Delete Italy from EU

Delete Italy from EU

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Other urls found in this thread:

China starts and spreads the chinese virus.
Italian shitskins imported 100s of k of chinese bugs to the north for cheap labour because muuh one route one belt bullshit( of course shitalians fell for the debt trap).
Those bugs flew back home for new year and took the virus with them when comming back.
China got out of control and shitalians gave medical aid to their master china.
Now shitalia is even worse off than china and china sends some italian aid back.


Negro and Arab genes takes a toll. Dumb subhumans ruining europe.

>t germany
we're all fucked aren't we?

We survived much worse things than that but all plagues in europe got 100% spread from subhuman med niggers when doing trade with china.
Meds should be genocided for the sake of europe.

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Fuck shitalians

>Delete Italy from EU

Yes good riddance pasta eaters
I'll think of you when I eat my spaghetti bolognese

The EU will be dead after corona, people will not forget how they failed.

how the fuck is aids a pandemic? you cant catch it from walking around.

>Delete Italy from EU
Please, yes

Delete the CCP from China


that didn't age well

they're referencing homosexuality in a hidden way

we switched side mesut
they gonna gave us vaccine

Is this you. I saved the screenshot

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>Italy asking for medical aid from China, Cuba and Venezuela

I'm not surprised they would do this.

tfw yellow fever WAS a thing

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Greece too please.

Imagine thinking to leave the EU for one of the few things worse than it

It was me

Yawn, this fake news again.

Do you not know what a pandemic is, you stupid fuck?

>Meds should be genocided for the sake of europe.
t. the most hated country on europe
Probaly, if pastameds dont outright leave they will ask for more gibs which Germany will not give as they didnt even wanted to cover the hole UK left in EU budget, altough Merkel might actually give green light to EuroBonds

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hey faggots, here's an idea. Delete the EU.

Even India sent more help than rest of Eu together, fucking India.

Cringe, Italians really crave sucking someone else’s cock, just like commies bowing to the USSR in the days.
Literal traitors.

Cope, inferior snownigger

>China creates virus
>China provides solution
>Italy falls for it again

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Vattene a fanculo negro di merda


t. European subhuman

>Chong typing from the Chinese embassy

Too fast, too furious.

Just one of hundred thousand chinese companies drained whatever supplies any county in the world had.

> Fosun first purchased more than 240,000 sets of medical protective suits from France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Portugal, Japan, India and other places while we also secured more than 200,000 medical masks.

Quick rundown on why they like the chinese and not the EU now?

Die EU scum, our hatred towards you is growing day by day, we will even sell our souls to see every disgusting beyondalpnigger killed by chinks. I dream of the day when your cathedrals will be converted into mosques.

Log off junker you’re already drunk.

Sarà la troia cancerosa di tua sorella una chink, subumano ritardato. Hai così tanto un culo infarcito di merda al posto del cranio che non riesci nemmeno a capire concetti di politica basilari. Subumano, ammazzati.

Shouldn't you be at the eurogroup, Mr
(((David))) Sassoli?

an expert in unions that doesnt work and make everybody angry i see

>Delete Italy from EU
Yes, please?
Also we had the biggest communist party in Europe,our country is full of communists.

Because italians send a shitload of medical supplies 2 months ago to help china and now china has send them a small portion back, while they complain about other EU states that hoarded their medical supplies and didn't give any to the chink
Dumb ass fucking pasta eaters

This. Bitching about the EU is retarded. Praising China is double retarded.

only country that has sent medical supplies and support


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>italy switching sides
Why is anybody surprised this 3rd world country is switching sides

Stockholm syndrome. Arguably the EU is shit but this is like jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Italians always sucked so why is this surprising?

Because most part of my people are whining niggers that get convinced by the equivalent of glass trinkets in the conquest of America.
Italians don’t realize that Chong sent aids for the whopping cost of 100K €, still they rejoice them as a great gift of the highest value.
Taci terrone di merda, sciacquati quel cesso di bocca e scrivi in inglese.

Most turned into liberals as soon the wall fell tho. They even bombed servia and sunk Albanian dinghies.

The chinks are pumping out propaganda.

This is where the masks that could save your grandpa went:

> Workers at Chinese steel companies have been buying masks and protective suits abroad, including from Japan, Germany and Italy, according to the nation’s iron and steel association.

> Monica Mi, an export manager of a construction material factory in Nanjing that sells aluminum curtain walls, has even been asking her clients to buy masks for her factory workers in the past week.


>dues bolt flag
an actual jewcocksucker here, everybody

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Terrone sei tu, cretino. É ai terroni che fa comodo la UE, con tutti i gibs annessi e connessi.
Kill yourself

OK, quindi abbiamo un mezzo cinese e un mezzo terrone subumano del cazzo. Infilati un palo nel culo, subumano "muh inglisc". Spero che tua madre crepi di cancro anale.

How could Venezuela help when they don't have supplies to treat their patients in their own hospitals for years now?

> Medicom, a Canadian manufacturer, has three factories in China, but the Chinese government has requisitioned all production and nothing is being exported, according to the company's COO, Guillaume Laverdure.

>they gonna gave us vaccine
Oh you poor, retarded fool.

Why the fuck would you kneel for China?

They bombed Libya,Iraq, Afghanistan and many other countries too

delete the EU

This is correct, people here are truly on mutt retardation levels.
They really want to sell us out to the LOWEST bidder.
Very high IQ post, recommended.

>negro and Arab genes
Here we go again with this meme

>Germany claims for year about the gifts and solidarity of the EU
>Crisis comes
>Germany throws Italy under the wheels
>China sends some help
Italy rejoices that actually someone wants to help them

Attention: there are some chinks apologists with Italian flag on this fag making psyop of a site
They are not better or worse than European Union fags
Their plan might be different

Habere, non haberi

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holy kekeroni batman, I thought they meant that the EU was just a tool for international capitalism and therefore was paving the way for Chinese domination in the European territories, but reading this thread it seems they mean that China is better for Italy than the EU
you okay pastaniggas ?

see this:

This guy is the typical Italian rat. Always ready to shit on his own to please his foreign masters in the hope of receiving a pat of the shoulder.
Meglio i rifugiati della merda umana come te

Delete Belgium before the EU

Delete the EU, isn’t this exactly what the EU is supposed to be for? Yet they’ve done nothing to help anyone. Stupid itais forget that batsoup and chinks in the north caused this to begin with though

based pastaniggers
Fuck the eu, fuck the zog, and above all fuck jannies

>ever trusting a wop

kek, the germ lashes out in anger when he's found out.

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Because italians send a shitload of its supplies a month ago, and now they dont have any
They trusted the chink and paid for it.

It’s totally fine with us Italians, you pedophile Belgian

I dont blame them really, the EU did fuck them over. Literally no help. I wouldnt ally myself with China, but still, fuck the EU for that.

You probably buy them at Sbarro’s

They don't, it's literally one chink using an italian vpn who has been spamming fake news and lies for days now.

Go back to Africa or whatever your shithole country of origin is.

>Be commie in the 80s
>”Whaaaa, you’re bowing to your american masters”
>”But USSR is the promised land, don’t you dare to call me traitor”
>Fast forward to 2020
>”Whaaaa, you’re bowing to your american/EU masters”
>”But China is giving us 100K € in equipment, they could be our best trading partners, silk road 2.0, I’ll give them everything but I swear I’m not a traitor.”





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Should have been immolated with a Bic lighter and no accelerant for flying that flag to begin with.

cope, fuggot

Italian cucks going all in with the Stockholm Syndrome. Mamma mia!s

>takes American MSM seriously
>completely ignores the mounting evidence the (((USA))) is behind this from numerous countries that would typically favor the (((USA)))
>i-im redpilled n-newfag

The mutts got brainwashed (and circumcised) since birth with MUH PATRIOTISM, that's why they're defending their jew state, you have to be super low IQ to buy their narrative.