How wasn't this degeneracy or some form of pornography?

Attached: H_amused_by_boobs.jpg (593x915, 85.18K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The naked body isn't inherently erotic if it's in a desexualized context

even daddy hitler was redpilled on the BIG BLACK BVLL

interesting body language from him in this photo

Bring back Aryan art.

Attached: h-10602.jpg (1430x2048, 491.63K)

I don’t see an old Jew sexually abusing a child for a pittance.

Looks like a strong powerful portrayal of a woman who would likely kick OPs faggot ass

Attached: tumblr_muyuvfFaHw1rk8gi9o1_1280.jpg (968x1600, 143.1K)

He’s trying not to get smacked by his wife for looking to excited.

if you're turned on by a stone cold statue of a non-moving naked body, you're the biggest coomer who's ever lived

Because it wasn't a drawing.

Be the change you want to see in the world, user.
Plenty of people get turned on by a cold non-moving drawing, what's the difference?

hey that guy is a grower just like me! 1.5 inches soft 6 inches hard

really small arms is this the power of natty genetics?

>artistic, fit human bodies
pick one

this guy has the torso of a 200lb bodybuilder and the arms of a track runner

>this guy has the torso of a 200lb bodybuilder and the arms of a track runner
what would this body type be perfect for?

They're not human, but subhuman

>what would this body type be perfect for?
Smashing jews

Thinking that nudity is only erotic then that says a lot about you

The bicep is barely used in normal day to day activities if you lift correctly. If you have strong legs, a strong core, and a strong back you don’t need killer biceps and triceps.

Big arms are to compensate for an inability to lift correctly, or a small cock.

It’s also easier to maintain body temperature and costs less energy to heat yourself when you aren’t pumping a gallon a minute into your exposed arms thanks to killer vascularity.

head too big

Extended physical labour, like hours of combat or marching for days on end.

t. shitskin

Nudity does not have to be sexual or degenerate

Car accidents

guns are pretty heavy wouldnt heavier arms help?

It's a tranny smart one

Hitler was an FtM. Eva Braun was a MtF.

Attached: tranny_Female_clavicle.jpg (676x131, 51.5K)

That's a normal average body of someone who exercised in their youth, but hasn't lifted lately. The core is strong, but the muscle build is not excessive.
That body is perfect for smashing kike women and forcing them to birth Aryan children against their will.

>non sexual sculptures of the human form


Being a curl bro is pathetic

user just, gross

Attached: 1528623854620.jpg (666x666, 37.89K)

Lol I remember that beast, gj

Guns aren’t heavy and you carry them on your shoulder or your back.

You also don’t pump your weapon in a curl while marching. The bicep curl is almost never used in real life scenarios.

It's not sexually explicit, but instead an earnest examination of the beauty of the human form. Anybody who views this as sexually explicit is a deviant degenerate with no ability to identify or appreciate true beauty.

Is she being pigroasted between two niggers? What am I missing here?

There's nothing wrong with the cult of body/cult of beauty, christcuck-kun

>degenerate [ verb dih-jen-uh-reyt; adjective, noun dih-jen-er-it ]

>verb (used without object), de·gen·er·at·ed, de·gen·er·at·ing.

>1. to fall below a normal or desirable level in physical, mental, or moral qualities; deteriorate:

>2. to diminish in quality, especially from a former state of coherence, balance, integrity, etc.

What exactly is degenerate here?

See also:

>naked person
i bet the memeflag is from USA :D

naked people scare you more than gore and killing and shooting, fucking retards

Attached: BeautyEyes.jpg (639x633, 53.89K)

>kike mother
>Aryan children

Mutt logic

Allow me to reiterate. Smashing jewish-russian hybrids, Bar Refaeli or Scarlett Johansson for example.

Nudity isnt inherently sexual, but thinking the humanity's natrual form is pornographic is a sign of a degenerate society hiding under a mask of morality

The human form is beautiful, when well trained and maintained, and should be appreciated
More than that statues of this kind should be on public display because they encourage self improvement

>the naked body is degeneracy
Are you fucking retarded? Ah, you have a memeflag.

not a Yas Forums fag but is it good to just go through the moves to get a specific build, or is it better to do a specialized routine for it

basically if you wanna be able to shoot and carry/march for a long time, do you train by doing exactly that or doing a special thing in the gym?

>being this cringe
That's a White Man statue you chink jewish hybrid hapa.

Why do all the evils of the world fall on Hitler and everybody just ignores the 10x kill count of communists? Even the Jews killed plenty of people. They just decided to make Hitler the fall guy for everything bad.

It's the perfect body of an FtM tranny like Colin Mcgregor

Which is why any regular chad soldier would look more masculine than this model

Attached: mcgregor.jpg (600x900, 74.57K)

>anything but degenerate

Big arms can exist in men in certain professions or with certain hobbies naturally (outside of bodybuilding training). Men who row or kayak or canoe, men who do carpentry or smithing work, welders, bricklayers, men who chop wood regularly, etc.


Because they successfully kept spamming Hitler, so noone remembers their own crimes.

Why are you so obsessed with trannies? If you see them everywhere, perhaps you should start asking yourself why that is. Real trannies are easy to spot from a mile away, if you're scrutinizing every person you see and believing they're all trannies, you may have some sort of obsession with them.

OP is truly the stupidest faggot I’ve ever had the displeasure of running across. Someone dox him please.

Because they were encouraging physical fitness and health of their people with that kind of art. Also celebrating the beautiful natural form of the human body. They wanted to bring back the Roman and Greek culture of fitness. Nowadays we have culture that promotes laziness and gluttony. See fat acceptance.

if naked statues are a problem for you

get bigger problems

If I hear about the holocaust one more fucking time.

Attached: 1560806311667.jpg (699x334, 103.31K)

Looks like awkwardly faked falsely hidden excitement.

>Not wise enough to realise that to defeat the enemy, you must join them, and figure out how they think and function.

Top grince.

It celebrates the beauty of a healthy, robust, European human female. That’s why.

Even Satan knows that the mentally ill are clearly visible.

That early?

>Real trannies are easy to spot from a mile away,
Yes they are, like the two statues I pointed out in the photo.

Attached: tranny mob.jpg (960x640, 153.06K)

no, we don't

Well practical training (training using real life practical scenarios, like running with a loaded pack) is called practical for more than one reason. It uses practical methods but your also practicing actual skills.

If you want to be able shoot and march long distances the best way to get better at it is to do it. Throw some rocks in a backpack and go for a hike, it’s hard to simulate that in a gym.

Most exercises in a gym will focus a single muscle, or a group of muscles like squats and deadlifts. Doesn’t activate as many muscles as carrying a heavy pack up a steep hill.

You won’t be as cut/shredded/tuned as someone who targets specific muscles for aesthetic reasons but you will outperform them in almost any scenario.

>What am I missing here?
A brain.

Пoшeл нaхyй, чepт.

>not naturally having this physique
Why even live?

You’ll notice most of those men have killer lats, traps and delts, but almost no tricep. A large bicep is likely due to improper form this requiring another muscle to compensate.

i don't know runes

Im not saying this because I am anti-nazi or anti-white but holy shit these are fucking objectively ugly statues. They should have just followed in the same direction as the Greeks. The proportions look unharmonious, the poses seem unbalanced and the facial expressions look ugly and silly. Compare these ugly statues to the Italians. It's no contest. I'm not saying Germans can't make good art but that style is horrible.

Attached: e-bernini_proserpina.jpg (790x1122, 122.51K)

Then take off your proxy, kike faggot. If you were actually polish, you would be able to read that.

I live in a super white area and at the beach it's normal to see at least one woman topless sunbathing. Is that degeneracy to you? Any sort of nudity? We're white here man, it's no problem. You can look and clearly tell when it's fine and when it's crossing a line.

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So.... Hitler was a tranny. But he had 1 testicle?

Why isnt he a hero for progressive leftists then?

Attached: smuggook.jpg (509x478, 30.35K)

Ok kike

Angwy wittle German :(
Wouldn’t expect a kraut to appreciate high art anyway

What a stupid arm chair explanation from someone who probably hasn't done a says manual labor or lifted in his life.

You don't neglect your arms just because lifting things involves core strength.

Nudity is not inherently sexual

When sculptors make the heads too big it's usually because they expect the sculpture to be viewed from below. The best example of this that everyone knows is Michelangelo's David. But this probably shouldn't be employed with sculptures that aren't enormous in size. This sculptor might have been imagining potentially making his works enormous, like the statue of liberty or something. Maybe this is why Hitler was looking at them, imagining some grand artwork of his future Empire.

Attached: David_von_Michelangelo.jpg (1071x2046, 372.75K)

He wasn't married.
Sadly the Amerimutts and Anglokikes destroyed all male and female statues and burnt the training books.

Can't have white men and women wanted to be aesthetic perfection in the planned mutt genocide of Europe.
Fucking awesome.