>be me in south texas
>after weeks had to go to walmart to get prescription
>nobody is wearing gloves, masks or goggles
>go inside with a full face gas mask
>people look at me funny
>i look at them funny
>nobody is (((socially distancing)))
>people in line maybe 1 ft apart from each other
>pharmacists have no shield, easily touch and interact with hundreds of people every day
>notice walmart employees stocking shelves are coughing and sniffling
>nobody is taking this seriously
>my place has tested 500 people and has 120 confirmed cases
how come nobody is taking this shit seriously? holy fuck this is the endgame, these people will infect each other. DO NOT go to the grocery stores

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Other urls found in this thread:

Take your meds

I literally went to walmart to get my meds you schizo and I realized how fucking dumb people are. Taking meds now to survive the oncoming apocalypse

Man, unless you're severely immunocompromised it's best to catch this shit now and get over it before hospitals get any worse.

Full is retarded right now, you buy that for when it's anarchy and death in the streets in your area. Don't tell me you wore your hazmat suit too

LET THEM DIE, This is cleansing out the retards and physically weak. Fallout 2020 here we come

Yeah we're fucked. What get me is that it's mostly boomers too. Honestly let them all burn I dont give a fuck anymore.

of course not, I'm saving my PPE but I obviously disinfected and showered when I came home; I made a "disinfection room" when I enter my house. My mask is fine don't worry, I have plenty of filters. I wear disposable cheap goodwill clothes and I'm going to burn them tonight (they're in a sealed bag right now)

Reinfection rates show that immunity only last a few months. It's not like chicken pox where you get it once and you're immune forever. Unironically a bioweapon.

well you're in the south, lots of dumb people down there. in my state i'd say about 60% of supermarket customers wear masks and 90% wear gloves.

Anxiety disorders are for weak leftists. The normal flu killed over 25k in Germany 2018. If Corona doesn't reach at least the same amount, it's a nothingburger. Even some doctors I know are just laughing about Pussies like you.

cuz its a Jew media fiasco

>South Texas
>120 confirmed cases
So, which are you lying about?

You'll feel like an asshole now, but you'll be vindicated. The herd is always slow to react. Give it two weeks, you'll fit right in.

where the fuck do you get your info retard?

People with Asthma, even if low are at risk, young people with no underlying conditions are getting sick, those that have or are uncompromising probably will die, others will have long lasting health issues.

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tell me again why it's a nothingburger when the most well regarded virologist in the world (he's german btw.) says this shit could get apocalyptic if we don't "shelter-in-place"

you dumb bernd


Right on, less people pulling out in front of me and driving 20mph under the limit then getting mad ans calling the cops because I used my car horn to warn their stupid asses.

Just got back from walmart myseld. Some people wearing masks. Most had gloves. All cashiers had gloves. The shelves were mostly empty.

Because its not serious unless you are a boomer. You let Yas Forums convince you this was going to be an apocalypse level disease and its just not.

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Its south Texas nigger. Everyone is more worried about the fucking sun and heat. The sun will not be kind to Corona-chan in south Texas.

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Walmart would have to pay their workers hazard pay if they started acting like it was hazardous there. Its all about the sheckels goyim, the jews and chinese say get back to work asap!

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Texas knows this is all a big nothing Whataburger.

Maybe you should grow the fuck up, weirdo. It's a goddamned cold.

German state-TV has a paid "expert" for everything you can imagine. Even most germans here don't care about german state media anymore or even do the exact opposite. Your comment is nothing than appeal to authority, a pretty weak one though.

unironically just the flu

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Based ::)

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If you haven't figured out by now that authority figures don't always have your best interest in mind, then you are hopeless.

The point is that all these boomer fucks that it will affect just don't give a fuck due to arrogance and sheer stupidity, lol

Ok vampire. It's the fucking sun, what, you people don't have A/C?

Where? It's bonkers here, nobody is taking it serious
He's not on "national paid media" du idiotischer kraut, er ist ein welt-expert

there is no cure or immunity. you will just keep getting it over and over again until your lungs are so badly damaged you drop dead from pneumonia.




It's in the mid 80s rn

Unless you're young in which case you just shrug off the disease

Yup. South Texas basically.

You want people to stop gathering in south Texas cut the A/C. You will see everyone scatter home or elsewhere.

>he thinks theres immunity
Lol let it burn through the population brush, just a flu bruhs

its not corona

There's nothing that can be done for them OP, they're like shopping zombies. When there isn't anything left to do they just shop, endlessly shopping, hoping a purchased product will fill the void in their soul. Take away their stores and watch as they recoil and lose their minds. WHY ARE YOU CLOSED WHY ARE YOU CLOSED I NEED TO SHOP

I know, and that's usually just one more red light. Let's talk again, if we hit 25k deaths this year. Until then I don't care and just short the market as our government completely destroys our economy with these ridiculous measures.

this is why civilization needs a reset. god never intended for man to live this way.

Ask a cashier with corona anything; they wont send me home because we dont have enough people to run the store and if I quit to self isolate I wont be eligible to draw unemployment.

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you know leaf, I usually have my reservations about you guys but that was a based reply

This is massively overblown crap. Wash your hands dont touch your face and cover your coughs and sneezes. Its not that fucking hard.

It's not that contagious goy! Just go to work! Don't worry about China shutting down its country of 700m+ people within days. Don't worry what they might know about the truth of this virus! It's just the flu!

Arbeit macht frei, right?

Meanwhile we are literally home-quarantined. National borders closed, everyone has to wear a face mask by law or you will be fined. Military and police guide the hospitals. Every shop apart from the groceries and drug stores is closed. We might have it spread slowly, but our economy is going to get trashed - and at what cost? So some old fuckers can smell their own sharted diapers for a few more years.

Be glad 'Muricans, a few million dead and your economy will still be alive and as strong as ever. Meanwhile Europe will have a giant economic depression.

its the same here
people bumble around the stores way too close to each other

we have barriers around our pharmacy and the staff are wearing full hazmats haha

I remember hearing the "Why are you closed?" guy on the radio. This was right around the time that the broadsword-wielding American was in Pakistan looking for Bin Laden. Weird times.


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Everyday, I think about the good Chinese Doctor:

Here we go:

Gary the Bin Laden hunter.

yikes, this is exactly what I mean.. south TX is going to be worse than New York in 2 weeks

it's literally the flu

Fucking retarded subhumans down south.

How can someone be this incapable of projecting scenarios into the future? Without action, this would kill well over 100 million worldwide.

>my place has tested 500 people and has 120 confirmed cases

only place in south texas with numbers like that is san antonio, which is all mexicans... so there's your answer op.

A lot of pharmacies are not able to get gloves or masks or even isopropyl alcohol. Also, the Texas State Board of Pharmacy hasn't officially declared any new rules/guidelines that I know of, so it's basically business as usual until something changes. All we're doing is washing our hands frequently and disinfecting surfaces that customers touch, but all the same, our hands touch every single vial, etc.

im infected so ive been licking toilet seats to infect others lol


People have a hard time grasping exponential growth. They don't understand the big jumps in cases happen at the very end and when they do it's all ogre and society collapses. This shit has an R0 of 3 - 6.7 and again these brainlets don't understand what that means. Social distancing is a meme, unless you do what Italy/China have done we'll be seeing our hospital capacity strained.

It's not just PPE that's gonna go low, it's medical staff that's gonna get sick and unable to take care of people.


>Full is retarded
The filter lasts 30 days in "non contaminated area" and pads cost $7, eat batshit Chang

It's the southwest side of town, only mexicans over there

No, San Antonio isn't even close to 120