I think the NSA and Facebook should team up to flag every anti-vax mom in America and prohibit them and their children from vaccination once one becomes available. Why is this not a good idea?
Anti-vaxxers should be banned
based. the flu vaccine retards die from their AIDS-tier immune systems, and forcing the mark of the beast on everyone else becomes illegal
Vaccines don’t work. And seething about the fact that the goyim know won’t help you.
>the news told me i should think this because their friends at the pharma cos said so
dick heads like you are the only thing that need to be banned.
What is the point of taking mercury packaged viral protein shells that have the potential to still fail and replicate?
t.chicken pox 10 years later
makes you wonder why they shill so much a vaccine when it just happens to be a multi million dollar industry.and then it just happens to be mandatory so its guaranteed money boy oh boy just take this boisoni goyim.
>They will beg for the martal law and to be vaccinated
Kill yourself goyim slave.
The uncritcal are unworthy of life
Your children will nothing but worthless cattle such as yourself.
The idea to force something on the general public the efficacy and the safety of which is still in question is fucking criminal. The credibility of their mystery potions is contingent on whether or not the institutions producing, marketing and distributing them have any integrity whatsoever, which they don't.
Most already are. It's going to be a difficult time for the people who don't have their head up their ass.
The swine flu vaccine caused narcolepsy in some people. I’d rather take my chance with the virus
same same
hah, no
take this shot you kikes
We should ban the stock market
>I think
I think you should stfu faggot.
Karens don't support anti-vax OP. Your pic is a lie and your thread is a shill.
Fuck you faggot kike, lol let's just all take the vaccine even thou this thing has supposedly mutated.
Kys faggot
10 years later whoopz sorry goy, we did not mean to make you infertile what about 10% off your next loan? Will that make you feel better? Just stop the hate you anti semite! We told you it whas a mistake! What about Israel not being vaccinated? Its religious freedom you filthy nazi!! Affter the holocaust my people can not endure needles anymore you understand dont you goy?
>flag everyone that doesnt want a vaccine and prevent them from taking vaccines
OP is conditioned the way they want him
No liability no consent.
You should be force medicated with a lobotomy cunt
this. eat a bag of dicks OP, you faggot nigger you
>the same conveyor belt that saves your grandma with anti-cancer meds produces vax a moment later
>why is cancer meds good and vax bad? seems random
>ban anti-vaxxers from vaxx
Agreed. Then we can round up all the people who don't have social media accounts, and all the people who own guns, and then we round up anyone who questioned the previous actions. Then we round up anyone who questions the government, then we round up anyone who doesn't give their kids to the state mandated early learning program, then we..
of course, ban work
>t. NEETleaf
Besides all the other shit in vaccines, aluminum alone (used as an adjuvant) is terrible for your health when injected, it stays in your brain. Likely the reason we see so many degenerative brain diseases in the elderly and even younger. When you eat it, on the other hand, you excrete 90%+ of it.
Then there’s formaldehyde, the Mercury (thimerosal, a preservative, is 50% Mercury by weight), other preservatives, gmo animal ingredients, gmo sugar and gelatin (crushed animal bones) as stabilizers, and many other nasty things.
Aside from all these obvious dangers, there is a secret court for vaccine damaged cases, where you’re paid out in secret and you’re out under a gag order to never speak of it.
Vaccines are (somewhat) ethical population control and you normies buy the bullshit hook line and sinker
>anti-cancer meds produced by Big Pharma
>vaxx produced by Big Pharma
yeah, no
>Vaccines don’t work. And seething about the fact that the goyim know won’t help you.
How many people do you know who had polio?
I should be allowed to inject whatever I want in you.
I never had a a flu shot I’ve never been sick my whole life
Cancer meds are terrible for your health and huge money makers. Fear is a great tool used against consumers, as you can see right now with coronachan
t. Karen
Don't you have some BBC to fuck?
Sauce on isr*el not taking them??
>believes polio is real
show me one case
>I think the NSA and Facebook should team up to flag every rapist, faggot, pedophile, drug dealer and politician and prohibit them the rights granted to them by the Constitution and set them to exile on Bear Island and other remote areas with no support. Why is this not a good idea?
Just shut the fuck up normie and lurk
>t. Vax damaged retard
Why are you here Karen? No one is going to buy your essential oils.
Just take your vaccines bud, end it sooner for the good of humanity. Do you even know what the ingredients are?
When they want to induce cancer in rats they inject them with aluminum.
I’ve never been vaccinated and I also never get sick, but by all means keep injecting toxic chemicals into yourself thinking it makes you healthier.
dont forget the free tattoo
Is it true that vaccines cause autism?
of course not, just take the needle asshole
Kek the rats treat us like rats you can’t make this shit up
But open borders right faggot?
Yes there was a whistleblower at the CDC who spoke up when they found the link between autism and the MMR vaccine, most often in African American males, and they got rekt for trying. Autism is one of many problems they cause though.
t. Lost all her money in an MLM.
bump for turbo-autism vaxx
the only people i know of irl that get the flu are the people that get the flu vaccine
We're not taking your shit vaccine fuk off devil child
You’re really giving quite a compelling argument there. Sad I share a fucking flag with you
>vaccines are bad because I saw a YouTube video by a schitzo
Yeah, like yours is any better.
thats because you lived a normal life and actually own a decent immune system.
I'm anti-vax and I 100% will not take any fucking cure for this BS.
"hey vaccines are good!i saw this jewsih big pharama millionare say its good so we are okey dokey guys!take your meds"im not sayin you are wrong or right.let people belive what they think is good for them.if one belives a documentary they saw on youtube then fine.if one belives in their goverment and mainstream news then fine.all i leave with is to say,your goverment and expert surrounding it has been caught lying more then ones.
Now what could be causing all these medieval diseases
You haven’t even given an argument you worthless shill. Sadly you’re probably not a shill, just another npc who knows no better. Check out The high wire with del bigtree, this is more for everyone else in the thread and not you but your dumbass could learn something from him too.
sigh, quick run down,
FDR didn't have it, he had Guillain-Barre which shares the same symptoms including paralysis. DDT was huge at that time, which, lo and behold, gave people Guillain-Barre.
Salik in his infinite benevolence made and gave away the first vaccine, made 10mil before he died anyway, and also his vaccine was so bad it either gave people super polio (a lab concoction made by the cdc) or we so diluted in fomedyde that everyone who got it was re-vaccinated.
Polio rates didn't change, they just stopped labeling everything polio and moved people to respirators instead of Iron lungs, of course, after the vaccine industry was popularized.
I think you, Facebook and the nsa should be shot in the face for treason, fucking Isis. Sage