This guy is a LIAR and a fucking retard. I hope his approval rating tanks after all this shit.
This guy is a LIAR and a fucking retard. I hope his approval rating tanks after all this shit.
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Sorry, AECOM big pharma shill. They’re still going forward with chloroquine.
Your novel drugs will languish by the wayside.
it cured him though.
The drug is cheap as fuck they will go out of business
I think you mean corona virus cured man murdered by the cabal.
They took a reaspoon full of powder each! Molecular weight is 515.9. You do the math user.
Obvious b8 but Show me where Trump advocate self-medicating?
Sage too
Did they even have coronavirus?
big pharma are a bunch of faggots fuck your drug money nigga we poppin chloroquine over here hoe
He shouldn't have mentioned the drug in the first place literally got people killed
His numbers are great actually and everyone I know is voting for him. Maybe if you seethe extra hard you irrelevant Paki faggot it will change things.
Only in USA folks.
Trump says chloroquine might be the solution that's being tested by PROFESSIONALS. Dickbag shoves it up his ass and dies. Trump's fault.
Fuck off.
even slight overdose of hydroxychloroquine can result in retinopathy =permanent blindness)
>chugged it like a faggot
natural selection in action
Andrew Cuomo is advocating trials of chloroquine, but you don't see the media REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing about it. I wonder why?
...self medicating with fishtank cleaner... nothing of value was lost.
>Retard doesn’t read the warning label
>Takes it anyways
>must be all orange man’s fault.
Biden logic
and if he didn't mention any possible treatments you would be bitching about that too. tds bitch
Trump has no idea what he's doing. Next he's tell everyone that it's business as usual and too bad if you die. Not government's responsibility.
>literally got people killed
agreed. its like when obama criticized the police and then people strted assassinating them. mentioning it at all got people killed.
>obvious anti-trump talking point that isn’t effective here
Go elsewhere kike.
>hurr durr just crunch these made-up jew numbers!!!1!!1
Seething kike tranny shill
At least he's only killings his followers. For now.
OP is a faggotkike. (((Trump))) is fucking right about chloroquine. I went to pharmacies across the city, and chloroquine and hydrochlorine were mysteriously bought by several men. there is no more. Fuck jews, fuck chinks, fuck costa ricans
and fuck dutchmen.
wow you fucking idiots dont get it, trump literally said that choloroquine cures the disease
that is reckless, no matter who you are. but then again, what do you expect from someone who graduated from Trump university
>President says hydroxychlroquine plus azithromycin treatmemts have been found to be effective when administered by doctors in hospitals
>boomers with the sniffles chug aquarium chemicals called chrloroqiune phosphate because that's clearly hat the president said to do
This is all someone else's fault. There's no way that woman should be forced to face the consequences of her own actions or be held accountable for the death of her husband when she was right there with him doing the stupid thing that wasn't even the thing that was said.
Personal responsibility? Fuck that noise. Can we blame the media maybe?
>Fucking overdosed on fish tank cleaner because it had the word Chloroquine on the box
Trump LITERALLY murdered them
This is unironically based.
Dont drink aquarium cleaner then, OP. Holy shit why is this so hard for low IQ roasties to understand? There is an actual medicine you can take. Drink bleach though, if you are feeling froggy.
He is a shitty Jew.
The woman died of fish tank cleaner, which people bought thinking it's prescription Chloroquine.
>trump literally said
>i hear what I want
no, he didn't. tds bitch
She fucking grabbed it off the shelf at the pet store she works at because it had the word Chloroquine on the box
She probably basically forced the guy to take it with her
>fuck costa ricans
Oh look another fucking narco faggot who wishes he had socialized healthcare
>muh getting people killed
Natural selection tbqh. Nowhere did Trump advocate self-medicating, and seeing a doctor for meds should go without saying.
My kid ate a tide pod and it’s raininG, fucking DRUMPFDIDLIUMPKINS it’s all your fault!!!!
>drink aquarium cleaner
It will be called a tragedy that no one could have stopped and blamed on the president anyway.
they self-medicated on aquarium chloroquine.
They took fish tank cleaner because it had to word "chloroquine" in it!
They did not find a proper dosage, they just took it.
Now the man will forever be safe from coronavirus.
seriously, this is not Trump's fault. They were adults and self-medicated with fish tank cleaner.
How they ever got to be 60 years old is anyone's guess.
they ate fish bowl cleaner
Nope! This was an Example of retarded boomers and their hubris about their own intelligence.
>pic related
Got them supplements yet? Need to fight that hoax virus with good spurious medications.
I’ve been trying to tell you guys this but you wouldn’t listen. It’s literally fish bowl cleaner invented in 1934 in nazi germany by a man named HANS at Bayer!
The only side effect is that it will definitely kill anyone who isn’t 100% white.
I'm clueless about chemistry: is there any difference between chlororquine phosfate and chrolorquine diphosfate?
What the guy and his wife took was a fish tank cleaner. They took 2 grams when doctors are testing this stuff in 200 milligram amounts. So these 2 Darwin Award idiots overdosed 10 times a safe amount.
So shut your lying whore mouth.
It's just an excuse to buy some snake oil patent medicine from Israel. That's ALL this indicates.
The media definitely doesn't make things up to make trump look bad
Yeah I'm totally going to take the advice of a demented idiot and make myself retarded due to poisoning.
They took the aquarium cleaner version lmao
they're using it in New York right now, and it's not from Israel. Israel is not the only source. Anyone can make it because it'
s an old drug that isn't protected by a patent. The stuff they are using in New York right now was donated to the State of New York by Bayer.
Micah Johnson was known to have extremist attitudes. If anybody failed to stop him it was his fellow niggers who didn't sound the alarm. Still, watching pigs get flanked and spanked was funny.
It doesn't help that a significant part of our medical staff are also low IQ, Affirmative action roasties.
Talk to a retired doctor and they will slowly shake their head at the current state of MOST medical professionals.
TBF, the hospital Admins, Pharma companies and Insurance cabal have hamstrung the good ones.
General rule of thumb in chemistry is that the answer to "Is [Chemical name] the same as [Other chemical name]?" is "fucking no dipshit"
There are times when the functional site on the molecule is the same and causes the same effect, but that is by far the exception and not the rule
More people should do that. Would solve a lot of problems.
>Ingested fish tank cleaner
>No ethnicity mentioned
>No name mentioned
Why do I just know it's a nigger?
>there are no races
The malaria treatment doesn't work. It's a bust. It's a KNOWN bust and they're buying the shit for the troops anyway.
Never let a virus go to waste.
boy you niggers are just desperately latching onto this huh?
hahahahaaha you fags got nothing
It worked in South Korea, France, and other places, which is why we even know about it, and it's literally working in NYC right now.
Guy took fish tsnk medicine you fucking idiot, he deserves to die because of bding s dumb ass
I’m 12 what is this?
A full soon of aquiarum cleaner ! Are you dumb or something ? Get the real stuff, you fucking Gilead shill.
you got btfo om twitter by memebers of your of party
>sit down
trump said it was a promising drug being looked into and studied
he didnt tell anyone to take it
only the media said that he said that
because the media always lies about what trump actually said
That is the lugenpresse's most effective tactic. They knowingly print lies, spread them across the globe as quickly as possible, and then quietly delete the lies and admit that they were lies later on while not bothering to go around correcting all the people they already misinormed.
They get to lie to everyone, pretend like it was an accident, and go "oops sorry" once they get found out. Meanwhile, everyone who was misinformed is already still running around spreading that misinformation.
>I'm too stupid to know that hydroxychloroquine is not choroquine phosphate
If this is really all you guys have left while dem voters are jumping ship in record numbers then I see why you're increasingly nervous
You must be 18 to post on this board...
That having been said... Adults LIE all the time about things that will get them what they want, or keep them out of trouble.
Your parents LIE to you at least 6 times a day on average. Suck it up kid, the world is mostly rotten.
They're printing that headline because there is no drug trial done, so they aren't wrong. There is no "scientific evidence."
However, there is a ton of anecdotal evidence. A trial would take a full year. This is being used right now, and working right now. It's not "scientific evidence" that it works, because it's not part of a study that follows the scientific method.
Kikes playing semantocs with headlines to intentionally mislead their readers. Nothing new. This is literally the main way that they control the narrative: just lie and obfuscate. No one will bother to learn the truth anyway because you're a "trusted" source.
Democrats make the mistake of caring about the wrong kinds of creature. Subhumans to be exact. Niggers love to bully their way into getting to call the shots, horribly I might add. Niggers can't lead. Jews know this and encourage it to cause chaos.
You know there are tons of anecdotal evidence from India that the cure is a mixture of cow dung and cow urine, with a sprinkle of saffron and turmeric.
They took fish water treatment you retard.
considering they worship cows it makes sense
considering the west worships the pharmakike, this also makes sense.
>a treatment that is literally working right now is not safe because something completely unrelated defintiely wouldn't work.
Wow, what a great kike semantic argument. It is literally curing people right now in NYC. We only know about it working because it already cured a ton of other people around the globe.
The ONLY reason the media has you people going around spreading their misinformation for them like this is because they WANT the crisis to get worse. You are literally rooting for the death of more Americans so you can stick it to Drumpf.
Burn in hell.