Finnbros, how’s your empowered government handing the crisis?

I’m curious to know.

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Getting ready to shut down bars and close off the capital region.

Imagine California Democrats, but not as competent.


They should have acted 2 month ago like everyone else but greed always comes before life.

two weeks too late, but good reactions overall, old people still refuse to believe that they really shouldn't go out and sit in cafe's all day long, even people over 50s refuse to believe its real.

maybe the first thing the "emergency government" did good.

How can they consider themselves men if they voted for these fuckin' whores? It disgusts me. Irish, Luxembourgish vote for homo faggot men, and the Fins, Germans, British, and New Zealand men vote for women. The men in these countries should just chop their balls off now.

Not too well. The girl-lead parliament hasn't managed to make any concrete decisions regarding the crisis. Our president Sauli Niinistö has basically had to make all the decisions for them.

They are now discussing curfews within cities, but the Finnish constitution doesn't seem to allow it solely based on the emergency powers legislation.

>old people still refuse to believe that they really shouldn't go out and sit in cafe's all day long, even people over 50s refuse to believe its real.
I read all day today that it's a hoax or that it's real on Twitter. Even coming from "our guys."

>How can they consider themselves men if they voted for these fuckin' whores?
IIRC they didn't vote for them

Ironically, nobody voted for the current parliament. The parliament stepped in after the old one, lead by male Antti Rinne, was brought down (due to Rinne's resignation as the PM). The current PM was not voted in but rather was given her position.

well you're not the one going to the shop and seeing old fucks still just idling around and coughing everywhere, now are you?

might have just seemed to me that i read your comment in a wrong tone.

It's already a disaster too.
They were working on a secret plan to fly migrants who fucking left Finland to go fight for ISIS along with their entire families back into Helsinki. And they are hiring all their friends who hire their friends so now you have bitches sitting in unremovable government jobs with primo salaries and they're all secretaries, who have their own secretaries.
The current Finnish government is a good case study in why women shouldn't have power.

I'll assure you my Yas Forums frens that you will hear from us finns in the coming months how fucked up everything is.

We already have the best-korean propaganda running on our television

Yes, this was a classic, textbook example of coup d'état, performed completely according to the current laws of Finland.

As a side note, Hitler also got in power based on a loophole in the German law at the time...

Democracy is fake in every election that matters

I should clarify that coup d'état would imply violence in overthrowing the government. Violence was not involved, so this was actually a coup, but a coup nonetheless.

MOMMY will surely save us!

I trust mommy

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It's the same all over the world. For the most part our governments are filled with literal commies who are unelected, unremovable, and unaccountable and they simply just keep wafting upwards into increasing amounts of power until they can ride the wind into the ultimate waft and get into a position where they can cause irreparable systemic damage.
It does not help that YLE is on a level of fake news that is beyond belief.

>might have just seemed to me that i read your comment in a wrong tone.
Yeah, I think you did read me wrong. I'm not disagreeing with you. I believe you. But I follow people on Twitter, and I'm reading tweets from nationalists who believe this virus is all a hoax and pretext for government to take more of our freedoms away, or to tank Trump's election, and others are claiming that this virus is very serious. I'm playing it safe, personally, because I don't know what to believe. So far, I'm in a place where there are no cases of Wu-Flu.

fpbp, nuff said


>Democracy is fake in every election that matters
Yeah. Not that Macron or Trudeau are any better, either. They all march to the Jew globo-homo drum.


>Ironically, nobody voted for the current parliament. The parliament stepped in after the old one, lead by male Antti Rinne, was brought down
I see. thanks. I didn't read much about it when it happened. so I didn't know the details.

I'm gonna fucking explode with rage if the store near my house is empty today like it was yesterday

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>might have just seemed to me that i read your comment in a wrong tone.
And my statement was poorly written. So I can understand why you thought I was fucking with you. I'm not.

What a horrible situation, but apparent all over, as you said. The European Commission is a good example of an undemocratic institution with a great amount of power and authority over the member states of the EU.

Pretty much this, but at first they listened to some retards and quoted them as being specialists who know more than anyone and basically gave out bad information, but opposition and the president pressured them to do the right actions. They still deny that opposition (which is lead by mostly men and the president who is a man also) pressured them even thought it was confirmed that they did. Overall they got the guts to turn around their policies, but deny that they did anything wrong at the start and deny that anyone from opposition was actually right and they were wrong(left ;^) )

Oh no, how will the rapefugees abduct drunk women now?

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What's happening here? Sometimes I can't understand white people.

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These boys know how to have fun.

When talking about response and politics around it, it's opposite to USA. Leftist government has been quite reluctant to implement emergency measures (they were reportedly coerced into strict measures by the president and opposition) while capitalists and right wingers in opposition constantly demand more restrictions and tighter lockdowns.

there's already a "hotzone" where i live, and i live a rather small ~50k town, soon as i hear it moves to this side of the town im locking the fuck up, got food for about a month, still need to go buy more sugar to keep kilju going, no way single 30 liter is gonna last me a month with nothing to do really, expect file me some metal, but one can only do that for a few hours a day max. Oldies dont use twitter around here, atleast the people i know, but the facebook stuff, o boi, what a cancer. Just hoped the saying "elders have wisdom" (because of their age) actually would merit something, but everyone knew it was bullshit anyways, too bad it took a thing like this to make it obvious.

Mommy will take care of me

>it's opposite to USA. Leftist government has been quite reluctant to implement emergency measures
I heard the same about Canada. That even though Canada is next to U.S., they are more like Europe.

jews aren't white, coon

People will probably just drink at home

Retard panic buyers. Usually they just buy ground beef, spaghetti and rice. Never the good meat, never the brown rice or whole wheat spaghetti. What plebs

Pretty much the entire Canadian identity is that they are not America and "more like Europe" but Canadians, unlike Europeans, have no culture. When your culture is "we're not America" you end up having less culture than America.

i got dibs on #2 from left

>Pretty much the entire Canadian identity is that they are not America and "more like Europe" but Canadians, unlike Europeans, have no culture. When your culture is "we're not America" you end up having less culture than America.
From what I understand, Canada is not really a nation anymore. It's an economic zone. Anyone can move to Canada and make money, invest money, attend university, buy real estate, etc. Like the Chinks, Filipinos, Sikhs, Africans. Being Canadian or having a Canadian passport doesn't matter anymore - it's like having a Costco Membership. So maybe it's a lot like America in that regard.

Jesus. That seems like a lifetime away.

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>Ironically, nobody voted for the current parliament. The parliament stepped in after the old one, lead by male Antti Rinne, was brought down
why does this shit keep happening all over europe? it happened spain,italy, greece, macedonia now you?
every time its the same pattern
>people vote conservative
>conservative goverment somehow forced to step down
>unelected globohomo commies get in power
>they open the borders for the next 4 years
EVERY TIME. Why do you allow this to happen?

I wonder when the men of Finland will step up and try and remove the government.

i've been wondering how to put canada into words, but summed it up pretty nice, gonna use that from now on.

did you notice that noone is buying the vegan/organic/otherbs products tho, theyre still widely available.

i question your life choices, then again we're both on a mongolian papercraft secrets trading forum...

They didn't vote conservatives here, they voted social democrats who are still the prime minister party. They won because they promised more retirement gibs.

It's just a minor configuration error. The next update will fix the issue.

Canada never stopped being a colony; it's just that the original (white) colonists duped themselves into thinking this place was a country around the 1950s. Now other people are stepping up to colonize it again while the rest of us sit in a stupor.
We never had an 'all or nothing' cultural moment like America did with their Independence and Civil War.

>minister of finance on the brink of tears in every interview
>minister of internal affairs prioritizing refugees
>pm cucked by opposition & president

this is not going to end well, if the virus situation worsens

>tfw she will never be your president

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I am going to coom over her

None of them are presidents Yank

They are handling this situation way better than trump's team for sure

the social democrats won by 0.5% (or something like that) over the patriots.

Corona virus will be memory holed in three weeks.
Everything back to normal by vappu (1st of may).

I hope you are right, Koistinen

0.2% and right in the next opinion polls social democrats were in second place

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Why are they all wearing black? Are they a coven of witches?

Post feet

glitch in the npc coding

oh nonono
but how's the public perception of the situation? Would be funny to know

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