Is this really Gillum from Florida?

Naked, puking, asshole freshly violated...why did the MSM ignore this debacle???

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He really monkeyed things up this time

Was a few votes from being Governor of Florida!!! WOW...married with 3 kids.....and a prolapsed asshole!

Legalizing homosexual nigger prostitutes ais the key to achieving the LOWEST EVER BLACK UNEMPLOYMENT. This is what America is all about. This is why our goyrandfathers fought and bled on Normandy Beach.

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Yeah, his career is over.

Then again, this is Florida and people with fucked up drug/sex problems sometimes get a career boost in the US/Canada.

dog nah man he got poisoned and that's fucked up

Sick disgusting human!

What's going on with his belly button?

yeah he got zombie powdered

Mrs Gillum: Yo kids, Hey listen to moma..yo daddy gay..!

Kids: (crying) Dead?!

Mrs Gillum: Not dead..GAY! He like white bois in his booty..!'s him

anyone have any good moralfagging anti trump tweets that this meth shooting literal cocksucking faggot posted?

Tiny dick

What a shame

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Probably raped by his fellow monkeys. Explains itself.

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left out the shit and jizz stains on the bed
and the meth
but no need for arrests even though the other guy was dying

south florida is dnc mafia country - all you need to know
This is the supposed dude that fucked him

holy shit i'm gay now

a gay promiscuous RN that parties and does meth in his free time. What a great guy! He seems very popular. -_-

Tell me this is out of the ordinary...Or is it really just the modern world we live in? wtf

Good God, the depravity of the gays never ceases to amaze me.

I feel shame if I drink too much on the weekend and talk shit at a bar. These guys are doing hard drugs and sodomizing each other and acting like it’s virtuous to cave into whatever degenerate whims they can think of.

So he can run for Prez in 2024.

Is that a cockhead over his right hand? Can't be a foot. What is it?

yup, the MSM hid it from everyone

4,043,723 million people voted for this man and he just handed most of them over to trump to secure a 2nd term...what a selfish piece of irresponsible gay homo faggot biden will need to win texas to secure the presidency

i thought pic was the "escort"
google called gillum a nig for 12 straight hours

Attached: gillum14 - Google Search.png (726x531, 202.86K)

b/c he's a nigger and it doesn't fit the agenda. Why do you ask questions you know the answer to?

They were literally proping him up to be the next Obama. The truth is we'll never have a nigger president again

>was Gillium set up?
Fuck off. The (((media))) needs a fucking purge.

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post the uncensored version please
asking for a friend

and NOBODY got fucking arrested for ANYTHING. once AGAIN- if that was any of you- found with fucking CRYSTAL METH- you'd be booked immediately and probably serve years. but not if you're a well-connected politician.

I mean really, who parties like this? My idea of a good time is a few beers, a good documentary, and maybe some guitar...That's it. No need to go out and act crazy. wtf


This guy blows goats. I have proof

Right -_- I cant wait to see that shit.

Invest in funeral parlours

Nice comeback though -_-

Just a friend. Nothing to see here

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What the fuck is wrong with you? There's absolutely nothing wrong with this fucking picture. To think that there's something wrong with smoking meth, getting fucked up, getting your ass plowed by your bros. You're the one with a fucking problem.

This is literally incel tier rage. "Gillum has a fun and badass life, so I' jealous, and I'm going to shit talk him." You're fucking pathetic. Go fucking shit talk some dying, extremely morbidly obese woman in a coma, considering that's about the extent that you would have the balls to talk to a woman. You'd still call her a roastie slut because despite literally being in a coma "This woman is putting too much resistance for you to put your cock inside of her". Literally 0 resistance is too much for you faggots to get some fucking pussy, and it's fucking laughable. That bitch is literally letting you put your cock inside of her, and nobody is stopping you, but somehow you're being "oppressed by the man" because you lack balls. This is a fat person here, and we all know fat people don't have rights, just like black people. If you report a fat child being abducted, raped, and murdered, the cops will just say "thanks" and hang up the phone, because nobody gives a fuck, the exact same about black children. And this an adult on top of this, fat adults have even less rights than children, because even the 2% of SJWs that would pretend to care about the rights of fat children won't say a damn think about obese adults.

Try to realize that you're the one with the fucking problem here. It's not hard to get some meth, find some bros, get your assfucked, get fucked up on god knows what, pass out on the floor, and have your buddies take some pictures of your limp body. Just stop being a faggot. Just have sex, incel. This shit is cool as fuck, and if this doesn't make you respect Gillum more than you already did, you've got a stick so far up your ass you may as well let that shit lobotomize your god damn subhuman medulla.

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He's in the back of this goat that loves hay

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They said the same thing about Marion Barry.

As a Floridian though, it fills me with dread that this guy was about 30K votes from being our "governor". Fuck this gay Earth, I want out.

WTF is that yellow stain by his face?

No, that was him actually.

More than likely vomit from him realizing the degeneracy he just took part in. Nah I'm just fucking with you it's vomit from him popping too many pills and swallowing too much man butter.

You sound like fagit


Bile vomit. It reeks, too.

You retard, if the average citizen was caught doing the same shit he did they would be seeing twenty years in prison for possession, probably more with a tacked on charge of soliciting prostitution. Say goodbye to the rest of your life while this guy gets to either continue in his career or retire young with a cushy check every month.


You're not from Florida, you faggot. If you were from Florida you would see this, then the next time you see gillum, you give him a baseball coach smack on the ass and say "nice". That's what a Floridian would do. Whatever sort of New York kike faggot you happen to be, you need to realize you're not a fucking Floridian, you're just a faggot. Go get corona in New York and fuck bagels you godless degenerate.

The fact that you even make such a claim is absolutely pitiful, attempting to stoke indignation in Floridan people, despite people from Florida genuinely not giving a fuck. The dead give away is that you're upset about smoking meth, partying, and having sex. That's pretty much 100% the antithesis of Florida right there, so you shot yourself in the fucking cock when you tried to make that point, faggot.

If you live in Florida, this is just standard fare Florida. There's nothing surprising or remarkable about this event, let alone anything upsetting or "wrong" about what this man did. If you were actually from Florida you would have presumed that this man was doing shit like this, every weekend, if not every single fucking night, and to get word from the news that this shit happened would appear to you like the news is telling you "The sun rose in the East today". This isn't fucking news to anyone in Florida any more than seeing a fucking tree or a bird.

It's a god damn shame that you bagel-fucking kikes don't have a comparable predator in your field of bullshit and rabble-rousing. It would be great to see the kikes in the position they put the godfearing Floridian people, where the kikes are the ones being gaslighted and having their fucking communications filled with endless propaganda attempting to stir the shit, upset people, and otherwise disrupt the daily affairs and social dynamics of the Jewish community. You're fucking subhuman.

You shit talk the god damn prize fighter known as the state of Florida, despite having no arms.

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is this guy dead?



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>Andrew Gillum the nig

>Gets caught

Who the fuck has ever been caught smoking meth and having gay sex? Literally nobody. The cops don't bother you unless you're bothering other people. You're fucking indignant because the nigger has enough sense to work a real fucking job to pay for meth, rather than steal fucking copper out of construction sites like you white degenerates? Fucking pitiful.

There's nothing illegal about smoking meth or fucking hookers. There are millions of people in this country actively smoking meth and fucking hoookers. These people don't get "caught" because nobody gives a fuck. These people get "caught" because they do stupid shit, like go strip copper from buildings, not because they're just peacefully smoking meth like any other godfearing American. It's not illegal to smoke meth or fuck hookers, it's illegal to get "caught" smoking meth or fucking hookers. To get "caught" you basically need to do some of the stupidist fucking shit imaginable, be so profoundly reckless and belligerent that the police are literally forced to arrest you.

The police will avoid arresting you for this shit at all costs. They don't give a fuck. This is why there are millions of fucking meth heads in this country. The police don't want to stop you, but if you literally and physically force them to stop you, then the police find themselves to be regrettably forced to arrest you. The same goes with hookers. If you're out there just trying to grab some poontang from some aggressive fucking butch looking bull-dyke on the street, eyes fucking shaking with meth and juice, aggressively man-handling your cock inside of her, then yeah, you're going to get arrested, because that sort of hooker is a cop. Normal people don't say "Hey cop hooker, I will pay you for sex." It's easy as getting some fat bitch pussy to talk a hooker into your fucking car, fuck her, and pay her, without ever saying anything incriminating that indicates the action is "prostitution".

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Fucking based. Never been absolutely sure of another florida poster until now. If I knew you in real life youd be getting a boars head publix sub on the house

>was Gillium set up?
i have no fucking idea how you inferred this - i typed nothing whatsoever to imply that the nigger was set up.

>There's a small bottle of an injectable medicine containing alprostadil which is typically used to treat erectile dysfunction

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On the pillow, is that the bussy juice

I was born, raised, and never lived outside the state of Florida. I'm probably the most Floridian person here on this board, and if you think Gillum is your "average Floridian" then you can fuck off to the shit hole (New Jersey, New York, California) that you came from faggot.

Read the screenshot you posted. The (((media))) article suggesting he was set up is laughable at best, treason to the American people at worst.

30k votes from being Governor of Florida

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Hello, BASED department

This. Broward country is glownigger playground.

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