Brit/pol/ - SUPERPOWER 2020 Edition

>UK adjusts to life under tight new restrictions

>Mobile networks send 'stay at home' text

>Sadiq Khan warns 'stop Tube travel or more will die'

>Construction workers fear for their safety

>Sports Direct U-turns on opening after backlash

>Wetherspoon boss suggests staff get a job at Tesco

>Modi locks down India for 21 days from midnight

>Pandemic is 'accelerating', WHO warns as cases pass 300,000

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Other urls found in this thread:

First for are Mozza

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he done a number on you kid

doubles and we conquer China for spreading their bat shit virus

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP will be worth its weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

he did a number on himself i didn't even read it

argh fuck off kek GIMMME THEM DIGITS

>Coronavirus may last on surfaces for 17 DAYS: Scientists find traces of the infection in the cabins of the Diamond Princess cruise more than two weeks after passengers were evacuated
we're truly fucked.

Modi will save us. 21 days lockdown. Harsh but we will be safe.

America is done

Regular shops allowed to sell non-food stuff like clothes and electric items is unfair to the shops like Sports Direct and others which were forced to close.

everybody stay in for a month
problem solved

>matt hancock confirming that wagies still need to go to work and die from corona virus because MUH ECOOOOOOOOOOOOOONAMY!!!!!
Fucking eCOOONers.

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Quarantined myself in a bubble, see you all on the other side m8s.

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Liberalism is moral syphilis. And I'm stepping over it.

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>Scientists did not test whether the virus could still be picked up to cause an infection in humans after 17 days, however.
lol you don't even bother to read the dailymail articles you spam

Thankfully I have a gf to isolate with. Are all your gfs okay lads?

> The former editor of The Times, Sir Simon Jenkins, recently listed these unfulfilled scares: bird flu did not kill the predicted millions in 1997. In 1999 it was Mad Cow Disease and its human variant, vCJD, which was predicted to kill half a million. Fewer than 200 in fact died from it in the UK.
>The first Sars outbreak of 2003 was reported as having ‘a 25 per cent chance of killing tens of millions’ and being ‘worse than Aids’. In 2006, another bout of bird flu was declared ‘the first pandemic of the 21st Century’.
>There were similar warnings in 2009, that swine flu could kill 65,000. It did not. The Council of Europe described the hyping of the 2009 pandemic as ‘one of the great medical scandals of the century’. Well, we shall no doubt see.
>But while I see very little evidence of a pandemic, and much more of a PanicDemic

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Is England a country or just an island? Your president is named Modi right?

Where's that nonce Dee Dee?
His impotent frustration nourishes me.
I mean, Soufen Saveloy would do in a pinch, but he doesn't get anywhere near as delightfully salty.

Why are right-wing cunts like Tim Martin and Mike Ashley defying the lockdown?

prosperity doth best discover vice, but adversity doth best discover virtue

reminder that the virus has mutated to be airborne now
16-Mar: Coronavirus is airborne, WHO officials confirm

Because we are not a slave country.

Hope you have all started growing your vegetables and started making plans for keeping animals?

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Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-24 Owen Jones🌹 on Twitter Never thought I'd be relieved to be placed under house arrest along with mill[...].png (717x370, 34.21K)

they don't have the cash reserves to pay their staff if they close. The gov will refund them eventually but that might be too late.

Only animal I'm keeping is your fat sister mate.

is that a genuine tweet ffs

owen will have coated his flat in spunk over that thought

Because the left/right dichotomy is an interplay between the feminine and masculine.

To put it simply, they aren't bricking themselves because they have balls.

he’s right you know

Where do you get baking yeast? Self raising flour might as well be gold dust at this point with people panic buying


What are your thoughts on living in a rural area?
>grow your own food
>make your own alcohol
>fresh air
>less chance of diseases
>less chance of kids getting indoctrinated by pedo story hour
but I'm guessing...
>literally fuck all to do
>no one around
>place to go where your marriage deteriorates due to nothing happening
maybe I have the wrong idea. Can some rural anons here give me a rundown? Rural seems cool, and I want it to be, but I'm guessing those are the setbacks

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She ain't fat, but she's into browns. You can have her.

Make a sourdough starter

He's calling him a faggot

All hairdressers are shut until further notice. What are my options? Should I just buy a trimmer from Amazon and give myself a number 3 all over? With the lockdown I won't see anybody for a while so it doesn't really matter if it's shit

Bought a tin in Amazon a few weeks ago, £5-6 for 500g

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Pseudo intellectual cringe. What did Jonathan Bowden achieve apart from playing into glowniggers hands by associating with Dickie Sphincter and Grug Johnson?

I bet you have brown eyes mate. Talk about pot calling the kettle black!

it was all gone in the supermarkets here yesterday

the guy is a breathing meme

you kill flies with claps, not punches

in bread

Rumor is that UK internet is gonna get heavily controlled and only vital sites and home workers will get access with blocked sites, bandwidth throttling and no access for gamers and social media etc. If that happens...

slaps, really. how can you clap a fly if it's on a surface?

Just grow it out mate.

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Ally with the Buddhists in Burma and take out Islam first. Check em.

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Mike Ashley's bike shops are also perfectly legal :^)

You guys prepped or gonna go out to buy the essentials?

you can make your own yeast, all you need is a female with a sweaty gash, a soup spoon and a greaseproof tray for airdrying the culture

no chance of that happening

why though? i don't get it. how can a virus cause bandwidth issues?

take the Bowden pill

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Current Stage: Number 1 - DENIAL

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So, are you thick, a liar or both?

i always get them when they fly around my desk
dont wanna leave fly blood on the white wall

Lmao I got the last haircut in my town yesterday. The lady was raging about her boss making them work while he fucks off

Everyone stuck at home bored on t' internet

If they were willing to do that they wouldn't have scrapped the porn ban (and political censorship) a few months ago.

i phoned BT today to try and change plans, was told not to do anything right now because there was going to be a series of changes relating to internet usage.

yeah shave it off. you can try and leave some on the top if you can get a good look at the back of your head to make sure the line isn't too bent

How are you spending the lockdown lads? I'm listening to lofi and getting some reading done.


i suppose but surely there was cunt loads of work-based internet traffic anyway?

Longer hair is based, desu

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If this happens will BTC crash again? I missed the dip last time. And now I missed the dip with the stonk markets.

It goes curly early and I look ridiculous.

I'd need to remove the guard to do the back and sides properly I think. Huge potential to fuck up

Fuck off mate I genuinely work for an ISP and none of this shit is happening.

Aye, sure, old media sources.

Journalists should be hanged, all they do is fearmonger.

yeast is yeast user, it knows not from whence it came, the bread shall rise just the same

Sick to death of all this flu talk lads.

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>disappeared after 3 posts

Use conditioner, makes it drape better, forms ringlets rather than frizz.

not really if you keep it simple. i.e. straight lines. don't try anything fancy i.e. fading

My tutor would be pleased then. She claims the the internet and video games are the source of evil and radicalization for terrorist attacks and school shootings. She claims that the internet and vidya make young males violent

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Everyone around me seems scared. I feel normal. Everything is usual except now I wear a mask. I don't think I'll be scared until it happens to someone close to me

I was being harsh. I like Bowden but his relationship with Richard Spencer and Greg Johnson was a bit suspect.

i will become irrationally violent in minecraft without internet

in a closed, hot, dirty, stuffy cabin with no sunlight. UV kills the virus. So yeah it can live in utter filth for a long time, just dont be filthy.

Why would they do that? I thought they were trying to avoid riots.

Loads of people falling out at work there’s a big divide between people that want to go home and stay home like Boris says and people that want to keep the wagies in their place

And not to forget, a literal faggot cuckold, who is so unabashedly beta he put it in his own book

Your tutor sounds like she hasn't had a shag since the Gulf War.

Just take it like a man and go grade 2-3 all over.
Then get gf/wife/mom to trim any straggler bits, like back of the neck.

whats that movie where they ask everyone to lock themselves in there home , then it turns out that that allows the patronage/virus to incubate and mutate into like super airborne aids black death plague

who wants to add me on steam for some warthunder? username = Blunderbuss

Fake news, bucko


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normies haven't been through the many pills of course they're scared

People just want to chill at home and get paid 80% of their wage - so many people are absolutely raging at their bosses not closing down. I work at essential service so whatever.

>'Coronavirus almost killed me': Sporty 28-year-old who caught the virus in London says it left him gasping for breath, convulsing in bed, and unable to move as he warns everyone to stay inside

you know i miss Bowden, i have many of his speeches saved on my laptop

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>Everything is usual except now I wear a mask

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why are we posting in the brit thread and why do brits always need their own special snowflake thread

that's no movie, that's real life user, if this virus comes without immunity for the recovered, as has been widely reported, then 2 people in a small space will just spend the weeks building up a super lethal strain, that pattern will be repeated in millions of households, instead of a handful of strains when the quarantine is lifted millions of strains will be unleashed all at once kek

Another "sporty" type. Ive read a few of these young infected stoires which say they go to the gym, gyms have lots of germs from the heavy breathing etc.

nobody would ever lie for attention, and the daily mail is far too morally immaculate to propagate such lies

In political news:

>MPs will be breathing a sigh of relief later on as Guido can reveal a Written Ministerial Statement will confirm the heavily a rumoured and lobbied for change of remit for the Boundary Commission. As Guido pointed to in January, the Government has now officially decided to maintain the number of seats in the Commons at 650, rather than Cameron’s 2010 promise of reducing the number to 600. The statement will justify the retention of 50 extra seats on the basis of the 73 UK MEPs losing theirs, and an alleged increased workload on MPs. This, of course, dubiously rests on the assumption that the work MEPs did was consequential…


Cauldron doesn't know that lingling and me do it in my beemer every sunday, she tells him she's in church, but she doesn't go still she's on her knees and

i have an xbox one

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oh shit i just realised why the internet will be rationed. working from home requires data for remote accessing work PCs, skype calling, Wifi conference calling, sharing of Data etc. which would all normally be done face to face or over a local network rather than internet.

Can definitely see it happening

i dommed your dad

All the youth has it really badly stories all seem like propaganda to push us to listen to Boris n co.

hope you stocked up on cow's piss

save what you need while the net is still up lads

Was the queue long?

>left him gasping for breath, convulsing in bed, and unable to move as he warns everyone to stay inside
>convulsing in bed
>unable to move

>'I'd go to bed thinking I wouldn't wake up': Super-fit gym junkie, 41, issues a warning to young Australians after he was left fighting for life with coronavirus
so much for the "it only affects pensioners" narrative.

lingling says she's out shopping but she's under me and i'm not stopping

this thread reeks of curry. WHERE ARE THE JAHANNIES

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WOw I sure am glad that the economy is tanking and everyone is staying at home getting depressed and isolated! At least those 90 year olds in care homes that literally haven't spoken in 3 years can be safe! What a result!! #stayin

just me freddie mercury and stephen fry

the other flags have tried, none have the dilligance of the briton nor the autism to pull it off. why do you think brtions invented everything?

where are you getting such inclusive statistics that world governments don’t even have access to? is it an anime website

Muh stonks

>>Sadiq Khan warns 'stop Tube travel or more will die'
Doesn't he have the power to do literally this

Hope you went before Freddie.

Cauldron doesn't know

none of this is to do with a virus


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sounds like you envy that we are important enough for our own general

Posting it here as well so you can see a post with actual proof they work with an ISP.

The internet is not shutting down and bandwidth is not being fucking rationed, stop believing LARPs with no proof.

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Oh yes one gymlad who recovered got it! Time to crash the world stocks!!!

Nah, unless they want people to riot. If neets can't watch pornhub or play DOTA they'll have nothing left in their isolated lives.

Not just that but bus traffic goes out of huge capacity connections, not your shitty last mile home broadband.

don't tell cauldron

still getting 10+ Mbps nntp

Going to the shops for my 1 (one) state issued walk of the day. You guys want anything? Bear in mind I can only get so many items before the police stop me.

my individual liberties back please

>brtions invented everything
like what? incest?

Anyone else use up their government walk for something frivolous?

not one, theres fucking loads, like I said its seems like all the young people I see have it, they hit up dirty sweaty gyms and breath in swower mist etc.

The "only old people narrative" was fucking reckless.

A Mars bar lad.

i don't know these words

Hello lads, how are you all?

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Sorry mate no can do. The Police Shopping Squad have told me if I get anything other than 1 chocolate bar I will be arrested for Panic Buying.

red pill me on Alexander Jahans

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