Why does Yas Forums hate this man?

Why does Yas Forums hate this man?

He has shown exceptional leadership amid the virus crisis.

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He's the real president


I will say this.. this guy seems to care more about human lfie than Trump does.

I hate this guy when this started but I listen to him every day and he actually wants to save people fuck the economy.

I don't like that Dem operatives know Joe is unelectable and are pushing fucking Cuomo, I how he gets murdered.

you probably arent watching.. this guy is actually good.

> I how

Well, guess I should get moving.

state-sanctioned, tax payer-funded slaughter of not only fetuses, but live human babies now, as per his mandate. i think they did the same thing in (((new jersey))) too.

ahhh hahahaha

Seriously ? your trolling ... thats it

hes actually been good.. better than any democrat candidates ive seen.. he should be running.

I'd unironically support if he took over the presidency until November.

must be a Jew yorker
Stay where you are at please don't infect the rest of the world with or with out this virus .....

You need to go Back

idk I like the guy

t. basedboy

if coumo was really in control he would not let chinks come here.

No legacy politician should be running for office, especially one who’s brothers with a CNN shill

Why do you fuckers think just because someone gets on TV, yells and spout idealistic nonsense makes them a suitable candidate for executive office


>Yas Forums being flooded by cuomoniggers

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mass murderer

>Lifts Trump travel ban
>Foreign "American" brings virus
>NY worst hot spot in country

He's a good goy

These gotta be slide threads. It is impossible for anyone who visits this board to hold this opinion even the lefties

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At least for the Chinese virus he's doing what people look for in a leader. Not Trump who can't stop saying "it's just a flu, bro". All his approval ratings went up when he started taking it seriously and now he's back to his old retarded ways. He's the epitome of the out of touch boomer, at least on this issue. I hope he gets the fucking coof.

I cannot believe how many people in this thread even are bothering to bring up partisan shit like abortions etc. They are just as bad as the retard dems trying to insert fucking funds for refugees and global warming into the stimulus bill. Everyone who isnt focusing on the pandemic right now and who are pushing their Israel sanctioned right left talking points should be shot in the street.

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god damn you gays who think that fuck stick is a good guy need to see help for your brain damage

He should be running for president, our current dipshit president is playing grab ass and thinking about putting everyone back to work.

Cuomo let the amount of people infected get super high just so he can start talking good because he knows Americans are idiots who are easily charmed by words. He has ruined NY for years though.

If he was such a great person the pandemic never would have been able to explode in this state.

>Why does Yas Forums hate this man?
He wants to and already has banned some guns. The only reason to disarm someone is if you're worried about them harming you. The only reason I would harm someone is if they were a direct threat to me, my family, or my possessions. From this we can deduce he plans on being a direct threat to me and people like me and wants us disarmed. Why would I like someone who wants to harm me?

Are you really so stupid that you fall for appearances this easy? What is wrong with you

His shilling on television and the internet feels very inorganic . Feels like they want him to replace Biden because they know joe is too slow for prime time
I’m not saying you’re trolling or a shill just feels very overboard to be honest
Maybe wheel it back a smidge and try it again ?

you obviously are not from NY

More people died of abortion in the last week in the US than the entire pandemic worldwide since its start.

Fair enough

>shilling wop faggot NYer on 4chins
You pathetic niggers really are just destined to lose at everything

You forgot to mention that taxes are insanely high in NY and that any money that could go to improving lives upstate get funneled through state government right into the city and that is all Cuomo's fault.

lurk mor

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Hes a faggot that said,
>"Fuck every other state except New York. Send NEW YORK all the medical supplies."
I hope New York burns to the fucking ground over riots.

Scum is scum. Just because he isn't dropping the ball entirely when it comes to handling a pandemic, that doesn't mean he is worth a shit. He is a typical Zionist shill Democrat.

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Nobody from another state seems to recognize that he pulls this shit from time to time. He is ONLY suddenly doing things that seem great because he WANTS votes. They don't realize who/how he really is, if he actually became president, he would fuck as all over for money.

>exceptional leadership

"Wahhhh! Trump! Save me! Save me Trump! Send me more supplies Trump! Activate the emergency star trek replicators Trump! Save me Trump! Orange man bad! Orange man bad!

This dude runs New York State, not Trump. He did exactly jack and shit for months and then has the fucking gall to accuse Trump of doing jack and shit for months.

ah yes, so much worse right now than the literal zionist president who is focused on muh stonk market right? No one is saying his politics are better, just his response.

>wants to save people
I'm going to starve to death within the next month

Because he is not white.

Ok Fredo

He has completely dropped the ball though. NYC is probably finished. I guess that's a good thing though. Nice work, governor kike

yeah, mostly niggers, go fuck yourself christcuck you're no better than the kikes. if you feel so strongly you should go lick some doorknobs so the numbers rise and they shut down abortion clinics and a thousand niglets are saved. a true hero

Here's the short answer

Retards like you don't seem to understand the long-term consequences of shutting down the worlds largest economy.
More people will die from starvation and living on the streets than from the virus.
Have fun, faggots.

I've heard about you. They told me people would go on the internet and tell lies.

Because he still has really shitty policies.

>Why does Yas Forums hate this man?

Idunno... It might have something to do with his PR consultant's transparent effort to shill this guido fuck all over Yas Forums during a national emergency. Glad to see that he can get off his lazy ass and do the bare minimum that's expected of him as a governor. The fact that his leadership skills before this crisis are fucking non-existent may also be contributing to our lack of Cuomo praise.

...what do you think it is, user?

Are you saying this man is an obstruction to peace?

because he is a left leaning alarmist cuck

if he shit of trump the big guy is gonna make him pay
its not like he need to win jew york in 20 20

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because he's a mobbed up wop just like his father

>Why does Yas Forums hate this man?
We didn't know who he was 2 days ago, we never hated him.

His response was a day late and a dollar short just like Trump's. He hasn't done anything to show leadership. I don't like Trump's obsession with the stock market myself, but at least he is trying to give out direct checks to people who are out of work. Cuomo is a disgrace.

Everything in this country changes for the worse because of retards who fall for charming narcissists.

>Exceptional leadership
Are you fucking brain damaged? NY was one of the last states to close schools and push self-isolation despite being one of the densest populated places in the U.S. They made the wrong call and are now trying to shift blame to the federal government. Fuck them and fuck you.

I've known who he has been for 4 years. He's a greedy demagogue who doesn't give a fuck about anything except his precious kike-filled city. He has funneled all resources from upstate to give it all to those faggots. And now he has tried doing it on a large scale, by funneling medical resources from other states to NY saying NYC needs it more than them, leaving people to die in the rest of the country. And you people clap.

This country is going to deserve what happens when the virus fucking explodes here, considering we haven't reached the top of the exponential curve yet.

He looks like a karate instructor.