Greatest Presidential Response Ever

>Repeatedly reminds everyone it's a state response
>Doesn't lock down, STATES CHOOSE to lock down
>Supports states
>Tells everyone again it's a state, not federal issue
>calms everyone the fuck down
>Proposes publicly a cheap remedy that enrages big pharma
>Cats out of the bag, big pharma on suicide watch
>Federalizes nothing, NOTHING
>Reminds people again it's a state issue
>Calms everyone down, talks them off ledge
>Reminds everyone it's not worth killing our country over
Can you imagine Hillary, Bush, Obama, Bill? We'd have federalized everything you can imagine by now.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I noticed his 'this is a state response first' strategy too, usually DC just starts dictating in every emergency from what I can remember.

He is a retard tho. Where's the wall? Why is the US still playing World Police? Why does he suck LGBT cock? Why is he no better than libtard communist niggerocrats?

Borders and international travel are federal.

There's already nu-males absolutely seething about the fact Trump's calling off this fucking retarded shut-down when the 15 days are up. They want it to go on for months, even though we're already headed for the biggest recession in a century.

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Trump supporters are uneducated cultist shitbagz who unironically vote against their own economic interests

I can imagine Hillary and Obama not lying about it calling it "a hoax that will go away like a miracle on its own" for 3 fucking months before deciding to take the global pandemic seriously. What was Trump and his administration doing in the mean time while lying and downplaying sndnmisinforming the public about covid19? Nothing. Not a single thing to prepare or to prepare the country. In fact he fired the pandemic response experts and cut funding to them as well. Objectively shit leadership. Hes done nothing to hell until this point and all hes concerned about is not taking any responsibility. All you care about is mental gymnastics to justify not holding him accountable for objectively bad leadership in a global pandemic. His response was to lie, downplay, and misinform rather than to prepare. Hes bakflipping on this harder than he has on anything since he became president.

he got stopped by federal courts very early on

>all this headcanon

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It literally is a hoax, though. No more deadly than the flu.

This is due to the fact that we live in a Republic.

>acts like a retard
>goads reporters in the middle of a crisis
>tells you it's not his fault that your parents die from the virus because lifts restrictions.
>tells you the economy is more important than the citizens of the country he represents.


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Fuck off Chang. The whole world knows where the chinkiepox came from.

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>who unironically vote against their own economic interests
So what you’re saying is we’re willing to sacrifice our own good for the country’s welfare.
Thanks. That’s nice of you to say. Too bad you can’t do the same.

Why are you posting on an English board, are you a self-hating Hungarian or something?

Imagine unironically voting for this imbecile.

I didn't vote for Trump.
But I can't help but recognize the greatest response to a fake hyped up bit of bullshit I've ever seen.

He has a pattern of this too. Remember the fake Syria gas attack hysteria? Trump didn't take that bait either.
>calling it a hoax
That one is not sticking at all dude and makes whoever says it look like a total retard.
He said nazis were good people too right?

>He is a retard tho.
So a retard is capable of better disaster responses than all previous presidents?

That "imbecile" has outsmarted you and your peeps at every turn. What does that make you?

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but he's somehow a considered a dictator because he doesn't let the federal gov step in and piss all over states rights.
fairly related: fuck lincoln

Why are you a nigger? Trump is going to go down as the best president since George Washington.

>wishing upon a wish
I didn't vote for him though.

Dude, they guy is a fucking meme regarding this pandemic, I voted for him and will probably vote for him again cause fuck the demorats, but give me a fucking break. He can form a coherent sentence if his life depended on it, she repeats like a fucking retard the same lines over and over while waving his hands, can't believe nobody trained him on public speaking at this point.
The level of retardation he has with the fucking economy and how we will be back to work in a couple of weeks is just wtf.
So many retards on this board with the meme "it kills boomers only!" shit as if they had the brain activity to understand the consequences and residual damage this can do to ANYONE regardless of age is just another WTF.
Then again, most of you are drones that know little to nothing about anything and shill whatever your minds can cope with.
Please, all of you that want to go back to work, please do, please please do, go, get sick, get die or cripple, the less of you retards out IRL the better.

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read your own post.
i wouldn't call a dumb ass a retard, but you clearly have some limitations.

Corona virus is literally the flu. Stop inflaming the fears like the fake news. The elites are behind schedule and botched up their perfect pandemic to create a new world order. They are getting desperate. Nows the time to crush them all.

No, we understand the difference. This was always a choice between shekels and lives. They've got the goyim so fucking confused that they're clamouring for shekels, and saying they don't care about how many people die.

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go cope over there faggot.

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You are a fucking liar. No Trump voter regrets it after the fact. Period. Y'all need a new schtick.

the level of imbecile you have achieve is over 9000 at this point. W0t?

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>hurr durr moar educated party knows there are more than 2 genders.

k moron

and no, it's not against my own economic interests to keep parasitic turd worlders out and see trade deals that benefit the us worker instead of simply outsourcing their jobs.

stop pretending you care about americans or america. no one is buying it.

Oh really? fuck you wagefag, I voted for him, I'm an independent, I do not follow a party like most of you retards, I voted for him because killary was shit, would do the same cause Joe is a fucking crook and bernout no fucking way.

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>He is a retard tho.
Yeah because all retards are worth billions.
Inb4 “his daddy gave it to him”. A retard would have squandered it and be penniless
>Where's the wall?
Right here
>Why is the US still playing World Police?
Are we engaged in active conflicts? No. We aren’t. Are we stationed overseas? Yes? We are in Germany. Are we still at war? No. After running around like a bull in a China shop it’s not as diplomatically easy as just packing up and leaving.
>Why does he suck LGBT cock?
Yeah that’s why they all can’t stand him. >Why is he no better than libtard communist niggerocrats?
Yeah because Hillary or Bernie would have been SO much better.
You suck at this. You’re overpaid.

not even a response, but stay dumb i guess

Ok Becky.

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To be honest, I'm impressed. He seems to be the only one with a brain. That's because he knows how to deal with bullshitters, thanks to his experience in business.

>thanks to his experience in business.

Le croissant, tha fuck you talking about?

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>clamouring for shekels
You are obviously the "jew" if there one in the scenario.
People are clamoring for freedom to go about their lives.

You "independents" are room temp IQ. If you can't evaluate everything that has been revealed to us since 2016 and not be firmly pro-Trump, then you are the retard, Sir.




I love Trump he is a 10/10 President!

He means that Trump has dealt with bullshitters his whole life so he can discern between real stuff and lies.

It's kinda how we all here have dealt with paid shills our whole lives and can sniff them out very quickly.
(aka you are a paid shill and we know it)

DOW will be at 40K by November

This whole thing is a nothing burger. It's just the flu, literally. Oldfucks and fatfucks will die, that's it, and it will disappear like the SARS, we don't know how or why. At the end of the year, you won't have more dead than last years from communicable diseases. Also, all those Gilead shills should face death by hanging.

I actually think and I have been calling 33,000 for some based Masonic symbolism.

Problem I see is that if the virus hits an upsurge, the economy is going to tank anyway. But ok, I'm willing to see this one out and see if his response is helpful.

Hillary lost. Get over it, rat.

Try to sell a juicero to Trump.

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everyone would be in a FEMA camp if Hillary were elected

It only kill old people, it's great for the economy. Fear will kill way more, we need to stop this LARP.

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>cares more about public speaking than, you know, being right
Yep, it's a liberal.

Sure buddy, you go right ahead and put everything in the same basket as you are incapable of compartmentalizing.
The fact that demorats are shit and the whole thing that developed since 2016 has NOTHING to do with his inaction during this pandemic and how retarded he looks on every press conference.

I do believe there is a huge push for his removal, I do believe the level of corruption of this swamp (I live in DC) is unimaginable, I rather kill myself that allow demorats and commie fucks run this country, but all that DOES NOT invalidate his approach to this pandemic and the fucking idiotic shit he says when the gives a press conference, and I have watched them all so far.
Go rope yourself, I am glad I am removed from people like you and your small little minds.

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and? I still have decades until I retire, who gives a fuck.

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baguette, go fly a kite with hammed.

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I hate MIGAtards.
Look at all the responses you got from boomers angrily defending this Zionist, faggot-loving, civnat, pro-("legal")immigration crook.
Absolutely disgusting the way they infiltrated and subverted this board.

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Take your meds

No shit! She did? I would have NEVER known!
Listen you imbecile, I live 6 blocks from where seth rich was killed, tell me again how I am a shill while sitting miles away from where shit happens behind your sticky keyboard.
What a moron.

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exude moar NaCl

I wish there was a way to filter meme flags.

I know you like that, it makes you feel like when hassan rapes your women.

Go bake a bedroom revolution you simpleton asshat.

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Name something stupid he's said.
You keep saying this, but I've watched every news conference in full and I haven't thought he said a single stupid thing.

I am genuinely interested in what he said that is retarded.

>I didn't vote for him though.
Then did you respond to this for attention then?

All it means is there are a lot of retards in America. That doesn't mean he isn't an absolute fucking idiot.

Thanks for chiming in, Hans. Glad you agree with your Fuhrer about Anglo superiority and gave up your filthy guttural language to post in the Queen's English.

>I hate MIGAtards.
MIGA and MAGA are the same thing.
You are seething.

I was OP.
You posted in my thread.
Not a stretch to think you assumed I had.
Voting for him and recognizing a great response are different things leaf.

That's because you're stupid too and I'm not wasting my time explaining shit to stupid

I want you to be right on this, but old people are often industry leaders. I also think panic, real panic will set in when people start dying in larger numbers and it will be impossible to control. But again I could be wrong. It'll be good to have a data point to see how this works out either way.

We don't. We live under a Zionist Occupied Government. The Republic fell over a hundred years ago, by the creation of the Federal Reserve at the latest.

Panoramix is doubling down, hydroxychloroquine works. He will publish a new study to btfo all the Gilead shills.

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Meanwhile kike banks dump and buy back cheap like there is no tomorrow.

kike banking kike money kike debt greatest of all allies, back to your cage now and THANKS FOR BEING PATRIOTS


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think about what you're saying. It's freedom, but it's 'freedom' as in you slave for the jew, as bodies drop around you and your cognitive dissonance allows you to keep convincing yourself that's normal. part and parcel. Everyone wants to return to a normal that doesn't exist anymore.
It isn't about you or I being able to survive and maintain, or else they would have cut the goybux checks. No, this is about jews losing money, and they're screaming in Trump's ear that everything has to be reopened.
Think. Please. I'm begging you.

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You sound scared. Guess what, we are all going to be exposed to this virus. The only important thing right now is that our hospitals don't get overwhelmed. We are going to have to let this disease run it's course. It's not going to magically go away if we stay locked in our homes for a month. With the long period of asymptomatic transmission and super high R0, this genie was never going back in the bottle. All it would take is for an asymptomatic carrier to get on an airplane, and pandemic all over again. Man the fuck up. Just is a good day to die.

Ah yes, Israel, your greatest ally. Every great relationship is characterized by the theft of nuclear secrets and sinking of research vessels.
Not to mention subversion of all banks, schools, film studios and media outlets.
Abhorrent post

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Hey retard, how many people will die if the economy collapses because everyone is sitting around at home unable to work, and businesses go bankrupt?

How many people will die when trucks stop delivering food, farmers stop harvesting, stores close because retail wagies don't want to get infected, factories shut down so no new products are made, no medicine is produced, hospitals fill up and staff is lost to attrition due to infection/stress/quarantine and so on?

You are dismissing the economy, the life blood of the people, as irrelevant. You can only do the because Mommy stocked your fridge full of tendies. When the tendies run out and the fridge is empty and you have no money to go get more and the stores are empty, you'll be hollering for Trump to save you.

Unless you are, like him, unable to form a coherent sentence, then I cannot help you.
Fuck I like the way the guy rapes the minds of every single shill from the MSM, gov, etc, but he is not a good speaker, and he is retarded when trying to explain simple things, Pence is much better at that.

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When I see results I will agree with you, now it is just snake oil and coping for faggots.

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Damn, abhorrent's a pretty fancy word. You been learning English your whole life? It's weird, I don't know anyone who's ever learned German, and a few of my friends live in Berlin.

Well, if the economy collapse, millions really will die, so he got a point here.
Basically there is no right decision to make, you gotta pick the pros and the cons of both sides as both will end up with lots of people dead.

Hillary wouldve been on her 8th church full women and children burned to ground by now with the news cycle focus diverted in another direction.

>parroting propaganda that can be disproven in seconds by watching youtube videos that are unedited
Some things never change

>Economy has absolutely collapsed to the point of no return
>Massive layoffs and unemployment
>China recovering already and helping other countries like a true world leader
>Retarded mutts have no sense of unity and don't listen to authority so quarantine isn't even possible
>Hospitals reaching their breaking point
>Yellowstone about to erupt
>Internet is likely to go out in the coming weeks

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nah, I got ready back in January, got plenty of food, masks, etc. I am not scared, I care about facts, and this shit may not hit everyone the same way, but, unless you have a fucking crystal ball, which you don't, you better not get it, only then you will know how fucked up your life will be if it hits your unique immune system in a way that makes you a cripple.

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>not a single example
Moron. It's not all Jews. That is retard tier and D&C.

And, to take your side that it is all Jews. The scam they have pulled off is the BAILOUT that went right under everyone's noses as they used A HOAX to scare them into accepting it.
>your greatest ally
You don't into geopolitics much do you?
There are power factions even amongst Jews. Amongst every group.
There are MAGA Jews and it's not perfect, but it's not as bad as the ones purposely destroying America.
Germany is cucked. America is the final battle ground of all freedom.
MAGA is the first and most important thing.
Then we move on from there.
The enemy of your enemy is our friend mate.
>not a single example

Get back to work.
Should have decided not to be poor before catching the Trump Virus.

He literally fucked everything up. His lack of federal action is the reason why it spread so much to America in the first place. Trump is a KEK.

I completely agree with you. Trump is not perfect, but his sane response to this coronavirus bullshit is by far the most based thing about his presidency so far. The hysteria related to the manmade covid-19 is vastly worse than the manmade covid-19 itself. I mean, seriously, the manmade covid-19 is just a slightly enhanced version of the common flu and yet scumbag politicians are using this manmade virus as an excuse to restrict our fundamental rights, like the freedom of movement, the right to assembly, the freedom of association and, yes, even our freedom of speech. And they're also using this manmade virus to make all payments cashless, which has fundamentally negative implications for freedom (I'm well-aware that many payments today are already cashless, but one of their sinister goals is to make ALL payments cashless to make people they don't like easier to find). Just wait until it becomes illegal to walk your dog out on the street. And just wait until it becomes illegal to question the official coronavirus narrative. I sincerely hope that the 21st century is the bloodiest century in human history, because a vast number of people in positions of power deserve to be brutally murdered.

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"He can form a coherent sentence if his life depended on it"..clearly you meant to type "can't " instead of "can", I could forgive the typo but it actually should have been "couldn't" so I stopped reading right there.

>Noooo not the heckin liverinos not the dang old natural selection bois

> Cries on twatter every day about ending the lockdown because his jewish masters demand it
> Meanwhile Indian PM locks down the country even as stocks tank because people are more important than profits

When did Amerifats realize that they were Israeli citizens first?

potato, I don't care.

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Show flag

>lack of federal action
>bad thing
You don't belong.


Back to /ptg/, kike.

This post made me dumber

Trump is Washingtonian in his response. Too many Nazis here to appreciate that.

>States needs to buy their own medical equipment


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It's not snake oil. The guy is putting his reputation behind this. Also that's what China use.
2 months ago:
>Meanwhile since the late January 2020, Chinese medical researchers stated to the media that in exploratory research considering a selection of 30 drug candidates, three of them, remdesivir, chloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir, seemed to have "fairly good inhibitory. effects" on 2019-nCoV at the cellular level. Requests to start clinical testing were submitted along with that for remdesivir.

They have drop "lopinavir/ritonavir", it doesn't work. They are testing favipiravir instead (it doesn't work).
1 month ago:
>The Chinese medical experts have "unanimously" suggested that the drug chloroquine be included in the next version of the treatment guidelines and applied in wider clinical trials as soon as possible.
There's no choice, it's remdesivir from (((Gilead))) or the unpatentable cheap chloroquine.

Very ironic how not only did you say "can" when you clearly meant to say "can't", "can't" isn't even correct grammar, it should have been "couldn't form a coherent sentence if his life depended on it", so I stopped reading right there, you absolute retard.

I don't think that is possible brah. You achieved the highest level or retard at birth.

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China banned the sale of stocks without permission. It's no wonder their market didn't take the beating it otherwise would have.

My favorite was Fauci dismissing chloroquine after Trump spoke, when out of the other side of his mouth he was praising it to Zuckerberg in that interview. He's clearly a bad actor, I expect to see him disappear from the pressers shortly.

ok potato. go away.

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Where's the goalposts?

>Are the ones crying over a small amount of deaths
You need to work on your shill recognition.

"Imbecile" is the new word being pushed by shills, keep track of it.

Okay Imbecile

I trust the chinese as much as I trust you are french and not hammed.

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The 15 days didn't even work because absolutely no one adhered to it at all, now once the goyim slaves can "freely" get back to making money for jews everyone is going to be infected.

You're embarrassing yourself.

I didn't vote for Trump and won't.
I vowed to never vote GOP again ever when they screwed Ron Paul and Trump isn't close to good enough for me to vote for him.
HOWEVER, this is a great response and anyone that cares about the constitution knows it.
You reveal yourself by not caring about the constitution. Real anons can have nuance to their opinion.