CNN freaking out in real time over this town hal
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>look at chat
>It's literally all fucking Q boomers and normalcucks spamming
God I hate trumpcuck faggots
The mortality rate of all infected is around 5%, with the vast majority being elderly patients who could already die from influenza. COVID-19 is an endemic now.
>coronavirus is far more lethal than the flu
how many people has coronavirus killed in the united states?
how many people has the flu killed in the united states?
fucking shit i hate everyone in the media.
Based Trump, killing city fags.
Rural Chads are chilling.
Wait now the leftists are saying its worse than the flu?
Fake news and CDC literally tried to play HIDE THE CURE.
Who else was going to promote the safest, cheapest, most effective treatment against this virus?
Trump just saved humanity while they look like the literal demonic satanists that they are
Seething kike tranny shill
If the corona virus infected as many people as influenza did you'd have far more deaths. Only idiots will continue to compare this virus to the common flu.
Fox News is basically state media, you think they'd ask him anything that could cause difficulty? After every question I could see him begging to get on his knees and suck Trump's dick
you know that malaria cure shit can make you blind and deaf right? and no i don't mean the tards eating fish tank cleaner.
it causes severe itching and some doctors have to prescribe a pain-killer with it because its side-effects are so ghastly.
according to one article i read. could've been jewed though so who knows. that's the world we live in
It's worse. Trump parrots Fox News. If Fox News were his mouthpiece I could respect him. But to be the leader of the free world and a mouthpiece for Fox fucking news? Lol cuckold mentality.
Do hospitals get overwhelmed because of the flu?
I know just pointing out the hypocrisy of the media
>how many people has coronavirus killed in the united states?
Yes yes let's get everyone infected so the hospitals get packed and people that need hospital care to survive get fucked. That'll show em what a big hoax this is!
I hate CNN, but it is true that Fox News (and any journalist for that matter, including CNN) never pushes back on anyone they interview. They just take their answers at face value and don't bother to dig any deeper.
So CNN is acting like that's a big deal when they do the same thing with the Dems they interview.
Also, why did Trump bother acting like this was a serious issue if he was just going to go back to saying it's just the flu? We should have just ignored it completely and let it kill all the boomers.
It was jewed, this drug is safe enough that it's even given to pregnant women
It’ll be fine, just get some ear pods and one of those eyedogs
These are the same people suppressing the fact that the democrats took the country hostage to push through a bunch of bullshit in the stimulus bill, spending what was supposed to be relief money for the poor on wanting more immigrants.
They're ltierally beyond all shame.
>why did Trump bother acting like this was a serious issue if he was just going to go back to saying it's just the flu?
Because the election is coming up and he doesn't want to be seen as a cause of market instability. He basically said he's willing to condemn people to death so we can work and bring the markets back.
Hospitals aren't overwhelmed because of anything right now - they are mostly empty.
All the "overwhelming" stuff is ridiculous doomsday predictions based on the half-assed data they have.
this is the internet now. boomers should be removed, we require living space
>you know that malaria cure shit can make you blind and deaf right
Yeah, if you overdose, you fucking retard
Let the Chinese man spit on your mouth, fag.
>sweaty boomer trump
They can't decide, because they're obsessed with opposing Trump above all else. So every time he says something slightly different they swing to a new position.
How many people did the flu kill today?
How many people did Corona kill today?
How many people will the flu kill tomorrow?
How many people will Corona kill tomorrow?
Based!! MAGA
wtf why won’t god just let us have perfect cures with absolutely no side effects. you’re right we should do nothing with this information and wait for a perfect cure from big pharma.
I'm thinking about having anal sex with the chink milf near me
might as well hantachan is coming
>CNN freaking out
When are they not?
Gotta get those Jew dollars.
Why is this fat cheeto doing town halls instead of saving American lives?? Wtf
chinks are just knockoff whites when you hide their faces and "stabed while fucked" screaming voices.
they're trying to create a self-fulfilling prophecy so they can implement cloward/piven
Do believe that was his point. The outraged media was no different early on, when they should have been sending out the alarms. Mass media has failed us again. (at best; it's quite possible they are an intentional enemy)
all the rural people are still shaking hands ciase its polite
but we don't know how many people are infected, as most symptoms are mild. all we have are positive test results vs deaths.
It's an election year, cut him some slack.
I like Trump, but he’s looking like a piece of shit trying to open the economy right now
>trump talks to the people
>why isn't he saving lives
>trump doesn't talk to the people
>why isn't he keeping people informed or giving hope
tds bitch
imagine being a kike watching your latest hoax hail mary psy op fail too. Trump 2024 faggot.
Shut up stupid chink
Back to plebbit, srs.
Does the flu get hyped as the Armageddon pox?
all the commie agitators with their phony make-work jobs (if they have one) are going to wreak havoc when orange man "forces everybody back to work"
You have no idea the stats on death rate vs infected and neither does anyone else. People can’t get tested unless they’re sick as hell. You goddmamn tard.
Make sure she lubes the strapon if it's your first time.
My city had a huge flu outbreak back in November-december they were overwhelmed before all this covid-19 got big
fuck off kushnershill
Tight, 5ft qt, what's not to love?
>Do hospitals get overwhelmed because of the flu?
No, they get overwhelmed when people get worked into a frenzy by something that adds to their workload. Be it something in addition to the flu, a rash of infections, an excess of uninsured illegal immigrants, or hell a flu seasons that had flue shots that didn't work at all for 50% of those that they were administered to (see fall of last year).
Kikes are going to meltdown when Trump destroys their fear fest and restores the economy with no increase in national mortality.
>no increased mortality is observed in the reported mortality figures for the COVID-19 affected countries
Terry is the supreme gift that keeps on giving
>retard can’t understand exponential growth
>retard can’t read current projections for the virus
Trump-niggers are downy tier dumb
user that line got dropped already, didn't you get the new material? Check your inbox for this week's tactics.
I fill prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine all the time. Why are you retarded?
This. Already got the virus and it was a joke. Lasted 2 weeks wasn't even as bad as others I've had
The sounds bugmen make when you fuck them? Their faces? Their chinky backstabbing ways? If the Chinese were less backstabby to one another they would be a powerful as jews. But they aren't because all they do is backstab.
We may not have exact numbers of infected, but we should be able to index our overall dead in the coming months and years and make a rough estimate.
they've taken this way too far to just drop it now, all the fags daydreaming about free money and 18 months off are going to throw a massive shit-fit and act like trump is dragging them back to a coal mine
first post worst post
They must be because every time I needed emergency I had to wait several hours to be seen.
>Fox News is basically state media
The BBC is literally state media and yet somehow no one ever bitches about that
>shill implying I’m a shill
Was on this site before Yas Forums was a thing while you were still getting bullied in middle school, fag. People like you ruined the internet and are now just peddling some moon-projection tier conspiracy about corona being “just some cold bro! XD!!!” You are the kike
Found the Qew boomer
There are more countries than the United states
America is the only place where you can get away with thinking this still isnt serious
That was true back in the GWB and prior era. Now its just veiled anti-drumpf uniparty shit. when will you accept the fact that it is State (carreer politicians) and media vs. the interests of the common man and woman?
Trump is smart socially, great at politics under normal circumstances. But holy shit, he's just empirically wrong and downright retarded on this.
they literally say the opposite of whatever trump says at the moment
when he said wash your hands and stay clean blah blah they all screeched how that won't help despite all the big lefty doctors saying the same thing
Oh shit you're real bad at this, don't get fired bro.
Chink located
You know leftists will lie if they must but they'd prefer you make real mistakes. It makers their job easier. Trump is making a real mistake. The left being their normal selves doesn't alter reality.
Check her fridge for bats. Wait, chinks don't refrigerate their food, check under her kitchen sink. Also check for bags full of dead rats.
The guillotine will drop on the Chinese News Network one day soon.
Are any hospitals actually overwhelmed right now?
>Trump is smart socially, great at politics under normal circumstances.
Lol, no he isn't. He's an ignorant buffoon who attracts devoted following of other ignorant buffoons.
He's empirically wrong virtually all the time, you just finally got to see it in action for something you can't completely ignore and deny.
So can a lot of things. Everything has an ld50 nigger-faggot. Chugging gin n tonics just for fun watching all the salty morons.
Wow, it's almost as if the situation has worsened since then
I worked in an ER for 3 years. For every shift I worked, perhaps 20% belonged there. No one understands what the word "emergency" means in this country.
If you're in the hospital for less than 24 hours, you don't belong in the hospital. I would estimate that maybe 60% of our beds, not just in the ER, but the hospital at large, were of this variety.
Add in panic? Add in people flocking to the hospital whenever they have a cough? You get overrun really quickly. I think this is more than likely what's happening. It can get overrun fast because the beds are limited.
If you test positive for COVID19 and have ANY kind of respiratory issues whatsoever, I bet they're requiring that bed.
kys wang chun
more partisan bullshit at a time of national crisis. Fucking repugnant
>the media can change position due to circumstances but trump can't
tds bitch
Its actually 30-50% including those under 45 in the Italian strain idiot. One thing about this is there will be no more idiots alive
Which, Vancouver?