Would you date a white single mom to have more white children and ensure the future of the white race?
Would you date a white single mom to have more white children and ensure the future of the white race?
Stormcucks need to fuck off from Yas Forums
I only date 30 year old abooorters
At least you know you can fuck on the first date with them
Anime faggots need to fuck off from Yas Forums
Hell no. Raising another mans child is the lowest of the low.
>raising someone elses legacy
stay cucked
Definitely not
If the kid was white, a VERY tentative maybe.
>trophy wife
not even 6/10
At least she can cook.
That's a win.
I have dated a few. I don't think I could marry one and raise another man's child though.
Maybe if she had her first kid when she was like 14, had lived a virtuous life as a good mother since then, and now she's like 28 and ready to have more kids.
But all this is academic anyway. A ton of rules go out the window when you fall in love.
why would you want to?
fuck no. I want to sex a black girl
I would date her, but that's because I'm 20 years older than she is and she's kinda hot.
But only if her kid is 100% white, confirmed by 23AndMe.
if that's all I could get. don't let some kike on the internet persuade you to be lonely your entire life.
got divorced at 28, currently 32, most of these women are only looking for financial stability. I'm a nurse and they won't leave me the fuck alone on eharmony. no single moms though, even if they are super cute.
I would seed her on the condition that the nigger spawn disappears
you can't have kids at 14 without being permanently damaged
No. Single moms need to sepuku.
Hope its a fingolian
If I wanted to handle someone else’s baggage I’d go to Vegas and be a bell hop
If she did literally whatever I said and I was allowed to have other women. Otherwise, go ask someone else for help.
Sometimes you just need to get your fix. Keep it wrapped and move on immediately afterwards. It's not your fault they've chosen to relegate themselves to being an easy hole
Nope. Wouldn’t even consider it.
Not until im 40 and desperate. I have 12 years to find a half decent women to wife and children with before getting that desperate.
> trophy wife
Unless you're making 200k plus, she wants nothing to do with you
White kid than maybe, I have 4 kids myself. But my ex-wife has a son from a previous marriage and I hate that kid with a passion so probably not
This. Fuck them, they can crawl back to their ex. They're the ones that made the decision to breed with someone they didn't intend to spend the rest of their lives with. If we punish them, as they should be punished, they might start thinking about their life choices.
>wed some roastie who rode the cock carousel and even shit some strangers kid out
Lmao. No. Roasties go in the garbage, she can date some nigger who will beat and kill her.
>fucking haunted pussy
a child died there, you know?
i would never "date" non virgins
>Fat and dresses like a grandma
>hot mom status
Enjoy low quality men, whore.
I'm surprised you two divorced.
>dating used goods
big YIKES there buddy. if every other woman in the world rejected me, i might consider a widowed one but not a divorced / dumped
Anti-anime faggots need to fuck off from Yas Forums.
Its actually based that she said shes an actual mom of a toddler as opposed to these "fur baby" mommies. Its okay to date her if you also have a kid.
>26, look 40
>trying to be a trophy wife
Trophy wives are virgins
that's an odd tribute
I wouldn't be a cuck under any circumstances.
let's stay virgins forever, bro
I don't bother with weimar era women.
I am not sure I would want to deal with her kid...
>get paid to teach English because the Japanese admire white people
>post this retarded garbage
Checked and degenerate
>mom with toddler
> ahead of the game
Pick one
Pump, dump and steal something out of the kids lunch box while heading out the door.
>mother of a human toddler
Shitskin nigger pickaninny confirmed
>Just trying to be a trophy wife
Shes joking when she says this but also will not seek employment
I've been there before.
She seemed so cool and responsible at first, more on top of her shit than any other girl I've dated.
Also she was fit as fuck and absolutely amazing at sex.
I dated her for 3 years, and spent lots of time with her and her kid. Eventually, the stress of her past bad choices began to weigh on her. She was stuck in her career, had no time to focus on herself. She became an absolute mess, and started showing her depression that she's apparently had for years (I had no idea). She also got fat.
She became mean and spiteful. She didn't like when I worked on my goals, because it meant I couldn't be miserable with her and her kid.
I moved out of state for my dream job and she couldn't follow. We didn't have enough money, since her support group (family) for the kid was back at home.
After moving, long distance was a fucking mess.
I began dating other girls, and met a responsible, educated, goal-oriented and CHILDLESS skinny woman. Got engaged, it's great and order of magnitude better.
But single mom still contacts me randomly telling me how I ruined her and her kids life, by being a "flake" and not being "man enough" to stick around.
They're entitled.
They're mentally deranged.
Never again.
still better than 40 years old roastie who wants kids "someday", kekerino
>Would you date a white single mom to have more white children and ensure the future of the white race?
It depends, did her husband die honorably, or was he my kin? If either of those are true, I'd consider it, and it both are true... It'd be shameful not to.
This, I’m not entirely convinced that they aren’t just larping. The people who are like “we have to save the white race at all cost, go fuck single moms that’s still breedable pussy” need to fuck off, I think most of them use being white as a way to boost their otherwise low self esteem and it’s kind of cringy when people have to we wuz stuff
wow, he looks over 30 already
They won't even give me the time of day, they're entitled on top of being damaged goods, they believe there is a single 6'2 rich guy riding on a white horse ready to sweep them away any take them around the world.
Most of this cunts are nothing by baggage, they're fun to talk to, have as a friend but once you start digging in their personal life you realize why they're single mothers and no one wants to claim that trophy.
Hint, they're bat shit crazy
>Couldnt handle distance
Your at fault here.
Not if she's hot
Bitch looks 10 years older than she is. Also fuck off with this garbage thread Ahmed
It all fell apart when we got WiFi. I found out he was trying to access gay porn. He's 13. Said I did want him ever alone with our toddler because he'll probably molest him. She said he was probably just being curious. That's the Same shit our older Christian mentor types in our life said. Curious my ass, he's a faggot
Kys nigger. Back to plebbit you go!
>looks 32 ... AT BEST
What the fuck lol!!
Honestly the genuine hate here for single moms is fucking disgusting... It’s amazing how almost no one here talks about dads who leave their kids, but always shit on single moms who already have a really hard time to begin with.
Only a widowed one.
Even a Man with Pure White DNA would produce non Human gene spliced creaturas.
Women are Chimeras.
DNA of everything the have bred with lines their uterine walls waiting for a host.
Happened to me.
I made the mistake of marrying a non Virgin.
One of my sons was so unlike me; a complete sociopath, and one of the daughters the same.
Had their DNA done, and most DNA was paternal and maternal, but of the 6 children we had together, there was another DNA blended in those two that made them complete sociopaths.
A physician specializing in DNA told me it was "The Chimera Effect"
>women are chimeras
> already mother of a human toddler
="i've been dumped by the nigger that did breed me and now looking for a white idiot who'll pay my bills"
I ruined my mom’s life and probably should have been an abortion.
We’re both rich now so it’s ok.
Why would they be larping mutt? I know you don't have a Volk, so you don't understand it, but some of us don't want to live in a giant favela.
Some of the dads were forced out. And for some fucked up men, the woman simply could've not dated trash.
26? this bitch looks 42
If I hadn't been volcel this whole time then yes