Croatia = best country

This is why Croatia is one of the best countries in Europe if not in the world:

>money and high purchasing power
>birthplace of famous inventor
>work force so glorious that we bless other countries with our workers
>was a solid empire in middle ages
>gay rights
>already spend 100 of millions of dollars on importing Polish technology to more easily compete with Western Europe
>people go jogging in tight leggings and neon jackets. Do you biggots think that its GAY!!???? No, I assure you its not because of homosexuality but for pure sport performance and visibility
>people ride bikes to work
>praised by Nietzsche for its peoples musical achievements in Ecce Homos
>hs produkt vhs 2
>strong and predictable economy
>importing cars from Portugal
>white & European
>invented the necktie so you can look like a gentleman and not like a chino faggot
>almost every family has a car and a PC with internet
>low unemployment
>strategical partnership with Argentina until 2050
>implementing unemployment plan from Greece
>exporting to Serbia and Bosnia
>army uses homemade tanks
>industry based on exports and not on imports
>people wear modern clothes
>most people have smartphones
>people ride bikes to work in their trendy clothing while navigating on their smartphones

Attached: cro girl ugly clothes.jpg (403x403, 57.86K)

Other urls found in this thread: Croatia = best country/

Why don't you adopt a Labor Based Currency, and free yourselves from INTEREST DEBT SLAVERY?


she needs the pic related

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they are ugly and dumb.

You're still a Slav, though.

*kih* *tres*


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>poorer than Romania
>money and high purchasing power

I see

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do you have a problem with Romania,kpop nip? I really wanna nut inside 10 kpop whores myself

OK bro. I'm not Croatian, but for fuck's sake you need to improve your sales pitch. Delete the following because they are embarrassing:
>importing cars from Portugal
>army uses homemade tanks
>people wear modern clothes
>most people have smartphones
>people ride bikes to work in their trendy clothing while navigating on their smartphones

For the tanks thing, say that you have a "domestic military industry that manufactures next-generation tanks and combat equipment." In English the word "homemade" implies inferior quality, like some heinous pie that your senile grandmother made that you smile about even though it's barely edible.

Also mention Fiume/Rijeka and D'Annunzio, which are directly relevant to Yas Forums

Our production of car's is stopped because of Corona, sorry pal.

No problem, just using borrowing Romania as the de facto reference point of a poor country.

And you cant afford a kpop whore.

Can't be that bad. At least they supported the right side during WW2.

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Attention whoring much?
How old are you user, like, 11?

>tfw mommy makes you a king for a day

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>gay rights
instant dislike

Why do you keep making these threads, bro? Croatia = best country/

Gay marriage doesn't exist according to the constitution idk what OP's talking about

You fellas make one of the best handguns I've ever seen.




didnt you invent those?

>already spend 100 of millions of dollars on importing Polish technology to more easily compete with Western Europe
>Polish technology

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Oh shut up Bozgor Turkroach.

Ustache pride!

She cute.

>>gay rights
pick one
>>most people have smartphones

Croatian women have all the beauty of Italian women only they don't grow mustaches as they age unlike S*rbs or Italians.


> T. Jew

ok, I apologize for my rudeness. I don't want to attract bad karma, it was a joke.

Worthless slavs

>Be croatian
>Only hope of all french nation to defeat the african team
>Infinite african make france great again propaganda here

We shall never forgive you for such let down.
This girl is incredibly cute tho

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They buyed tons of witchers games.

> Importing polish technology

Like plungers and drain cleaners?

(((FIFA))) was far too invested in seeing a "diverse" team triumph over a "racist nazi all white" team

the Griezman penalty was fake and gay and that decided the match; if it had stayed 1-1 who knows what would have occured?

>Like plungers and drain cleaners?
of course the Microsoft certified tech supporter doesn't understand the need of these services.
When do I get my $499 back?

>on importing Polish technology
the what?

excuse me nigger,what?

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do you guys welcome some wagie flips?

FIFA is sponsored by EU kikes. It's like a reverse 1935 Olympics.

unfortunately yes. But this year no, corona wrecks economy

>unfortunately yes
it feels unwelcoming lol

how is it possible for moldova and ukraine to be so poor?

immigrant is a immigrant and therefore unwelcome

But you only take showers like once every two weeks you filthy barbarian

>faggotry being allowed
I'm so sorry to hear that

fuck your inverted colours.

not planning to live permanently just 2-3 years, unlike those niggers & sandniggers infesting other parts of europe do they even speak english or deutsche?

Did you finally sold all of your cabbage farm to buy CS:GO?

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Imagine her taking a BBC

>strategical partnership with Argentina until 2050
topkek, ww2 frozen meat still tastes great

All you need is an x-acto knife and a sterilized angle grinder

You forgot one.
>ancestral home to the most powerful burger in MMA

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lmao savage

Niko is a Serb.

eitherway, that ship has passed, I don't think we'll take much foreign workers this year, or next one

It's been fucking years this pasta has been going around. It always makes me laugh. Pic related are two Croatian "men".

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I found Croatia to be like a dirty armpit of Europe. Trash in piles at every pullout which indicates subhuman levels of infrastructure. Can't even develop proper sanitation services. Graffiti was everywhere. Even nice areas. People burned trash so it smelled a lot like some shitholes in the Middle East. dysfunctional sewage system evidenced by sewage pipes dumping straight into the ocean. That leads to high levels of fecal content along the coast. You have a long way to go before you aren't considered the niggers of Europe. You are better than Serbia though. So theres that

Croatia is a great country

I make more money than your entire yurt living village or your entire neighbourhood in Seoul,might as well bring a singer in here for entertainment purpose (and personal reasons)

>importing Polish technology
>importing cars from Portugal
seems about right for a 2nd world country

Why do you say that?

>Croatia = best country
by what metric

>everyone fucking spazzing out over a flu

oh god it's the black death, better lock up everyone inside their house with a hazmat suit

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