Are women even worth it Yas Forums?

Used to be a white knight fag but now I'm open to more ideas

Are women even worth it these days? And if they are how should they be treated?

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Built for BWC

Just find a nice Chinese girl and settle down

Sonetimes. You gotta look somewhere besides the electronic garbagepits of social media

Don't go full Yas Forums bro. There are still some ladies out there.

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Sometimes I think they are, but they're insufferable.

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Not in my opinion. But I've been beaten down by too many women to keep trying. I never white knighted, I just tried to provide a good life for my long term relationships. I have yet to meet a woman who isn't a lying, cheating whore. Including women in my own family.

I'd do that if most asian women were like pic related.

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I would say no. But giving up all hope isn't really a great thing to do.

Just don't let yourself be fucked around

They act like pic related when they see a White Man..

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But it's rare that gook women would have a can like that.
I can take a "flat" girl, but I wouldn't settle for something that wasn't a med if so.

I'm in the process of divorcing a "woman" (spoilt brat) I've been with for over ten years and I feel better than ever. I'm excited to be alone, the company of women should begin and end in the bedroom, let it extend beyond that at your peril

Most women aren’t, just look at this female. Average looking with fake tits, but like 90% of women she’s been split in half by Chad and his 9” cock

Church women are worth it if it's a good church. In one year I've already had two cuties interested in me. The only thing they have on their mind is getting married and having kids.

u fuck em good, user?

Of course women are worth it, but you can’t let women be the focus. Your own happiness needs to come first. Once you can learn to put yourself first, focus on your hobbies and just find a love for life, the women will come. By adopting the mindset of “fuck women”, you’re still putting them on a pedestal like you were when whiteknighting them. You’re acknowledging that they’re a prize to be won, but that you don’t want to play the game.

That's degenerate, so no. I would if I married one of them but not interested. Looking for my own ethnicity.

I am also in the process of ejecting a woman from my house who I have been with for 10 years too.
I never married her though.
Her life revolves around junk, sneak buying clothes, has never once bettered herself, etc.
Not even bothered about meeting anyone else, just want my house back and to make it my own.

Worth what? Which women? Be more specific. There are good women still who make good wives and will bear your children. They are worth it. Retarded whores infected with the feminist mind virus have never been worth it.

From my experience the hot ones are all batshit crazy and narcissistic as fuck. If you let your standards down, most average looking girls are pretty normal and sweet, but I noticed some do have that need to be validated, just like guys. Most won’t act on it though especially at an older age.

they aren't worth shit, they're a bunch of wannabe instathots and their entire existence is just being a thirst trap for betas to throw money and attention at.

social media destroyed women and there is nothing to be done about it.


Are you part of the top 10% of the male population in the world? If yes, you could be happy without extra effort, it is that simple.
If no, you can always have fun with hookers.


Don't look to date people, just try to make friends. Unless you're a giga-chad with loads of money and a massive dong then you'll come off as a desperate faggot.

not in america
too many fatties
but the real 10/10 thin model types in other countries are worth it imo

Subtley red pilled. Women know that, deep down, they're just a nice to have and not mandatory. When you make them mandatory, you lose.

Just get yourself some 18 year old sweetheart whose bbc count is in the lower hundreds, treat her like princess and you're set :^)

>From my experience the hot ones are all batshit crazy and narcissistic as fuck.

This is true. You will meet a hot girl that isn't like this, it will surprise you and make you feel special; then a few months later you just realize she is better at hiding it than the others.

At this point I'm holding off on women until feminism collapses under its own weight. At this rate it shouldn't be long.

The point of being in relationship is to have it easier, not harder. She has to cook and clean, so you have less things to do yourself. They used to raise your children too so you would pass on your genes. If you don't pass on your genes, by being interracial, then it's entirly pointless to have children.

Getting your face crushed underneath that brapper? Hell yea it's worth it

asian dicklet cope

Not in the UK I think. British men were always cucked. The fact that now the brit women have more "exotic" choices does not change the fact they were cucking men since ... ever.

But yeah, some women are worth it assuming you are not a fag, which you probably are with your white knight history, there are still women who know the price of whoring around and choose not to do it. But I doubt they would waste their time with an ex white knight. Your best hope is to find a whore and try to fix her. Which you won't. But trying builds character, I think.

If committing suicide from the decimation of divorce courts ripping your life apart is worth it, then find a woman and have children who will be taught by your ex to hate you with a passion.

>all these defeatist cucks whining and making excuses

Yeah no women are humans too, meaning you're bound to find one with the right attributes to make a great friend just like any other person.

That being said roasties are fucking stupid, emotional, and get obnoxious over time. Thank god there are millions of them.

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they are worth whatever they contribute and however they treat others
many dont deserve shit and expect the world and its resources handed to them.

just fuck traps instead

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Aren't common law marriages 8 years of cohabitation? Good luck user.

I was a white knight fag too, then realized all the females are always with "abusive assholes and just can't leave them" but Im always there to do all the shit, their BF doesn't want to do. He gets the sex and someone to sleep with and I go home with my dick in my hand.

Everything females tell you they want, is a lie.
All that disney princess shit is a lie.

Bitches getting slapped around in pornos aren't forced into that. THEY WANT IT.

They're lying fucking trash. I hate females.

Mine has surrounded herself with older divorced women who have convinced her she can never be happy under a man's control so in the past couple years she's embraced feminism and snipes at everything I say or do. Had our oldest son taking a bubble bath and I told him he needs to be showering and she shot back with this bs about how it's wrong for me to say that. She watches pure propaganda that makes this worse or makes her buy stupid shit. I moved her halfway across the country because I thought being away from the bad influences would help but she lives through her phone and social media now. Found out she was hiding $22k in credit card debt and I asked her why, her response was "I knew you'd leave me" and I told her she was correct and we're done. I'm sure there's good women out there but if I have one piece of advice for any user, it's find a happy women with hobbies and interests. My wife was always being treated for depression, her hobbies were watching TV or texting, she was a blank slate I was tired of trying to keep clean from this shit world

Women are sort of worth it but you should think of them more as like a movie or a piece of entertainment than a partner or someone to dedicate yourself to, even wives and girlfriends. They are all ultimately fake underneath it all, sort of like a movie isn't real. However they are entertaining. Just don't take them too seriously or give a shit. They give you the idea of someone who cares and is sweet and nice and cares about you but ultimately they don't. The idea is really nice though, like a movie, and it's worth a watch but the danger comes when you start thinking the movie is real.

kys fag

lol no

Nunca he visto aca en este board un peruviano que no sea baseado.

their sole purpose in modern times is to further the bloodline - any other traditional female roles can be better fulfilled by you. best option is to divorce when the kids reach schoolage on grounds of immoral infidelity, no alimony for cheating slut, no custody for unfit mother, and allow her 1 hour a week supervised visit at your neighborhood park.

The problem with most of you lot is that you go for the kind of women that your grandfathers wouldn't touch with ten-foot poles. Rather than jerking off to bimbos with massive fake tits and ass, develop your character enough to bag an intelligent young STEM student who sees through the world's bullshit. Raise your children to be smarter, stronger, and more resilient than you ever were.

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You really should though you disgusting faggot. You’re probably going to eventually anyway.

Many women are fine, and many are awful. The problem with white knighting is that you'll never make the distinction between good women and bad women, because you're too interested in protecting women who are shamed (without realizing that in many cases there's probably a good reason that someone is being shamed, even if it seems 'unfair' to you at first).

Gain some more confidence in yourself and in other people's ability to handle their own issues, and be more discriminate in who you go after, and you'll be fine. White-knighting is the male equivalent of the girl who always dates 'bad boys' because she thinks she can fix them: almost ALWAYS wrong.

islam is unironically right about women
I'm catholic btw

at one point they were

They exist, you have to know the warning signs so you dont get a lemon. If theyre immature and irresponsible theyre whores. If shes a single mom shes single for a reason so stay the hell away.

Ya ya bro, IM going to take life advice from Yas Forums /pol anonymous no one.

All females are trash liars.
All of them.

Go be a simp elsewhere.

>has never once bettered herself
That's your job.

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Nah, I'm good

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just coom and DOOMp bro

Leafs are hopeless. Good luck to you user.

Become a monk

Those guys stay away from women and they’re wise as shit

If you are a powerchad plus 9000 and some girl wants to be your friend with benefits, maybe.
Other cases are more difficult to understand.

woman are challenging. Most expect more then they deserve in return for very little gratification or pussy. Its true we want sex more and woman have figured this out and treat us like an open auction for what fucking simp is willing to go through the most bullshit for that snatch.

Try to save the white race without white women smart ass!

>are women worth it?
No, not really.

sour grapes lmao

>find a nice Chinese girl
How does one do this? Asking for a friend

She is so damn QT.