Why do lefties and black twitter have this obsession with connecting white people to mayonaisse? Like they''ll say hundred of times about mayo in an attempt to offend whitey and nobody will care, but then you say "nig" and they go berserk
Why do lefties and black twitter have this obsession with connecting white people to mayonaisse...
just like cracker, eventually they'll abandon it and move on to another food inspired insult because it has no bite
I avoided mayonaisse most of my life cause it just looks gross.
Man I missed out all those years
it's disgusting and never ate it in my life
You can turn anything into an insult just by spamming it endlessly, no matter how initially irrelevant it is, by just waiting until somebody says "shut up retard" at which point you can go LOL TRIGGERED
I don't know. It's weird. I'm black and I can't eat a dry sandwich. A white food that I find disgusting are fluffer-nutter sandwiches.
It's only good on sandwhiches
>Fluffer-nutter on bread
do people really?
It's meant for crackers
i thought mayo was a stereotype we liked
why would you be offended at someone saying we like mayo? even if they meant it as an insult who cares. don't be like them getting your knickers in a bunch over a word, we are better then that. tastes good man.
its egg and vinegar
you are all fags
Whitey here. Wtf is a fluffer-nutter sandwich? Never heard of that. Sounds gay af
As someone who worked in a deli in north Philadelphia I always found that stereotype interesting.
Because 90% of the time a sandwich with extra mayo came through it was a larger black woman.
It's a sandwich comprised of marshmallow spread and peanut butter. The marshmallow spread tastes like pure concentrated sugar, its a lot, even for a kid.
I don't even like mayo.
Black guy here; it’s because mayo is gross and so are white “people”
It’s delicious.
>never ate it
How do you know?
I fucking love mayonaisse, how the fuck are you going to eat a sandwich without it?
How would you know it’s disgusting then you fat lying cunt
There are no racial slurs against whites that have any bite or purchase because whites are objectively superior in all meaningful aspects. Call us whatever the fuck you want, it won’t change the fact that we are smarter, more industrious and on average more successful than lesser races. The only time Shitskins can claim any kind of success is when they are living and operating within a supermajority white state or framework.
If you're going to larp as a nigger, at least type like one instead of a fag plebbitor.
>fluffer-nutter sandwiches.
what the fuck is that??
>lol white people consider mayonnaise and water spicy
>white people food is basically just boiling things in water lmao
I love this argument. Most cultures put spice on their food because for most of human existence food was absolutely disgusting. People would be happy to eat mouldy, insect ridden food because it was all they had. Spices were only used in order to mask the disgusting taste.
Boiling things kills off bacteria etc, and allows you to spend less energy on fighting off the resulting diseases, effectively serving as a very basic immune system, killing off nasties before they enter your system .
inferiority complex
Just goes to show they have no true insults. The only whit stereotype that they push is the spicy food thing. as if its an insult to white people that we dont like spicy food. truly weak
Im white and I LOVE mayonnaise. Literally nothing about it could offend me.
I also love spicy food, probably like it spicier than spics or gooks. Do their insults or jokes all suck because their IQs are so low?
Ah, there's your problem!
"Polly" was big last decade. I don't like the boomer mentality of getting offended by it. I want them to come up with racial slurs that they can really feel good when they say, so we
can be allowed to call them fucking niggers.
This follow the meme that white ppl eat bland food. Which is funny because they also accuse us of going berserk with India over spices.
mayo is good miracle whip is for children and niggers
you white bread lookin, buttermilk, actin like shredded mozzarella, yogurt bitch, skim milk motha, expeller pressed coconut oil bitchass
i ran out of white foods.
Thats just the Twitter crowd, they aren't good at insults. I find the fact that white people can eat mayonnaise straight out of the jar fairly repulsive, sure I like it as a sandwich spread, but there's no way I could it eat it right out of the jar. Also the fact that adult white people drink milk is kind of strange, but worst of all is your relationship with pets, pic related.
POC don't have to keep their dogs chained up or fenced in to keep them from running away.
I love mayonnaise, i don't know how anyone could eat it out of the jar.
homemade with extra light olive oil is the best. lots of lemon and salt. don't eat onions oil faggots.
Fluffernutters are just marshmallow spread on bread. Its just a buncha sugar for children.
Cracker is from "whipcracker" though.
Black's most common slur against whites directly references the fact that we owned them.
Nigger is effective, at least in part, because of how it rolls off the tongue. Its starts at the front of the mouth and is forcefully pushed out.
What makes white dudes really offended is not words, but sexual stuff, like seeing a black dude fucking a white chics. We generally don't care amd will even go out of our way to pimp our women out.
>POC don't have to keep their dogs chained up or fenced in to keep them from running away.
Solid bait. You couldn't get a jury of 12 niggers to convict a white man for shooting a nigger's dog simply because he noticed it was a nigger's dog and therefore dangerous.
No wonder you are such lard asses.
baz' ah re-pill
What else are you gonna mix your tuna fish with?
I worked at a restaurant for a brief period a few years ago. The nigger cooks would all make burgahs to take home at the end of the night and put a shitload of mayo on them. It was disgusting. I like mayo in reasonable amounts but they put 5x that amount on.
I only like mayo on a ham and turkey sandwich. With a little bit of spicy brown mustard mixed in too. On potato bread, of course. With crunchy garlic dill pickles and a slice of Muenster cheese. And a bag of Grandma Utz potato chips on the side and a glass of Blackberry Lemonade from Turkey Hill. Literally the only way I'll eat mayo.
Also on Hamburgers with ketchup too I guess.
>white people like mayo cuz it's white
Movie Undercover Brother popularized it
They do know that some mayonaisse comes with a yellow tinge, right?
Just tell them to 'Go wash your chicken', then watch the fun ensue.
This. I never heard this shit once until that movie came out.
>A white food that I find disgusting are fluffer-nutter sandwiches.
Fuck you nigger, it's better than the Jewish concoction they call modern "grape" "jelly".
PA anons unite
God Tier Mayo
White spicy and black spicy are not the same thing. You probably think Spicy nacho Doritos are "spicy".
Spicy food is actually very good for ones health.
Probably because niggers have a dulled sense of taste from their ancestors surviving on rotting flesh and trash.
handmade mayo is godly, on a nice rye with Turkey and tomato
nah it's definitely acquired.
I eat my food waaay too spicy because I burned up my tongue adding chile to stuff. I snack on raw thai chile
Blacks like things just short of a jalapeno normally, they like a bit of chile powder in their fried chicken batter but not much more than that.
>Real mayonnaise
The fact that they have to point that out is pretty sad.
Lefties are uncreative with their "memes". Also the irony is blacks love mayo and tartar sauce, they will literally drown all their food in that nasty shit
*chuckles* well actually...
I bet you eat mayo in certain recipes that you dont even realize include mayo and then like the flavour it gives, not realizing what you're enjoying is what you claim to hate.
islander nogs know some gr8 spices, specifically the caribbean/jamaica.
murican nigs have a palette of all Americans which is trailer trash processed junk food simulated to taste like real food.
my country is no better but goddamn spicy Cheetos isnt a delicacy
Black people love mayo though, and the joke isn't that white people love it, the joke is that mayo is the most flavorful thing we will eat. Get it right!
maybe, but I've never seen a jerk that goes spicier than habanero
Because like dairy it is a food FOR white people only. They're jealous.
its all you really need imo, anything bigger is puffery and showboating