Assuming the contract to be a slave was signed voluntarily (ie. in exchange for having financial debts to a lender/bank cleared), is that a valid agreement in line with libertarian principles?
Are lolbertarians fine with slavery?
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that's how LIBERALism works
Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.
Who said niggers were sentient?
Legit people need to learn to pay off their debts
If they take on too much debt they need to realise they will end up as a bonded laborer to a bank.
>Serfdom was the status of many peasants under feudalism, specifically relating to manorialism, and similar systems. It was a condition of debt bondage and indentured servitude, which developed during the Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages in Europe and lasted in some countries until the mid-19th century.
Lol at this retard, debt serfdom (debt bonded labor) happened in Europe too dumb fuck.
You're probably descended from some of them considering it wasn't the upper class who moved to Burgerville.
It's debated in libertarianism. Walter block is in favor of voluntary slavery.
I am too, but I'm nobody.
>It's debated in libertarianism. Walter block is in favor of voluntary slavery. I am too, but I'm nobody.
Are you concerned that enforcing voluntary slavery contracts will be a "Path to Serfdom", as it has been historically?
Yes. Why not?
No, you're clearly a somebodyhead with a faggot self-important others-useless mind.
There would have to be a time limit and and clearly defined protections.
>There would have to be a time limit and and clearly defined protections.
So these voluntary contracts between 2 parties need to have government regulations?
No I don't have that concern. Valid contracts need to be enforceable, that's a more urgent need for ordered society.
You're unfamiliar with legal dispute processes sans state
Yes, freedom to give up your own rights is important, but never the collective demonocracy voting away collective rights
Libertarian Monarchy is the future
To role-play as a slave under voluntary terms is not slavery
You're wrong, but call it servitude then
My daughter has a terrible rare disease. I can't afford treatment. A wealthy man will pay for the treatment and in exchange I act as his servant for the rest of my life.
Nothing wrong with this, it's a mutual contract.
There are no contracts in libertarian fantasy. Whos going to enforce them?
>*fuckboi* for the rest of your life
Without state enforcement of the contract, what's stopping you from saying "sike" and walking away free, after your daughter gets treated?
>You're wrong, but call it servitude then
I prefer the term serfdom, but slavery and life-long servitude are equally apt.
There exist means for contract enforcement without the state
Lies. No such thing exists. Not in practice, not even in theory.
In practice and in theory, they're called adjudicators
Read Bob Murphy for more on non state courts
You keep saying that, you keep calling us ignorant and acting like you're just so smart, and yet you can't come up with a way to enforce contracts without state intervention.
>I get Richie Rich to pay off all my debt, in return I agree to be his slave
>He pays my debt and I tell him to fuck off with the barrel of my .45
What's stopping this scenario from happening in your fantasy land?
What of the slave's children? Do they inherit slave status? How will the parent properly provide for them?
Courts are backed by the power of the state. You do what they say, with the knowledge that if you don't, a shit ton of armed and armored men will either kill you or lock you in a cage. Tell me how that happens with no state enforcement and I have my own posse of armed men?
You're basically describing somalia. The libertarian dream.
Yes it is in theory if you signed a contract but why would you do that people have debts cleaned all the time without being a direct slave their credit is just fucked for 5 years or so... a libertarian society is the most prosperous society because thats what early America was.
>Yes, as they made the deal.
If you want to fuck animals on your property in full view of the public, libertarian ideology allows it, hell you could rape dead babies and its still not a violation of the NAP. Rape your nigger slaves, sure you own them, property rights are #1.
Once you boil it down, the rich would only become richer while the common man would be a complete slave to industry.
No you fool we're the most anti-slavery ideology there is
>Nice job at side stepping
ITT guys who bought a rifle and now believe they will be the next local warlord under anarchocapitalism
no better than power hungry commies
wtf is early america
Imagine unironically being against slavery. Why would you not want a harem with qts from every corner of the world faggot?
Also David Friedman talks about this. See here for an intro
That's because muh nap never works in practice. It's violence that's at the core of all societal interactions. I don't take your shit because the state outnumbers my posse and is better armed. Take that away and the land is split up amongst warlords, whoever has the biggest gun takes it all. lolbertarians like to go on about human nature, but conveniently always forget about this side of human nature. It's perfectly natural, it's how animals live, too. The point of the state is to corral all these gun wielding apes and make them live less like animals. Without it, it wouldn't be hard to get past the local millionaire's security and take his shit.
>Fantasy land
You dont like faux intelligensia telling you how dumb you are, how you should just do what they say and shut up
>Sounds oddly familiar
>Mutual contract
Doesn't make it moral.
I'm just making a valid point, one that niggers would immediately jump to in your fantasy land. Christ, the threat of overwhelming state enforced violence barely keeps niggers in line, do you think they'll give a shit about muh nap without it?
Why is it necessary that the state do that? Could the same thing be achieved with private companies that together are better armed than the state?
I don't understand what you mean, the other guy took several posts to even begin to frame an argument about contract enforcement and then bailed. I don't know what that has to do with what you said, or my arguments to the contrary.
If private companies form a coalition to overthrow the state, and then use their collective force to enforce order in society, did they not just create a new state?
No, NAP violations aren't admissible through contracts
A contract can be made where someone's debt is cleared if they do work for someone but they should be able to leave and break contract at anytime but pay the original limit subtracted by the work they put in. A real slave can't leave anytime they want.
Payments can be made in installments, if someone can't pay their debts then the punishment is the seizure of assets and the destruction of their credit, nothing further. Some of the responsibility is on the lenders for providing loans to those without collateral and not knowing whether the other party would be able to pay it back.
I'm not sure why you responded to me, I was backing you (who I agree with). I am saying that ancaps seem to think that they will be on top of the heap in the lawless warlordism of a stateless society (or just don't realize that that's the end result).
>A company better armed than the state
The state is the best armed company
Exactly. People treat the "government" like it isn't just a bunch of people in an organized system. This is the result of communism infiltrating our schools and teaching us to believe government is God.
Serfdom is a reasonable response if the other individual sold themselves out of their free will. They probably could use to have their food and housing provided until they learn how to do so themselves. A prison is to pay the debt to society. Someone who creates unpaid debts for labor has also created a debt to society.
>No you fool we're the most anti-slavery ideology there is
Unless a rich guy can get people to sign a contract to be their slaves, then it's all kosher.
>worst case scenario we end up exactly where we were
>checkmate lolbertarians
If you think through the situation for thirty seconds (or watch the video I linked) you'll understand the reasons why that's unlikely. But no. Institutions matter. Would you rather buy a soviet truck or American truck? Why? Because the society and institutions influence the conditions under which things are created. Contracts entered into voluntarily are going to be better contracts than ones imposed on you by the state.
It's more they don't realize that's the end result. It's a make believe land where everyone works together and agrees with each other and no one will ever think "why don't I just take that guy's shit?". Ancaps are the same as commies, in their end goals.
Maybe it could work on a small scale, in a homogeneous society, but that's the limit, and even then someone will eventually just start taking people's shit.
Unironically what’s wrong with that faggot?
Slavery under contract is indentured servitude. That didn't usually go well for Irish immigrants to America. Once you are in such a severely disadvantaged position, it's easy to get you to sign away the rest of your life and property (because you signed on to a scheme where you could never repay the debt that you thought you could).
Oh you mean like singing a loan contract and then working 40 hrs a week to pay it back? Isn't that what we've always had?
anarcho-capitalism is amoral. It's completely focused on ethics.
It would allow us to enslave the hedonists
>Ancaps are the same as commies, in their end goals.
>ITT guys who bought a rifle and now believe they will be the next local warlord under anarchocapitalism
>no better than power hungry commies
I'm not watching a half hour video with a faggot sounding narrator. Without state enforcement of contracts, contracts have absolutely zero meaning. You're not even ancap, you just want corporate kikes to be your overlords over state kikes. I see no difference in the end. Before it could get to that point, there would be a lot of bloodshed and fighting between all manner of private companies and citizenry.
I'm just elaborating on your points, explaining why it is as you say it is.
That's fine. I'm curious though, what exactly is the difference in beliefs between communists and ancaps? Communists honestly are less delusional, at least they acknowledge that the state will control trade and production. Ancaps seem to think that they'll just be left to their own devices in perfect-privacyville. It's bizarre.
Those private companies become the state.
Based and Dave Ramsey pilled
OK nigger, enjoy never growing in your intellectual understanding since you're unwilling to put the smallest amount of effort in by delaying your wank for fifteen minutes