Drumpf is genociding america

drumpf is genociding america

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I thought italy would be bad but this will be a disaster


The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.

Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.

The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).

In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.

Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe

The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status

Shareblue dyke using VPN


good goy

i am all for trump but does this seem spiteful or at least trying to get back at congress for not passing trump bucks

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This is the greatest happening and I'm glad I get to experience it with all of you

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Lock down is only effective if you also locate infected people and force them and their social contacts into quarantine. Why bother with lock down if you can't bother with doing everything needed for it to be effective?

China failed. America will come back stronger than ever. We are not afraid of the Flu.
China is embarrassed and humiliated now.

Black Trump
>Yo Our niggas wants ta return ta werk. dey will practice Social Distancing an' all else, an' Seniors will be watched ova protectively & lovingly. we's can do two things together. da CURE CANNOT BE WORSE (by far) THAN da PROBLEM! Congress mus' ACT NOW. we's will come back strong! Don' make me come ova there bitch...

Him first, go hug a chink and get coofed on.

That's true though. If you are old or weak you stay home. The rest of us carry the economy and keep the country from dying. I'm willing to risk the virus to earn money and keep my guys working. I am also willing to deliver supplies to the weak that shelter in place. It's not hard.


typical french pussy. americans can still stay home with blankets over their heads if they want to

Where's my coronabux?

an economic meltdown would cause far more deaths than this virus

Thanks Trump for choosing (((wall street))) over your country again. This will only fuck hospitals harder and wall street will still be fucked, except more people will die. Excellent.

Nonsense. Only people dying are the old and weak. Not worth killing the economy over them.

your ebonics be terrible dawg, gnome saiyan

hes right, it's just a flu.

This system kills sick people all the time and you are realizing this just now? In the absence of a universal healthcare system conservative estimates put the number of preventable deaths at 65k per year. This is a system the prioritizes profits over human lives and it always has been.You are just a cog, cattle to the billionaire class that is exploiting you. Lives of working class people never meant anything to them.




Get coofed on, Jimmy.

There's a lot of damage to be done to our hospital system before even factoring in deaths, user. That's the whole reason why damage control is being done on the spread. On top of that, Trump's voterbase would be the most heavily affected by deaths. I don't know how Trump loving boomers can square that.

If trump sends us back to work and there’s another spread of it then he’s lost my vote, my families vote, he’ll lose enough votes it cost him the election

>working class
What do you do for work, comrade?

It won't...if its not monitored!

Kill yourself

>trump sends us back to work
What do you do for work?

The popular vote literally means nothing.

If retards weren't too busy sucking each others dicks, they would realize this guy here, knows a few things. Hmmm. Have a you buddy.

What he is saying is "Our country can be defeated by bioweapons easily." If I was China Id launch 3 or 4 bioweapons the day he tells people to go back to work. America is proving to be vulnerable and weak right now

Trump supporters are uneducated low IQ white idpol cultist shitbagz who unironically vote against their own economic interests

If there is a big break out in cases and deaths after this speech, he WILL be getting a lot of shit.
He is betting all-in. Not sure if it was needed but he is anyway.

Wordsalad without any meaning, shut the fuck up.

Trump is fucking based for not surrendering his country to a kike-made virus

This. Enough profits have been taken by stock market insiders, so please stop with the bullshit and turn the economy back on.

-risk getting virus
-get virus
-infect weak you are trying to help
Americans are fuckin retarded

Democrats did this when they denied Americans getting cash relief in the middle of a crisis. Kill yourself OP. DO IT ON CAM AND POST LINK FAGGOT.

If you are so dull witted that you gave that low effort bait a (you) I'd encourage you to lurk more.

100% true. Just let everyone wear masks and gloves if they want

he's right tho, the ends don't justify the means

Amerisharts can't even get through one week without needing to shart in a mart

Why dont you tell me what my economic interest is while you pay my mortgage you fucking nigger.

Trump is the quintessential boomer. He will tell you to grab yourself by the bootstraps and step in the line of fire while watching from a comfortable distance. At least the capitalists here have the decency to install some shit to protect the people like post machines, self-checkouts, customer service barriers etc.

As a wealthy NEET who only stands to benefit from a depression. Reduced food costs, taxes etc. I want the shutdown to go on for months to protect unhealthy burgers

And here in India our PM just shut down the country for 21 days starting today. No one allowed to leave home.

India will come out of this unscathed. But with the orange retard bowing to his jewish masters, America will be devastated

I manage a bar, and we closed down in the middle of spring break.

I don't see the problem. Plenty of "essential goods" people were still working and likely spreading the virus anyway. Is Walmart checking their workers for symptoms before they have them stock shelves? Someone at an Amazon warehouse tested positive, but you know they aren't shutting down for 14 days over it. The lockdown won't work if you can't get the majority of people to stay home. It only takes a few infected people to keep the spread going.

You lost. Get over it.

Trump wants us to get sick to make us stronger

Trust the plan

I work at Walmart. They haven't closed, only at night. Still haven't caught it, don't know anyone who caught it, and there's supposedly 130 cases in my county. Playing with death or hoax virus?

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>No one allowed to leave home.
Can you still use the designated shitting streets?

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5million deaths is a small price to pay for +0.2% on the Dow

If it's a bioweapon, then the operatives spreading it should be targeted.

Rest of the world enjoying neetbux

USA having to go be wagies and get coofed on

I shouldnt keep you too long, Mr noseberg just video chatted me from his home, he wants you back in the factory, he says you can sleep when youre dead.

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>I manage a bar
OK, I'll bite, so how is Trump going to force you to go to work?

except Americans fucking aren't practicing any kind of safety. Their programming plan created an individualistic and solipsist mindset in the goyim which removed any sense of social responsibility left.
It will fucking spread. It will fucking mutate. and millions will fucking die.

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Then why didnt you become a doctor instead of a retarded commie faggot

Mine is, and only people who are afraid of getting it is staying home.

lol your parents are going to die and you won't have anyone to blame but yourself.

based trump.

No, we will get our government sponsored buckets

trump needs to be hidden or to resign. he is literally an idiot who cares about nothing except boosting the stawk market to get re-elected. ironically, if he simply didn't fuck up the response and looked in control like cuomo, it would have been a shoe in .

>pic related

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absolut based this guy

The only problem I see is that he's not specifically targeting niggers.

The GOP is anti white, why would I even care

Why don't chinks just build nuclear reactors and process fuel for cars using electricity from those plants or just run the cars off electric batteries?

Are they stupid? I guess they are. Oil is obsolete and has been for a long time, we have had nuclear power for like 70 years at this point and still rely on oil.

Wow, you guys are taking this seriously if you're even shutting down the shitting streets.
>I'm with her now!
So what should he be doing? Welding everybody in their house for a month?

You kike retard, the issue isn’t it’s killing people. This shit will kill health systems enmasse. We can’t supply thousands with ventilatiors or give them all medication.

This, the kikes are bleeding money and trump needs to save them. Time to print trillions and put people back to work. If they die it’s fine, try giving them medications that fuck with their hearts. It’s da cure goy.

I expect Cuomo to take any proposal of the sort from Trump, say "whaddaya outta ya fuckin' mind?" And throw it in the trash. New York will continue to quarantine and the rest of the country will get sick. I don't want that for flyoverbros.

>willing to sacrifice all the elderly, grandparents and parents, for the sake of the economy
Literally satanic.

>wants to genocide mutts
wtf i love trump now

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Be serious. How is 1.4 billion people going to take shits when their shitting streets are closed??

I just hope he forces LA and NY to open up..
That would maximize the spread!

Letting Trump's main voter base and largest predominantly white demographic remaining die in their droves, what could possibly go wrong?

Have the nothingburger fags actually thought this through or am I missing something.