"A message to the hoarders: If you’ve got any large quantities of materials that this country needs right now...

>"A message to the hoarders: If you’ve got any large quantities of materials that this country needs right now, get them to market or get them to us, we’ll pay you a fair price, but if you don’t do that, we’re going to come for you and make sure that doesn’t happen in this country."
They're coming for your hand sanitizer, kulak

Attached: they're coming buckos.png (1280x720, 1.4M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Nothing more than price negotiations. Anyone shooting troops to keep property that will lose value the instant we clear the pandemic? No? Neato. Not worth it to the owners, not worth it to me.

>The Great Toilet Paper War of 2020

He who controls the poop, controls the universe.

I wonder if there's a bounty on TP. Can I be a TP pirate or robin hood?

>Can I be a TP pirate or robin hood?
Your stores aren't restocked yet? What shithole (literally) do you live in?

>large quantities of materials that this country needs right now
Like ammo?

Attached: 1371337308523.jpg (733x850, 136.58K)

They get it one bullet at a time

>They get it one bullet at a time
Which is pretty fast if you like to magdump.

This will cause the death of at least a few people that a schizo will see as a glownigger

>being a prepper means you're a hoarder
Yup the feds are going to start throwing us all in FEMA camps soon enough. Its not my fault the normalfags refused to buy shit ahead of time and simply panic buys right when shit happens like a bunch of retards.
If somebody knocks on your door and demands all of your shit they're not your fren. There are only two types of communists
>the naive
>the malicious
The naive assume that if everybody shares there will be no scarcity when in reality that all boils down to infrastructure and logistics.
The malicious simply want your shit for themselves and uses the public excuse of le greedy cigar smoking porky to try and take it from you.
Glowniggers are really really really fucking scared that the slowly awakening masses are soon going to be hungry and pissed off enough to start burning shit to the ground.

This is the thing that blew my mind about the TP run we had last week: of course its out, your local grocery or hell even Costco isn't getting truckloads of it every day. Especially up here in AK, where barges into anchorage carrying sundries only come once every week or so.
The whole thing was artificially blown out of proportion by Facebook moms and msm.

Context was about masks, health care providers need those N95s.

Which is why I bought a non-disposable mask with p100s instead. Thank goodness for EFMB CBRN training or I wouldn't know what I was doing with that kind of PPE.

Chinese and Korean immigrants bought all the N95s and sent them out of the country already anyway, it's an empty threat.

He's talking about manufacturers and distributors retard.


>There will be, possibly, cases down the road, and the manufacturers have actually asked me and alerted me to this, where some places in the supply chain, they may have problems that the White House will have to break through using the Defense Production Act. We won’t hesitate to do that. The last thing I’ll tell you is that I also get a lot of calls that are very disquieting. Brokers are offering millions of items, whether they’re goggles, masks or whatever. And you go through three different brokers, tracing to a warehouse in LA that’s allegedly got 10 million masks and they want to charge you seven times what they cost. That’s price gouging.
>A message to the hoarders: If you got any large quantities of material that this country needs right now, get them to market or get them to us. We’ll pay you a fair price. But if you don’t do that, we’re going to come for you and make sure that doesn’t happen in this country. And that would be a good use of the Defense Production Act.
he's clearly not talking about individuals keeping supplies for personal use

>“Brokers are offering millions of items, whether they are goggles, masks, or whatever, and you go through three different brokers, tracing to a warehouse in [Los Angeles] that’s allegedly got ten million masks, and they want to charge you seven times what they cost,”

i don't think they want your 5 bottles.

I swear some of these bait thread posters are worse than MSM with clickbait, cherry picking, and dropping context to push their agenda.

Some day we'll look back on the TP Wars and laugh, but today is not that day.

>that will lose value the instant we clear the pandemic?
Lol if you think this will be over in the next year or two.

I lost all my toilet paper in a tragic boating accident.

There's some real cunty shenanigans going on. I honestly think that if you're hoarding tens of thousands of masks while this is going on you should be stoned to death.

This is why you should buy twice as many masks as you need and poke little holes in half of them.

what is msm?

Ah so the Day of the Wipe starts not in India but America.
Kind of didn't see that coming.

Men seeking men

>Chinese and Korean immigrants bought all the N95s and sent them out of the country already anyway, it's an empty threat.
I was able to buy an additional 90 at menards and I already had to give 10 to a hospital ER doctor and mail out 20 to an hold relative on the west coast.
The large hospital near me is rationing N95s for staff at 1 per day per person.

We need to import Chinese masks now. They're making 100 million a day and giving away a good chunk of it to Europoors and Africans.

Main Stream Media.

I wonder how US will deal with this. Because whole world is buying from China and US just can't. I am proud how people in my country reacted. 3d printers started to prind protective gear and technical universities started producing nano cloth for mask filters. Even our Vietnamese community is making protective gear. Today I litteraly saw 100% people with masks on.
T. Czech

ausfags finally have a comical war to counter americans talking shit about emus

Attached: slevinm.jpg (347x145, 10.03K)

how would the US deal with it? I'll tell you.
Get everyone to sit at home, bury the elderly quickly, unlimited stimulus, then, most importantly, blame the who mess on China.

The United States political system has 1 goal: its own preservation and enrichment. The fact that the average American is dumb as a fucking rock makes it very easy.

t. Redpilled Mutt.

They're dealing with it by telling people not to wear masks because masks don't work and because medical staff won't be able to treat people if they don't have enough of the masks that don't work.

Should have known. The real raider faction is always the government.

Thats thanks to the dems

Yep. Its a loan you have to pay back in part or in full in your 2021 filings. Its a total joke.

>implying that feral niggers won't be worse than corona
Here they reserve fffp3 only for medical staff

>because masks don't work
not what the WHO and the CDC says.
Obviously you should ALSO wear eye protection in high risk areas.

wait, before i try to read through a bunch of bullshit, trumpbucks are cancelled and we have the option of a loan now?

Good. I've followed 6 hoarders home from the store so far. Guess where I'm going when the store shelves are dry? To theirs.

I recomend you start marking hoard locations on your maps, you may end up needing them. Best tactics are to get them in the parking lot, steal their car, or just straight home invasion. Getting a group together for a siege may be viable too. There will be lots of hungry pissed off people to help get these bastards.

>marking hoard locations on your maps
lmao, get off the interwebs gramps. now you just save your location on your phone and give it a title

The Donald Dollars is entirely cancelled. What is on the table now is a George W. Bush era tax credit. You'll get a check, but you have to pay it back. It isn't a real stimulus.

>how to get shot
>the post
Define "hoarding" faggot because that is up to interpretation when you decide its time to go on a grocery run in other people's houses.

>implying the dems didn't shoot themselves in the foot with their shenanigans
All they had to do was say yes and they still fucked it up.

acutally it looks like it's only a loan if you earn above a certain income (75k/single)
>>Yas Forums249799659
i think neets might actually come out ahead, the stupid fucks

someone's gonna get shot

all right, one more time. its been a while

>Define "hoarding" faggot
Probably what you're doing.

I know how to profile and not target the single male shoppers who probably own guns. Just the people that the virus should take anyway. Boomers, mutts, gross foreigners who shouldn't be here in the first place. People who are less likely to be self defense savvy.

>when Dems give out freebies
>when Republicans give out freebies
>yiz plz gib


>We need to import Chinese masks now. They're making 100 million a day and giving away a good chunk of it to Europoors and Africans.
What makes you think they will be willing to help someone who never forgets to throw petty insults at the?
Chinks are all about the concept of "face", and they will make you kowtow before sending any help so better ramp up your domestic production right now... oh, right, you can't because you have outsourced 90% of it to china yearsa ago.
Lenin was right- burger capitalist class did sold chinks the rope they are going to use to hang them.

Attached: trump.png (500x481, 64.38K)

Explain how receiving my taxes back is a "Freebie"? This bill was originally, and honestly should have stayed, for taxpaying employed people. The people gettin dem gibs are already covered through other bullshit programs i'm forced to pay for. Just this once, we were so close to looking out for the working white man.

>What makes you think they will be willing to help someone who never forgets to throw petty insults at the?

Money, retard. China solely exists to prostitute their own "people" and make a few bucks.

>single male shoppers
To define this I've seen a lot of crusty faced manlets who you'd normally only see shopping by themselves at midnight, now scrounging to buy all the random shit they deem "necessities." They cleared out the TP aisle for an apocalyptic supply of cumrags, while leaving the first aid aisle alone.

As much as these fuckers are responsible, they likely are armed and probably live in apartments with one entrance they'll sleep in front of with a shotgun. Them and concerned families (also likely own a gun) have absolutely raped the stores. Now I can no longer buy my favorite type of beans.

You take my beans, I'll take your lifes.

Come and get it.

Attached: 1584813354698.jpg (1936x898, 555.89K)

what do you count as hoarding? every roll of toilet paper and bottle of hand sanitizer or two weeks worth of groceries?

Double digit IQ is epic.

>receiving my taxes
wut? You know the US Government isn't a fucking piggybank and your taxes pay mostly for defense and other services already rendered to you, right?

>so close to looking out for the working white man.
So you're also poor. lol.

I am against handouts of ANY KIND. You should be too.

there is a cottage industry sewing hepa vacuum cleaner bags into filters right now.

they mean people with warehouses full of shit, not schizos with a garage full of TP.

at least we know when he attempts a home invasion and dies, nothing of value would be lost.

that warms my heart every time i see it.

There is cottage industry, then there is CHINESE industry.
I know which one I'm picking if I need 100 million of anything.

>gets flashbanged and magdumped by a swat team

having a rifle and armor doesn't save you from sheer numbers.


FUCK. All of those threads where people post how much ammo they have were honey pots. IT'S OVER BOYS.

Attached: 1557916402410.gif (411x231, 1.2M)

Redistrabution of dust masks, that fat orange commi can get fuck Im gonna burn all the useless dust masks.

>I am against handouts of ANY KIND. You should be too.
agreed, and income taxes are unconstitutional and should be refunded. trumpbucks are the first step to getting back my taxes, go fuck yourself

> income taxes are unconstitutional
ok peasant.

SUE ME. (but don't shoot me)

>i am against handouts

Attached: 4563453674568456.jpg (300x180, 10.22K)

>trumpbucks: exclusively for taxpayers who met a minimal AGI (think it was like 2500 or something)
>you paid taxes on your income, you get it back since we're in dire times
do you consider refunds as handouts? what fuckin planet you on man

You can keep the Spam

How is it a hand out it was your money you earned. Stealing your stuff amd giving some of it backs not a gift.

what part of services RENDERED do you not understand?
Why are you doing all this mental gymnastics to try rationalize to yourself you're not asking for gibs? Because YOU ARE.

Admit it. Own it. There is nothing really wrong with it. If I were offered the same opportunity to get free money like poorfags like you, I would do it too. But since I'm not a poorfag, I do it through other means.

holy shit look at this fucking retard.
You know how the US government budget is funded, right?
it's a rhetorical question because clearly you don't.

lol nigga if you about to try lecturing on the social contract, you're in the wrong place

Attached: 1581132325953.png (519x526, 180.81K)

Ever notice how Lolbertard posters only show up and get mad when white people might get something from the government? Really makes you wonder who is behind those posts.

Yas Forums, amirite?

this level of paranoia yet complete lack of self awareness is unironically what makes shitstains like you so deserving of the gas chamber.

You're not fooling anyone, Moishe. Go back to your Temple with all the rest of the gun grabbers.

It’s not fucking socialism if it’s a check written to you dumbass. Do you even study the political ideology you claim to represent or are you ALL this mouthbreathingly retarded?

Lol you think this isnt just people overreacting and mass hysteria?

China has shown many times that it cares more about political goals than short term monetary gains.
And their long term goal is and always been to replace america as top superpower. Sure, they were happy to take your money, but the real goal was to take your technology , your know-how, your manufacturing and your research, and use them to grow their own power. And they succeded at that quite admirably.

>It’s not fucking socialism if it’s a check written to you dumbass.
gibs are gibs, retard

>And their long term goal is and always been to replace america as top superpower.
it's explicitly what Deng Xiao Ping didn't want.
To be number 1 is to have a target on your back for the entire duration of your superiority.

It's ridiculous. The UK is buying Chinese masks and kits. Italy is GETTING Chinese masks and kits. Turkey is getting Chinese masks and kits. Serbs are getting them. WE SHOULD BE BUYING THEM.
Instead you know what I see today? One of my local hospitals asking for PPE donations.
It's so bad, Harbor freight just redirected all their existing N95 stock to hospitals.

Everyone who got shit specifically to re-sell for higher prices should be shot. Scalpers deserve the the noose.

There's nothing wrong with preparing, but that's an incremental thing.

It's almost as if American democrats and republicans are actually the same (business) party...

on the plus, its damned difficult to move hoarded product right now. pretty much limited to chat rooms and in-person deals

you can put them on ebay, they pull the listing and cancel the transaction but you can still paypal them and they'll still sent the $20 dust mask.

no, but HE does


>Get everyone to sit at home, bury the elderly quickly
Yes, because that’s what seems to be working. Just ask China.
> unlimited stimulus
Unlimited? No. Voluminous? Yes. Pretty much the same thing China did, only we adjusted our stimulus to take into account lessons learned from the recession.
> blame the who mess on China.
Yes, they’re the corrupt, lackadaisical fucks who started this whole ball rolling. They should get slapped with Iran-tier sanctions in perpetuity.
The United States political system has 1 goal: its own preservation and enrichment.
How is that different from every other political system on the planet? You’re either abysmally naive, or a troll with an axe to grind.
> t. Redpilled Mutt.
Bet not. I’ll put my money on you being a 50 center.

You’re a mouth breathing retard and your mom should have smashed in your soft skull with a cast iron skillet as soon as she got home.

Do us all a favor and jump off a tall building now.

go back to your bats, commie.

No u!
Retards die first.

Attached: cumnswipeit.png (338x561, 207.09K)

ausfags are in on this one too

Turn up your guns to the cops, bootlicker.

you sound an awful lot like a chang.

China is the global whore. They’ll do as they’re told, and they’ll thank us for leaving a tip on the nightstand. They started this shitstorm, trying to turn a profit of of their own fuck up is exactly the kind of thing a street whore would do.

>I know which one I'm picking if I need 100 million of anything.
If you’re smart, anything but the Chink version. 100 million shoddy units of off-spec material is going to be a huge waste disposal problem.

No! Make him share the Spam!

Have fun with corona

Why so mad? Did I hit a nerve?

>50k masks by the end of the month
Impressive. Burgers have now achieved PPE supremacy.

ANYONE hoarding after seeing what their mass hysteria has done, will reap what they've sown. It's not just me, MILLIONS of people across the country are having to buy brands of beans they don't normally buy. You guys are so fucked.

Yeah, good luck. I mined the shit out of my house and lawn.

Attached: 1561781692674.png (469x466, 277.67K)

why is the left image so clear while the right is blurry?

Oh, we will. We’ll do the same thing you chinks did- trim the deadweight and undesirables. We won’t lie to the world about our death rates though.

the medical community kept telling people they didn't need them if they're not infected.
it was propaganda for us dumdums.

>Buy masks from an unreliable hostile manufacturing source that uses slave labor

nice try Ping Ping

>buy masks from your frenemy
Pick one

Because the chink shitposting industry is still getting back up to speed. They still have some vacant seats to fill, and so on.

Ah, Jeeze, don’t get me started. I had to get a couple of dented cans of store brand pork’n’beans instead of my preferred provender, Bush’s Baked Beans. I’ve been shaky and irritable ever since, with an overwhelming urge to smack every Chinaman I encounter. Just give them an open hand straight arm to the back of the head, make them hunch over like a Gnome of Zurich and scurry away like a giant defective insect.

But those are both the same. What’s the other option?

when your F number goes down (aperture increase), your depth of field decreases.
This was probably 2 shots.

if serious....I hope you get shot soon. Twice, in the gut.

>But those are both the same.
Not what the pasta niggas are saying.

play your cards right, we can all settle this in the streets.

Attached: R-14286357-1571480935-3024.jpeg.jpg (500x500, 144.52K)

>I hope you get shot soon
Kek. You chinks take your butthurt way to seriously. Get over it. You guys fucked up, you can’t even follow high school bio lab protocols. You’re gonna get shit on and laughed at by the rest of the world for a long time after this. And you’re not helping matters any by trying to buy friends.
> Not what the pasta niggas are saying.
Give it a couple of weeks, wait until their masks start falling apart on a humid day. And their infection rates don’t change at all, mask or no mask. You skeevy yellow fucks didn’t donate masks to Italy, you donated the appearance of masks. They’ll figure it out soon enough.

this level of retardation should be criminal.

>Especially up here in AK, where barges into anchorage carrying sundries only come once every week or so.
4 times a week. I'm one of the guys working on those ships bringing it to you. FTR, your supply run hasn't slowed down at all. We are still bringing you the same number of containers with the same number of pallets we always bring. A little more right now.

You're gonna eat your words biggu timeu

>petty insults
maybe they should stop insinuating the US is responsible for their shit conditions breeding yet another virus.

that only started when the administration changed their narrative to most likely deflect for their own incompetence.

And we do know the Wuhan wet market is NOT the viral origin.
Now the Italians are saying they were seeing similar cases in December and maybe Nov of last year.

Do you get paid, or do you do this for free?

Are you pretending to be retarded or just really retarded?

You haven't killed yourself yet?


We should cripple China's export capacity and work to systematically dismantle their economy and industrial capacity. It's time for America to make Chinese industry obsolete with finality.

my son's mom

You're a retard, it will be over in 18 months, either herd immunity will be too much for real spread or there will be a vaccine. It's a bad pandemic but even Spanish flu only lasted about that long.

Got bad news for where almost all the medical shit in the US comes from.

Jesus fuck. Just buy a bidet and never use toilet paper again.

Guarantee you guys that by this point two months from now the major corporations are going to have between 500B and 1T trumpbux with almost no strings attached that will almost entirely go to lining the pockets of pancking investors who are going to stash that fucking money in their offshore accounts. Not one average joe is going to see a fucking cent of trumpbux and you're going to be made to pay for the corporate bailouts as insurance companies are about to deny shittons of people coverage and leave thousands with massive unpaid medical bills, because plenty of people who DON'T die from the virus still are needing hospitalization.

Two months from now we're going to see a 20% unemployment rate and NO federal relief aid because the only people they listen to are lobbyists.

>insurance companies are about to deny shittons of people coverage and leave thousands with massive unpaid medical bills,

Thats a big gamble though, what if all those people refuse to pay and just take the hit to their credit? If shit is already fucked by 20% unemployment why would I care about some hospital asking for my non existent shekels? If so many people are affected, it'll be hard to use poor credit from hospital bills as an excuse to deny stuff like letting people rent apartments. It would also be great ammo for dems in 2022 to say "look at what the faggot reps did to you during the 2020 covid crisis, vote them out so we can work on bills to correct this situation."

Kek, here's an educational film of what to expect!

Attached: stalin3.jpg (640x636, 49.38K)

fucking based boomerman

Moron alert, the govt is only talking about companies that are sitting on warehouses of needed shit like masks just so they can drive the price up. The govt isn't coming for your or anyone else's shit, calm down you fucking retard and watch the press conference

This is the crazy thing about the panic. People think supply is actually drying up when it's just the trucks not coming in with enough stuff to meet the shock demand. Nothing has even remotely hurt the supply chains. The paper's still going to come in.

what are you guys doing with your 2k dollars from nancy


going into peoples homes and taking their food tells me one thing

they think they don't have enough food

so i guess sitting in a fema camp means you wont get fed

"Services Rendered"
>>gibs for Democrat voters
>>gibs for DoD contractors fleecing the .gov
>>gibs for Governmental organizations whose purpose is unconstitutional and/or actively infringing on my rights (ATF, NSA, HUD)
>>gibs for welfare queens, diversity hires and political bootlickers in the armed forces who couldn't hold down real job to save their lives
Fuck. You. I didn't want to pay for any of that shit. They're not even using my tax dollars to keep up infrastructure. The US is a banana republic destroying it's own middle class and neglecting everything that makes it a functioning modern country. Most of the posters on this site are younger guys like me just getting started, and yes getting some of my own tax dollars back (I paid a fuckton more than 1k in taxes) would be nice you absolute NIGGER.
>>Since I'm not a poorfag, I do it through other means
At this point I don't know if you're a commie larper who posts here constantly to try and make SURE that if society collapses we'll all have an axe to grind with the rich, or if you really are so dumb as to poke the bear while living in a country whose economic stability is hanging by a thread.


Oh no, a government wants to preserve and enrich its country!? Wtf!!!

>where almost all the medical shit in the US comes from.
That’s just the disposable shit, like masks, caps, and gowns. Things like gloves, which require slightly more compliance with specification, come from places like Vietnam and Malaysia. Consumables that are actually used on or in a patient mostly come from Puerto Rico.

There was a big IV supply shortage a couple of years ago because Puerto Rico got slammed by a hurricane and all of their manufacturing capability got flattened.

No sane person would ever knowingly use Chinese IV products. You’d be better off mainlining aquarium water.

>We should cripple China's export capacity
No need. They did that all on their own.