Brit/pol/ - Muh BBC Edition

>UK adjusts to life under tight new restrictions

>Mobile networks send 'stay at home' text

>Sadiq Khan warns 'stop Tube travel or more will die'

>Construction workers fear for their safety

>Sports Direct U-turns on opening after backlash

>Wetherspoon boss suggests staff get a job at Tesco

>Pandemic is 'accelerating', WHO warns as cases pass 300,000

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Other urls found in this thread:

First for are Mozza

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Chancellor Rishi Sunak says the UK government is "not in favour of a universal basic income" during the outbreak

"We have strengthened the safety net for the most vulnerable in our society with over £7bn invested into improving our welfare system"


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Mozza Karen Moaty

Volkisch aesthetics are timeless.

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More like Sadiq Can’t keep Londons shit together

Coronavirus will end this mans whole career

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simply based

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>71% death rate
the average outside of china is 31%. our strain is twice as deadly as MERS and it's spreading faster than measles.

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Any students know if we're getting any gibs?
I need to work to be able to afford to live but that's not possible in this current climate.
I heard we're expected to live off our maintenance loan but mine doesn't even cover rent.
Fuck you neets taking all the gibs

>haha me say funny names

Stop not understanding epidemiology

>brahmin denies giving more to grasping dalits
The consequences of high skilled immigration

First for being a freeman on the land and doing as I please.

I still have to work


Built for BBC

Very fucking unlikely senpai
I've applied to universal credit and got automatically signed on but it still needs you to book an appointment by phone

You either cant get in, or when you do, you go through the robophone menu and get disconnected when you press the option to book an appointment

I'd recc you immediately go send a message to your university's financial welfare folk

no ones getting anything cant you read

what did you say about my dog m8
I will bring him supplies when shit hits the fan
and then he will roam the wasteland feeding on your corpses

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he never will, lad
he genuinely gets off on the idea that over 2 billion people worldwide will be killed by it

Hope the little poofter necks hisself.
Though I'd prefer him to be dragged to death.

ill kick him into traffic while you watch

Cringes are also a fear response y'know?

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Started a little vegetable garden for the apocalypse lads. Pretty comfy, why didn't I do this sooner? Just wish I'd been able to get my hands on some chickens before the big quarantine.

I hope it ends his life.

fucking embarrassing

Fuck the self employed then.

>it’ll end the city being occupied by darkies who’ll vote for a candidate who explicitly hates whitey and will rob them

How's your first day of quarantine going? Made myself some tuna pasta.

>Macrons relationship is more comaparable to yours than BloJo or Trump's.
lol no it's literally the same.
>young and older get together
>another young and older get together

>You honestly don't get it. You're her plaything.
as in she's attracted to me? i'm sure she is since she's with me

On the rise mate, can't shame those you've already taken everything from.

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what do you expect from a tory government

>works in game
>lives with older gf and her teenage kids
>funds her brother's drug habit

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I'm watching free men of the land getting absolutely btfo by police on YouTube

I don't understand how this is supposed to really work without everyone staying in their houses and the government airdropping food to them or something. It's all well and good sticking to the rules they've laid out but you can't guarantee anyone else will stick to them. If everyone has an "eh, it'll be fine, just this once" sort of mentality, we're fucked.

I dared to go out shopping at the weekend and I've spent the whole time since paranoid I might have caught it and might have already spread it to my family before I start showing any real symptoms.

only pakis don't like dogs

what did you plant lad?

Students don't get gibs, it's baked into the system. Unless you've got a dependent, you're best off going living with your parents

we're still not seeing a lot of "recoveries". it's really starting to look like every single "mild" case eventually becomes fatal.

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So will this be the new norm every flu season?

Found an odeon keychain with this on the back, what an odd thing to say.

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stupid newfags

Have they got enough police and army to cope with the riots?

>I dared to go out shopping at the weekend and I've spent the whole time since paranoid I might have caught it and might have already spread it to my family before I start showing any real symptoms.
you won't know for another 3 weeks. this virus has a 24+ day incubation period. you're also contagious for 2 weeks after you "recover" (stop showing symptoms).

Are cvg spammer posts classed as trolling outside of Yas Forums?

>jEW in id

Anyone else working in the hospitality industry? Things are comfy here in the North. Basically 90% of my paycheck is covered, anons.

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Still have to work

yeah it's almost as if it takes longer to recover from a virus than it does to become infected by one.


It decreases the rate, even with partial compliance. The objective isn't actually to eliminate the virus, but to slow the spread such that it doesn't completely overwhelm the health service immediately. Such measures are going to be in place, at least to some extent, for a very long time.

You seen the one where the Scottish policeman puts a freemans car window in to take his keys? "Ye cannae dae that!" Lmao

>as in she's attracted to me? i'm sure she is since she's with me
Genuinely amazed I have to spell this out, but here goes.


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I do as I please.

Been here longer 'n you.
And will remain long after you've gone.
Yas Forums is a national socialist board.

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Why the fuck would students get gibs?
Why the fuck should self-employee get gibs, they want all the benefits without any of the drawbacks of being a self-employee?
Why the fuck would we implement UBI? !

think about the delay between confirmed case and recovery. Learn to actually understand data.

What a useless virus. It's just killing old people when it could be making people infertile or killing the normies who keep going outside.

How long till bozza calls in the army? The police are useless cunts

Me too lad, but I work night shifts. Sing praises to me for I handle your foodie.

>Been here longer 'n you.
no you haven't

>And will remain long after you've gone.
no you won't

>Yas Forums is a national socialist board.
no it isn't you stupid fucking newfag

>The Jew is immunized against all dangers...

he has been doing this shit in every brit/pol/ thread for weeks