This is illegal world wide

>this is illegal world wide

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Why would anyone care whether it's legal or not?

Because the cia needs it to be illegal to run their glow nigger operations in Latin America.

((they)) fear this

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So the CIA can make money and use drug cartels to destabilize and overthrow governments.

traps are illegal?

It's not illegal to be ugly, user, you can go outside

Boob jobs aren't illegal, shill

Basically this. We could just make money off it and not have prisons filled with niggers creating an endless nigger-criminal bottom feeding society.

I don't even like the stuff. But making it illegal is silly. It enables all the wrong stuff.

Because even Jews can't stand Viper.

Schizophrenia, user. Weed causes schizophrenia in high doses 9/10 times. Too dangerous.


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>thinking those are fake
based retard

Owning physical copies of music, yes


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Because it's degenerate.

actual serious answer: because this is one of the drugs that will make you harass, annoy, and endanger other people if you take too much and then can't get more (not in one sitting, but over a prolonged period of time).

cocaine has enough of an addictive property that people who would never steal, assault, mug, rob, etc. will suddenly do so because the withdrawal of the drug, once dependent on it, is enough to put a person into dire emergency pharmacology. You will treat your own life, and getting the drug, as if nothing else matters incl. the safety of others.

Cocaine, meth, heroin... the drugs that do this should always be illegal, not because of the people who want to take it being protected, but the proximity of those around that person who takes it.

Maybe if youre predisposed like an ashkenazi jew

so it can be laced with experimental concoctions and avoid regulations and provide off the books income for black ops


Cocain is disgusting. Get a better drug, faggot.

Trailer trash looking broad.

Because people who are crazy sometimes become more crazy after taking psychedelics, happens with cannabis too to a lesser extent, weed won't make you schizophrenic but if you're already half way there it could top you over the age.

I heard it feels so good that it puts your dream woman to shame.

that word is just incel cope to delude yourself into thinking your opting out of the fun by choice.
Pro-tip: in reality you're just excluded

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Degenerates like you belong on a cross.

i havent done coke since 2007. it used to be good then all the good coke vanished.

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Cocaine is for fucking losers that need it in order to have a good time. Read the bible and get your shit together you manchildren

>they will never know just how GOOD it feels to snort a line with a hot bimbo and then doggy styling her raw and shoot up deep inside her

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biggest brain itt

And you shouldnt snort bleach nor cement. Whisth most use to get coca.

have fun with your floppy numb coke dick

>putting corrosive chemicals on ones skin

makes you overly aggressive and fiendish for some jew powder

pretty much this. snorting a line off a nice set of young plump titties is pretty neat. i don't know how the incels do it.

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Most overrated drug of all time.


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About time white women were outlawed

also if you're going to take illegal stimulants at least take meth, unironically safer and less expensive.
nightmare mode: don't be a degenerate nigger and stick to coffee

How far Boxxy has fallen

i havent done blow in over a decade but never had that problem since im not low test.

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Is this nigga serious?

most overrated drug ever
it just makes you hyper for 20 mins
and it just makes me do stupid shit

It's not a matter of T levels user, stop pretending to be retarded

Whoooaaa dude you're so cool! And you're also either a lying fag or paid for dogshit coke because coke is a vasoconstrictor and absolutely shrinks your dick. Trying to say "well it doesn't on me" is just pure denial of fact.

this this this this
The CIA's black projects are all funded by drug money, Los Zetas is basically a CIA front, and the reason the drug war persists is to keep illicit drug prices high to maximize profits for the CIA.

niggers are the only one's that don't care about laws. Example: Africa

Coke causes nose cancer.

it is harder to OD on meth unless you're really stupid about it. people od on coke way more frequently in my experience

cocaine redose after redose strains the heart
meth you can take a tiny bit orally and not go full autism
at the end of the day yes both are bad for you

Unironically, tablets of pure meth are pretty safe. Smoking it is way worse for you, and especially so when it’s done at the doses that meth heads do, to keep you up for 3 days.

It shrinks your brain.

You’re either a summer child or NEVER been to any adult party. Pretty sad actually...

You know it’s not as addicting as the kikes lied to you about in school. I only do this a few times a year at parties... with other friends... you know... if you ever get out of your parents basement

Unironicly love coke but I have no dealer here cause I moved. Bad for your wallet though.

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Have you ever been around someone on uppers? They are possibly the most annoying people in the fucking world. That alone should make it illegal. Also with adderall being legal there are much longer lasting stronger uppers you can get from any doctor.

>black projects are all funded by drug money
das rite!

these bring back good memories

pretty much

it's only good to do with a half naked chick and some champagne or vodka tonics

yeah i know. if i remember the trick would be to start fooling around with those titties first and not do too much

>summer child
Fuck off you degenerate pussy

>coke is a vasoconstrictor and absolutely shrinks your dick
I think it has something to do with the fact that it works on serotonin too, I've done some NDRI stims before and while stim-dick was still an issue it was nothing compared to what I got from coke

i'm sure it's different for everyone user, please calm down. our real enemy is the chinks, not each other.

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>Do cocaine
>Can't get an erection
>Just talk about feelings with some random slut for 2 hours while drinking
>Tell her she really understands you and you love her
>don't text her back afterwards

>caffeine is fine
>alcohol is fine
>nicotine is fine

>NOOOOOOO coke is EVIL because daddy government told me it's illegal!!!

First of all, that's not weed user, it's cocaine. And second of all, I think your 9/10 schizophrenia statistic is full of shit.

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I remember my first line
One day you'll grow the fuck up

Don't be dumb.

SO does sleep deprivation and it's not illegal.

if you do too much coke you can go into stimulant psychosis though

The problem with cocaine is that when it does kill, it kills quickly. Some people are predisposed to quite literally dying instantly due to it's properties, also it's often mixed with harmful chemicals or other deadlier drugs. Cocaine in smaller amounts, straight from the Coca leaf is safe however.

it does? i'm not here promoting it, just wondering what people thought about it or still even mess with it these days.

yeah this. i've done meth in the past as well and would snort a line and be good for 8 to 12 hours at least. and you don't jones for it after it wears off.

this user has never done coke


Best way to get clean.

Christ you know nothing. Cocaine is for people with jobs. You can only buy it, and its only worth buying, in half grams minimum. Crack, heroin, meth can be sold in 5 to 10 dollar hits because it is that potent even at .01. Cocaine doesn't have that potency. People can do a hit of crack and then go beg or steal another 5 dollars for another hit. That's hey those addictions are so detrimental to society. You can't don't that with coke, 5-10 bucks of it is worthless.

Silver key necklaces seem to be a fashion trend these days.

only gen-x boomers know those feels user


Wow all you sad incels never party? Obvious virginity aside do you even know what it’s like to touch a female?

oof nigga

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Ever hear of a test kit? They’re pretty cheap

That has nothing to do with what I said though
Stim psychosis =/= death

heard they’re cutting it with fentanyl nowadays.

lying on the internet. the police have been notified and they are on the way

found the jew

>he doesn't do drugs like a degenerate loser
>he must be a virgin
You are the cancer in society.


>b-but it's DANGEROUS!
No one's forcing you to take it brainlet, it's literally your own choice. If you fuck up and OD it's your own fault for being weakwilled. it's like saying that all liquor should be banned because some retard drank rubbing alcohol and killed himself.
>b-but muh health!
So? Is life a contest about who can live the longest? Are you a man or a quivering mouse scared of "his" own shadow?

pretty sure that that's mostly media fear-mongering

Anyone else get free cocaine? Or is it just me?

pretty much. i worked at a upscale nightclub as a barback and the entire barstaff would do lines during the shift, it was pretty fun times

it rots your nose off

Well what I meant is that some people are predisposed to those conditions and others aren't. You don't have to do it in large quantities like I said. Alcohol is just as deadly but it will kill or cause issues over long periods of time, where as cocaine (especially cut with other dangerous drugs and in incredibly high amounts) will kill quickly. I don't do it and it's best not to do it at all, especially if you're older.

>coke off a cd case

Man I miss 2007

from my experience people say they did coke laced with fentanyl to save face from admitting they were knowingly snorting heroin

>cocaine has enough of an addictive property that people who would never steal, assault, mug, rob, etc. will suddenly do so because the withdrawal of the drug, once dependent on it, is enough to put a person into dire emergency pharmacology. You will treat your own life, and getting the drug, as if nothing else matters incl. the safety of others.

user you are stupid kiddo.Nobody does this unless they were already thieves or murderers.
I am addicted to meth, which is far stronger than coke, but would never steal or kill.

fuck off nigel

There’s a fine line easily crossed between being ready to go for hours and coke dick. A man’s got to know his limitations.

coke actually makes your dick hard if its good
people shoot their mouths off about coke dick because ninety percent of cokeheads also drink a shit ton of booze while they get high
what they are actually dealing with is whiskey dick

Because no matter where you are in the world or known universe for that matter has no relevance or bearing on the fact that hard drugs fuck your life up and fuel spic violence. No matter what your political alignment or religiosity I’m pretty sure your be pretty fucking concerned if that was your daughter you saw doing a line. You know who else does drugs? billionaire pedophiles who sacrifice children...

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Cocaine in a nut shell.

It is a fallacy.

Take the feel good chemical away and you are left with a joke. You are actually talking about feelings to a girl, of course she will talk to you lool.

When did I tell you not to do it you brainlet? I said it was dangerous, I do dangerous things all the time, life itself is dangerous. It's just a fact.

Cancer? In short I’m an engineer, technician, and mechanic.... I’ve built and sent HV equipment all over the world. When I’m not working I like to party!

What have you done for society besides beating off in your parents basement? You might want to check your definition of cancer

i can smell the incel on you from here though. it's genuinely palpable for some reason.