Boomer here. Have some sympathy

I'm not sure some of you understand the concept of paying dues. We lived through the Vietnam era in which we HAD to enroll in University to avoid the draft. Imagine that for a second. Some of us had to get a part time job while being a full time student. Not necessarily our first choice.

No internet. No Amazon. No streaming services.

And what thanks do we get? Boomer remover? Grow the hell up. STAY HOME.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Shit troll.

Maybe if less of you were cowards you would have won that war.

You wasted the golden age of America, have been in power for over 40 years and now lord it over your grandchildren... Hurry up and die so that maybe we can enjoy our 3 or so years of being in power.


Born in 1950

You were cowards who would not fight gooks when called to. Right, wrong, who gives a shit, you pussed out. If you'd all gone and taken it seriously we might have started the 70's in a different place. Maybe instead of drugs and degeneracy we could have had a second round of the 1950s. But no. You had to trip acid and fuck in the mud and shit.

We now pay for your cowardice. And so do you, oldniggers. Now. DIE.

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All that free love is biting you in the ass now.

Foul mouthed punk. We gave you WAAY too much. This is Gods judgement on us for spoiling YOU.

I actually do have sympathy, because you guys went through through hell. That being said times change and problems are increasingly more complex, and you have to realize your "answers" aren't universally valid across time.

Your generation fucked over the planet for many generations to come.
No sympathy, just die, and let us begin to fix the hellhole you turned the planet into.

Guys its a troll stop feeding it.

It is kinda nice that Corona chan might be about to solve the unfunded liabilities problem though.

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Have a bad day.

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Boomers are the ones in power right this very minute, politically speaking, and you've been in power for the last 20 some on years. If you don't like the world as it is now, well look in the mirror because it's the world YOU created.

die already digits man


the boomer remover isn't enough, you guys deserve worse.

Lived long enough

Where did you serve? What outfit were you in?

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I have every sympathy for you if you were facing the draft, were I in that situation I would avoid the military at all costs if possible and off myself if it wasn't, but fucking hell your generation is selfish.
I hope you all die so the wealth may actually trickle down.

You wasted your chance to save the world and I doing so left us with a ruined one. That was your legacy.

Hurry up and remove yourself nigger boomer

I got an English degree, and then worked as middle management for GE. I just barely got out with their pension.

>not using your chance to fight in a real war
fucking boomers

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Die boomer

Remember it wasn't the boomers.
It was the niggers, the left wing, feminists, the arabs and most of all the jews.

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How long do you plan to live? Jesus Christ if you haven't bungee jumped by now it's not like you had that on your bucket list and the only thing that stopped you was this virus.

ok boomer
times have changed, dont compare the past with present

This is God's punishment for selling America to China, this is God's way of telling you to stop engaging with that heathen nation, to stop trusting a nation with taboo habits and demonic worship, the dragon specially is depicted as satan in the bible.
If you really believe in the bible repent your boomer ways and stop chasing easy profits on an insect nation.

Tar and feather those who restart the plundering of America, maybe will have fewer billionaires but is price we must pay in order to stay a healthy nation.

Made in America, made in the usa

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You are a feckless coward for dodging draft. YOur self sacrifice is in order.

>Some of us had to get a part time job while being a full time student.
Nigger, most of the people I knew in college had a job while going to school full time

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Remember who let them in

Good troll i respect this

>middle management
Wow the most meme of all useless jobs. You truly do deserve the niggers and chinks antagonizing you in your nursing home as you gracelessly expire.

fuck you boomer..... you and your fucking generation has pushed this commie shit we are have to digest.... enough ......


>english degree
>brags about it
>middle management
>received disproportionately high station in life for such a loser degree
>still complains
>calls others "spoiled"

at least you're consistently faggoty and retarded.

Day of the pillow is swiftly approaching, boomer.

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I love you boomerchan

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>we created all these wars and debts and now its your problem because that's what we call paying dues
kys you fucking douche bag

Get fucked boomer

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Wow trips of a boomer bitching on Yas Forums.

You fucks had a golden oppurtiuing to revesre the (((subversion))) we see happening today, and ya blew it. Enjoy your slow death in a nursing home staffed by third-world nurses who don't give a flying fuck about your health and comfort.

tarring and feathering is awesome and needs to make a comeback.

It's not about age, it's about culture, boomers are cancer. Your parents called you little pests, your grandchildren agree.

Never trust anyone above 50.


such as?

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Fuck you, you’re literally stealing tons of peoples youth away just because you don’t want to quarantine yourself...

Your time is up, boomer.

Your age of peace and equality is over. History will resume now, and we can get back to actually doing things that matter.


truly based

A whimsical childhood that you blew on Nintendo.

We should have adopted more African kids who would have appreciated it.

I thought it was a kilt until I saw the shoes.

>that pic
Imagine the smell.

>skinning dogs alive is neat because they can't feel pain all the screaming is just a mechanical response - Descartes

You are not even good at trolling but I think people want to bitch about boomers so much they are ignoring that.

Go live in a jungle for a week. Bring some buddies. You get a radio and basic supplies.

i love how men keep providing for literal whores who have no morality

It was a different time.

The quality of the shills and trolls has cratered in this place

None of those things would be a problem if boomers had rejected the degeneracy they so readily embraced.

When you get to hell, thank your father for fighting Hitler. Thank him for allowing niggers, jews, and faggots into our country. Kys boomer

KYS hippy degenerate

Wise leaf has spoken...Based.

notice how OP disappeared.... won't even defend himself

it might be putting flowers in a barrel of a gun

Geeee... I wonder what would happen when Xers, Millenials and Zoomers get old? They're going to pay the TOLL PRETTY WELL.

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Sell your mcmansion boomer. You don't need it.

yeah nigga that's the plan til at least August

A time when sane people knew how fucking retarded Descartes was.

The boomers did win that war. The Vietnamese boomers.

>We should have adopted more African kids
We should have coofed on more boomers

You have truly spoiled us with diversity and multi multiculturalism.

your entire timeline is fucked, boomer. You cucked out of a war, took degenerate drugs to fill the void in your heads, fucked random people without a whim because you felt like it and enabled the new world order after world war two. You've scorned those that fought in the war and let millions of immigrants into a utopia created from WW2, and managed to destroy western civilization with English degrees and history majors.

You could have prevented this but your massive ego and excessive narcissism overtook your good judgement with false religions and sexual promiscuity.

I hope all of you die in a whirlwind of pain and suffering, for putting every younger person into fiat/immigrant hell for the last 40 years because of your knee jerk reaction to younger people getting ahead of you.

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You sold us down the river.

Oh, I'm here and I ain't going anywhere, you two bit hood.

Checked and go die already, you fucking drain on society.

fuck boomers.

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>Boomer here
all too tiresome OUT shill

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Wow I feel so sorry for you that you were forced to get a cheap higher education and a job that gave you a pension. That must be so fucking awful. Get the coof nigger


We aren’t gonna get old or at least society will suck when we get old because you boomers refused to do anything about climate change...

You fuckers are bombing you childrens and gchildrens futures dye a disease slightly more dangerous then the ftu.

Had everything handed to them since day one parents worked their ass off and came through the craziest war in history and gave you a 70 year period of extreme prosperity where they basically had everything handed to them and now in thier last days in order to prolong their life for another 3 years they decide to utterly destroy the one thing they still left somewhat intact which is america and the western economy. There are no rights anymore and the economy is currently being destroyed.

Fuck of and die already boomer.

Those digits speak truth

thats Voltaire tho

You did not need to enroll in uni to avoid the draft. You could have had a defense critical job. You could have gone to Canada. Or you could have claimed disability or religious exemption.
You can get anything that you want at Alice's restaurant.

the entire world is going to pay the toll, forever, but it doesn't matter

Hes posted like 4 or 5 times to keep inflaming the thread.

Going to coof in your mouth today this is all your fault.

This imagine alone reeks boomer privilege

reminder this is when college was less then 10k a year and part time jobs could pay for this shit. Fuck of boomer. probably a glow nigger.

What would happen when Xers, Millenials and Zoomers get old, and the govt have already passed all those progressive policies that these generations advocated so much...

They're going to kill you and treat you like shit.

Jannies, Gypsies, beings from the Planets Of The Apes will provide you assisted death. You're not even going to have retirement nor even a decent life.

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two bit hood...... fuck off ..... after eating your university commie bull shit and your flower power gun confiscations etc.... i reached a point in my life that i can say i acn buy and sell you filthy hippy ass 10x over

Listen buddy... when I heard my birthday called on the TV Draft Raffle I jumped to me feet ready to go.... when I went out to the kitchen to tell my mother I had to go to war she told me...

Son, they don't take five year old boys. I was ready to go and the Vietnamese have my mother to thank I didn't get there and show them what's what.

Real men had to fight and die yet here you are grandpa. Charlie didn't get you but now his germs will. Guess who has to work full time and go to school full time in the middle of a bioweapon pandemic?

>Poo ur doos
Yea because I don't believe people can be born into debt for mere existence. Your whole worldview is Jewish brain programming. Maybe it's better for you all to die and just take it with you.

Even if the news is not reporting it, my generation is over in the dessert fighting an 18 year long war. I lost friends in that bankers war in highschool.

Boomers let Nixon close the gold window without so much as a peep. That's what I won't forget and that's why we have so much degeneracy. It was not caused capitalism itself, but a literal loss of values

Yesss I have the perfect theme music to this:

The world would be better off if you eat some bat soup right now.
Chow down you prune fuck.

>start war with people that just want to fish in bamboo huts
>join schools to avoid the war you started
>import spics and niggers to fight the war for you
you are an entire generation of evil that has let evil breed and has supported evil at every turn, you deserve no sympathy because you had none for all the peoples lives that you ruined.

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Oh yeah? Where is YOUR condo in Clearwater FL?

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> yes, we're going to live like shit, and we're going to still blaming you; muh climate change.

What are you doing to improve your life? Boomers just only were consumers. And you ignore the level of pollution caused in India and China. This is not white boomers' fault. In fact, Boomers were the generation to push recycling policies...

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For the bullshit they did to this country, boomers should be killed and have their assets seized and distributed to the white population

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Sounds like someone’s dad found /pol.

top kek


Suck ass troll script get. Youre not a vet. You didnt have to go to college. Youre probably not even a boomer. Kys

All that to build a shitty ass economy

/thread pretty much

You know that boomers were the people who opened those factories in China and India and started to import everything and didn’t care about the environmental impacts at all...

oh no, doing your DUTY to your nation is such a bad thing...

Gotta work sorry Boomer should get tougher if you don't want to die

OP is a faggot, ran away from doing his duty (going to war) by enrolling in women's studies courses.

Whst in gods name are you talking about??

If this isn't a troll, I'm laughing hard

It's funny, because you're refusing to accept guilt about how your generations are advocating for the most attrocious policies ever existed: gender studies, implementing eugenics to big scale, destroying meat industries, because "muh furry animals" and risking the health of millions of people by forcing them to eat synthetic meat with high estrogen. This is the future awaits to you.

Die for Corona Chan shall be a sweet death, compared what you're going to suffer.

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Wew lad

Not him, but close. Personally I've quite a way to go yet.

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Hey boomer, how many times have you been to the museum of tolerance? I bet you cried when you learned about the 6 gorillion

Based & gookpilled

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Thanks for letting all the dirty chinks and other immigrants in.

Now you can enjoy their diseases.

The decadence of the US started with weak men like this and all that hippie stuff.

don't need a condo to die in, enjoy your death sentence.... how nice your free loving beliefs got you a condo .... in the waiting to die state

at least you had better, all-analog music and could listen to it on high-fi with full dynamic range/audiophile sound quality instead of high-res but still brickwalled tidal shitstream

Those were the boomers, but not the corporations (MULTIBILLIONAIRES).
Ironically, those multibillionaires who advocate for eugenics and restrictive controls to "save the planet", are the responsible that most industries move to China and India.

> Rich people are evil, but there are good rich people, just like Bill Gates...

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