You fuckers want to know where the "mass graves" are? Well here

They left their homes in Central Asia to fight against the German army. Then, dressed in rags, they were taken as prisoners to a concentration camp in the Netherlands. Few now alive remember the 101 mostly Uzbek men who were killed in a forest near Amersfoort in 1942 - and they may well have been forgotten entirely if it had not been for a curious Dutch journalist.

Every spring hundreds of Dutch men and women, young and old, gather in a forest near the town of Amersfoort, near Utrecht.

Here they light candles to commemorate 101 unknown Soviet soldiers who were shot dead by the Nazis at this very spot - and then forgotten for more than half a century.

The story was rediscovered 18 years ago, when journalist Remco Reiding returned to the town after working in Russia for several years, and heard from a friend that there was a >Soviet war cemetery nearby.

"I was surprised as I never heard of it before," Reiding says. "I visited the place and started looking for archives and witnesses."

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Other urls found in this thread: bolshevik zionist

>They left their homes in Central Asia to fight against the German army. Then, dressed in rags
thanks for the help guys

It turned out that 865 Soviet soldiers were buried there, all but 101 of them brought from other parts of the Netherlands or Germany.

But the 101, all unnamed, had died in Amersfoort itself.

They had been captured near Smolensk in the first weeks after the German invasion of the Soviet Union, and transported to the German-occupied Netherlands for propaganda purposes.

"They handpicked the Asian-looking prisoners and wanted to exhibit them to the Dutch, who resisted Nazi ideas," says Reiding.

"They called them untermenschen - inferior people - and hoped that once the Dutch saw what the Soviets looked like, they would join the Germans."

t was Dutch communists held in a concentration camp in Amersfoort whose opinion of the Soviet people the Germans were expecting to change. They had been held there with local Jews since August 1941, while all of them waited to be moved to other locations.

But the plan didn't work.

Now 91, Henk Broekhuizen, is one of the few remaining witnesses. He remembers, as a teenager, watching the Soviet prisoners arriving in the town.

"When I close my eyes I remember their faces," he says.

"Wrapped up in rags, they didn't even look like soldiers. You could only see their faces.
The Nazis paraded them through the main street all the way from the train station to the camp. They were weak and small, their feet were covered in old cloths. Some of them could hardly walk and their friends helped them."

Some prisoners managed to make eye contact with the onlookers and used hand gestures to indicate that they were hungry.

"We brought some water and bread for them," says Broekhuizen. "But the Nazis knocked it all from our hands. They didn't let us help them."

But Reiding started gathering evidence from Dutch archives.
One thing he discovered was that they were mainly Uzbeks. The camp authorities themselves were unaware of this, until an SS officer who spoke Russian arrived to interview them.

When two of the Uzbeks died, he forced other prisoners to behead them and boil their skulls until they were clean, Reiding says.
The doctor kept the skulls of two Uzbeks on his desk to study. How crazy!"

Starved and frail, the Uzbeks started eating rats, mice and plants. Twenty-four of them didn't survive the harsh winter of 1941, and the remaining 77 were no longer needed when they became too weak to work.

So early one morning in April 1942, the Nazis told them they were being moved to southern France, where the warmer climate would suit them.

In fact they were taken to a forest just outside the camp, where they were shot and buried in a mass grave.

"Some of them started weeping, some held hands together and faced their death. Those who tried to flee were chased by the soldiers and shot," says Reiding, quoting camp guards and drivers who witnessed the execution

I instantly recognise the Uzbek-sounding names and the Central Asian faces. The unibrows, gentle eyes and mixed-race features - these are all considered beautiful in my country.

Eurasian Tiger is that you?
I always said you belong in Kazakhstan playing an ugly body double of Golovkin the boxer

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How can you monsters deny any of this? Witnesses to graves. A Nazi had these poor men beheaded and their skulls boiled so he can plop them on his desk to study? Absolutely barbaric.

I have a u-unibrow t-too ... Would the nazis boil my head and lop it off then shoot me in a forest ?
They also made their youth army strangle puppies ...

Stop making light of this. You shitlords make me sick and you all need help in a major way.

Bump. Your edgy frog memes cannot protect you.

I'm sorry he did such a thing, it's not something that can be denied there were some people of such nature within the German army. There were barbaric people on all sides of the conflict though, and many Kazakhs Tatars and Uzbeks fought alongside the Axis in the international theatre.

Maybe to you, nigger.

Get out.

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Yes I know that. It's not about the sides though, it's just pure barbacy that drove some of the higher ups in the SS to commit absolute atrocities against human beings, at an alarmingly more frequent rate than those on any other side.

Even if there were 1 or 2 (or 200) sickos in an army of thousands, big fucking whoop. This does nothing for your 6 million narrative. Get fucked.

It was an excerpt from the article but I found it fitting as I am half Uzbek and Half American white.

There was no "clean wermacht". The Nazis were motivated purely out of false supremacy by a drug addicted lunatic and this proves it.

An opinion based on 80 years of demonization and a carefully crafted narrative. Show us the data behind your "higher rates" statement, kike.

Proves how?

Don't stop believing everything you're told, brainlet.

Based on actual evidence and eyewitness accounts of which you will find plenty. These stories are not just carefully crafted opinion articles. That is absurd.

101 commie soldiers = 6 gorrillian Jews

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why should i give a fuck about anything that happened to communists??

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I don't disbelieve that a bunch of fucking commies were offed... fucking shit, I would hope they were. But 1) you know dick about the actual event itself and 2) this doesn't say shit about the 6 gorllion.

>a few hundred slavs were executed in a war

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You don't get it do you you edgy neck beard? First of all it was a grave of 866 Soviet soldiers, 101 of which were Uzbek. Secondly if they go to this site to commerate these victims, do you think it's the only one? All victims including the 6 million Jews had to have been buried somewhere and in many such places you can find thousands at a time. That adds up.

You lost. Get out.

>based on actual hearsay and unavailable archival information
So where are the bodies.


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I don’t care about Russians, but holy crow Utrecht University was instrumental in very early America history. In the 1720-1740 range.

But but they have to exist because some commies were executed!!!

You're demented. Why would the world lie about the atrocities and collaborate the same "lie" across textbooks and teachings? It makes no sense that it's universally accepted and the most historically significant event in our history and the only holdouts are incel freaks. Oh wait it does.


Why would you of all people be associating with these freaks? It was a Dutch journalist who broke the story and are you forgetting what the Nazis did to your people? What the hell man?

Again, your conviction rests on "but everyone else believes it."

You're an idiot.


I facial to see what you are getting at here.

This would clearly be just one more war crime amongst the thousands committed by all sides during the 2nd World War. This is not the Holocaust by any means.

i'm not retarded. history is decided by the victor.
you stupid moron.

Because there's memorials, museums, archives, gravesites aplenty all over the world. What more do you need to see? To go back in time and witness it through your own eyes?

Any subhuman Turkic who enters Europe illegally deserves to get shot.

it was the british that bombed the shit out of us that caused the hunger. churchill didn't just bomb dresden, he bombed everything.
and yes, it's hearsay. look at my fucking flag.

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White supremacists are always asking where are the graves? This is a story about one such place. Smart people can deduce that if there is one grave here that there's likely hundreds if not thousands of others.

i dare not ask what you look for on your phone kek

So let me get this straight, you refuse to believe a story by your own countryman in favor of some fake photoshopped epic meme that was made by a white supremacist? Glad to see you have your priorities straight.

That would help... and physical evidence... and the documentation that such a vast systematic undertaking would require. I mean, the Nazis, who couldn't imagine anything but complete and total victory, wouldn't care about "damning evidence."

stupid idiot. My grandfathers fought against germans, they didn't spit on their corpses the way you do, utter faggot.

I think I understand white supremacists now. They are children. You have to present information in a colorful picture format(memes) not unlike early childhood books. They are simply mentally stunted and have to be spoon fed information, be careful not to overload them though, anything above 2nd grade comprehension may be too much for then.

i'm not even white you dunce

You don't think they destroyed evidence like scurrying rats in the final days knowing that good had prevailed? You really don't think they tried to cover their tails to avoid death and imprisonment? Wow.

absolutely. The fuck were these Uzbeks doing fighting a war in Europe against Europeans?

>purely out of false supremacy
>meanwhile “gods chosen” setting themselves up to get genocided

My apologies friend. I came to this white supremacist board to discuss with white supremacists. Which begs the question more than ever, why are you here fraternizing with this helpless flock of monsters?

more like shit is fabricated post war to facilitate interwar propaganda. it's been 80 fucking years and you still seek to humiliate germans hard enough so they destroy europe through suicidal egalitarianism instead.

Some people did some things. Who cares

>That adds up.
Find me the other 5999 caches of dead jews if it adds up.

We were a part of the USSR, defending our interests. Wow you guys really are history illiterate. Reddit warned me but I persisted.

They were so efficient as to erase every little bit of paper eventually mentioning a systemic genocide ?

Yea right, also don't start with the order of Zyklon B used to kill lice in clothing

You're sick. Get help.

Reminder that holocoo literature appeared in the 60ies. Elie Wiesel saw no gasrooms , and he never heard rumors of it. But he 'saw' jewish babies thrown in fiery ditc- GET THE FUCK OUT MY BOARD, FAG.

because hypocrite, we don't see nearly the amount of backlash OR scrutiny over the very first "concentration camps" by the BRITISH in south africa.
The NOT death camps of south africa but UTTER decimation camps of germany. Absolute hypocrisy of the highest order.
I'm against all that pervert history. To think that YOU in a NON-IT environment and WITHOUT the advent of information technology should be able to choose right from wrong and VALIDATE such a thing?? retarded.

101 is far less than 6000000. And they call you inferior.

wait a minute. these guys weren't jews....

were are the jew mass graves?

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Europe is west of the Ural mountains dumbass. They were caught in Smolensk, again in Europe.

The Ferguson riots were based off eye witness testimony.

I don't seek to humiliate anybody but history illiterate shitlords. It is the world's duty to make sure an event like this never happens again and it seems everyone is pretty much on board except this lot of school shooters and incels.

the eternal german

>That adds up
Circumstantial evidence that wouldn't hold water in a civil trial in the US.

lets not forget the decoding of the enigma encryption and the lack of any such orders.
Funny how PTSD only sets on when one does something he regrets.

And if you're interests were aligned with the communist soviet union, then you are intellectually garbage as well as genetically.

Read "200 years together" of Soljenitsyne and come back talking about (((who))) controlled the USSR at the time

Here is the pdf for you

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Review the Martin preschool trial of the early 80s and come back with your bullshit narrative.

It's an act of race war to enter a foreign nation and kill members of another race. Do you understand? It's like if Germans went to Uzbekistan and killed Uzbeks and got captured - every German soldier knows what they have coming.

meant for

Fuck you, deduction is not evidence. The evidence should be enough to gag a maggot. Yet, all we have is stories and supposition.

You know it's possible that these orders were carried out orally as to avoid a paper trail? You guys believe every conspiracy you hear until it's the most documented event in world history and suddenly you all become expert researchers. Yet another victim of racism by the Germans defending them. Your ancestors would be sick.

if you're serious, give us the actual source of the article instead of linking to some shitty anglojewish news-site. witness reports are meaningless when it comes to the so-called nazi atrocities, since we know that the jews extracted testimonies during torture and threats to their families. we also know that they've lied about other mass-graves, the most famous one is the katyn massacre in poland.

the article doesn't mention why they were killed, what the obduction of the uzbeks resulted in (were they even killed by gunfire?).

and even if it's true that germans executed some POWs, it's not really a newsworthy... we know the soviets killed at least one or two millions of captured germans, and the allies did the same thing. They also firebombed dresden and other refugee cities, they torpedoed german refugee ships, they intentionally starved several million germans after the war. This was the real holocaust and to compare it to some 101 uzbeks who might have died (how can it be forgotten when jews have spent the last 70 years trying to dig up things that can be blamed on the nazis?) by german soldiers orders is just retarded.

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In the spirit of OP's faggy attempt they were 'undesirables' that the Germans 'surely killed, and therefore surely killed 6.000 K jews'.

He's just messing with your mind , those vague platitudes applied to other topics, should you accept them, that Uncle Dolph used to talk about.

>Leave your home in central Asia
>Go to Europe
>Attack Germans in a dutch Forrest
>Get killed
How can anybody actually believe that these faggots where the victims here?

the dead care

Let me guess, the papieren trail you're sorely lacking to prove your numerous claims ?

All of USSR was called to defend the advancing Germans. It's about as dumb as me saying why were Americans in Europe fighting Germans? Hurt Durr you guys lack education.

Why would you avoid a paper trail if you were doing the right thing. You have to convince people that they are not morally wrong to commit acts of murder. I really can't imagine a SS commander having his unit kill 60000 and then be like "fuuuck we have to cover this up guys."

Try thinking for yourself for once. How often have you been to europe. Have you even ever talked to a german in your life?
I've talked to SS men IRL when they were still alive. They were physically fit and rational people, not the moloch baal creatures you try to portray them.

>unironically using an amp link.
Discarded via TRIM

>Every spring hundreds of Dutch men and women, young and old, gather in a forest near the town of Amersfoort, near Utrecht.

No gatherings aloud, haven’t you watched 5e news?

A) we are not a cohesive group but a rag tag band of pirates B) get the hell out fag.

I actually don't wish to speak to you given your nationality. I hope you can respect that.

im a toothpaste
and this is schizo bullshit

top kek, you can already tell that the one guy with just the filter in his mouth probably fucked up something regarding his mask. hilarious shit.

OUT OUT OUT. Shame you rejected talking to mustafa. Out now.

You guys are overwhelming me with responses now.

war is fucked and there are only villains
there are not heroes in this world because it was created by Lucifer

>I actually don't wish to speak to you given your nationality.
lmao, just as i say this >How often have you been to europe. Have you even ever talked to a german in your life?

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Wouldn't the kraut know better than most people. Being that there should be gardens of jew bones popping out the ground.

>can find the bodies of 800 commies eight decades later
>still can't find any of the six gorrilion bodies because those were perfectly disposed of by magical pizza ovens that can incinerate 400 highly flammable kikes every 5 minutes

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>When two of the Uzbeks died, he forced other prisoners to behead them and boil their skulls until they were clean, Reiding says.
>The doctor kept the skulls of two Uzbeks on his desk to study. How crazy!"
Lmao why do Jews always have to add on silly shit like this. It makes the whole thing unbelievable.

Because it justified the creation of the fake state of Israel, the demonization of the white race and because germans had to pay for daring to find an alternative to (((central banking))) and (((usury))) that is historically a (((J))) thing (it is forbidden in islam and Christianity)

It's not even legal in my country to discuss it, if it really did happen they wouldn't need such laws

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actually the nazi's treated us really well
in fact most of us joined the ss
it was the allies who bombed rotterdam because reasons
not the germans
i will always hate the leafs and mutts with a passion

Who are you? I wasn't addressing you.

I would never speak to an SS soldier. You portray them as great liberators and Greek gods when they were fanatical maniacs hell bent in ruling the world and it being all white.

your country has horrible standards

Because they knew what they were doing was horrendous?

The advancing Germans were trying to remove the commies you fuckwit. They weren't there just to murder Russians. You sided with the commies then and you defend it still.
Americans were 90%+ European at the time of WWII, and Patton even realized we'd been duped into fighting the wrong war and was insistant on ridding the world of the absolute human garbage that had raped it's way across Eastern Europe.

nobody cares, kikebutt
keep singing about it for the next centuries, nobody gives a fuck about your folktales

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Here's a extra response niggerfaggot : get the hell out . Stop wasting our time with your holocaust proof disproof operations.

This remember me of bones, when they take a body takes weeks to it to decompose, so boiling is a good way i think.

But you directly responded to my original post. If this is some sort of joke to get me to speak to you it's not funny

>You portray them as great liberators and Greek gods
what the fuck are you talking about user? They are NORMAL people is what i'm saying.
Them being SS only means that they are special forces, the military men that everyone PRAISES in other countries. They WERE physically fit men.
that is what i've learned from talking to them, not from shitty post war propaganda.

>101 mostly Uzbek men who were killed
70,000,000 people died during WW2 - nobody cares.

they cant help it
it's the archontic infection

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Finland is mix race though and many people find them beautiful. Thought you would be a little more sympathetic given were both Asian.

The real redpill is that German national socialism of the 30' was a reaction to Jewish talmudism, jew see themselves as the master race chosen by god and Hitler just made his own to counter it and to try to restore his country wich he did before the war

I'm not a pan germanist, just telling you the real story, Nazism and Talmudism are the same shit

yeah i saw the movie

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so they were jews? bolshevik zionist

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Haha that is just false. Did you drop out of fifth grade?

You're "speaking" to me right now.

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This pathetic LARPing gives it away. I guess no one told you that nobody outside of Yas Forums thinks of us as anything less than Nordics.

I am talking about basic human psychology. The overwhelming majority of people have to convince themselves that what ever act they engage in it is justified. Your point is that these people understood what they were doing was morally reprehensible and then covered it up and then continued doing it. Do you see how fucking stupid that sounds? Are you capable of self reflection?

They..were not normal. Normal is not carrying out the systematic genocide of anyone who isn't white. You sick fuck.

you're jewed
get gassed

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>They left their homes in Central Asia to fight against the German army
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

Good riddance no?