Why did he do it?
Why did he do it?
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sheklant JooM?
Because he was MKULTRA'd and Paid to be a Crisis Actor.
because you get what you fucking deserve
for the lulz and because they deserved it
Read the manifesto faggot.
He made a dossier telling you why.
For his people.
you can't really take anything in the manifesto seriously. You can't believe anything he wrote
For "the lulz"
This. It is all clearly stated if you read it
What makes you say something so foolish? It seemed pretty serious to me besides a few obvious jokes like the navy seal copy pasta, the fortnight dance joke, and the Candace Owens joke
What the fuck do you mean “you can’t take anything he wrote seriously?”
I’m not in favor for what he did, but his manifesto was somewhat well written. There is absolutely no doubt that white birth rates are going down compared to other races, this being in Europe and in America. There is no doubt, that our own governments are catering to other people more than their native populace. There definitely no doubt that we’re being replaced
Other than that, he threw his life away.
You just have to not be a newfaggot and know how to filter out the shitposting from what he wrote.
Obviously this is impossible for our enemies.
Why not? You clearly know when he's joking or memeing. The memes are there to throw off normalfags and reporters while keeping Yas Forumstards in the know.
Free room and board healthcare and a life of isolation
The ultimate NEET.
White people lack the mental capacity for empathy. They have no morals, no soul. They chimp out at the slighest provocation as if they where irrational impulsive monkeys. There is no logic in their actions, only blind hatred driven by faulty ideological leanings.
Don't overthink why white devils do mindless murder for the sake of murder. Its what they've done for centuries. Luckily, they're a dying breed that won't be around for long .
>Other than that, he threw his life away.
Our enemy functions by creating complex systems and games where the only "rational" choice at any given time is one that sends you further on the path to defeat.
The way you defeat a system like that is by casting a stone into stagnant waters.
Project harder, nigger.
Ok nigger
It's obvious a lot of what he wrote was to get attention hence the references to Candace and the shout out to Pewdiepie. He could just as easily be espousing alt right shit because its a hot button topic
>He could just as easily be espousing alt right shit
If you didn't even know that the "Alt-right" is a leftist-invented boogie-man, then there's no hope for you to understand.
For who?
For us and mostly Ebba
The typical response from the white devil.
As they lack the mental capacity for reason they turn to hatred and anger.
Typical behavior commonly seen in sub-human whites.
Why don't these faggots ever target politicians or industrialists? why do they always go after the proles?
Because his mind was a fucking mess.
Crazy people like him tend to inspire others because they speak some truths no one else does, but in the end of the day...they are schizzos.
On the one hand he fancied himself an...eco fascist....therefore he chose to kill muslims because of the birth rates...
On the other hand...he was an avid supporter of China...who is responsible both for massive birth rates and destroying the environment to unpredecendent levels.
So what its going to be?
Imagine if you will, you chose to say "fuck my life...I ll do something and I dont care if I get imporissoned or die".
And you chose to kill innocents.
He could have driven around with a loudspeaker screaming his ideology to randoms for a better result.
You could break into a live show, hijack it and start speaking..
and if you got to kill...you can kill poliricians, or journos.
Nasim, a malnourished autist had bigger balls than this dude.
He did, what others dream about
If he just wanted attention, there are millions of better ways to get it than to shoot up a mosque and written a white nationalist manifesto with memes. His video and manifesto are literally banned in New Zealand and Australia.
>killing unarmed civilians makes you a saint
Preventing genocide does make one a saint
>It's obvious a lot of what he wrote was to get attention hence the references to Candace and the shout out to Pewdiepie. He could just as easily be espousing alt right shit because its a hot button topic
nigger what?
lurk moar why don’t you, maybe you’ll come to a logical conclusion soon enough, either that or suffer with mental impairment, otherwise known as cognitive dissonance
Then why didn't he go after (((those))) making it happen? Muslims are just a symptom not the disease go after the root cause.
should they have armed them first or something
literal brainlet that browsed too much 8 ch an. Should have had sex instead.
>We call you animals
>You call us the devil
You are such a retarded gorilla, you don't even know what empathy IS.
See, people (not niggers. People.) actually have EMPATHY EVEN FOR ANIMALS.
Meanwhile, you call us fucking "devils" because you don't even acknowledge us as a fucking valid part of the world.
Of course, a nigger is too stupid to understand or rationally respond to an argument like this, so go ahead and gimme some more "OOKS", asshole.
he should have gone after someone that's actually responsible instead of killing a bunch of proles.
who would he go after? allah?
He was a CIA nigger shill. He barely says anything about jews. He actively supports them. Immigration is a symptom, not a cause. The top brass prefer immigration because of MONEY - they don't care about race .
His people the Jews
Because he was uncontrollably based. Praise to St. Tarrant.
>unarmed civilians
>hostile invaders at a known extremist mosque that produced ISIS fighters
Because he felt like it.
Because he's a mad aussie cunt, I guess.
>scared beaner knows whites are killing shitskins
Get your family out of my country Paco before someone handles them next.
You know (((who)))
Only if the Muslims saw it that way
Muslims hate Jews mate what are you on about?
no one will ever get to (((them))), they can read minds, they will know what's about to happen to them and do something about it
To piss you off I heard. Worked quite nicely
Because lower-to-middle-class Muslims are our biggest enemy goy
"If you do not stand by our [Israel's] side, the day when Islamic terror will reach your homes, your beds and your kindergartens will come soon.”
- Yisrael Hasson, former Deputy Director of Israel's Security Agency, speaking to Danish, Swedish and Dutch ambassadors to Israel, as well as officials from the embassies of Britain, Belgium, Italy, Hungary, Austria and Germany, in July 2014
That was a year before the European 'refugee' crisis.
"This party, we were approached, we were offered money from the United States, and all they wanted was two things; they only wanted us to concentrate on Islam[...]and it only came with one other thing - they wanted us to drop our criticism of the banking system"
- Nick Griffin (British National Party), Jan 2013
See: youtube.com
"Scott Morrison, I used to work for you, buddy!"
“You paid me to confront Sam Dastyari — maybe not you — but your underlings. Andrew Hastie and Ian Goodenough: I had a secret meeting with you two in Perth about taking over the anti-Islam activist scene on Facebook.
“You paid me through a third party to fly across the country to generate views, content, and to push the vote for you in the Victorian state election.
“What about the secret meeting in Queensland? You paid me to be a far-right extremist, to get people to vote for you.”
- Neil Erikson, former member of United Patriots Front
To fight the invaders obviously.
They should at least fucking try killing civilians does almost nothing to push their cause.
No. That is niggers.
Sniff sniff, ah yes, reddit spacing, mmmh, I can smell it miles off
they were little muzzie bugs, the roach motel produced isis fighters, it was p based, I mean do you need any more reason?
The european race is the only race with morals and soul these days. It is our weakness. Your greatest fear is when we actually chimp out
Because he's based
Heard he broke after having depression and OCD.
ok beaner
what’s funny is people seem to have forgotten the massacre of christcuks in Sri Lanka following the attack.
He should have taken 50 more
Nobody buys it moshe.
You're talking to the people who can identify you by your faces.
They were planning that for awhile
>no source
I am surely gonna believe your baseless claim
>The european race is the only race with morals and soul
>saying this while posting Hitler who's actions led to the persecution and deaths of 11 million innocents in concentration camps
>the same Hitler who started a war in where over 50 million died.
Normally I'd think you're joking but this is Yas Forums, a place where retards congregate. I don't expect white devils to know what empathy and morality look like
You never heard of banter?
>Decided to kill random muzzies instead of those in power
>Didn’t even name the Jew in his manifesto
Yup, I’m thinking hes Mossad
>the holocaust never happened
>Hitler tried to save Europe from Jewish supremacy.
>The Russians practically killed themselves pushing into Germany. The only reason WW2 even happened was the Jews in Britain WANTED another war with Germany
Have you ever noticed most liberal people are white and only get on board because it appeals to their feelings
>but his manifesto was somewhat well written.
That what makes it not real. No stormfags are educated.
>killing 51 (((invaders))) is preventing genocide
>tried to save Europe
this is what NEETSoc fags actually believe
I can't recall one (1) single thread discussing Christchurch where the schizos and "sloppy job mossad" glowniggers did not show up.
I guess the fat retard Moarpheus or someone like him will now dump his usual sloppy job folder and will start randomly ranting about Israel as usual.
This place is so bad.