>be me
>live in Serbia for 23 years
>almost a ethnostate
>never see a brown person nor a islamic dog
>only gypsies but theyre like 1 in 100 and most are quite ok, they dont race mix and dont have that many kids
>move to Sweden
>the Swede is 1 in 100
>start going to collage
>21 students out of 24 are from outside of Europe
>feel happy when I see a white face in the city
Sweden wouldn’t have let you if you were white.
eat shit mutt
>be you
>from a brown gpysy ethnostate
>move to Sweden
>complain about foreigners
Back in the 50's we had less than 1% immigrants. now look at us.
why the fuck are you americans so fucking uneducated
1. Be genocided.
2. Be racist.
1 < 2. It's really elementary arithmetic.
wtf is this man, help me, I cant cope knowing a place in Europe is like this
face it bro, Sweden letting you in is pretty good evidence that you aren't white
perhaps but I 100% am whiter than you nigger
t. provincial fag
Go back to Donji Pičkovac if you don't like *the big city*
Goy, you will be replaced and love it.
>most are quite ok, they dont race mix and dont have that many kids
Gypsy detected. They let you in for a reason, and it’s not because you’re white.
White skin means nothing.
>start going to collage
>21 students out of 24 are from outside of Europe
Södertörns Högskola?
Explains the situation in Sweden perfectly.
There is no help to be had, there is no reversing this.
What was will never be again.
I might have been off with a few years, but its fucking bleak looking at what was and what will be.
There will never be anther white ethnostate.
Red is immigrants and blue are emigrants.
Just imagine what will be of Sweden and Europe in 50 years
>>move to Sweden
>>the Swede is 1 in 100
because Serbs rent cheap apartments in shitskin areas, why are you even surprised?
What about you guys though?
On immigration I meant.
>be immigrant
>get housed with other immigrants
>get put in special ''collage'' class with other retarded immigrants
How could this happen?
fortunately there's lot of emigration as well, to my understanding a big part of recent emigrants are not Swedish. but tell your idiotic motherfucker government to reduce immigration from 120000 residence permits last year, your immigration is almost as massive as it was during the rapefugee crisis although now with fewer Muslims and more pajeets
Denmark is the best Scandinavian country
I'm friends with a Swedish girl, she left for Texas because of high taxes in Sweden.
we have too many shitskins already, but the current influx is reduced since the rapefugee crisis, unlike Swedistan the clown country
do you know any Suryoyo or Assyrians in Sweden?
somebody has to pay for the niggers welfare
Which uni did you study at?
Did a quick check per capita you took in more shitkins 2019 then we did. So yeah there’s that. In a immigrants per percentage of population we are not that far apart, do you remember the 90s and early 00s? You were the extreme back then.
Oh we're completely cucked too.
We've closed our borders. But not to asylum seekers.
If a brown person shows up and cries ''Gibs Me Asylum''. They get taken straight to an already packed asylum processing center in the back of a police cruiser.
We used to put them on public transportation. But not they get to go straight there in a black-and-white taxi.
>90s and early 00s
inmigration in those years were basically slavs, not that bad.
Now is 90% niggers
Oh and the same serb made the same thread like a week ago with same made up numbers, he’s salty we view him the same as MENA folk, he’s just a blatte or svartskalle in our eyes.
Yes, there is high emigration as well.
Last years ~48 000 people emigrated, guess the largest group?
Ethnic swedes at 37%!
Swedes move out and the third world moves in.
I mean all it tells us is that you live with the other immigrants, particularly those from the middle east as you told us.
Yes immigrants do not integrate that well and form their own communities and all you've actually brought to light for us is that you live in one of those.
Did you even think this one through OP?
serbia is also a shithole lol
Meh they exist, we dont have any no go zones although like >80% sandnigger ghettos do exist, but those ghettos tend to be like one street or appartment block in some big cities
Walking around during busy hours at copenhagens main train hub, which is probably the worst place in terms of white to shit ratio, it's around 80% white at worst
Outside that area, it can only get better (or worse if you purposely venture into a known sandnigger appartment bloc?)
I dunno, I've lived almost everywhere in this country and I think alot of Daneposters are morbidly fucking blackpilled and/or only lived in one shitty city all their life.
All of them should gtfo, but if you dont think about it or purposely seek out the few streets and ghetto blocs it's literally a median 95% white.
They were the original chaos shitskins, now they are the leaders of the criminal gangs, sending their afghan and somali 5 iq bots to create chaos around the nations. THEY.ARE.SHIT. They were the same as what we get from MENA now, the shit stock of a people flees the good ones remain!
This is what happens when you have a small population and accept a high number of refugees.
Furthermore, they are the type of refugees who breed a lot
>Ethnic swedes at 37%!
measurement by ethnicity is banned in Swedistan, your government considers you Swedish if you have one parent born there. I think the shitskin percentage is higher than you think
GodSpeed my Danish Frens.
BTW, would you still consider yourself the least cucked country in Scandi? Scandi includes Iceland, Finland, Sweden and Norway too btw>
You have to go back
You probably live in a big city like most immigrants. The smaller towns can be 90%+ white but there are some towns who are fucked.
Avoid big cities and if you move to a small town you should watch the voting pattern of the residents, the more leftist the more migrants. Sweden is pretty fucked tough.
Serbposter goes to cheap apartment in immigrant district and is surprised there are immigrants lol
Yeah, Finland or Norway is second.
Not even too sure about Finland, havent delved too far into their situation
Iceland is the whitest, but just as ultra cucked as sweden in terms of population ZOG-level
its not like i will side with swedes over this, in my view slavs master played this.
>move in
>get education college
>go away in the next gen
The wife of a fren of mine is a swedish-lithuanian mutt who was raised there, now they live in London.
As every other med, ive raised to think about how beautiful nord women are, and how efficient nord men are. Right now for me the situation is just funny. I really doubt there is any engineer left in Sweden as they all move to USA or Estonia, im just wanting to see the collapse.
Most cucked to least cucked:
>there is any engineer left in Sweden as they all move to USA or Estonia
this is false though, plenty of engineering jobs in Sweden. well shitskins were supposed to take some of those, but turns out they are too low IQ and Swedish government started mass importing pajeets instead
Sure. I think the Finns are pretty much the same politically. But over-all yeah, we're the ebil nazis of the bunch.
But keep in mind, that's like saying that I'm the smartest tard in the tard ward.
BTW. Do you think we should corvid19 test the asylum seekers we send straight to our over filled asylum processing camps after they show up at our borders?
Why do that when you can gas them, smartest tard in the tard ward?
Thats grand coming from patient zero
dont get me wrong i dont say that there is no engineer jobs, im a C developer, iget some offers from StockHolm from timeto time, what i mean is that no native swede stays there when they can move abroad to lower taxes places. I once worked with a swedish team, like 12 guys, 4 of them were ukranians, they work there for some years and go back or move to other places, Sweden is just a shoping mall like USA but with bigger taxes.
Sad, it used to be my favourite county on Europe when growing up.
Yeah. For sure he cares about your opinion. Jesus, how fucked up you guys are.
Oh well, gonna get me trump bux.....
Cope harder lazy med fuck we’re still up there in any invation/startup anything you can measure, just because our country is turning to shit doesn’t crush our work ethic or entrepenaur spirit. Meanwhile you will keep sleeping in the middle of the day and lament your unemployment rates. Atleast we have a foundation we can build on if we can wrangle control over our goverment
>gas them
Gas them? Oh no, we can't do that (and get away with it).
But they have assured us that their superior iSlamic cleansing rituals means that they can't possibly catch corvid19.
So no worries penning them in with the rest until their asylum ''demand'' have been processed (expected processing time at the moment, 4 months)
Alot of Scandis work in spain for a year to a handfull
Dunno why but alot of companies like to hire scandis in Spain
I've personally considered taking one of those customer service gigs for a year just for fun, pays ok-ish and you get to live abroad for a while
Hello frens, where do I import licorice from? I have a couple of Turkish peppers and djungelvrål coming in cause that's all I know. I never really ate candy until a friend from Norway shared some of their stuff.
To free apartment for some nignog?
Hey shouldn’t you be in a construction workers little cubicle and drag your feet to the liqour store in the evening while even somalis laugh at you?
Try heksehyl, dunno where to import them but they are fucking amazing
Otherwise do finnish liquorice, finnish liquorice is literally the holy grail of liquorice, again dunno where to import from
Do you see Swedish flag?
>be immigrant dog
>talk shit about the host nation
>act like you're any better than the other immigrant subhumans
>be unironically part of the problem
Look at yourself in the mirror. The legislation that allows you to live in Sweden is the same legislation that allows Muslims live in Sweden. You're literally part of the problem. Sweden is for Swedes. Fuck off back to your so called "ethnostate".
Serbs is the only demographic the shitskins group up on besides natives. Natives think genocide and white enough so everyone gives a pass. Why would you leave home?
Its called ethnic cleansing mutt
in addition to the ones you mentioned i like pic related
Serbs, like bosniggers in 99% of cases acts exactly like sandniggers and as such are always seen being white sandniggers
Dont know where you are getting that shit from
Unironically, bosniggers tend to assimilate better and be more civilized however much it makes me want to vomit
Kek shitskin op btfo
>Södertörns Högskola
>My fucking sides
Funniest thing I've seen today.
I dont even live in Spain as I currently work in Houston, I dont care about my native country so insult it as much as you want, i dont care i know is a shithole, so is yours altough with higher prices.
invation/startup you dont even know how that rankings are made, all succesful start up in europe moves to London cause is 5 times cheaper to operate there than Sweden and you can access the US market too.
You had the foundation, in a globaliced economy all tech sector concentrates in 1-2 spots, you already had negative interest rates for a reason, in the next years you will face what Finland faced.
Again im not insulting you, i even like your country more than mine, but reality is what it is.
>Dunno why but alot of companies like to hire scandis in Spain
They seem like high status if they can hire nords, so problaby that.
I dont know wh but a lot of Germans are learning spanish now and going to work there in the shame fashion or as AupAir, I met my ex-gf like that.
Where will you go? (city)
You work in Houston? Why do you have Spanish flag?
Ive been to serbia. dont lie u little shit
why the fuck would anyone want to come to our country
you would have to be mentally retarded to move to sweden
Ye thats my impression too, it's usually a gap year gig alot of students do, or summer jobs.
The ones I have in mind are all in Malaga, but I think I've seen some positions for Madrid too