Greta says she's recovered from the Coronavirus

Yas Forums btfo

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>Greta Thunberg -- the 17-year-old climate activist -- says she spent the last 10 days in isolation after coming down with what she believes is COVID-19.
>"I have therefore not been tested for COVID-19, but it’s extremely likely that I’ve had it, given the combined symptoms and circumstances.
>The good news ... Greta says she's "basically recovered" but she's sending a strong message to young people -- warning them to TAKE EXTREME PRECAUTIONS so they don't infect someone else who might not handle it as well.
>"THIS IS THE BOTTOM LINE: I almost didn’t feel ill. My last cold was much worse than this! Had it not been for someone else having the virus simultaneously I might not even have suspected anything."

still hideous as ever

Built for BBC and hate fucking, I'd pay to see that... one she's legal of course

Why is it only celebrities contracting this deadly illness?

at least she's not a worthless cuck mutt

weird part is that greta says she's never been tested for it.
she just believes she had it.

She's probably making it up to get back in the news because everyone forgot about her

Fuck this little cunt

shes not a fucking celeb you retard

She's desperate for attention like usual too bad she didn't really have it

i had the kung flu but i actually didnt take the test so trust me goyim i had it this bitch is lying so she can get more attention

She is delusional, a liar and female, this is no different from all the other attention seeking behaviour she is famous for.

Because celeb shake a billion hands a day. And they also shake hands with other celebs.

In b4 MSM and democrats


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She is a baby

Because you're the goodest goy and so don't actually know a large number of people, you just like reading about celebs in place of human interaction,

Now she's attention whoring hard like a true Swede.

pol must be seething right now

OP is a faggot please kys OP

>this thread again

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Corona confirmed nothingburger

The fuck is basically recovered

no fucking way.

built for my BAC

Autism confirmed.

“celeb”: a person owned and used as a puppet for political persuasion of the masses.

Deeper breaths Greta
You're still in denial

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So she faked it like every other "celebrity."

It gets better, then worse

She’s so cute. I want to teach her how to raise and kill rabbits for meat and tell her about the Jews.

This attention whore just has to self-insert in everything

Reminder that this poster is asian

Reminder that Asian incels from reddit spam cuck interracial porn and make cuck posts like this to "troll" white men

Reminder that these Asian incels blame white society for their lack of sex

Why does she still look so Ill thou?

How old is this bitch really? I don't think she's an actual child.


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come on, she sees carbon dioxide with her bare eyes
recognizing a disease is ez pz in comparison

Prove it bitch

Will be real awkward when she gets it again

Is she legal or not

>she just believes she had it.
It was real in her mind!
Besides, this way she can get reinfected again, and again, and again. And it'll be way worse each time, for maximum attention.
And if her handlers can't find any more use for her, then eventually, it's an easy way to get rid of her.


her handlers cooked this up to put her back in the spotlight. they want her to stay relevant so they can shill all the climate benefits of quarantine

K so she's lying

>not been tested for COVID-19,
>but it’s extremely likely that I’ve had it,
Wow, no way is this fake.

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It's always worse the second time user.
She'll need twice as many hopes and prayers on fb next time in order to recover.

Come on anons. She is being used to get da yoofs to take it more seriously because they won’t listen to the ‘ok boomers’
In the university I work for the crisis has really shown up how entitled they have become. Apparently nothing applies to them personally. Brightest and best my arse. Fucking monkies in training to perform set tasks is all

Depending on which country you take her to

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Greta " I will not burn the coal" Thunberg

stupid pic, it is her agenda not to feed the mutts outside

I would do unspeakable things to her tight lil body

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How big was the Carbon Footprint, for her recovery?

Victim mentality in every way possible.

>has corona
>says she's recovered a few hours later
Sure thing

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has she had an actual test, has she provided any evidence, or is she just attention seeking again ?

None, several ultra woke Swedes have been twatting about how fantastic this is for the environment. They even brought up 9/11 as a ''good thing, because it made people fly less''.

Good, I'll still get to make her into my onahole post-collapse

Last night I included Greta in my masturbatory fetish fantasies and I came like you wouldn't believe


Only celebrities get corona

I think we all know the answer to this user

Wow what a coincidence that all of George Soros' friend keep catching the virus!

So fucking embarrassingly fake.

How many times has she been raped already you think?
Post the webm where she has traumatic scare in the train.

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