Why are liberals pushing the not paying rent talking point? What has the corona virus got to do with not paying what you consume? If you can't work, then pay via your savings?
Why are liberals pushing the not paying rent talking point...
poor people don't have savings bourgeois cunt
I'm doing your mom
That's the most punchable face I have ever seen.
That's their problem then
It’s Chinese and Israeli agitators. Both get nuked in this timeline.
He’s got that Jewish wolf upper lip.
Why do the landlords need the rent right now? Why can't they wait a month?
This guys faggotry is older than most fortnite players.
"What's up Forum?"
On the flip side, if the democrats gave a shit about anything other than their stocks, they'd pause taxation during the "pandemic" so landlords wouldn't have to pay shit, thus renters would be off the hook.
It’s because the govt shut down the economy retard. I’m not a lefty at all but the people at least need a stimulus package I know over a dozen people who are now out of work
>tfw this manlet used to be the most subscribed youtuber when I was in high school
Things have really changed
Because they all live in CA so they think this is an easy out to not pay what they owe. You signed a lease you pay your rent.
socialists don't want to pay rent but I bet they got a $700 phone with an unlimited data plan. and since they didn't save, they think they're owed something by those that did because
>we're all in this together
I thought it was just me.
Not a lot of people save money in the US. You would ideally want to have 3 months or more in your saving, but many Americans find it hard to live below their mean.
>ahhh geez dude my lungs bro. I was out walking behind the Waffle House and my lungs bro. I started coughing and spitting blood. My trecia don't work no more. Ahhh jeeez the ventilator bro, I got no money cause I gotta pay for the ventilator and the hahspital and it's expensive bro ahh jeeez and I can't use the credit card cause I put the hahspital bills on it cause I don't have insurance bro I can't pay rent with that
Because landlords are parasites who shouldn't be payed even in normal times.
Do the world a favor,
kill your landlord.
Why can't the landlords just wait a month or two for the rent though? Why do they need it right now?
Because houses should be free.
Because kikemigajewboomersziondon, at least according to the bitchcels on Yas Forums
okay boomer
He could've still been, but he threw it all away
>muh poor landlords
like they're doing anyone a favor by collecting passive income
Okay Fed. Companies are telling us to use our PTO and citizens are telling us to use our savings. It all sounds like bullshit. The government made these decisions to lock us down, why should you have to use your hard earned efforts to live in a situation they put us all in? Forcibly?
We don't all live in a gingerbread house, m8.
>in highschool
You have to be over 18 to post here kid
Nice try lefty, nobody should get handouts, no exceptions.
What made him quit/stop? I took a break from Youtube for a while during college and lost track of a lot of the top Youtubers during that time.
That are neo-commies. They hate private property. They think they can use slumlord meme to make normies against private property
Landlords have property taxes and utilities to pay. If they don't pay their side then you get evicted or have power shut down on your side even if you pay.
why cant the landlord just live off his savings too?
How the fuck is that possible? I have almost 100k sitting in my bank and I work about 5 hour days.
Landlords are leveraged. Most rental homes, and nearly all rental apartments also have mortgages, taxes, maintenance costs, and other financial obligations that must also be deferred in order for rent deferrals to work.
>people aren't working
>laid off or furloughed due to sugoi Corona-chan
>expecting people to take out loans or go into credit card debt just to make rent
I own two rental properties and I'm not demanding rent until this is over. I can write it off, I can give my tenants a year to pay back rent. The government can reimburse me for losses up to a point easier than it can help these people.
Only Jew slumlords are taking advantage of people right now. The thing is they aren't even going to enforce it, they're literally just scaring people. No one wants to kick out a renter and have a property sit empty during a crisis like this when it might be half a year before someone else moves in. The very thought of paying a crew to disinfect everything gives me a migraine. New tenants are going to want things sterilized. We won't be able to have any walk throughs without cleanings in between. This is an absolute disaster.
This faggot doesn't rent im sure he probably has a mansion from all that youtube money in the past
What savings? 80% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck.
why didn't the landlord have any savings? he should use his bootstraps
It sounds pretty irresponsible not to have any savings in the bank to cover times like these. Why didn't they plan ahead?
Lovely person.
you should spend all of that money on a truck, a boat, and a bunch of other shit you don't need. better yet, give that money to me so that I can "invest it" for you.
>implying landlord rats wouldn't just keep demanding rent while pocketing tax as profits they were "rightfully entitled to all along"
Why don't you ask 80% of your fellow countrymen
I get nervous if I have less than 6 months of savings without reducing lifestyle. I typically have a few years worth. I don't understand people who don't save. My grandfather was went through the great depression so I picked up some habits from him. I've had pandemic supplies for years. Depressions/ pandemics/ disasters are inevitable. If you if you live without saving you accept that risk enjoy the benefits of it at the time, but you should suffer the consequences when things go bad. That's the only fair thing.
Then the landlords should tap into savings or take out a loan to cover those costs. They shouldn't have been so irresponsible not to plan ahead.
Jesus Christ zoomer
They have taxes, mortgages, maintenance costs, larger landlords may have other fixed costs associated with management companies. They’re hurting just as much as you are right now. Stop being so self centered. Consider effects further down the line instead of just the here and now like a greasy nigger. If you’re handy maybe you can work out a deal with you landlord to take care of some things on your own since you aren’t working. Im regularly able to skip a month of paying for some work on the property, and that was before shtf
forgot this dude was still alive
Yeah most burgers are barely scraping by and can't afford to be unemployed for more than a few weeks
That guy is a shitskin
Pay them via savings. They are not poor libtard homo faggots are they?
>the Jew who owns apartment buildings is hurting as much as a person with negative net worth
Found the kike
ive got a couple renting my apartment right now. i know for a fact the guy works in tourism and likely has massively reduced income or none at all. hes been in there for a year or so now, and has been a great tenant so far. dont get me wrong, id prefer to be in there myself, as its in a great location, but the job i lost in january meant i cant. if i need to, ill cut the guy some slack and either waive or reduce his rent in the interim while this shit sorts itself out because im not a cunt and im in the same boat as he is.
Why don’t you have savings to cover your rent? Did you not plan ahead?
When Americans get more money they spend more. You live below your mean and that is why you have a lot of money. Poor people in America think that if you make more money you deserve to buy more shit.
He peaked around 2011 stupid frog
So the landlord should have his savings finished because Jerome needed those new rims?
Is there a more useless faggot on the planet than Ray William Johnson? The guy is famous for literally nothing.
user, he's probably in his mid twenties
They wouldn’t have to if you moved your nigger ass out and let someone who could pay for their expenses rent instead of you.
No one should lose savings to pay rent. Literally pissing away tens of thousands in the future to pay a thousand dollars in rent now. Thats retarded.
Imagine being a city slicker YIKES
Because libs, at their core, just want to have no responsibilities for anything.
Don't want to work? Steal rich people's money and establish UBI
Don't want to pay back student loans that you willingly took out? Cancel student debts.
Don't want to be responsible for your own safety? Take everyone's weapons and increase police presence
Don't want to acknowledge the hard work required to change society for the better? Blame rich/white/etc people
Don't want to compete in the workforce? Diversity hiring quotas
it wouldn't be an issue if the democrat's hadn't voted against saving the American people
I have 2 tenants, and I make a total of 700€ a month, I they don't pay and don't have any other means of income and still have to pay my taxes.
But for some reason they should get to live in my house for free.
They're right for the wrong reasons like when liberals used to be against Israel, don't expect it to continue.
>no one should have to pay for something they willingly agreed to pay for
At any time I don't have to pay rent. Go take it to court you whiny faggot. This is what you get for renting and being a parasite in society. Fucking bitch beta faggot
Then shouldn't the government just halt taxes and mortgages on land?
This is the only valid reason. Government can't shut down a business without compensation. Although, choosing who gets to stay in business is a HUGE opportunity for corruption and political favoritism.
You don't have to pay rent. Move
Then stop buying weed and stupid fucking toys.
Why do you need a paycheck right now?. Wait a month too
Rent seeking is spiritually Jewish
>pretend to be hillbilly
>use the metro-soiboi catchphrase YIKES
But not wrong
Found the kike
Why should the landlord lose savings to cover for you?
Not all landlords are big megakike city affairs. The 3 I’ve had over the last 10 years are average people, just trying to cover their bills. Property management is a tough gig for an individual.
The australian banking sector, or more specifically the industry association, has basically instructed the big four banks to place a moratorium on repayments on small business loans and two out of the big 4 have put a stop on mortgages, with the other lenders following suit. the Reserve has also reduced cash rate to a point where its easier for the banks to supply money at very low rates to both goverment and small businiess to keep their heads above water.
probably helps that our government debt to gdp is only around 30%, not 107% like in burger land
>t. redneck living in the middle in rural nowhere
majority of humanity lives in cities
>Why should the landlord lose savings to cover for you?
To keep their lives?
and to the rest of you commies
no refunds bernouts :^)
These are exigent circumstances, and a loan or credit card is still better than drawing straight from your savings.
I'm not pressing anyone for rent payments during this. Trying to evict someone during this would cost me more money in the long run anyone. No one is going to throw their tenants out on the street right now. Its begging for a lawsuit, and there is the issue with disinfecting the properties I already mentioned.
I am the landloard, buddy. I'm not dipping into savings for anything. No one in my position is.
When you step out into the adult world you'll understand that people have other means of financing things.
>Implying people can even save enough to last through this.
Perhaps. But there’s so many layers of government and most people pay at the end of the year anyway. Doubtful we’d see any real relief
I love the implication that anyone smart enough to open a book about finance is leagues above the average American in terms of decision-making skills, which is completely true.
They're entitled spoiled children. They deserve scraps and then who survives, survives. Fuck them.
Holy fuck is that ray william johnson, when did that rat crawl out of the sewer?
everyone else's income.has stopped, and he just expects his to continue as if he isn't going to be financially impacted if the economy tanks. what a foolish expectation.
Single property ownership is so risky. I had tenants who caused $40k in damage to the property and didn't pay rent in over a year while I went through the eviction process. I had their paychecks docked, but never saw a dime.
>people have other means of financing things
>I am a landlord
Get a real job, literal faggot
Kek, I can guarantee you I’m probably the dumbest hick on here.
>They deserve scraps
That's mighty charitable of you
Wow, no savings? So irresponsible. I guess you'll just get foreclosed on then huh? Nobody forced you to take on debt to try to jew people.
>oy vey think of the poor kikes goyim!111
The exact same thing can be said to the tenants. See where the hypocrisy lies?
97% of Americans under the age of 40 live from ass to mouth so they can't pay their rent if they can't go to work.
Some landlords might be able to do it, some might not. It depends on the landlord. I could give a reprieve for a month or two in an emergency, and I would, although I don't need to now because my tenants are working.
wanna bet? im basically florda man with no shoes
>What has the corona virus got to do with not paying what you consume
First off, renting is not really 'consumption' You don't consume housing. Second, a lot of service industry workers just lost all of their income. Many Americans work paycheck to paycheck, and that's ok. Just this virus thing (something that a worker can't control) put a lot of people out of work. Evicting someone over something they can't really control is retarded.
HOA's are vicious
Is this guy still a thing? This is some 2009 shit
Yeah sure commie. It costs something to live. Enjoy the cardboard box on the sidewalk.
Pay your rent, goy!
Because they live paycheck to paycheck and probable spent all their money on panic buying excessive amounts of stuff they can't return. That and/or they want to abuse the situation to skip this month's rent so they have more money to blow in the future.
>Many Americans work paycheck to paycheck, and that's ok.
Is it?
I've never understood how you can fail to pay rent. It's the first bill you pay the same day your wagiebucks show up in your bank account. Or do people live in homes they can't actually afford? What's the deal.
The goverment itself ordered a lockdown. People are no longer liable for bills because they are no longer independent. Its not possible to go out and get a job if everything is closed.