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Hey cata, since you are so rich, do you have to worry about your spouse fucking the maid or tennis trainer?
Colton Nguyen
youtube.com/watch?v=Q8hnPWbKFPc Bringta Leute her, bringta, bringta, der heiraten, nimmta Papiere, der ah adoptieren den und den… na Hause olle schickn!
my order of Isopropylalkohol was cancelled, and there is price gouging on it now elsewhere, any alternative suggestions, maybe a high proof alcohol or where to get bio-alkohol?
Hudson White
And i almost thought you were a decent person.
Jack Johnson
Bin kein Int-Poster.
Dominic Evans
Money just amplifies who you really are. Most of these people would be better off poor. At least poverty would protect them from themselves.
Not rich as I only have a couple hundred k, not married yet and not really. People who don't have a bucket full of sex partners are more reliable. And for what? I am neither a bad fuck nor emotionally unavailable or a wimpy simp which are the biggest reasons for cheating.
das passiert in schüben. Ich bin Shitposter, ich reagiere nunmal auf äußere einflüsse. wenn er sagt Brapp dann pfostiere ich brapps erwarte nicht mehr von mir es sei denn es ist mir wichtig. als Desinfektion? >Benzin >Bremsenreiniger >Terpentin >Propanol >Spiritus >Essigessenz >Alles mit mehr als 40% alkohol >selbstdestiliertes nicht für offene Wunden versteht sich
you are about 2 month too late f >Alles mit mehr als 40% alkohol it should be 70%
Hudson Peterson
I tried both. Poverty is comfy because you have nothing to lose. I much prefer wealth, however.
Based Cataloniman. I think any smart man is vigilant enough to realize that any woman can and will cheat under the right circumstances. With a good woman, the hoe threshold is just much higher.
I'm not entirely poverty, but I have maybe $45 on me at all times, which is a lot in my area to some people. >trying to drive to Morgantown, WV on my own, for the first time >GPS makes me take a wrong turn >driving 45 degree angles up hills and around sharp turns >stop in the road >see an old house, the paint is chipping >see a very pretty woman in a dress >she's holding a baby >she smiles at me and walks across the road >I wait until she's completely across the road staring at how wonderful the entire picture is >continue driving I still think it was a delusion.