although as a race, they are prone to lust, they abstain from intercourse with foreign women; yet among themselves nothing is unlawful. They adopted circumcision to distinguish themselves from other peoples by this difference. Those who are converted to their ways follow the same practice, and the earliest lesson they receive is to despise the gods, to disown their country, and to regard their parents, children, and brothers as of little account.” – Tacticus
“The Jews regard as profane all that we hold sacred; on the other hand, they permit all that we abhor.” - Tacticus

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There just trying to make white people fall jews pass lineage through mother mother earth paganism feminism its all devil worship

Christianity is sucking nigger toes and letting them rape your civilization because a desert Jew (that's totally not a Jew despite self-admitting to be a Jew to a non-Jew) had magical powers, according to Jews.

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Christianity is a meme religion at this point.

That pic talks about catholics. What about Baptist fundamentalism and Orthodoxy? They are both the most puritan religions that exist.

This. Christians need to look in the mirror if they want to see degeneracy, war, violence, or any number of things they accuse their political enemies of most of the time.

Islam can be based though.

Christcuck leave

It’s exclusively greek/roman
Btw, the background of the most famous symbol of rome is targeting inter SPECIES relations

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Christians are the ones that let niggers into our countries

Being Christian doesn't mean that they were not dogfuckers and absolute degenerates. Slaves to the Venetian water Jew.

It was always a meme religion. Once people actually became literate (against the objections of the Church), everyone realized how dumb it was.

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I'm not religious, I'm just a rural supremacist. I care about the environment, small, self-reliant communities and am extremely anti-urban and anti-suburban. I understand most rural folk are Christian, I just don't like how they're taken advantage of by Zionist and Evangelical TV show priests. Also th e Catholic and Lutheran churches are completely pozzed, they imports thousands of refugees into their states for money. Massachusettes and NY has refugees because the Catholic Church is run by Jews and they've convinced the Italian and Irish Catholics that we need more spics. Why are there so many Somalis in Minnesota? Because of the Swedish Lutheran churches. There are basically two branches of mainstream Christianity today, churches run by left-wing Jews, and Christianity run by right-wing Zionists. Neither are ideal. I don't know what the solution is, but the status quo is clearly unsustainable.

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Yas Forums is a Christian board
This makes the /r/tranneists seethe so hard they make seemingly 'pro' Christian threads only to flood them with discord trannies spamming again and again their degenerate atheists beliefs.
But it doesn't stop there, no, it gets worse.
These tranners also purposely derail the thread with LARPagan propaganda blackmailing you into thinking being LARPagan is being pro-white.
You thought they were finished? Not a chance!
They end up posting satanic imagery, revealing their true colors all along.
It's a worldwide plot to legitimize their pedophiliac-sacrificial cult.
Do not be deceived by these useful idiots, Yas Forums
Believe in the Lord and praise his name.
"Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings." - Peter 5:8-9

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Islam did a much better job of trying to preserve European and Byzantine culture compared to christianity

the governments of america and europe are true believers?your not a retard are you?

So Christians can be degenerates.
Do it again Dandolo-sama

>Romans had laws against them
Citation needed (given the fact that even roman military was allowed to take it up the butt)
Pic related is trajan

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Merkel is a true Christian. She even voted against gay marriage.

What's interesting is they don't even deny it. Boomer Christcucks opened the immigration floodgates turning the Western world into this hellscape you see today, and muttified golems from 8cuck waddle on here saying it's wonderful that white people are being exterminated out of their own lands. To them, only worship of dead Jews matters. They've said this on Yas Forums, then kvetch when people push back against them.

There's absolutely no distinction between your stereotypical leftist and a Christian.

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"...bought with the Blood of Christ crucified. Well seest thou that thou art a bride, and that He has wedded thee and every creature, not with a ring of silver, but with the ring of His Flesh."
And the fist thing Ahmed thinks of is foreskin.
Not even gonna waste time looking of the other ones.

Yas Forums is a NatSoc board.
No matter how many times you spam your pic and hide behind your meme flag, people will hate you race traitors and subversive kikes.

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>It's a worldwide plot to legitimize their pedophiliac-sacrificial cult.
Pic related: a child taking it up his arse

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>The Byzantines were preserving culture
>destroys the Oracle of Delphi which had been an institution of the Greeks stretching back to before Homer. A place spoken and praised by all the greats in Greek history be it Plato, Alexander or Leonidas but then just like that in just a moment it was gone from history in an instant
>smashes every fucking temple and shrine built by the Greeks with modern estimates there having been around 3000 shrines/temples in each major city
>closes down Plato's Academy and prosecutes the philosophers until the last of them have to flee to Persia
>church fathers such as Cyril and Shenoaute literally went door to door looking for now haram native Greek literature and burned it all
>anyone can travel to the Parthenon and themselves see the literal chop marks on it done by zealous Christians
>the greatness of the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus burned to the ground by another church father Chrysostom
It is a sad sight to see a Greek Christian. You people of all people should know better.
>inb4 b-but muh private collectors that preserved some of the statues
kill yourself

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>drinking teet milk equals the same thing as sex
thanks for that hot take, freud.
i guess there aren't any christians who drink cow's milk or anything like that. can't have inter species sexual relations, you fucking retard

>given the fact that even roman military was allowed to take it up the butt
citation needed.
inb4 "two men with their faces close to each other means everyone was having gay sex"

Absolutely disgusting. Christians are pure scum they deserve to be crucified

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>Faggotry was a key element of late Roman and Greek culture

It is an element of every decadent civilization, including the Christian one. Romans used to have strong family values, then became a bunch of atheistic, sterile degenerates. That's just how history works, great riches spoil a nation's spirit over time. Plenty of interesting books on the topic, if you're interested. But if you're talking about the phallus, that's not inherently degenerate. It can be simply a symbol of virility and fertility. The symbol evolved to become more subtle over time, as in scepters. You get the idea. Same thing with nudity. Only a degenerate is incapable of differentiating the beauty of the human form from his base impulses. There is nothing inherently shameful about it.

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>destroys the Oracle of Delphi
Pic related = like oracle of delphi
Why should this kind of exploitative superstition be allowed?

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You'll notice that all Christians can do is to revert back into muh degeneracy. Because Christians actually can't oppose demographic replacement; they actually wants it, but even if they wanted to Christian dogma stands in the way.

The thing is that degeneracy does not actually destroy a nation. One can come back from having been degenerate, multiple Roman emperors show us that, emperors like Augustus and Domitian. But you can't come back from having been replaced. Christians oppose the former while push for the latter.

Talk to a Christian about demographics and race, and he'll just be itching to tell you about buttsex.

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Based Himmler.
Coincidentally, all the Christkikes are spamming hatred of NatSoc on Yas Forums now. I guess they realized no one wanted to worship smelly brown Jews, so they dropped the facade and openly shill like leftists now.

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>rape cult
This is a bad thing?
What happened to the pagan stronk and manly shtick?

Carthago's enslaved populatiob that was brought to Rome, disrupted economy of then Roman Republic.
Christemdom was just the mercy shot into the [economicaly] decadent Rome.

Nice flag.

oh yeah, that video where he doesn't cite any sources.
gays always try to claim significant historical figures as their own.

>Doing things every group has done is bad when Christian do it.
Fuck you retard.
Pagans destroyed indigenous culture and burned ancient temples and scrolls well enough before Christianity appeared.
Fuck off you eternally oppressed victim.

>destroying the delphic oracle was good!1!!
Christcucks are opposed to all that well-reasoned men find wholesome, proper and beautiful.

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>Jews raping non-Jewish kids is BASED

> The primary dichotomy of ancient Roman sexuality was active/dominant/masculine and passive/submissive/feminine. Roman society was patriarchal, and the freeborn male citizen possessed political liberty (libertas) and the right to rule both himself and his household (familia). "Virtue" (virtus) was seen as an active quality through which a man (vir) defined himself. The conquest mentality and "cult of virility" shaped same-sex relations. Roman men were free to enjoy sex with other males without a perceived loss of masculinity or social status, as long as they took the dominant or penetrative role. Acceptable male partners were slaves and former slaves, prostitutes, and entertainers, whose lifestyle placed them in the nebulous social realm of infamia, excluded from the normal protections accorded a citizen even if they were technically free. Although Roman men in general seem to have preferred youths between the ages of 12 and 20 as sexual partners, freeborn male minors were off limits at certain periods in Rome, though professional prostitutes and entertainers might remain sexually available well into adulthood.
Williams, Roman Homosexuality, passim; Elizabeth Manwell, "Gender and Masculinity," in A Companion to Catullus (Blackwell, 2007), p. 118.

Pic related: greek soldiers about to have an orgy

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>Christians actually can't oppose demographic replacement
Yeah you can, and almost all the vocal people on the right who do are Christian.
>Talk to a Christian about demographics and race, and he'll just be itching to tell you about buttsex.
Yeah, niggers are a problem. Buttsex ruins civilization.

>In group raping out group BASED

I agree we can always try again as long we are not conquered and genocided by brown people.

He had sex with his boyfriend is that not true?

Maybe that's why Christkikes invite in so many brown invaders. It's a huge masturbation fetish thinking about swarthy foreigners raping white kids.

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All forms of theism are inherently heresy. While Christians were glorious, they only laid the foundation.