Every Muslim sees this as a clear sign of Qiyamaat (The End of Days).
Now is the time to join Islam and the blindfold will fall by the wayside.
Repeat the Shaadah after me:
There no god but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah
Every Muslim sees this as a clear sign of Qiyamaat (The End of Days).
Now is the time to join Islam and the blindfold will fall by the wayside.
Repeat the Shaadah after me:
There no god but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah
Other urls found in this thread:
Imagine the smell
Go back to the desert
I am not a muslim, but that man seems humble. He would be a great buddy to spend time with.
There no god but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah
kill yourself subhuman
Obviously gay. He'll be taking flight from some rooftop as soon as they can get seven or eight guys to tackle him.
kill yourself
checks out
kys ahmed. Ideally JUST yourself.
There is no God, there is only suffering.
If only you knew the truth.
There no god but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah
fucking LARPing limey, faggot cucks like you are the reason your most vulnerable are preyed upon by camelfucking pedophiles.
If your God chose Muhhamad, the worst man ever lived as the prophet, he is really pathetic God.
>learn to surf
(piss be upon him)
You do your thing and I'll do mine.
>flag checks out
This is now a thread where we trade anecdotes from Muhammad's life. I'll start.
>be me
>fuck camels
>see an Arab brood sow thrice my age
>looks close enough like a camel, so why not
>adopt her slave as my "son"
>chance upon my adoptive daughter in law naked
>make up shit about how my fabricated "god" allows me, and only me, to basically force my son to divorce her so I can bone her
Yeah not gonna follow a religion that copied Judaism and Christianity. Islam wasn't even a thing by then, and then Mohammad comes along, gets taught all these things by Jews and Christians, makes his own version of it and convince a bunch of people that his way is the correct one. Muslims also believe in an inferior God, since they claim the trinity is impossible, due to their God not being able to do that. Inferior God and inferior religion, so inferior that Israel is taking all their shit and they can't do anything about it, yeah I'll totally follow that.
Ya Ali Madad
Is the cube behind him the one that they go and spin right round, alah
right round like a record, akbar
right round round round?
Cause I thought it was bigger than what it looks in that pic
Boo fucking hoo shut the fuck up drama queen with glued pubes on your face, the world survived to worse with lot of lacking stuff yet y'all panic and piss your eyes from that shit of pandemic when we have anything to stop it.
> the worst man ever lived
If you really believe this then you might as well believ Hitler was the worst man who ever lived.
Open your eyes, you're not as woke as you think.
This is not the time to start worshipping a false religion, although it may be true that the end is near.
>>make up shit about how my fabricated "god" allows me, and only me, to basically force my son to divorce her so I can bone her
Some call it Foreplay.
Last time i checked, Hitler did not walk around the city covered in sperm after fucking his child bride.
lol you're practicing a religion written up by a white man 1,500 years ago. I am just going to move to the middle east and start telling sand niggers all about how angels command me to fuck their wives.
Sorry broseph, Muhammad out-kiked the kikes when it came to subversive, passive-aggressive kikery.
I read a lot about his life. Gradually, I began to hate him.
K now is the time to Genocide all moslems and destroy islam for good
Islam is crap but Jews are worse, because they pretend to be just like us.
Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim
how does he scratch his ass???
> "camelfucking pedophiles"
>checks flag
being a cowfucking pedophile doesnt make you any better, currynigger
There is no God but Allan, Muhammad’s corner shop is where I get my messages and news papers.
But we don't fuck little girls, Sven. We famously hang little-girl-fuckers from power lines.
Nor do we fuck cows. Cows are nice, and essentially oversized dogs.
Maybe you should stop projecting and instead focus on prepping the bull.
Donkey fuckers
Allah is a devil.
More fucking of donkeys
Talk about being taken for a ride.
HAHAHA that’s the same thing I thought. Making me sick
If Indoland is so fine then how about just staying there?
What should i see?
>But we don't fuck little girls
Correct. It's little boys. Pedos AND faggots.
There is only one God.
Why would Muslims be so upset over someone getting His message from Bible News Network over Qur'an news Network?
Have you seen the flag I'm posting from, fuckwit?
Does this come from 40 generations of inbreeding, or constant guzzling of camel piss?
you're a dirty fucking nigger, this is why russia fucked you
from his flag, and from mine, we clearly are. What do you expect from me, stopping 1.3billion others from emigrating? I don't have the power to stop anyone. On the contrary, if I did, I'd end the reservation system (our version of affirmative action) to stop the brain drain, to stop Indians from emigrating.
> Muslim shilling (((Islam))) on Yas Forums
what can you expect from an Amerimutt anyway, my fellow pajeet?
Nice digits, faggot.
Donkey fuckers
>There no god but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah
Sure, but did you know that all these desert gods are based on mushrooms; and at one time it wasn't a desert. Eat God mohommud
look Pierre, we have our differences, but you need to take inspiration from us in how to deal with these mudslimes in your country. Then, we can stay in our own countries, pooing or eating snails or whatever.
True. Stay safe and supplied, my fellow king.
The coronavirus isn't the only sign of Judgement Day.
well when they get here ill be the first person at the mosque. dont even care if allah lets me into heaven. fighting against whatever shithole timeline this is is more than enough for me
Cringe, Go back Ahmed
If God requires baby mutilation rituals, God will have to dress the offer a bit better.
You and your smelly brown god can both fuck off.
Go fuck a goat
Fucking well keked pajeet.
Pajeet are finally waking up against Muslims.
Modi is based af
Would be a OK country if it wasn't that poor tho.
im not a muslim dipshit. but if fire starts spewing from the ground and a talking sky father starts killing jews and faggots im thinking im on his side.
>Now is the time to join Islam and the blindfold will fall by the wayside.
24881 infected 1934 dead
Jesus is our only Saviour, Jesus is the only Saviour, the son of God the one true God and creator of us all. Repent and believe the Gospel of Christ before its too late.
There no MSN but Allah, mohammed is Allah.
真言宗 Buddhist here.
Kali Yuga literally started a thousand years ago. Get with the times grandpa.
But ya shits probably falling apart for real any day here.
ITT Kuffar have to resort to baseless attacks of character just like the Jews resort to
You guys dont operate so different from those you claim to hate
Jews basically are the puppet masters of modern Christians it’s crazy
Fuck off, pedo-follower
when is kalki coming? scholars cannot decide if its coming in 2030 or 200000 more years, cuz im gonna be honest im not putting up with this shit that long.
>Now is the time to join Islam
Now is a good time to end Islam.
Convert first then do whatever possible to do your obligations, but convert, better to be a muslim who does not some obligations than a non muslim, trust me
wow, a true kara boga
I suspect his small arab dick is not longer than 9 cm erect
>There no god but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah
There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah
Prove it faggot.
>There no god
Sounds about enough.
Lol at brits. Look at this filthy goat raping shitskin shilling his pedophile prophet under your flag.
islam is diametrically opposed to ethno-nationalism, nationalism and ethnic homogeneity. It is literally THE mutt religion. Lock your door Charles Cuckmutton and wither away you faggot.