Men's disposable incomes drying up

>Men's disposable incomes drying up
>Thots starting to get desperate, spamming everywhere, offering half off sales to look at their torn up vadges, etc
>Can't find a man now to take care of them because of their past

I do believe Coronachan has gifted us with the long overdue great thotty reckoning.

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This is why men should have a favored quota in the workplace. Women bring down mens wages and then complain that men don't make as much money.

That cow ain't gonna be exploited

I bet she fucks black guys.

>oh no think of the sex workers

How do people even see the world this way

“Self workers” are literally so useless that they are there for men to use as disposable breathing cum dumps.

They are a completely expendable part of society

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the danger is pretty much fact. on my way to work for three consecutive nights ive seen average roasties being pimped out and leashed around by literal bums on public transit. kinda fucked up but also funny they were desperate enough to fuck hobos but are getting trafficked instead.

stupid whores don't even need to have physical sex anymore
simps are buying pics and videos for $100s a month

The Great Depression killed Flappers.

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While I dislike liara and any hairy arm pitted overpriced e thot that shit is fake news, check her twitter she talked about it

Someone post the ‘what women think theyll do in the apocalpyse vs what theyll actually do’

Time to go exploit a sex worker.
>Sucky sucky $5 huh? Well the girl down the street said she'd do it for $4, you look like you would do it for $3, so how about it?
>Sucky sucky $2?

dont tell me that fat pig is a prostitute

where can I find these cut rate deals user?

What? How does that happen? Are they hobo girls or something?

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there is nothing wrong with giving an used up whore a sandwich in exchange for a blowjob when wandering the wasteland. she'll make it another and you have done a good deed that day

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Arnie be flexin on those niggers


>They are a completely expendable part of society
I've seen what happens to men that don't coom. I'd say they are integral to civilization. Or they wouldn't be present in every iteration

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Damn that comment reminds me of this movie. One of the first movies recommended to me on Yas Forums, back in 2010.

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This is disgusting. Fucking simps powering the luxury thot economy

Why is only exploitation if it's wamenz in sex industry? What about everyone else who has no work or income and needs to take every job even if it's below 50% market rate.

I demand hookers charge their customers based on penis length or hole depth with a uniform standard rate!

Wow. What a lunatic. Lol. Good luck in life cunt

Look up the 'Hemline Index'
Corona-chan may be what makes stable families a reality again

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>don't @ ever me again

That was savage

Why would anyone hire this bitch?
What a massive waste of hard earned money!

Who the fuck would even pay for this? I have only been to the states one time so I have no clue, but how hard is it to just get some pussy there? In europe you could pay for 10/10 Super model tier girls to lick your asshole clean for that money

Imagine the entitlement of that cunt? How could you even enjoy it.

Pic related < than $100 to fuck

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Member annon, imagination is still free.

drugs usually

Who would pay for this? She's barely above average?!

6k to spend the day with some average looking skinny girl, and I wouldn't even be guaranteed any pussy? Who the fuck gets conned into this shit? I know NEET incels don't have that kind of money.

They won't be for long. You can already see the desperation & the pussy market plummeting.

For internet thots, the regulars (Insta, Whisper, etc). For in person, just visit your local nigger infested neighborhood streets & ask for the gals for the covid special. Try to make sure there's at least two whores there so they can fight over who gets to blow you for $5 & a sandwich.

>Don't talk to me or my vagina ever again

Women should be banned from the workplace except for ome specifi female friendly jobs. But the jews have been pushing the exact opposite for decades. The'yve been sappmming women in STEMS, women in construction, women in film ,women in every male dominated field. The jews want women in those fields to increase the competition, the more you have candidates for a job the more easy for jews to pick those who will work for the lowest wage. It's the same jews that are telling you to go to work during the pandemic because who are they going to leech from if nobody's working? Same thjing for ethots. Women are the jews of gender and should be treated accordingly. The world became Hell when we gave emanacipation to jews who then gave emancipation to women.

Has anyone ever told them to get a real job?

She’s exploiting a loophole. “Escorts” are prostitutes here. You pay them for the “date” to avoid the law. She’s taking it literally to hustle chumps because they can’t go to the law. She’ll do it to the wrong dindu eventually and the toll will be paid.

How do you find whores on Instagram?

More or less. The women who do this shit don't last long in the industry.

Exactly. Call ‘em Jews or corporatists or whatever. Strong family bonds, single earner households, women (being vulnerable and emotionally less stable, but more nurturing and caring) protected so they can raise the children and make the home nice. These things prevent wages from being driven lower t he ought competition. Corporations want us to be separate atoms living in a societal void where all we do is work to get enough cash to consume their shitty products that don’t actually provide happiness. The put out propaganda telling you to do this. The propaganda is everywhere. It even exists in the universities, masquerading as “social science”. We are doomed. Nothing short of a violent revolution will stop this. I think the dystopians are right though. We will converge on a society much like urban japan, but more “diverse”. Everyone working 10 hour days, on the edge of financial collapse, living alone, watching porn, etc. I’m not an optimist.

You can escape this, but you have to become a capitalist.

What is whisper?

Just search around locally. Same with Whisper. They usually end up directing you to their Snaps anyway.

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This just means they'll have to suck more dick for less money honestly they'll just adjust prices i hope whores like this burn in hell i despise these sinners

How do you search around locally? What are the signs that you found a whore?

Ouch. Dude got scammed out of $1500. He could have spent far less and just had sex with a nice young Asian prostitute.


Legit just go on tinder you’ll usually find some whore on there offering money for sex

Sex for money*

Where can you find this? Sorry I have so many questions anons, I’m really curious about this and want to learn more. I don’t want to use the services but as a person living in this world it is good to be aware of things like this.

Hahahahaha. The 21st century is here! We are almost a quarter way thru it!
>flying cars? Nope!
>space travel? Nope!
>humanoid robots that clean our house? Nope!
>Ray guns? Nope!
>travel to mars? Nope!
>men cutting their dicks off and putting on dresses? Hell yea!
>whores that you pay and they don’t even give you a kiss or a hand job? Damn right!!

I’ve never done tinder, aren’t most of them boys anyways? This is really bizarre to learn about.

For Whisper just use the nearby tab, then wait for some whore to post, then chat w them. Do the normal stuff like ask for proof, all that.

If you’re in nyc, just google it. Stay safe out there.

Corona Chan is a nothing burger fuck off with that bullshit.

*bots not boys

When the fuck AREN'T they being exploited?

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you mean massage parlors right? I’ve actually done a lot of research into human trafficking and massage parlors. It’s some dark shit but like I said before, it is important to know the world you live in.

>men willingly pay for this and think it is ok to be treated like this
>women who behave like this call other entitled
>this is dating in the 21st century
>no pair bonding
>just paying for meaningless shit and putting up with cunts just for a shot at putting your dick in a used up hole
Yet they wonder why men are "dropping out." Enjoy the collapse faggots, its been a good run.

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Its a tailor made happening for the NEETs
Theyve been training for this moment their whole lives

How the fuck this weeb can shell out this kind of money? What is the secret?

She'll be sucking dick for a roll of TP and a can of tuna within a month

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Spare a thought for all the single isolated normies who aren't going to have sex for at least an entire year

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mutt's law.
only three posts in.

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I've had an escort living with me for the last month. She actually went out and got a job at a grocery store, makes din din every night and empties my balls.

Faggot got his just deserts. Who pays to get a little stank on their hang-low?

This. My job shut down a chick who i'd been talking to but hadn't prepped started messaging me.
For some Scott 1000 sheets and some dried pasta she let me fuck all her holes for a night.

Sad part is i was a month away from wizard status so i'll never get those super powers now.
If i can do it, any one of you can too.

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>Pic related < than $100 to fuck
Shamelessly asking where?

Oh no! Not the poor whores! This news makes me so sad.

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The sex workers have to compete against the roasties now. Market value on pootang in plummeting. SELL SELL SELL SELL
Ditch your current roastie and upgrade while the market is hot!!!!!

>Pic related < than $100 to fuck


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you cant exploit that land whale

Why wouldn't you just buy a fuck doll for that price. Sure you have to clean the spooge out of the doll yourself, but it's a better conversationalist than 90% of thots.

Fake news. The kind of guys who waste money on whores are the same kind who aren’t being all that hurt in this crisis.

I would rather chop my balls off than pay this

hookers are basically half price right now
>t. got a suck and fuck for $100 last night

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If she doesnt, she will now.

that's the wrong pic
in that pic is a fat beast that literally no one would pay for any physical contact.

all whores deserve death

>human trafficking
no such thing

They know what they’re doing. Don’t believe the horror stories.

>A Bexar County jury on Wednesday acquitted Ezekiel Gilbert of murder in the death of a 23-year-old Craigslist escort.
>Gilbert's actions were justified, they argued, because he was trying to retrieve stolen property: the $150 he paid Frago. It became theft when she refused to have sex with him or give the money back, they said.
>The Texas law that allows people to use deadly force to recover property during a nighttime theft