Block republican relief bill

>Block republican relief bill
>replace with 100 pages bil with shit that doesn't have anything to do with the shit that's happening
We're not going to get our Coronabux, are we?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Before I hop onto the dumb MIGA band wagon. Can you actually tell us what additions they want and what's the issue with the current bill? Don't give me excuses, I want hard information, not MIGA bloviating.

Executive order it. Fuck the commiecRATs.

Republicans don't want to give anything to neets. Democrats want to give it all to foreign immigrants .

Neither party is welcome to advertise here after this imho. Take your gens and gtfo.

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Knock your fucking self out

Dem version is 1200 pages
it includes all kinds of crazy shit
>bailouts for post office
>mandatory same day voter registration
>mandatory niggers included in corporate boards
>mandatory gov use of nigger owned banks
>airlines must be carbon neutral by 2025
>illegals will get trumpbux
>funding for abortions (PP)
theres a lot more i cant remember

>calls Dem's 'commierats' because they aren't approving a socialist bill'

Yeah, I don't believe that. I'm really sketpical that Trump is actually going to give some actual relief to people, and not corporations an business. I'd like some actual hard info on what the Dems are opposing about the bill.

God forbid we have some actual Nationalist nuance on this board anymore while every gargles the Orange Golem's bagel covered ballsack.

>Democrats ruining their chances by blocking aid
>MAGA man going full blown retard trying to rush everyone back to work so everyone gets infected and we get hit the hardest in the world by this.

I'm guessing no one wants to get elected so no one gets blamed for this aftermath?

>Yeah, I don't believe that. I'm really sketpical that Trump is actually going to give some actual relief to people, and not corporations an business. I'd like some actual hard info on what the Dems are opposing about the bill.
>God forbid we have some actual Nationalist nuance on this board anymore while every gargles the Orange Golem's bagel covered ballsack.

>give "people" 2000$ neetbux
>give corporations NOTHING

So you want to give 2000 dollars to "working citizens", without ensuring that when this thing blows over they'll actually have somewhere to work at? You realize that people work at corporations, right?

Prove it. I don't believe that.

So you haven't read it and you're complaining? Why make a thread with a clear MIGA bias without reading it and informing others? Wtf happened to this board? This is NOT r/thedonald. We're Nationalists that seek the interests of our race, we are not cheerleaders for fucking Jewish power structures.

What is in the bill that the Dems are proposing? I'm not going to listen to utter lies.

you still get $600 for being a NEET. demcucks will give you more but only if you're not a white male.

Why do we need a 1500 page bill? It's absurdly simple.
>Every American with a social security number shall receive $1,000. If the recipient is under 18 years of age the funds shall go to their parent or guardian.
God forbid a few millionaires and niggers got a measley $1k.

You’re stupid if you ever thought Trump was going to hand a check to average Joes like you. He was playing as a nice guy but now it’s back to work on Monday.

What a ridiculous MIGA rebuttal. This is not a republican board, it's a nationalist board for politically incorrect opinions. Sucking republican dick is pc as fuck. I want nuance, I seek our interests, not jingoistic cuckolrdy you dumb boomer cunt.

Flag checks out. Get fucked corperate shill. Big finance and big business deserves to fail. They brought this on themselves, your people brought it on yourselves. You deserve nothing. Stimulus should be for the PEOPLE, not your tribe.

Nice spacing R*ddit. Now get the fuck out of here before something bad happens. Like you get IP traced.

Who gives a fuck what you think, you limey muhammad shit skin. America isn't your country so stay on your side of the fucking pond

Piss off. Aunty Pelosi wants to give us all $1500, NEETs included. That's $300 more than the GOP. I'm voting for the party who can give me the most coronabux!

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>I want hard information
>not bloviating
it's 1400 pages asshole
dems are being painted as obstructionists in mainstream media, it's looking pretty ugly for them right now

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I don't pay taxes so no money for me.

its 1400 pages
for fun, ctrl + F 'diversity'

I think the postal service should be bailed out honestly. If people knew how bad our government intentionally assfucked them financially the last 15 years theyd have more sympathy.

I haven't gotten a shift at either restaurant I work at in 2 weeks.
>We hear you and are planning to make airlines purchase carbon credits.
I just want to buy groceries.
>I understand and have added 300 mil to refugees in the bill to help you out.

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Shill your faggotry elsewhere. Pelosi and the Democrats blocked both bills that were gonna send money out to Americans. That’s a fact, just like you being a gay little subhuman is a fact.

Hey burgers what happens if the entire Senate is sick and nobody can pass a bill? Are they allowed telephone votes? Can Herr Trump just decree shit and be a totally based King of USA?

That's still not informing any of us on what the Dems are opposing within the bill, and opposing within the bill. This is important. We're only going to get one stimulus. There is enormous pressure by the public for a stimulus, but once a stimulus bill is put forward, all the tension is gone, and Trump and others get bloviate about their success. We need to ensure this bill is in our interests.

Dems are corrupt as fuck, but they're also partial to public pressure. I have a strong feeling the problems they have with the bill are related to corporate welfare and a severe lack of public welfare.

>Why make a thread with a clear MIGA bias without reading it and informing others?
Why are you pretending to have the moral high ground?
>This is NOT r/thedonald.
Weird. Why would you even feel the need to refer to reddit, unless you're looking for credibility?
> We're Nationalists that seek the interests of our race, we are not cheerleaders for fucking Jewish power structures.
>Again, why the fuck would you feel the need to even say that? It has literally nothing to do with this conversation.
>What is in the bill that the Dems are proposing? I'm not going to listen to utter lies.
What are you doing here
>reddit spacing

>Get fucked corperate shill.
Shills accusing you of being a shill. Deflection 101
>Big finance and big business deserves to fail.
Yeah that pretty much seals the deal.

Don't bother, it's pretty obvious this is either an elaborate bait (which in and of itself is pathetic), or an unironic shilling attempt which at this point is not surprising.

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>is provided link to bill at issue
>doesn't read it and rambles on with nonsense
>pRoVe iT
Checks out.

The postal service is a government nightmare run by incompetent fucks. People I know who work there hate that fucking job but the money is just good enough to stay.

>mass suicide by hysteria
That's an interesting way to go. Suits you mutts.

this kike is correct. The statement will be ignored because he is a kike and while i won't shed a tear when the muslim world marches him into the fucking ocean that doesn't mean what he said isn't correct.

>Prove it. I don't believe that.
>defends Dems at every turn
>insults and hates on the one party in the US that has any Nationalist contingency

Why can't lawmakers just draft a bill (on either side) without sucking some 3rd party's dick.
Give us our fucking bux, fuck your donors.
No one in the senate or house should be reelected after this.

>We're not going to get our Coronabux, are we?

So they're spiking the bill to kill it because the GOP wants to help Americans?

This is the point of it being 1200 pages long. DIpshit can make it up to be whatever he wants

Honestly I have no idea. News has been muddy lately.

Eat shit, MIGA. I've been here a lot longer than you post-2016 refugees. I've been here since /new/, and all the times he shut our board down for being 'stormfags'. I was NatSoc long before you were still a milquetoast center right liberal.

STFU, cunt. Bring forth information or you're a glow in the dark shill.

>drumpf bad
>capitalism bad
>dems dindu nuffin
>WE'RE nationalists

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One things for sure.

The Democrats just hammered the final nail into their own coffins.

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Can't Trump push it through as an executive order?

> The big corporations and banks who employ, lend, and keep the economy afloat, should fail so I can get my happening

It's a good thing countries arent run by Idiots like you

There's a huge chunk in there just give money to women who were assault or some shit. Like so many things completely irrelevant to the pandemic.

Art of the deal faggots. You scared of a little negotiating?

They might not have if Trump pushing people back to work backfires.

They're both challenging each other to see who can be more retarded right now.

>I'd like some actual hard info on what the Dems are opposing about the bill.
The Dems won't say. All they say is that it doesn't help the workers enough...whatever that means.

I fucking knew they were going to try to pass every desired law under the sun into this

>Eat shit, MIGA. I've been here a lot longer than you post-2016 refugees. I've been here since /new/, and all the times he shut our board down for being 'stormfags'. I was NatSoc long before you were still a milquetoast center right liberal.
Thank you for this utter nonsense. I shall take it and use it as my own due to its high level of brutish stupidity. You should start to see it around as bad pasta in the coming weeks.

Agreed. It likely is obstructionist, but it's also entirely likely that the current stimulus bill has equally egregious things that dems are opposing. Both sides are quite happy to play chicken when they are in power.

Is the current bill in our racial interest, is the opposition to itscurrent form in our interest? These are questions an actual Nationalist asks. Are you jingoist that believes every lie Trump says? This isn't a republicna board and never was. Nationalists are dissidents, we exist outside the system and manipulate all sides for our collective interest.

Is Trump fucking us on this bill? Are the Dems fucking up a good bill? No one of you have the information to confirm this and all you are doing to is playing cheerleaders for a party that consistently backstabs us. Grow a spine. Grow a goddamn brain.

Here's some labor union pandering.

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go to the link and ctrl + F 'diversity' for a real laugh
26 hits

i love her Yas Forums...shes fighting for the weak poor incel and retard...THANK YOU MADAM PRESIDENT

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>prove it. I don't believe that.
copy paste each line in google you lazy commie fuck

They are trying to push through voter registration laws to make it easier for illegal immigrants to vote in elections.
They want to push through a 'digital wallet', a bitcoin-type US Dollar currency that would be granted not just to citizens but also to US residents - again meaning all the illegals.

>Is the current bill in our racial interest

Imagine being such a stupid faggot you think anything the "free money for non-white people" party is worth considering...

Another airline greenhouse bullshit.

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> 3/19/20: Wrote list of 5 observations and made 4 predictions based off of them, which have proven accurate so far.

1. Event 201
2. Virus is real, but the panic is intentional and used to provide an excuse for sweeping economic changes and pushing the following agenda.
3. Federal Reserve provides unlimited funds to now failing industries
- Govt + Industry: National Socialism or some variant, new form of government in america.
- Presidential Seal and E Pluribus Unum flag no longer present in press briefings
4. Federal Reserve providing funds to other country's central banks, preparation for single currency.
- Useful resource for 3 & 4:
5. Digital ID
- See number 6 below

>on 3/19/20 numbers 6-9 were predictions based off of 1-5. As of 3/23/20, one out of the four predictions has proven accurate.

6. Digital Currency Up next:
> 7. Normalization of digital currency and ID
- cash and credit card will be phased out for contactless payment in the name of public safety
- increasingly limited options other than digital dollar makes it all but necessary for survival for those not already self sufficient
- stigmatization of people who resist these measures as dangerous, violent, unpatriotic, etc. character assassination in the media.
> 8. World Adopts universal digital currency and ID
- Digital ID and currency become augmented with the physical body. "The Chip"
> 9. Consolidation of Global Authority
- not much else to say at this point, welcome to the cyberpunk timeline i guess.

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There is NO severe lack of public welfare in the US. There is no lack of welfare for non-whites or white trash methheads at all.
The US spends more on gibs than it does on the military - look up the US Federal Budget in Wiki.
The Dems want money to go to illegals and to *their* corporations which are still doing just fine - google, Amazon and such.

>Can't Trump push it through as an executive order?

>No one of you have the information to confirm this and all you are doing to is playing cheerleaders for a party that consistently backstabs us.
Two things Moshie. First the link to the bill has been provided. You are read it and go through the snippits that have been posted in this thread as images. Second, there is no "us" or "we" so stop pandering to the internet racists by claiming you're more hardcore you faggot.

so they're trying to pass the green new deal by way of holding the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of families hostage.

>Why are you pretending to have the moral high ground?

Because my moral high ground is a fucking mountain compared you the derelict dungeon that you inhabit, you mollusk.

>Weird. Why would you even feel the need to refer to reddit, unless you're looking for credibility?

You're an Israeli. You have none here and with good reason, Moshe. You're our oppressor.

>What are you doing here

Fighting your people's tyranny through information war and ensuring our racial interests are served. You are the alien here constantly attempting to infiltrate white spaces and white conversations to insert your rotten interests. GTFO.

>Shills accusing you of being a shill. Deflection 101

You're a Jewish Supremacist, and the first post you made was attacking my unwillingess to bail out Jewish finance and Jewish business. You're so fucking obvious, Moshe.

>Yeah that pretty much seals the deal.

Yeah. I'm a National Socialist thatputs my race and nation first. You don't want the white goyim doing that. You wants us to be consuermist hper-individuals waving your disgusting blue and white flag and cheering on corporate welfare. Fuck that. My race first. My Peoples first.

>Don't bother, it's pretty obvious this is either an elaborate bait (which in and of itself is pathetic), or an unironic shilling attempt which at this point is not surprising.

The irony is palpable. GTFO our board. You don't belong here. We're not allowed in your Jewish conversations, you aren't allowed in our conversations regarding OUR racial interests. Do not reply to me again, Zionist.

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Proving once again that Congress is the problem.
From $1000 for all as originally suggested, now down to $600 for most and only more for special cases.

It is incorrect. Why should Goldman Sachs get a bail out? Fuck them. Our people first, fuck big business. It's only ever been used to promote degeneracy and harm us. Big business is the enemy, it is ruled by our ancient nemesis.

Keep up with the copypasta, fren. But change the text and spacing around so people don't automatically skim it.

Why’d they get shafted in the first place?

Yes. All they had to do was say yes and add their amendments to a bill that was well written enough and they fucked that up to achieve their political goals. Yes, they are actually that fucking retarded.

so are we getting $2000 neetbux or what

Along with other NWO global commie shenanigans.
Never waste a crisis is their motto.

Argue less and read this -

Faggot. You haven’t even looked at the bill. It’s over 1,100 pages of useless shit.