** NEED HELP FAST ** My mom is now calling Roadside Assistance, Corona Update

Yesterday at 10am: I log onto Yas Forums, to tell Yas Forums that my parents are NOT taking this CoronaVirus seriously, and they keep going to the local stores, and then coming back home, endangering us since they could bring the virus home with them... they said only a tiny-percentage of people in town are infected, I Tried telling them about Exponential Growth but they didn't want to hear it, you guys told me to secretly disable the car....

Yesterdy at roughly 6pm: I followed Yas Forums 's advice, and i REMOVED the starter-relay from my mom's car, disabling it from starting

JUST THIS MORNING: My mom went to start her car, it WOULD NOT START, she thinks it's a dead battery and immediately called Roadside Assistance (I didn't think she would call Roadside Assistance because we don't have Roadside Assistance, but she is using our Neighbor's Account #).... and now they said they're on the way... so the tow truck is coming... they're going to know something is up when they see the Starter Relay removed....

..... what should I do ?? I only have about 45 minutes before the truck is here

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right now she is in the kitchen... if I go outside she will see me, there are 3-windows in the kitchen, all facing the front yard and driveway....

I'm in my room, I have the door closed, I have no access to the car, also my neighbor (who gave the account # for the Assistance) is also walking around outside...

>ill go check the car mom, maybe i can fix it
>i fixed it

alternatively, she can't' go anywhere if the car isnt there.

Corona virus is fake you retard


>what should I do

Leave your moms car alone

>alternatively, she can't' go anywhere if the car isnt there.

I never envisioned her going to my neighbor's house.... this whole Yas Forums plan is backfiring

Slash her tires next

Adapt and overcome. Did you remove it from the car or just pull it loose and leave it in the relay box?


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This is going to cost your parents at least 400 dollars when the repair shop finds the relay removed

Lol I told you this exactly what was going to happen

Roadside assistance won't have a fuel relay and I doubt those morons will diagnose it to the relay anyway and tell her the Batts dead or something

>Did you remove it from the car or just pull it loose and leave it in the relay box?

I removed it from the slot, but it's in the relay box, there are 3 plastic-tabs keeping the relay box cover usually on, but because the relay is out of position, only 2 of the plastic tabs are closing properly, it's not noticeable to my mom, but the Assistance guy might realize that the cover is not fully on, because the Relay out-of-place is preventing the cover from fully closing

dude was going to jail part of your master plan?

man tied them up, my parents too didn't take it seriously until yesterday now they're all quiet tied up and no one can possibly know it because they don't work because of containment, i give them food 3 time a day, i plane to imprison them until the end of corona, the good side is i have the house for me and myself now

Do this..fix it and then later kill them so they cant leave.

Lmao, if you cant put back the relay then just save it for when the chumps leave

Eat shit faggot stop making these gay threads not politics

>hey mom i googled a couple things to check
>oh look this relay was loose so i reseated it
>see if it starts now
OP is a retarded that will soon get a well deserved beating worth at least $400.

Do you have any guns at home ?

You have to be 18 to post here

Talk with the tow truck guy privately for a minute, and tell him what you did and why. He's not gonna judge you he'll just be glad you didn't waste his time making him troubleshoot the problem.

There is only one thing you can do. Use chloroform to knock your mom out, tie her up and blindfold her and put her in basement.
They use a voice deformer and when she wakes up pretend she has been kidnapped.

Feed her daily and give her water, clean up her shits or give her a diaper. When all this is over you put her in the car and leave her somewhere where others will find her and voila, crisis averted.

Alternatively kidnap any repairman that comes over.

it's what i'm currently doing with my parents...


Thats how I met all my exgirlfriends

Thank you Yas Forums, you gave me the Courage to do it. !!!!!!!!!

My parents and relatives don't understand what exponential growth is, they don't understand that if 2 people were sick in town a few days ago, 4 people were infected yesterday.... that we need to be expecting 20 people in town to be sick tomorrow... exponential growth

They're not taking things seriously, has already resulted in some loud-arguments about how we MUST stay home... they REFUSE to listen, some of them aren't getting it...

I have now PULLED the starter relay on my mom's Subaru, she will no longer be going to WalMart later this week, no longer having the ability to bring the virus from a large store back into this household...

I just saved my life.

Do this right now niggerfaggot op

Fucking kek

>: I followed Yas Forums 's advice

no more to be said.

Time to rise up and save her life OP

Fucking boomers who don't listen deserves to contract the corona

Did you bury them all in your basement?

>Fucking boomers who don't listen deserves to contract the corona

The problem is, they then bring it into the entire household.

It's ok for the young, it's just a light flu

I took a dump in my mom's back seat and closed the doors and locked the windows so the smell will stay inside. She hasn't found it yet but when she does I doubt she'll be wiling to drive anywhere. Probably going to be mad but I'll just blame the dog or something. Whats important is that she stays home and cooks tendies for me.

Anyway you could give that a shot if you haven't already made your morning doodies.

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>..... what should I do ?? I only have about 45 minutes before the truck is here
tell them you removed it because they arent taking the plague seriously, being honest is the best way desu

They aren’t going to attempt a diagnosis in the driveway. They will tow it to the shop & figure it out there.... you’re looking at $100 for the tow another $120 in labor hours to diagnose a missing relay & another $25 in parts after the markup. Congrats user your a jackass.

install the starter and make your mom look like a fool when they try to fix it and it's just working.. make her believe she's fucking crazy and use that against her. then when she's in the bathroom and the fix guys are gone, remove the starter relay again

This is good advise. Truth always prevails.

>must be over 18 to post on Yas Forums
>lives with parents
Pathetic OP.

Keep us updated please. Most entertaining thing all week.

keep us updated, OP

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Dime on your mom and reveal to he tow truck driver that its not her account

Quit eat fish cleaner

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The house hold you don't own

Imagine actually having a son who still lives at home and sabotages instead of getting a girlfriend and moving out and he doesnt all of this because strangers on an anime website told him to. Fucking white people lmao.

This or the fish cleaner

You must kill them. But you knew that.

This LARP is good. Remember to remove the starter relay from the tow truck too.

lmao fucking schyzo, let them live you fuck face its a nothingburger



Don't say anything, and if they ask deny it. Say someone must have stolen it.

Baguette humor is halfway decent. Better than krauts for sure

Must be a larp. Post pics OP

fix your moms fucking car you little shit. GET THE FUCK OVER YOURSELF. you have mental issues that you need to eat alot of LSD to cure. GET RIGHT before you fuck with people.

If this isn't a larp, this would give me a hearty laugh. Can you imagine an autist sabotaging their parent's car because some conspiracy theory hoax? LMAO.

This is the best advice.

When she leaves the house, lock her out and tell her she's on her own and you can't have her infecting the home.

The only logical choice. Are you still here OP? Or did you get caught and have your internet confiscated?

>I log onto Yas Forums
>Yesterdy at roughly 6pm: I followed Yas Forums 's advice, and i REMOVED the starter-relay from my mom's car
everyone called you a fucking retard and you did it on your own hysterical decision retard
seriously fuck off of here go make your larp on ratdit idiot

and that's what you get for shitting up this board with your offtopic faggotry. i hope they boot your faggot ass out onto the street

holy fuck just say "let me take a look" act like a hero when you fix the car. then mommy will give you tendies.

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Fuck you, fuck your mom, fuck your Subaru, keep us posted

burn it
burn it all
there wont be any evidence
case closed

Go out there and put the relay back and then say it was a loose battery cable and you tightened it and it works

I used to think it was fake and then my uncle and his family got it in Dallas. It’s real, but this hype is not

They'll probably take the car away before checking it right? Tell your mom you looked up common causes for the problem and that you can fix it yourself, go out and put the starter relay back it. Test the engine and she'll thank you with a plate of tendies.

The chuckle fucks will tell her to buy a new battery


Tell roadside assistance yo tell your parents they cant fox it at this time

"Lemme take a look at it, my friend had same problem with his car"
*undo your fuckup*
"Oh it works now, cancel roadside assistance call"