Recoveries triple in Germany within 36hrs while deaths remain low

For 10 days now have people said “just wait, Germany’s deaths will skyrocket like in Spain, China or Italy”. They were all wrong.

German new infections are stagnating, deaths rise very modestly, while recoveries have been growing ever faster - reaching 750 from just 250 yesterday morning.

Germany has corona under control.

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The virus picked the wrong enemy.

They are lying

You will eat your words soon.

new number just in.
number of recovered starting to skyrocket.

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Rolling for Germany to win most gold medals at the Covid Paralympics of 2022.

cos we eat meat

The ACE2 meme was real.

Ask them how many people died of heart failure or pneumonia over the past week.
Take all the numbers and that's the real death toll.


>They are lying
Also true.
Since 2015 the german bubble has reached north-korean levels of misinformation.

Everybody always uses

Am Deutschen Wesen mag die Welt genesen.

This means ur around 3k dead, u realize it?

Prove it

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156 people died in Germany. Look at his pic lmao

you should be rooting for us. the earlier we beat this thing, the faster we can help you.

they arent.
it would cause the biggest shitstorm global, if they were. this isnt china, they cant censor us all.

There must be several strains?
One is a bioweapon, it runs rampart in Italy and Iran, hence the dead.

Other strains are a superflu which kills, but not as much as a bioweapon does. They have exactly the same symptoms.

Why is the world in a lockdown? Because bioweapon is impossible to distinguish from this relatively harmless strain.

EU countries are now hoping that only Italy has the bioweapon strain but time will tell.

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Pay taxes and fuck off,
Deutsche Telekom

why italy tho?
that shit makes no sense, nigger

italy has too many tourists. your "bio-weapon" would spread all over the world.

Yes and they're listing 90% of their corona deaths as not related to coronavirus, cause they werent direct pneumonia deaths

And hiding numbers, or u rly thought they had 23 critical patients out of 30k infected?

The reason why Germany is so superior in this crisis is because orderliness, diligence, efficiency and high intelligence are extremly helpful to curb the spread. I recieved a phone call already because I had been identified as a contact (15 minutes of talking) of someone who is infected. The health departments are working with extreme accuracy to prevent additional infections.

Germany has such a good cases to deaths ratio becauset the test density is extremely high. Imagine living in a country where only hospitalized cases are tested. Just look at all the jealous flags itt, they can never become only remotely effienct as we are. Their departments are filled with diversity hire niggers and unmotivated slobs, of course they will have more infections and deaths, while we have highly efficient incorruptable civil servants tracking cases and extremely well trained doctors and nurses in well equipped hospitals with plenty of beds and mechanical ventilators. We even took in some French people because we haven't even reached a fraction of our capacity yet.

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Because of accident silly. It was never meant for anyone else except Iran. Thank Jews.

Germans are the most untrustworthy people when talking about data. Look at Deutsch Bank unbelievable numbers under the rug. The WV shit. Germans has been always like this. Astonishing hypocritic level

Its not that i dont root for u.
Its that u shouldnt understimate this and be so naive

because the virus targets certain breeding populations more than others.

Germans are soulless machines. Wouldn't surprise me if they end up with less than 500 deaths.

Cope. People are informed and disciplined. You get shamed for going out by everyone. You guys were french kissing chinese. Go figure.

Sheeit... Italians coping... You are the least trustworthy people in world, worse than gypsies...

Japan has it under control, Germany hast it under control and Italian is failing on every front... Sounds kinda familiar

Thats why more efficient countries than germany r having it rougher?
Thats why the richest and most developed region of italy is having it worse than 3rd world iran?

Its this kind of autistic arrogant behaviour that can make it a disaster, dont be naive

one of the few good things about Corona is that Merkel got it

Ur entire life is cope, thats why u cant see this rationally

This is a good image

>most developed region in italy

Bro, even a first class shit hole is a shit hole.
You just have tons of old people, not enough beds for patients in critical condition, you guys are damn touchy, not washing your hands, all old men smoke and you are living with your grandparents in the same fucking apartments

If you are looking for reasons...

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Laster numbers I saw for the Flu here in Germany is 165000 infected, 23646 had to go into intensive care and 265 of those died.

Nobody cares about those 265 dead people, ~265 families that lost a family member. Nobody cares, vecause it happenes EVERY YEAR.

Future generations will look back at this toilettpaper crisis and make fun of us being that stupid (while being tricked themselves by the next big thing)

wow dude that really showed me. your entire country is dying lmao. youre the one that needs to cope. go and get drunk on wine while you can. Looking forward to own Bologna again.

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>deutsche bank
> Siemens
> deutsche post
Deutsche Qualität ja!
Also you always wanted to be us amico.

And to end this shit, half of your economy is based on tourism, so you keep importing chinks. Not even considering the huge chink community in Northern Italy.
The odds stood against you, but never the less your response is retarded

So ur giving me reasons why there are many cases, and not why the death rate is so high, what are u doing brainlet

And lombardy is richer than uk, france, sweden, finland etc etc

What are u doing brainlet

And if its directly correlated to how developed a place is, u still didnt tell me why iran is having it better despite being lightyears behind italy

U lose brainlet

Shit im not even German but you gotta except the facts... I'm rooting for Italy to get better but the butthurt is painful

We can have 1000x ur dead but we'll still be racially above u

Now enjoy the naive cope cause u have to feel better about being a loser irl

It's likely they're just testing more

>full of niggers and shitskins
choose one

>also cologne never happened
>ok it happened but the scale of it was exaggerated by the far right
>the men doing it were all white anyway
>t. merkelbot

Is your country doing the Hydroxychloroquine therapy across the board? That could explain it. But isn't Italy doing the same thing? What are the odds that Germany sided with China, immunized their population with the S strain, while the L strain ravages Europe? France should preemptively nuke Germany.

My dear friend, you have to read. The death rate is high because your population is old. The average age of the dieing patients is close to 80. Also considering the health factors.

And the part about the high infection correlates directly with the high death numbers. Because your health system is at its limits and some of the older folks are not treated anymore because there is not enough equipment

How white is Buenos aires

>Not lying
>Not like China
>t. German

It might be the case that some countries have laws about minimal temperature in their houses and some not. I was in Spain in winter and it was uncomfortably cold inside.

Idk, germany deaths might be plausible but what about the severe & critical numbers? So far they're reporting only 2 cases. I thinng they are filtering out more strictly and take in consideration only deaths caused by corona alone disregarding the ones with premorbidities. (same might apply to severe & critical)

Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein

>Doubting German autism
>Implying the virus is even detected in a majority of cases and testing is carried out except for those disproportionately affects the elderly
Germans are probably testing everyone because they are compelled to do so.

Yes age matters and germany and italy have similar age. And theres no much difference bewteen lombardy and germany healthcare.

So ur saying germany is lying, by ur logic they should have way more deaths.


let me tell you that this is pure bullshit.

The autism comes in the form of
>TECHNICALLY they didn't die of corona, they died of suffocation!

Who Italy? For sure.

Ur country is better than germany at everything, why u have more dead than italy?

>media censorship

Too bad our clinics are empty. I have 10 doctors in the family and broader social circle. One of my aunts is head of a clinic in bavaria in a city over 500.000 - 20 hospitalized, 1 critcal.

Mmm yes beta that would make sense

That's what happens when you don't live in a shithole. Mutts and Mobs BTFO'd

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We are starting to fly in italians to our empty clinics because we are lying, of course mario.

It just shows with mass testing and proper treatment that the death rate and spread can be mitigated effectively. Aggressive measures do work.

If you're other Western democracies wishful thinking and ignoring the problem seem to be the normal course of action.

>“just wait, Germany’s deaths will skyrocket like in Spain, China or Italy”.

All those idiots look at the number of "total cases", compare it with Italy and say GERMANY IS JUST ONE WEEK BEHIND ITALY
But the number of deaths suggests we are actually 3 weeks behind.
The growth is not slowing down.

The only thing that can save u is ur country is a worthless desert

We also don't kill critical patients with toxic meds like italy. And that is only one critical point. I bet you anything more of those patients died because of MERS infection after they were hospitalized.

He's right, Mario.

When this shit is done I want you to go visit some hospitals in Germany. Go to the ER, walk around the many corridors. Then compare it to your 3rd world death traps that you call hospitals.

Then come back here and tell the people that the Swede was right again.

> you don't live in a shithole.
You have never been in a German city
C´mon even your goverment admited they are counting those comorbidities as death by that comorbidity

They have a cure, they just want it to kill the old people to prevent the boomer retirement crisis,

okay don spaghettio

So ur saying that having 1% of the critical cases of spain despite similar numbers of infected, is not lying

Like that time they said no abuse ever happened at new year?

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>Half my population is made up of illegals with no papers
>Disease comes through and fucking decimates them
>No proof they were even here in the first place so we can just lie about the numbers, look good to the rest of the world, and import more when this is over
Something similar will happen in the US too

Are dutch hospitals better than italians ones

Germans are technically not lying... But they are counting deaths differentely. They are not counting deaths caused by complications in people with the virus, they are only counting direct deaths. They are also not testing dead people.

Yea sure buddy