White mother blasts Yas Forums racists after her daughter is attacked by 5 blacks

>Stephanie Nicole Fenner had half her face cut off in a vicious attack by five black women.

>The Mother, Billie Joe Howe-Fuller, of the attacked victim, now known to be Stephanie Nicole Fenner, is speaking out on social media platforms appearing quite upset that a racial prism is being used to outline this story:

"this girl is my daughter and whomever started this racist shit are morons. We r not a racist family so don’t believe everything u read. At least the journal and cny although vague have all the facts correctly inatead of guessing at shit like these crazy people on tjose blogs."

>Apparently Mrs Howe-Fuller is upset because in one of the comment sections of a local media report was a link where the story was discussed on a white-pride site StormFront and an ethno-nationalist board on Yas Forums's Yas Forums. Mrs Howe-Fuller and her daughter Stephanie have a culturally and racially diverse social network of friends and family.

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Typical coalburner face

and from the sound of the article its some dumb UK trailer trash chav

And nothing of value was maimed.

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So basically a bunch of nigger women were mad because this whore was hogging their pimp, she was attacked and the blame is on Yas Forums?
Alrighty then.

israeli-jew-kike meme flag post

>someone should ask "stephanie" what she REALLY thinks about what happened.

instead the (((media))) interviews (((mom))) for a comment about how bad ol' whitey is, after a pack of niggers sawed her daughters face half-off.

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Well as long as she's not racist. It would be horrible if she was racist. Kek


Its getting to the point I don't even question where the roastie was from anymore. So many UK thots coal burning and nigger loving I stopped checking the country of origin. And they still think it's "cool" to coal burn in 2020.

The real tragedy is that the niggers didn't kill her - or at the very least, cut out her womb. This worthless trash can still breed.

>Single mom

Serves her right for slumming with negro girls.

No link = Slide Thread

These are the type of whites that would rather get killed by a pack of niggers than accept protection from white men.

Damn. They almost sliced her face off.

She won't fuck you memeflaggot.

she's just another statistic and well talk about whatever we want

>We're not a racist family
Maybe if you hadn't stolen your daughter's survival instincts, she wouldn't have had her face cut off.
Tessa Majors wasn't racist either....

>ethno-nationalist board on Yas Forums's Yas Forums
Fuckin newfags. This is a mongolian basket-weaving forum.

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Someday they'll see. They'll all see.

Wanna know how I got these scars?

it's always racists fault apparently, even when it's blacks doing the attacking.

how do i get to the secret ethnonationalist board on Yas Forums’s Yas Forums?

DOTR is for traitors
keep virtue signaling for the niggers that cut your daughters face of you dumb cunt.

Do not divulge the ancient magic

>Mrs Howe-Fuller and her daughter Stephanie have a culturally and racially diverse social network of friends and family
Yeah we can tell by her face

Who cares if women want to be killed by niggers don't protect them just let them die. We worry about our tribe.

T. Super jew

>anonymous people offend me
cunt nigger lover

What an absolutely metal scar wasted on some bluepilled roastie

The mutts law put aside, only the mentally ill, fat or poor cunts coal burn here

How much did they peel off before the doctors put her back together? Could you fuck her cheek? I wonder what that would feel like.

newfags can't triforce

the mother is a mental fucking psycho screaming about Yas Forums while niggers literally cut her daughter's face open
these are the type of women who ruin society

Toll paid.

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Ethno-nationalist lmao Yiddish at its finest

Lmao. How can the brain be the most complex object in the Universe and it to be this stupid?

says the nation that invented coal burning


Should have killed her

Yeah, long live the USA. Everything is Trump and white people's fault. Niggers cut up your daughter? Whitey did it. Personal responsibility? What's that?

And girls with daddy issues.

That’s why it’s important white men don’t break their marriage and fatherly obligations. Otherwise, it leaves the wife and children vulnerable to Jewish obfuscation

>only the mentally ill, fat or poor cunts coal burn here
That describes like 90% of British women.

Toll partially paid. Someone tell her to go back and pay the balance.

Redpilled for life..
Do you know how i got these scars?

that's not a French flag, boy-o.

۞ ۞

thought so too, didn't even need to read the thread.

>ethno-nationalist board on Yas Forums
Kikes reading this having several fits


white liberals get what they deserve

Her daughter's face was almost removed by nogs and her main worry is that people think she might be linked to racists. Fucking hell

scanners say yes

She's gonna die soon lol

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Let’s face it they were probably fight for Tyrone’s BBC

I can't triforce anymore because I don't use a keyboard with a numberpad. I'm a newfag again.

I love this big forest-pupper so much

Yes it does

Meanwhile her daughter’s thinking FUCK NIGGERS every time she looks in a mirror

>Yas Forums still trying to protect women

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>Stephanie have a culturally and racially diverse social network of friends and family
We can see that

>Mrs Howe-Fuller and her daughter Stephanie have a culturally and racially diverse social network of friends and family.
redundant. we can already see that.
>Toll paid.
partially. she'll make more payments in the future.

Sweetheart, if it was up to us those niggers wouldn't even be here. Adjust your firing solution.

This pathetic story is from Itacha NY, the most pozzed left wing antifa riddled shithole in Upstate NY thanks to Cornell
Anywhere else in Upstate NY people would be out for blood

She looks very relaxed.

You do be speakin facts doe

>an ethno-nationalist board on Yas Forums's Yas Forums
Wow wow wow where do they get off with this slander? Yas Forums is a board of peace, a few individuals don't speak for the majority of us. We're the real victims here.