In the middle is the future Queen of Spain, Leonor, Princess of Asturias

In the middle is the future Queen of Spain, Leonor, Princess of Asturias.

What do you think of monarchy?

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This girl is guaranteed to rule the whole of Spain.

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All hail queen cunny

That’s rude.


She is too young for you harvey


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anarcho syndicalism is dead user.

Those are tranny boys.

Are they ethnic germans?

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Fuck you

Wholesome. Long live the queen.

She could monarchy me all day long if you catch my drift

Monarchies should absolute agnatic primogeniture.

Based. Now you need to liberate the Spaniards being oppressed by the portuguese government and unify the Peninsula.

wow a brainless blonde good for fucking

Based. Now you have to liberate the Spaniards being oppressed by the portuguese government for centuries and unify the Peninsula.

Its inherently flawed because regression to the mean usually creates average children. A one life monarchy is much better suited. Lineages and blue blood is retarded. Regression to the mean still fucks them over.

A great benevolent, capable and having-a-good character dictator for life is much better. Then the next dictator should be chosen on similar traits.

Built. For. BBC.

She's going to love BBC when she's older.

Regression to the mean can be countered by eugenics and genetic engineering

True meds, not niggers like current populations of Italy, Spain and so on

hi shlomo!

Obviously not, no. King Felipe is from the House of Bourbon, and the mother of these girls, Letizia, is a Spaniard.

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Bunch of pedos, sexualizing children in here.

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Do you think this applies to this princess?

based and baguettepilled

I was wondering the same thing. I expect all the elite to be trannies but these ones are quite convincing in comparison to some others

She will get paired up by a nig

This family do not represent the Spanish ethnicity

That’s because they have been drip-fed semen and HRT 24/7 since they were born

Will she marry a Moor and extend the Spanish empire to North Africa?

>What do you think of monarchy?
Bootlicker garbage. Needs to be guillotined. Royal families are nothing but welfare leeches.

Very cute.

strange gift but thanks I guess

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Monarchy is archaic and meaningless in today's world. Unless it brings in the tourist bucks, like the Bongs, why would any country fund people like this?

When will they get this kid some braces?

Do they need to impose a special tax on greasy calamari to pay for that? Or maybe start charging people for taking naps during the day?

or a BBC (BIG BROWN COCK) from Colombia or such to show how progressive they are.

when a 5 year old have bigger tits than this ((girls)) then you just know


Why the fuck are you looking at their tits?

the father is a mutt as every king
the mother is full spanish

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Jewish brown eyed black eyed mongralized interbreed niggers mossad jidf mad as hell SPAIN is white are coming into this thread to tell us how whites are not white, and Jews are lol HAHAHAH JOOOOOS ARE INSANE. I hope Iran nukes them.

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cant wait for her to get dicked by BBC

she looks mean

We all know they gonna go to harvard and ride the cock caroussel then a jewess friend will match her with a wealthy creepto jew to marry. Screencape this. Check mat spain.

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probably right, there are tons of sudacos in Spain now. Literally becoming mestizoland.

she is a schizo

I buy my stimulants from Spain.
I'd guess some of the value of the bitcoin I send might end up in the royal coffers. So have I bought hair styling products for her?

God fucking dammit! Stay off Yas Forums you fucking Jew.

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disgusting mutts

Get her married to Barron and let's get this thing moving in the right direction.

>Its inherently flawed because regression to the mean usually creates average children. A one life monarchy is much better suited. Lineages and blue blood is retarded. Regression to the mean still fucks them over.
But that's wrong.

What does Princess Sofia think about her situation? Being the ugly sister and losing the throne to your pretty sister must suck.

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Yeah I'm sure it sucks being a literal princess and having a guaranteed life of luxury

pedo website

Pipe down Shlomo

Pointless unless they save their country from cuckery.

Royalty needs to be done away with a.s.a.p. Queen cunny can suck my dick.

Where are The Patriarchs?

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Sofia looks like a 100% spanish/moorish while Leonor looks German master race

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Daddy Felipe VI is having a lot of trouble washing the image of the monarchy in Spain. His father and his whole family are corrupt. He didn't even follow the rules and married a divorced peasant girl.

When she becomes Queen, she needs to bring back the Blue Division and make them her Palace Guard.

>German master race

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Princess Leonor mogs her so hard.

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how dare you even speak to me, paco

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God Save the Queen. Republics are the root of all problems.

Felipe is gay btw

Lmao what