what's wrong with americas leader?
What's wrong with americas leader?
He couldn't do it
You wouldn't understand his struggle since he's being attacked by the media 24/7. He's a lone soldier fighting an army of tyrants
>he's being attacked by the media 24/7
And rightfully so
Boo hoo, I thought he was a strong man who won despite the entire deep state and liberal media establishment against him? Surely he can take some mean words slinging against him.
that's a lie too
Facts don't matter
>orange man bad
please nuke this country
lmao @ this culture of personality bullshit
>tfw next election is between an orange reality show host and an orange creepy fellow with dementia who is just banking on being the obama guy
What a meme country
it didnt happen
He was warning people about the pandemic even before it was called a pandemic. The coronavirus will not be a big problem for the US thanks to President Trump and the history books will praise him for it.
He literally spent the fist few mouths downplaying it and saying how it wasn't going to effect us.
it's called social control, he doesn't want people to panic and continue with their daily lives. The media meanwhile stirs up the nation as if the world is going to end which has resulted in the stock market hitting great depression levels and chaos. Trump did nothing wrong here, the media is the enemy.
>The coronavirus will not be a big problem for the US thanks to President Trump and the history books will praise him for it.
No boot stays unlicked under this guise command. On a related note, morons like this is why clown orangatown remains in power: no
matter how reckless, disastrous and transparently fucked he is time and time again there's 1/3 of country ready to clean up and cover up for Dear poor Leader who is just a victim...of his own never-ending incompetence.
That's how Trump wins all the time. Never let the other side know what you're going to do. It doesnt matter if it's a human or a chinavirus, keep em guessing. Pretty genius if you think about it
You realize many of his voters don't like him? They just vote for him because the Democrats have flipped the fuck out, a Democrat president would give illegals more rights than you.
I think trump was kind of stupid in the beginning but not the worst option but at some point he just started to go insane
lmao americans are still going to vote for him this year. Amazing.
He's a PR wizard.
By pushing the idea that the media have it out for him and constantly reinforcing it he's built a win win situation for himself.
If he delivers his promises then he's a 4D chess master and true american hero. If he doesn't then it was all the stinky corrupt system's fault.
He will never deliver on the wall for example and his followers will still love him for it
>he's being attacked by the media 24/7
Literally the only good thing the media does
Are these proxies? No one in their right mind can look at the total shitfest that it's happening in the u.s. and actually come post this delusional, lowest of the low, apologist bullshit.
>Pivoting to m-muh meeme-
grants when talking about a clear pandemic disaster situation in the u.s.
I would at least like to believe you are getting paid to pooper scoop for this guy, but reality is sadder than that.
I get it we should not even have elections.
Having hollywood and the media choose the president would be good enough for you euro sacks of shit right?
Lol at these weasel dumbfuck muricans
All of these euro pukes running their mouths about things that do not even concern them.
Violence is what is called for here to be honest.
Not sure why you care Cleetus. I'm Swedish and I see more people care about le Drumpf bad, meanwhile our own nation goes to shit, it's just a European thing I guess to hate on Americans.
Kalle please
what the fuck
Shut the fuck up Hans.
>it's just a European thing I guess to hate on Americans.
After all we have done for you.
It is pure bullshit.
Well you are dumb as fuck anyway
Yeah yeah yeah we get it dude.
They put him in power in the first place. Media coverage choices have been more important than anything else in determining who gets party nominations since they got rid of the smoke-filled rooms and Trump got saturation coverage from the start
lmao there's probably some magapede shit who unironically thinks that
Actually he immediately tried to close the border
>total shitfest that it's happening in the u.s.
Except it's not bad at all and our economy is extremely equipped to deal with this issue? I doubt our supply lines are at any threat right now and with the Defense Act activated we have more than enough industry to deal with the issue. Furthermore the quarantine is going to slow down the overall burdern on hospitals.
>Hurr Durr Trump can never do anything good plz impeach
Memes need to end. It's been 4 years and it's probably going to be 4 more at this rate. Fucks sake, he isn't a disaster he's like the most average president we've had in awhile.
So he has not been attacked 24/7?
He is not a lone soldier fighting against an establishment that did not want him?
Had he sad everyone should be freaking out you would be attacking him for that instead...
I don't even know why we bother having elections.
>You wouldn't understand his struggle since he's being attacked by the media 24/7. He's a lone soldier fighting an army of tyrants
Who should be vote for?
Hey at least we aren't trying to get "herd immunity" by infecting crowds of people. Also that's Mississippi, they're a special kind of stupid
He's a jewish puppet, like all politicians.
Your precious and superior Denmark is going with that method, are they also muh stupid.
>Your precious and superior Denmark is going with that method, are they also muh stupid.
how about this fact retard?
None of you euros know the role of the executive branch yet you run your mouths, why?
You are the easily manipulated?
got this from a Yas Forums thread that got deleted last night
>he's a PR wizard
Trump could literally shit into the mouths of every Trumptard, this has nothing to do with Trump being smart, he's just catering to the dumbest retards.
Why do you think it is so important for Americans to vote for the democrat party?
Remember when everyone on 4channel was sucking this guy off? I do and I did.
Based retard.
nobody says anything about democrats? why are americans so partisan?
I just want to know what's wrong with demonrats and why they're holding up my corona bucks
>this is your brain in two party politics
You are..
YOu are saying we are all stupid for voting for Trump which directly means we should have voted for hillary.
Answer the question or don't fucking respond.
Where did I say anything about democrats or voting? Are you already triggered?
Reality is reality.
So why do you people think we should vote for the democratic party?
badabim badabum shotty bombatty
do they really
Lol they should do more of these
lmao who let you out of Yas Forums you little schizo faggot
Pic related, it's you.
LOL How many corn cobs have you shoved up your ass, Dylan?
so you would rather vote for a retarded republican?
does Trump want to give everyone money or just bailout businesses?
So smug arrogant and superior, run their mouths about our situation but don't know about our party system?
You all need to be hit in the fucking face..
here is your reality
>some dude and his wife decide to play DIY doctor with a powerful prescription drug and die
I'm not even a Trumpoid but no shit? That literally says nothing about the medication.
You could be a retard and take 16 acetaminophen/paracetamol then die a long painful death, doesn't mean that the drug is to blame.
Would republicans vote for a democrat that was fiscally conservative (no gibs for illegal immigrants) and tough on immigration but socially liberal? Or would most of them just hear democrat and tune him out?
Both, but Democrats aren't allowing the bill to pass because they want all this other shit like equal pay and quotas on the number of women on executive boards, and some other random shit, politics are very gay
Answer the fucking question you sack of shit.
Violent right winger is violent
Americans only think in terms of black and white. Years of being told that they are the "good guys" has caused this. The average American couldn't point to the U.S on a map, let alone spew coherent political thought.
Right we know that you guys hate Trump did not spread fear in the very beginning.
Definitely not in the way you think.
lol americans only vote for their party. democrats vote democrats, republicans vote republicans
Violence is the fucking answer.
Would any of you be playing these games if your nose was busted NO!
I'm quite the leftoid (american btw) but when I saw the dems trying to stuff the bill full of random unrelated shit, I raged.
Disgusting to hold economic relief hostage just to make a shitty attempt at forcing your policies.
because their candidate is not retarded, how about that you dumb mutt
That's a ten!
>Would republicans vote for a democrat that was fiscally conservative
There is no such thing.
You're pulling my leg here, this can't be true.
It's like when a retard follows you around. He doesn't belong to you, you have nothing to do with him but you're kind of responsible so he won't lick on some loose cables. Trumpfans take his word as gospel, those are the same people who need giant stickers on microwaves to not dry their pet in it.
Will Corona be his undoing, or are his supporters so rabid it won't matter?
In any other developed country this response would cause his removal.
no read They perceive reality in terms of labels. It's a sort of "team" mentality. Years of consumerism and trivial issues caused this.
>Coke is better than Pepsi!
>McDonalds over Burger King!
>Popeyes over Chic-fil-A!
>Republican over Democrat!
Damn dude. Could you please calm down? You are scaring everyone with your display of masculine fury.
I cannot count the amount of times growing up I was told "America is #1 best country ever" growing up.
It's led to an entire population that thinks the US can do nothing wrong.
You so superior euros know what is best, so explain why we should vote democrat.
If you were getting blasted in the fucking face you would come up with honest answers really quickly would you not?
Violence is the answer to everything.
That's sad.
Yeah you brits say that we say that so you can feel superior to us.
There has been nothing but shitting all over the USA stating how terrible it is for the past 30 god damn years.
Update your tired canned bullshit.
it was a good thread
>me no like words so me hit talky man
Go back to watching football or whatever you normally do
Sigh.. that is all just bullshit.
Being able to point out things on the stupid map is meaningless you are just a repeater.
I think that the field is a lot more level than it was a few weeks ago. Before all of this I was certain he was going to win a second term off the back of a strong economy. Once the economy is fully in recession mode there will be very few things trump can point to as wins come November, not to mention how frazzled and incompetent he has seemed over the last couple of weeks.
>In any other developed country this response would cause his removal.
how about the UK's herd immunity plan? or Netherland? western countries are not prepared for an pandemic at all
Did you try reading the words next to my flag, or are you in such a rage that all you see is red?
Are there any fiscally conservative republicans? Because all the last four republican presidents did was slash taxes for the rich and pile up dept for the war on drugs/communism/terrorism/libruuls
Nobody wants true change. Look at the politics in your own country. True change is a prisoner's dilemma you can't win.
What is sad is that you mindlessly believe that false garbage.
He is a raging conservative with a passion for debate.
Why are americans so cringy
Trumpanzees are literally a cult at this point. He's become God to them, he can do no wrong. In fact, he said it best himself; "I could stand In the middle Of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose any voters". Goes to show how stupid they are.
>violence is the answer to everything!
You say as you impotently post on an anonymous image board.
>Look at the politics in your own country
My country is run by a dictatorship though. Our "elections" are a sham.
The point is the game of refusing to supply the words to the question asked, again if you fucks were being blasted in the face you would answer them....
america needs greater corporate supervision, the wealthy clearly know how to manage the country and its institutions better than these hapless 'politicians', unironically
All republicans are bad and wrong we get it.
So tell us why we should vote for the democrats you all love so much.
You realize that if a big country did literally nothing they'd be in a better state than if they shut down for 3 months?
A bunch of elderly would die, but that would impact the country as a whole very little.
Nigga what are you even trying to convey? Did you just learn English yesterday?
Yeah but they changed their plans based on evidence and it's interpretation, they aren't just lying about everything being ok in a few weeks and giving mixed messages on a daily basis.
No I asked a fucking question and you have games.
Why is why violence is needed.
You are just proving my point, you inept baboon. You don't want to see reality for what it really is.
Kinda like the Obama hope and change cult we had
I think if someone was getting "blasted in the face" by you, they would be laughing.
There is not debate you sacks of garbage refusing to answer questions after you run your shit mouths is not a debate.
don't you have sane republican candidates?
So are Martial Law memes back? Missed those since Obama
Why is this board hating Trump so much and in denial about the fact that he has all spheres of power against him? being the president change nothing, far-right and nationalism are still commonly hated by the majority of normies who hate their own interests.
And without religion and dictators your country would become stable and safe. The truth is it's easier to have an oppressive dictatorship than a democracy so take a wild guess where we're all going to soon.
I'll bite. The single redeeming quality of democrats are that they're not demogogues. They'd rather hide behind an idea than a leader, that makes them less fearsome.
The people making those are the same ones who love Trump.
They'd never make fun of daaddy.
Presidential politics are a joke. Same leadership is only really possible at the local level. Once you rise above the state level and enter into the morass of federal politics and ideals or conscience you may have had is beaten out of you and you either fall in line with the loudest and craziest or you get spat out the other side.
That is it?
That is all you can muster?
Jesus christ man...
Obama was an imbecile as well, don't get me wrong. However, at least Obama acted like a world leader on the global stage. Tramp contradicts himself like a broken record and he still has his followers.
>Senate literally refuses to convict him when he committed a crime on TV
>"Everyone is out to get him"
Sure thing
theres a high % its bait but it doesnt even matter, there are americans on this board who believe this
>all spheres of powers against him
The very boring underdog meme. Just because Huffpost and Salon hates your guts doesn't mean he's like a lone wolf or something.
Russia loves him, Israel loves him, the GOP loves him, boomers love him, the Kochs love him, FOX loves him. Most billionaires love him.
Yes now shut up you pathetic redditor.
Well no apparently not, republicans bad.
Of course the only sane people that want the government to manage everything are part of the precious and superior democrats.
All I'm saying is a lot of Obama supporters were just as retarded, acting like he was some chirst like savior
Ok Tyrone
>All I'm saying is a lot of Obama supporters were just as retarded, acting like he was some chirst like savior
His followers were retarded though since they were a bunch of beaners and niggers in the sub 80 IQ range. Wasn't there a research that said that the average republican is now smarter than the average Democrat? But it wouldn't say why because it would be racist, lmao.
Trump is a stupid mans candidate. The stupid man sees himself in Trump, and Trump tells him that the reason the stupid man is not successful is because of immigrants, or the media, or whoever he feels has hurt his vanity at the moment. Trumps simple minded rhetoric and empty promises of a “renewal” bring the lowly stupid man comfort, and he never uses big words that the stupid man doesn’t know. Essentially Trump is beloved by the underclass of white trash who are more interested in “owning the libs” who they perceive to be elitist (see usage of big words) than they are with any actual policy issue.
The reason the Republican party has gotten so crazy is because the Democrats gave them so much ground and have moved so far to the center-right over the last 40 years. And the further the dems go the further it pushes the repubs go into insanity. There's a whole theory that Trump is the logical conclusion of the Democrats shifting so far to the right.
Says the people mindlessly repeating straight up reddit talking points.
He was played up by the media big time because he was a progressive skin color, as if that is a reason to vote for someone. McCain would have been an interesting president, though Mitt was totally in it for big business.
IDK how anyone could have been a "follower" after his first few years in office, he was literally standard establishment president #6 or whatever we're up to. Expanded drone strikes, domestic intelligence gathering, etc.
Senile dementia.
How was hilliary the smart mans candidate?
Saying that a lot of people like Trump is a reddit talking point?
Just open up facebook and you'll see loads of boomers and retards still jerking off to Trump.
>the Democrats gave them so much ground and have moved so far to the center-right over the last 40 years
Hillary was the "I don't want to vote for Trump" candidate, which is why she lost.
>Says the people mindlessly repeating straight up reddit talking points.
this is what 50% of americans actually believe
Kill all Americans holy shit
based, funny, and actually good advice
Even you cannot answer, all you can do is attack which again is why you don't deserve to live.
Remember, none of this matters, because Americans will simply vote for "the man from TV" who makes them laugh
Ah yes, the classic “b-but Hillary!”. I’m not a fan of Hillary Clinton either, but especially in this current crisis it is almost a certainty the Hillary Clinton would be better prepared to handle this. Trump was fine when he was just cutting tax breaks for the rich and presiding over a good economy, but now that he’s in the shit he is well out of his element. Trump is a showman, all hot air and no substance. Clinton was a ruthless political operator, but if she had won, it’s likely that the US response to coronavirus would be a lot more like the response for swine flu (which conservatives slammed as being an overreaction at the time) than the piecemeal blubbering response of the Trump administration.
Yes. Liking immigrants and trannies doesn't make them communists. They are still largely pro business, free trade, and don't give a shit about unions, public services, or wealth inequality.
Honey it's 4pm, time for your daily dose of aquarium cleaner. President's orders!
It's not about voting for Trump you retarded fuck, it's about defending a fucking retard in every instance where he turned out to be an incompetent retard just because you voted for him four years ago.
We're not even Americans and most of us don't give a fuck, reason people react is because you insane drones try to convince us 2 plus 2 is 5 if Trump says so.
You literally built the most cringy and bizzare cult of personality out of the least deserving person in human history.
He's lived a sheltered life, and struggles to relate with concepts such as failure, or simply struggling to get by
Fuck off cuck
Hillary was a terrible candidate that did not even really campaign, additionally we don't need ruling families in this former country, the clintons are not royalty.
This is actually probably what about 35 percent of Americans believe.
Shut up turk
t. Donald Trump
What causes them to think that way?
>he turned out to be an incompetent retard
That is not even the case.
Everything you have stated you just made up.
Anyone can see it with their own eyes.
You are part of the Trump hate session so you think the attacks are simply natrual.
Just stop talking. At this point you can only hope to justify him not being the worst leader.
>That is not even the case.
>Everything you have stated you just made up.
you're probably shitposting but wasn't obama attacked exactly the same way by fox news
How does aquarium cleaner taste?
do Yas Forumstards still suck his cock?
No not really and even if that was true that is a SINGLE news outlet vs ALL OF THEM that Trump is attacked by.
How do you not see that?
>There are people who unironically support Trump, not just to shitpost and trigger the libs, but wholeheartedly believe he's a competent, intelligent, and dignified leader
*breathes in*
It's a corona taste to die for!
There's still a redditor general so go figure.
Because they are so invested in the idea that this born rich New York real estate developer is actually a hero of their underclass. They are largely uneducated whites who’s lot in life has declined massively over the past 60 years or so and they are angry about it, so when a natural showman managed to harness their anger and con them into thinking that he was in some way like them they fully invested. Now if they were to backtrack and realize that they have been had, it would invalidate their newfound sense of superiority, so they close their eyes as tight as possible against any evidence that in fact, Donald Trump is bad at being the president.
There is an election ever 4 years.
not a great candidate, but certainly not worse than the one USA went for in the end. Certainly, her first response to good advice from advisors wouldn't have been firing them.
all those attacks were legitimate
This might come to a shock to you. It might be completely beyond your comprehension. Your brain might have set up impenetrable mental blocks to prevent you from acknowledging this.
Donald Trump has done and said far more things worthy of condemnation than Obama. That might explain why he's attacked more by more people.
You may now cope.
See, you're doing it again, you're outright denying shit we all can see.
Perhaps you lost common sense or even sanity but that's not the case for most of people, even on Yas Forums. Just give up, go to your general on Yas Forums and circle-jerk with your buddies there.
Trump never did anything to me, good or bad, I have no strong feelings about the man, but it's fucking obvious he's an inept retard and a caricature of a populist. He lies 24/7, he turned politics into a reality show of sorts, and when you read his older statements it's readily apparent he's outright faking this or he actually went senile, and I don't know which is worse.
It's also incredible how his PR team managed to turn some an NY billionaire (allegedly) into some champion of common people.
Now my problem isn't Trump, my problem is you idiots coming here, shitting up this place and trying to convince us your delusions are reality. Fuck off.
A lot of them also genuinely think that liberals want to harm and even destroy the country. The strong sense of religious moralism in our culture makes a lot of them feel like they have a moral duty to stop liberals from being in power however they can.
You can’t argue with these people. They are just as devoted to Trump as the Jonestown crew was for Jim Jones. If Trump told them to drop their pants and take a shit into their hands to own the libs they would do it without question. Shit, two of them are fish tank cleaner because it kind of sounded like some of the total bullshit Trump has been impotently shilling as some sort of cure for the flu.
>They are just as devoted to Trump as the Jonestown crew was for Jim Jones.
Hell, we're already at the "Trump told us to eat poison so we did it!" phase.
just yesterday: "i regret nothing"
magas will defend this tho
Let him take over like Caesar and then I will agree if he actually does fuck up. Currently he's fighting against hordes of corrupt career politicians who are also leaders because that's how our country is designed moron
Pathetic. "ima victim!" Does he need his safe space too?