10 million Americans will are laid off with 10 million more today, are you next?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I own a liquor store, so no. My business was deemed "essential" by the state for my unique ability to boost morale.

Seething tranny kike shill cope yikes cringe

cant get laid off if you werent employed in the first place ;)

about those TrumpBucks.... hurry TF up and get me my check!

nope, I do things that are needed no matter what, people will continue to die, i'll have a job.

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Programming chad here still making 400k a year now wfh

I work in IT so if anything my demand has gone up with the major increase of people working from home. Sucks for the minimum wage slaves out there though.

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Worse. I'm not unemployed, I just can't work.

>t. Publix bagger

your unique ability to boost liquor tax revenue*

>No source.
>Made up numbers.

They're all in here OP. No need to start a new thread.

Working from home right now.
>tfw getting paid while browsing Yas Forums

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I wish.
I was about to be and get severance package which would be my full pay for 6 months and I was mentally ready to begin the NEET apocalypse life with my frens.
Now I'm getting a better job with the same company that I can't really say no to.

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I almost feel bad for you wagies that are laid off. I work at a dealership. We are staying open but I put in a Leave of Absence last friday for 30 days until this blows over. I have 4 weeks of PTO I can use which comes out to about 3500 dollars for me. I have plenty of supplies and money. AND I was about to quit this job anyway, I have a new job that starts in April (just waiting for the class date to start). If this pandemic hadn't happened, I would have put in my two weeks, and only gotten 2 weeks of PTO paid out because I would have quite before my accrued PTO hit for my 2nd year in the job.

So I will be getting PTO time while starting my new (higher paying) job, making double money, while millions struggle to pay for basic necessities. I'm not one to gloat but holy fuck did I time this really good for myself.

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What state user? Getting mixed messages if we will stay open or not in MN

Work in the legal field, it never sleeps. The courts might be closed at the moment, but the cases aren't going away. In fact, stats have shown that legal work increases during bad times because people become more sue happy.

I'm a RN, and boy o-boy does it sucks

Lying kike

Jew York.

I was let go in January, got by accident a remote support job with shitty pay, BUT they send me their "secure" laptop, most of the time I can't log in because everything is a fricken mess
BUT I still get some work done here and there and they still pay me for the whole month AND they already told me that this will go on until end of May
>basically I sit at home, do some light work and wait for better times

>the cases aren't going away
cases are closed when the person dies

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All liquor stores do is serve as a blight on communities. Try something a little more wine themed.

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What is there to lie? Seriously the doctors do all the work, for some reason roasties decided they are heroes, when all we do is just run from one patient to other making sure the ventalations work. Get treated like shit most of the times

Imagine having a non essential job. You are disposable.

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How about all the kids that have to stay at home and can't go to school now??

I'm "essential", sucks I just want a month off and some neetbux.

>live in New England
>six month winters
>work in construction
>saved money and food for winter
>winter's not over yet
>used to being stuck inside
>actually had an ice/sleet storm yesterday (2 inches) and expecting snow tomorrow

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Ha! My kid works at Texas Roadhouse. Was told that he's not fired, but don't come in until further notice and apply for temporary unemployment compensation.

Based, my uncle owns one, he gives me a free liter of the cheaper stuff that’s not salting occasionally

Also sells boxes of saltines for ten dollars a pop for the “goners” , writes off like he’s doing them a favor symphonies away a bit of their cash they’d burn on booze so they can drink more then

I drive a semi and deliver to grocery stores every day, so I'm making serious bank right now. I love how all the blue haired assholes that look at me weird whenever I go into a coffee shop are now out of a job.

Sounds like a typical day in New England.

I'm a delivery driver so I have to work as long as delivery is available. People are tipping a lot more but I would rather stay home and do nothing

Michigan just put us down yesterday
>went to work yesterday
>told the owner the governor is going to announce lockdown later today
>"she said we won't go into shelter in place/quarantine/martial law" user
>here's your work order
>only 1 of my crew members showed up
>went to the jobsite, started the foundation for a Rosetta Belvedere retaining wall
>at 11 we watched Whitmer announce we're going into quarantine
>owner called me just a bitching, how will we ever make money?!?!?!
>asked me to load the skid steer back up and bring it to the shop
>asked me to get to a stopping point and clean up

Great. First day back to work and now I'm laid off.

If a machine can replace you are you really essential? Thinking of grocery store employees right now.

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>work in advertising
>client stopped paying
>i get laid off

Well, time to file for unemployment.

Pretty based, if I could go back I'd probably do long distance trucking desu.

are those real stones or fake synthetic ones, because the answer will decide whether i have sympathy for you

I'm the manager of the Publix in my area.

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Nope, me and my wife work for a contractor for the FCC and even though our state has zero quarantines in place, we already have documents ready allowing us to break quarantine to work.

>10 million Americans will are laid off with 10 million more today
Jesus it's like that scene in the Fifth Element.
"Should we fire, perhaps, 500,000 sir?"
"Fire one million"

Working as a caretaker while I'm going to school. It's deemed essential and I'm only taking care of one person that lives alone so corona risk is minimal. The pay isn't great but my expenses are low.
Pretty comfy honestly. Can't wait for trumpbux.

Working as a logistics manager, half my employees and the boss dipped so it’s just us here securing loads and dealing with the rats of tql and warehouses

That is obviously synthetic stone. Often that sort of brickwork will "bleed" whatever coloring they impregnate it with.

Apprentice sparky. Waiting for a job call. Kinda sucks but hey.

Veteran with PTSDbux here to buy your sister for a can of tuna.

yup about to make meatballs and browse Yas Forums some more

New york and NJ has the most cucked alcohol laws of any state I've been too. PA is a close second.

T. Manager for a beer distro


Right on, which state are you in? I spent a lot of time in MA for a while.

my nigga


we are used to "isolating" lol
this is like the snowstorm without the shoveling

Same. And apparently Indians don’t have computers at home, China isn’t building them, so they literally can’t even try to replace us now.

Stop raising the prices of the 20 piece wings, thet used to be like $7.99 and now they're like $12. And stop lowering their quality too.

Why would they shut down construction? You barely get near anyone most of the time.

This virus is a pretext ,you faggots. (((They))) want us to make a transition to 5G and this is a prelude to what's about to happen in a decade tops,ie. most of us staying at home forever. The only ones who keep earning money out of this are the literal brainlets in it. How do you stop it? Stop consooming,you faggots

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Based. Hoard chicken tender pub subs

It's not my fault, all Publix stores are doing it.

Comfy. Probably going out for a walk again soon. Unsure about if my utilities will be on till after this pandemic. Also have a Tax refund coming. Boomer dad thinks I can put it all in a Roth IRA. Im going to need some of that to survive.

Glad I'm not at 7-11 shit would be bonkers.

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I was laid off about a week ago. Luckily I have an oh shit stash so I’ll be fine for quite a while. Been seeing a new trad qt, about to fuck off innawoods for the weekend. Life is good.

I get a 20% discount for all food products. Feels good man.

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Can agree PA is pretty fucked for alcohol. I'm thinking breweries will still do take out like restaurants until full lockdown is in effect.

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I'm guess you meant siphons

I just got laid off. Feels pretty good I hated my job.

Wagie wagie get in cagie. /ptg/ need more support! You're a patriot, right goy?

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Laid off for a month today. Factory shut down.

Engineer with six figures. Not too concerned, with all the savings in the bank, but there are A LOT of people living paycheck to paycheck. Shits going to hit them hard.

>Wagie wagie get in cagie
with all due respect there is no greater freeloader and welfare recipient than the federal reserve

I'm cozy here at my mom's house living off of her social security. The rest of the world can get fucked.

Tomorrow is my last day. 16 years down the drain.

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10 million shitty jobs

what's the unwojacked version of this image

Instead they are attempting to create a centralized digital currency. Pic related.
>1. Event 201-
>2. The virus is a real event, but the disproportionate panic surrounding it is intentional, it is being used to provide an excuse for sweeping economic changes and pushing the following agenda.
>3. Federal Reserve provides unlimited funds to now failing industries
- Govt + Industry: National Socialism or some variant, new form of government in america.
- Presidential Seal and E Pluribus Unum flag no longer present in press briefings
>4. Federal Reserve providing funds to other country's central banks, preparation for single currency.
- Useful resource for 3 & 4: [Open]
>5. Digital ID
- See number 6 below

>on 3/19/20 numbers 6-9 were predictions based off of 1-5. As of 3/23/20, one of four predictions has proven accurate.

>6. Digital Currency 7. Normalization of digital currency and ID
- cash and credit card will be phased out for contactless payment in the name of public safety
- increasingly limited options other than digital dollar makes it all but necessary for survival for those not already self sufficient
- stigmatization of people who resist these measures as dangerous, violent, unpatriotic, etc. character assassination in the media.
> 8. Global universal digital currency and ID
> 9. Global Consolidation of Authority

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Nigga I ain't got no job

Better than a strip club or whore house

No. I still have my job, still get paid and got a raise too. All cash.

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