Japan wins

so declared Debito Arudou aka Jake Adelstein, the globohomo who's been fighting for diversity and open border in Japan. Who would have thought, Japan not listening to him actually protects him from societal collapse.

Also, other countries are run by little girls.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-25 Japan’s winning its quiet fight against Covid-19.png (687x851, 608.47K)

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Yet this same cucked Nip wanna be will claim Japan is racist because there aren't nigger BBC milking cafes impregnating Japanese women.

Basically all any country should do is take all the shit these faggots say on Twitter and their gay little blogs and do the opposite of it. They will come out on top every time.

Japs are very docile.
If you dont take a firm hand with whites they wont listen.


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So Japan manages to mitigate the virus while China failed?
Calling bullshit, the Japs could lie about it too. China should turn you into a province.

so how did they do it ??

ching chong bing bong

lol Japanese dog nervous?

It's amazing that hosting the Olympics renders you immune to Corona

what did japan do exactly

China not only failed to mitigate it, they managed to infect the rest of the world and at least eight million of them have died. All because of their incompetence and lack of openness.

Pure liquid based


Attached: aiportraits_1563543283.jpg (512x512, 14.52K)

Lingering radiation is giving them a resistance to the virus.

Not being retarded is really great, isn't it?

That's western propaganda, but im sure Swedes wouldn't know because you faggots take nigger dick lol

No, that's the fact of the matter. Don't you have some gutter oil fried bat to prepare?

Some Australian bloke on Jewtube was saying that the Jap government knows where every foreigner is inside Japan.

So it stands to reason that they would be able to tackle this virus in a way that wasnt even an option for our open borders ideologues who run our country.


Im not Swedish and I think the Chinese Communist party strategy of sending police to shut up the doctors who discovered the virus was a bad idea.

Don't you have a bull to prep?
How about you go back to MacDonalds and eat some grinded up chicken in dirty greece pans faggot think before you speak

MEanwhile UK is going to save a fuck ton of lives by using the police to shut down London, who you gonna thank afterwards faggot?

>land of rising calm
Looks like he got Korea and Japan mixed up

i wish macarthur got the go ahead to nuke your worthless country

t. Globohomo Private Hernandez

hewwo wite boi :3

They had an ethnostate where people have a government that doesn’t hate them

Masks for everyone so they can live along with the corona. There is no need to fight this virus at all cost.

Oh my fuck, is there any Japenese media of a Japanese person mocking the Chinese this way?

Hearing a Jap say "Chingu Chongu Bingu Bongu" would make my week.

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Japan is just saving its land, you really think after controlling the country they wouldn’t have any assets there?


Not you fucking Chang Wang faggot you disgusting animals ruined the world

lol nice guess faggot but China is vastly superior to America, if anything, I wish Trotsky ran the Soviets so he could have spread Communism throughout Europe and invaded America together with European brothers in arms.
Maybe then the world would be at peace and ISreal wouldnt have a pet dog to sick on any country that disagree with them

>Japan wins
They're just as stupid and dishonest as China, I don't believe this. Last I heard they have been refusing to even test anyone. Just like China, Japan cares more maintaining public image than accountability. They actually believe if they ignore the problem it will fix itself.

London hasnt been a part of England since the 80s.
Fuck London.

Oy vey it's annudda Nanjing (except for real this time)

Americans haven't????
imagine hating the historical capital of your country, sad brits get fucked

I cant see that happening. Places like Switzerland are far too defensible for you to invade and force communism on them. And as hard as you try, your propaganda only affects young people in schools not adults.
Europe had wars with real competent armies like the Nazis. Chinks are notorious for humiliating military failures and getting conquered by countries a tiny fraction of their size.

I have never in my life seen a weaker and more pathetic attempt to subvert Yas Forums than your ongoing and absolutely laughable tries. Realise that we have your playbook too.

Based Nippon

>China is vastly superior to America
Only in spreading disease it is.

adelstein, why is it so tiring.

Yeah well guess what, Hong Kong is back with China because you Brits were pussies to get into a real fight with a modern nation. You faggot brits could lose Gibraltar and the Fawklands easily now to a pathetic second rate Euro nation like Spain.

based Nip.

Attached: 1583111755545.webm (853x480, 1.43M)

Based. I hope Germany adopts Japanese strategies soon and we get some face masks out for the general population. Right now we are in short supply (masks were previously not needed). Keep fighting the good fight and show all the Americans coping by saying Japan is just hiding their numbers that the Japanese actually have this under control. And all it takes is a population that's not retarded.

>things i dream about instead of getting a job and moving out of a third world shithole

>modern nation
>sides in orbit

they folded their lungs gazillions of times

why don't you show your real flag?

Says the cuck little German state couldnt even be a co-combatant in WWII, you go absorbed into Germany

We leased it from the Chinks after humiliating them in a war and gave it back once the lease ended.
I know full well that China would have not given it back. But one of the reasons why HK is so valuable to the Chinks is because it follows British practices such as keeping your word and giving things back after a certain time if you promised to do so.
Put your money in a HK Bank its probably as safe as a British Bank.
Not so with a Chinese bank that is owned by the communist party.

Checked and kek

They're not mitigating it, they're completely ignoring it. My country has tested more people than Tokyo.

I live in a first world country

Isn’t it something that even in Japan, a country with like 1,600 Jews out of a population of 120,000,000, there are Jewish journalists? Really makes you think.

why don't yu lose weight?

Really, you don't have enough deenz. If you think about it, the average person uses 12 cans of deenz a day. For a family of four, that's 336 deenz a week! 10,080 deenz a month. In the coming months, deenz will be worth it's weight in gold cuz it's something everybody uses.

America should have let japan genocide your entire country in world war 2.
Fuck china

Asians all lie

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Imagine being so cucked you make excuses for your failures!

>pathetic chink engrish
Go have a bowl of child urine with a whole bat in it.

China would have kicked Japan's Ass if it conquered it, guriella fighters were super effective and it would have been vietnam for them

>no niggers
>everyone understands basic hygiene
>people wear face masks out of politeness

Reminder that epidemics are a symptom of 3rd world countries.

At least I speak real languages, Austria faggots only speak their bastard version of Germany

kys you shill nigger.

Attached: brazil goog guy with gun.webm (480x480, 1.92M)

based nip. please bring back the empire and team up with us to remove all chinks

little america gonna cry?

Back to your shit hole zhang

Attached: 1585006924619.jpg (550x577, 38.43K)

get a job

No, but judging by your reply count you're already crying. COPE HARDER FAGGOT.

Based, FUCK chinks

That video is from korea, you mong.

>Chang ching ping pong
Go ingest some ground up rhino horn so you can get your 1 inch dick half erect

i have a job what about you?

How much of Tokyo Vice is bullshit? Are there really scat clubs where beautiful women will take a hot, wet dump in your mouth for cold, hard cash right across the street from the diet building?

you make message towards I respond faggot that how it goes
americans have weaker bants like their hearts

how about you take steroiods and die, aussie faggot?

I would consider our reputation for honesty and fairness a successful thing.
That is probably just a cultural difference though.

You do you. As they say.

I want a cute Japanese gf, preferably an idol. She'll never want a tiny Japan man ever again.

Japan is an long dick like island.
Its very easy to separate and contain.

being a chinese nationalist is not a job
contribute you bugnigger

t. zero knowledge of history and the rapid advancement of japanese military through manchuria and greater china

it was like shooting fish in barrel that's been crushed on it's side

He gets paid 24 rnb for every shit post and comment he makes

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Your han not even bantz your absolute mongoloid rape baby.

Can Japan either kick out, imprison or terminate any and all foreigners already?

Literally "just wear a mask bro" and don't trust China. So basically the opposite of what our treasonous "experts" told us.

When have brits ever been honest? out of all of the Europeans, you faggots have the least culture. It's literally just a more pretentious, posh version of Amerimutt culture. You may have conquered half the planet but you lost it in half the time that most empires keep their possessions. You pale in comparison to Rome, which lasted for almost a thousand years and your culture only spread through America

Their normal level of cleanliness is the rest of the world's pandemic panic. They already wear masks around and clean every surface daily and respect personal space (except on the subway but the subway staff still clean the fuck out of the cars). Plus they have a high average IQ ethnostate where everyone respects each other and actually listens when someone smart is talking. The virus never stood a fucking chance and they didn't even need to change their habits.

based english teacher

Incorrect, all the other countries are so multicultural and multiethnic that it is impossible to create an effective plan that could solve a pandemic, as we see with some religious groups outright defying orders in order to have their own MASS prayers. Japan is anywhere from 80-90% the same culture which means that if the cultural heads give an order everyone listens.

It has nothing to do with some mythical way to stop pandemic, it is all that Japan has a distinct advantage when it comes to planning and executing plans simply because everyone in Japan will listen to them

No one wants to answer my question about Jake Adelstein’s journalistic integrity :(


Jews are the enemy

why is this kike telling nips not to stay home?

Invade them again please
And make sure to kill all this time


>BBC milking cafes
If only...

Japan is literally doing nothing though. They're not even testing. There's no 2000IQ plan.


I do, why you cry for Trumpbux to bail you out lol
Yeah? why does North Korea exist then faggot? Why is Vietnam communist? It's because of CHINA;s miilitary might. Whenever Chinese meet America in battle field, you lose
still going with that narrative? sad mutt
fuck off Hanz, you faggots couldnt even keep the hungarians under your belt lol

>When have brits ever been honest?

In the example we just talked about of Hong Kong. Like one minute ago.

We gave it back when we said we would give it back. You explained that in your culture that would be viewed as a weakness. But it also explains why people are so reluctant to put money in Chinese banks or invest in Chinese companies. I dont want to lend my money to someone who thinks honesty is a weakness.

But then again there are things that your country is better than mine such as cultural and racial homogeneity. I would never want you to change on my behalf thats why I said 'you do you'.

That's what I am saying, all that Japan is doing is relying on their ethnocentric society to help themselves and it is working because no one is going against any order or warning the government there gives.

So you telling me being organized can do wonders to deal with this? Who wouldve thought