where's god at a time like this?
Where's god at a time like this?
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Epicurus was an idiot.
Each of these arguments fail in interesting ways.
Nobody ever said God was omnipotent, just that was the word they used to say: "This thing apparently has total control over reality". So his argument is a strawman.
Same for the other two. He doesn't want to believe that God exists. That's fine. But then where's his theory for reality? You probe him and it's like. duh, I haven't really thought about it, I don't have a coherent explanation at all.
There is no god, there are no gods.
Who do you think sent the disease?
redpilled take
>implying wasn't the one that sent corona-chan
Numbers 14:12 I will smite them with the pestilence, and disinherit them, and will make of thee a greater nation and mightier than they.
Deuteronomy 28:21 The LORD shall make the pestilence cleave unto thee, until he have consumed thee from off the land, whither thou goest to possess it.
>If he is able but not willing then he is malevolent
Nope. It has not occurred to Epicurus that he has no authority to determine what is evil. If God wills that man should suffer then man should suffer. If God wills to torture Epicurus for all eternity in the fire of imaginable suffering then such a thing is just.
Human morality is just based on subjective human emotions. God's morality is objective.
He’s all around you user.
Why would God have no emotion?
In the heads of the retards who believe it, like it always did.
probably busy reading his backlog of fanfiction or something
God is a NEET prove me wrong
Jews and their militard golems.
Maintaining the universe
energy beings do not have the necessary glands to produce the hormones and chemicals required to feel emotions
>where is God
He's tapping angel vagina just like you'd be doing if you were such a Chad Creator.
god is not omnipotent?
then next
A weak apologetic for something that does not exist.
AIDS = no show
SARS = no show
MERS = no show
COVID = no show
JESUS = no show (in 2 thousand years)
Some no show 'god'.
Jacking off while waiting for the reset of the world.
Epicurius sounds like a 15 year old. Doesn't comprehend free will.
Right beside me
>god is not omnipotent?
The bible lists several things God can't do. People who interpret "omnipotent" as "can do anything are either evil or retarded.
God is more powerful than any other being. He cannot lie, however. He cannot do evil. He cannot break His promises.
What grounds does God have to forgive a wicked and rebellious sinner?
what god cannot do?
can god create this pyramid? quetzalcoalt did it, the bible god can do this?
>inb4 god create the universe
There are two main kinds of evil. The first arises from the free will of men, such as murder. The second is called natural evil, and refers to evils such as natural disasters and disease. People have pondered about the problem of evil for millennia. There are several reasons, and you are welcome to research them, but I will give you one of them. Mankind told God to fuck off and chose to sin instead. God honored their request, and so we live in a fallen world. We look forward to the day when God will remove both kinds of evil that I first mentioned, at which time he will create a new earth populated only with those who chose our of their free will to follow him rather than live contrarily.
While i'm not religious myself, would God not be so far beyond our comprehension of reality and morality, that we cannot possibly understand why he would do the things he does? A child getting a flu shot or something similar would not be able to understand why the doctor hurts it, as it cannot understand that it is for its own long-term good. Perhaps evil exists in the world because Earth by necessity cannot be good, for then it would be heaven, and cannot be bad, for then it would be hell. Perhaps human lives are tests to figure out where they belong after they die.
I am agnostic and yet I understand that even if (a benevolent) God Existed Plagues can be purely an act of nature he instilled, thus he does not intervene for or against us...
>What grounds does god have
Grounds that are far beyond your minuscule mortal comprehension. Be thankful for his mercy and dont question his motive
God is the virus
What a fool you are
Don't you understand that this human life is only temporary and much more awaits?
Besides, God gave us free will. If he stepped up for every pandemic and insta-cured everyone, you would lose that free will and have no choice but believe in him
With that being said though, God has helped me numerous times in dire moments and gave me several signs of his presence. If you have a good heart and good intentions, you should read the bible and pray/talk to him. He will listen
>Epicurus was an idiot.
Some might even say that he was epic curious
What do you think the virus is?
>Hurr durr I don't understand science so therefore my imaginary friend is real
if there were no evil there would be no good
Why do you think God does own you to solve your problems? Why do you think things that happening now are just not literally a divine punishments for betraying our roots and falling for technological progress and other garbage?
drinking a beer with The Nobody
exactly where he should be. we deserve much much worse than corona chan, this isn’t even the beginning, it’s nothing compared to what we are going to get.
>Nobody ever said God was omnipotent
I was pretty sure there were a few thousand songs stating just that.
>Nobody ever said God was omnipotent,
Jesus christ, i get that mutts copied this website but cant anything be done about them? ''american education'' posts like this really make me wonder if they are naturally retarded or it is because indeed their school system is fucking shit
Songs are not an divine message or something like that. Unless you're catholic and believe in different bullshit
>understand science
He is dealing with a bigger problem on the other side of the universe.
This is God's response to too much socialism.
All things are full of gods.
Did you just analogize God to Captain Marvel?
But that's God's wrath. Or do you think you can defile His Holy name forever?
Free will brah.
What would man be without a crisis to overcome?
Modern day (((science))) is literally just a bunh of bullshit, we need to go back to classical science days - philosophers, mathematicians. Plato and Aristotel were really blessed, the science should be on thinking, not on calculating useless bullshit
self quarantining in heaven
He said he is jealous
>if he is able but not willing then he is evil
this is really retarded. Im not even diehard catholic but this is just stupid fallacy.
Waiting for you to come around and talk to him.
Old Gods were so much better they just did what they wanted
Now, the third point of light: The day is coming when suffering will cease and God will judge evil.
A lot of times you’ll hear people say: “If God has the power to eradicate evil and suffering, then why doesn’t He do it?” And the answer is that because He hasn’t done it yet doesn’t mean He won’t do it. You know, I wrote my first novel last year. What if someone read only half of it and then slammed it down and said, “Well, Lee did a terrible job with that book. There are too many loose ends with the plot. He didn’t resolve all the issues with the characters.” I’d say, “Hey – you only read half the book!”
And the Bible says that the story of this world isn’t over yet. It says the day will come when sickness and pain will be eradicated and people will be held accountable for the evil they’ve committed. Justice will be served in a perfect way. That day will come, but not yet.
So what’s holding God up? One answer is that some of you may be. He’s actually delaying the consummation of history in anticipation that some of you will still put your trust in Him and spend eternity in heaven. He’s delaying everything out of His love for you. SecondPeter 3:9 says: “The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”To me, that’s evidence of a loving God, that He would care that much for you.
This virus was man made, anything man made falls under free will of man. As in God gave us free will so whatever completely fucking retarded evil stuff we do and create falls on us to suffer the consequences.
>What a fool you are
>proceed to make baseless claims
>Don't you understand that this human life is only temporary and much more awaits?
>Besides, God gave us free will
>With that being said though, God has helped me numerous times in dire moments and gave me several signs of his presence
>you should read the bible and pray/talk to him. He will listen
Proof or gtfo
This is considered philosophy for adults? Embarrassing.
Humans are God’s co-creators.
Evil (in another space and time/dimension) tried to “live” on human life wave through the consumption of human blood.
Evil humans with large egos (the only devil in your mind is your ego and is situated on this plane of existence), sacrificed innocence to gain material wealth and power.
Little did they know that once “they” were able to consume enough life force, they could break free into this dimension.
But, beings of light have come to your aid and assisted on the spiritual plane. All will come to light.
All hearts will be weighed.
The time for ascension is close at hand.
For those who knowingly walked towards evil and partook of its offerings will be sent into the void of nothingness for all eternity.
If you have some remaining light within yourself, and wish to ascend then you know your final option.
Good prevails
Light wins
God is awesome and you should search for it.
Is op willing to stop sucking cocks, but not able? Then he is a massive faggot
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is a massive faggot
Is he both able and willing? Then why does he have 3 cocks in his mouth right now?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why does he claim to be straight?
Ah yes, the free will argument about whence cometh evil. I call it the convenient excuse when there is no argument.
Post 1/2:
God is what most people call "Universe" and It is in a constant state of change due to It's fractal nature and death-rebirth cycle forever, and the fact, that It always was and always will be (just in different states) is a proof in itself, that It is above and beyond all, because human logic dictates, that everything at least must have the beginning, so if something didn't "begin", yet it always was and is, then it has a quality of what people assume only God would have. God is the Universe itself and everything in it, that includes you too, the air we all breath in is also part of God, the soil on which we all walk is part of God too - put it all together, all that exists and you have the One, God - the source of everything. Universe/God/Nature - whatever you want to call it - it's one and the same thing. Everything is alive, everything is pure consciousness - physical "reality" is just our perception and consciousness is the most basic "building block" from which everything else is created. Creator and Creation is not separate and THE ULTIMATE POINT OF IT ALL is to gather all the pieces together and become One again. The Universe is like an egg. What physicists call the "Big Bang" is the shattering of an egg, so all the contents spill (death of the Universe). The expansion of the Universe is the process of spilling contents of the egg, then the Universe will begin to shrink back (kind of like a gestation process) to It's original form of One, where all the contents of the egg are inside it and the Universe is in one extremely small and extremely dense "point". When that happens, then due to It's extreme density, internal "pressure" will cause It to explode again and It's going to "die" again (Big Bang / shattering of an egg), rebirth again and die again and rebirth again and so on for infinity.
And why does he have too? Why does god have to satisfy your primitive consoomer mind with unlimited comfort? GOD wants you to get better not to consoome and fuck around like a dumb degenerate, wars, catalysms etc are necessary for that. Hard times create strong man
saving the people who are in thee lamb book of life.
everybody else is for the burning and plagues
Assuming God, the literal creator of everything, operates on human logic is the ultimate sign of the brainlet
Post 2/2:
God is neither good nor evil. God is perfectly balanced. God is the Universe itself and everything in It and Universe has duality nature, which after fusion of two extreme opposites creates the "Holy Trinity". The real, original and intended meaning of the Trinity is two extreme opposites and the fusion of them. Neither is better than the other one and each of them posses qualities that the other one doesn't and it is the fusion of both of them that gives us the best outcome. It is the balance between two extreme opposites that at the end of the day always wins. Neither right nor left is better than the other, neither obese nor anorectic is better than the other, neither hot nor cold is better than the other etc. Trinity is one of the the Universal Truths, that can be applied to absolutely everything and the ancient as well as modern intellectual elite has been encoding this fact for thousands of years in many things, especially buildings. It is the BALANCE between two extreme opposites that's the best. This is the Universal Truth and is the true, original and now occultistic meaning of the Trinity, now hidden behind the veil of allegories in order to ensure, that only select few can know and fully understand it, because not everybody deserves to posses that kind of knowledge due to a tremendous amount of power it can potentially give to a right person.
See for example Gothic cathedrals or the famous painting known as "The Last Supper" and you will see the hidden symbolism of the Trinity/Triptych encoding the knowledge about the nature of God/Universe.
Look at the background of The Last Supper:
For more information about God, read here:
>power to stop war
God gave us the power to start or stop war. War arises from the evil choices of men.
It's what's natural and good to the soul.
Where he has always been, watching you and Epicurus make idiots out of yourselves.
You deny his existence, mock his followers, use his name as a swear word, break every one of his commandments with glee, and then have the temerity to ask why he isn't doing something to stop this.
Oh he's there, laughing at your well deserved misery and pain. Yes, he is allowing his worshipers to suffer with you, He knows it will make them stronger and further damn you.
Who cares
>Oh he's there
>If god real how come me sad?
You could actually refute the argument instead of dismissing it..........
>then whence cometh evil?
From us and satan.
sadness is a fabricated jewish emotion
One of the most prevalent mistakes of our time is assuming that everybody should feel good. Nobody seems to get that sometimes you shouldn't feel good. Sometimes you're an asshole who's fucking his own life up.
he doesnt exist
>inb4 you give the correct answer
It doesn't work like that, faggot.
The bigger question is where are our alien ancestors and why aren't they stopping this with thier technology?
Epicurus never said that. It's a stupid argument anyway, but at least do the bare minimum and stop claiming that it has anything to do with Epicurus.
God exists in the same space as knowledge. He can only act through humans. Epicurus was a dumb ass.
What single piece of evidence would satisfy you? Saying "proof" without defining a piece of evidence you would accept is pointless.
>Nobody ever said God was omnipotent
in medieval poland you would probably burned at stake for saying that
>God exists in the same space as knowledge
How could you know this?
Epicurus was a great philosopher, unfortunately that the sandnigger destroy the Alexadria Library. We probably wouldn't need to be infected by the meme virus of marxism.
>I don't accept the answer to the question. I just stick my fingers in my ears and go "LA-LA-LA-LA-LA!," so checkmate!
He's in your heart user. Let his light shine through your loving actions
Fake quote, of course atheists have no moral qualms against lying...
The angel of death just flew over my house, but it didn't come inside.
God operates via non-aggression principle stated in the free will contract
Well said based priest.
>Proof: evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement.
>What single piece of evidence would satisfy you?
I don't know, you haven't provided any.
Yas Forums is a Christian board
This board realized long ago that the cohesion of religion and state is key to the sustainability of decency and morality in our society.
That is WHY we have these threads almost daily. They believe they can manipulate us into thinking being Christian is anti-white when it was Christianity what made possible for us to have nation states in the first place.
Do not be deceived by these useful idiots, Yas Forums
Believe in the Lord and praise his name.
"Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" - Matthew 5:10-12
>everyone who doesnt agree with my specific european vision of omnipotent daddy belongs to specific subgroup of degenerate humans
Is the personification of the natural world. He is watching. Rules were broken. Rules set for your own protection. Now people will be punished, not by God, but by the consequences of their own actions. Like when you tell a child not to touch a hot stove or they'll get burned. It's not the parent punishing the child with burns, but the child has done this to himself.
>Nobody ever said God was omnipotent,
100% of Abrahamic religions do.