Does he not understand that he is playing with fire, when millions of American lose their parents???
Where Were You When Trump Killed Millions of Americans and Destroyed the Economy at The Same Time?
You act like we could stop it.
>South Korea
Are all either in decline or have stopped it
>Democrats were impeaching Trump as the virus spread in china
>They called him racist when he shut down travel from that country
>They accused him of not having done enough when community spread inevitably began
>They blocked his relief package, leaving every paycheck-to-paycheck pleb broke and about to become homeless
>Made their own bullshit relief bill, stuffed with their "green new deal" wishlist
>They claim that the drug that looks the most promising is actually poison that will kill you; promote stories about people drinking aquarium cleaner
>Democrats do all this while people aren't working and have nothing to do but watch the news
Its like every week, you find new ways to fuck yourselves, and all because you can't focus on the crisis and can only think about the election.
And all for what? To give Joepedo a better shot for november?
For fuck's sake.
All tiny, ethnically-homogeneous countries with overly generous healthcare systems subsidized by American might.
>Amerimutts would rather have their mother and father die, than to have the dow jones drop 30%.
All had confirmed cases prior to the US, which means they are ahead in the curve timeline
>killed millions
fucking 600 deaths, shut the fuck up retard.
why are left wing shill insects so determined to suppress the cure?
>Not realizing that without the economy, you don't eat.
This is why helicopter rides are not just what communists deserve, its NECESSARY FOR SURVIVAL.
Less than 20k deaths worldwide since November
Is it even possible for me to be inside your imagination? I mean you can imagine me there but I can't be there myself I don't think. Plus it's a really gay place anyway.
>He doesn't know that 20 million people died in China alone
I can't imagine life as the kind of moron who just believes what they're told.
Lol who the fuck cares? Boomers want to sit around get fat and waste their children's inheritance for 20 years on dumb bullshit they are incapable of enjoying.
Oh no who is going to make tendies when mummy dies of winnie the flu?
>party of babykillers lectures others about the value of life
Trump is doing the right thing, he's playing the game for the long term. The pandemic will get worse before it gets better no matter what anyone does, the point is to keep the economy afloat so that there will be an economy for people to return to.
China is doing it proper, they lie about the number of infections and deaths so people wouldn't panic, they make sure everyone keeps working.
>Does he not understand that he is playing with fire, when millions of American lose their parents???
Based Trump draining the swamp and destroying the establishment like I hoped for.
It is going to be funny in a few weeks when the majority of countries have contained the virus and everyone shutdown travel to and from the United States.
When there are 50-100 Million American who need ventilators, that are dying from this virus lets see if GDP matters then
Goodbye poorfags, remember that report about the rich going on their yachts a while back.
If you are not underage one of your parents is at risk for this virus, scratch that you will probably die considering odds are you are obese.
You can't just grind everything to a halt and not have dire consequences. The government isn't some magic fairy that waves a wand and gives us anything we need with magic. Take precautions, be smart, but not everyone can just sit at home.
Fuck that pic is so fucking badass - maybe the coolest Pepe I have seen in recent times. Fuck that original art - Pepe doing gods work!
I was a home eating toilet paper when Trump ring
"Boomer is kill"
In your bedroom waiting to cut your throat while you're asleep.
Remember when draining the swamp meant giving senators term limits in the beginning???
MAGAfags have daddy issues which is why they are so attracted to his personality, the same way libs are for Obama.
Fuck trump for killing thousands of chinese virus patients worldwide
>lets see if GDP matters then
Why is it so hard to comprehend that more than one thing can be important at once?
For fuck's sake, even if we're talking about "Things that could kill millions of people", the virus AND economic collapse BOTH HAVE THAT RESULT.
Yet communists, unlike humans, just think that all that food magically appears in the grocery, literally like how a dog views his food-bag.
It's going to be funny in a few weeks when you act like you weren't a fucking shizo paranoid fearmonger.
Only a communist would put their parents to death over the GDP. "Millions" will not die from a recession from a that will last one quarter.
lets see how this works out in few weeks retards.
>placing all the blame on one man for an act of nature that originated in China
Yeah ok..
>"Millions" will not die from a recession
"Recession" is not what you get when you completely shut down the economy for months on end.
And spare us your sanctimony, subhuman.
>lets see how this works out in few weeks retards.
Easily predictable.
We will have been vindicated again (like we were about impeachment and the severity of the virus itself most recently), And you will have moved on to a new "Thing you're wrong about".
This pattern has continued since ~2015. You just can't cope with failure, so you memory-hole your own stupidity.
>Time for war against the WHO and CCP
Never forget who did this to us. Never forget who must perish; the CCP and WHO were in this together.
You seems to think that I am a liberal, why do Trumptards think that anyone who disagrees with him is a liberal?
where is your dad?
In Trump we trust!
>Thinks economic collapse is "no big deal"
You're not a liberal, you're a communist.
Nobody believes you when you try to "blend in" because you argue the stupidest shit imaginable.
>An act of nature
This is advanced shillposting. The meme war just got real
>Have a simpleton as president.
>Question his actions
Pick 1.
Also sorry, shit that 1 idiot is in charge of the nayshun.
Worldwide revolution when?
"economic collapse"
did China have a economic collapse?
did the UK have a economic collapse?
did South Korea?
did Japan?
did Germany?
did Singapore?
Your a fucking retard and Trump could literally kill you parents in could blood and you would still support him.
Imagine defending another man this much, cult of personality.
>Only a communist would put their parents to death
Unlike your parents who'll just die from embarrassment for have such a flaming faggot for a child. Imagine how disappointed they are with you. As if they both can't smell the dirty vock on your breathe every time your near them. Thats right cup your hand and smell, yup dirty cock breathe. Get some chewing gum or mouth wash and gargle something other than strangers balls at your local gloryhole. Go home and beg their forgiveness too. Stop shaming your family.
I’m going to lose my parents if the economy collapses anyway, dipshit.
Return to discord and tell them we know.
This post sounds like projection...
Trump did those things? Last I checked, the virus came from China you yellow kike rice nigger. You should get some sleep for your 18 hour shift at the Nike factory tomorrow.
>Acting like this is over in any country
>Believing statements from the Chinese government
And just like that, we found two more ways that you are completely wrong.
Shamefur dispray.
You seem really interested in gay stuff. You should go here.
>this is the IQ of a Trumpfag
Take you meds schizo.
You'll get over your mom dying.
You won't get over losing your job, losing your house and depending on a broke government for your next meal.
You’re a fucking retard, if you think weeks will get rid of this shit. Millions of fucking jobs are loss and you expect people to just act retarded and go back to work. Expect some strikes to happen. You can’t kike out all the time it doesn’t work.
nigger the US is not nearly as densely packed as europe or asia. Nobody uses public transport and outside of a few libshit hotspots the virus will barely even spread here.
Why do you retards make it seem like that?
why haven't they lost their house or car or are relying on the gov for their next meal???
your literally brainwashed
and i'm willing to bet anyone besides a soulless jew would pick the former.
whoa millions!!!
Spain isn't densely packed either.
You think that it'll just be a recession? This just isn't some banks being stupid. This is every industry collapsing. Around the world!
Not to mention what about old people that survive or don't get it? Who's paying for their Medicare or retirement? Yes, people will die from this beyond the stupid ass virus.
Keep being emo about a small group of people who will die from this. You fucking idiot.
Sitting in bed not that scared cause I don’t care if I live or die
btw no one pays for medicare or retirement it's literally paid for by debt, the United States runs a deficit.
>You are low IQ if you don't believe the China government
That might be true if I was Chinese like you.
Cuz y'know, they they could shoot me.
What did I mention about the Chinese Government???
>people want to go back to wage slaving
If that's not what you mean, then you should say so rather than mindlessly shitposting, you chink faggot.
I don't have time to explain English to a non-native speaker.
>When there are 50-100 Million American who need ventilators
You're a fucking idiot. kys nigger