Fuck you if you wear pic related out in public. Hospitals could be using these to save lives but instead of donating your supply of masks and gloves you're wasting them on your hysterical 30 minute trip to the store. You don't need a mask, and you probably don't even wear it the right way.
Fuck you if you wear pic related out in public...
I’ve been buying them out of spite at this point
maybe the hospitals should have gone to home depot and bought them before I did then.
Medics are generally lefties. Let them die.
I'm a hobbyist fiberglass worker and have a mask I use when grinding that would probably filter the virus (maybe?), but if I wear the masks like I see people wearing in the store it would rekt my lungs. Pretty sure those wouldn't even work since the air would just come around the sides since it is impossible to get them air tight no matter how hard you have the elastic.
You knew those masks were for doctors but you bought them anyway. What's wrong with you?
Bought mine at home Depot in January when barely any were left cause chinks were buying them by the 1000s and sending them back to china. And yes, one strap behind ears one behind upper neck
>p-100 respirators
yeah think about the fucking amount if rubbergloves being wasted
fur just one shopping trip to one store its like 5-6 pairs of glooves to touch your wallet and the cart and load the goods and a quarter gallon desinfectant to wipe down the car and the stuff you buy before loading it into the car...
and that for every person out there
Those doctors should've gone to Home Depot like the rest of us.
its a free market, faggot, you should fuck off to china if you think that's how the world works, also kys
>we have masks for sale
>but dont buy them. No, we wont requisition them from the stores, that would be violating the free market. But dont buy them.
>reeee do as i say because i thin i'm an expert and my opinion means more than other adult's.
just stfu, go fuck back off to twatter and bitch at the president more like its his fault you fucking cunt. kys
They don't call them love gloves for nothing faggot. Think of the whores next time you post this bs
Why are most burgers afraid of masks? China has this under control because they all wear masks, thus preventing the spread.
The government told me that I can’t buy them, so I had to
>and you probably don't even wear it the right way
le bonus insult
Go fuck yourself
cdc said the infected should be the ones that wear a mask
it's a social thing, I dunno. Like not being able to see the other person's face makes people wary. like you're trying to rob the place or something. I've been encountering it, but I don't care. my wife is pregnant, and I'm not losing her or the baby to some stupid virus.
Maybe they should be better prepared than an unemployed pot head like me. I have zero sympathy and about 200 N95 masks, 2000 pairs of gloves.
cool let me donate all my inventory and then they can charge me $30,000 when I catch the Chinese flu. you are barking up the wrong tree if you want to me sympathize with our Jewish healthcare system and it's workers
> You were able to anticipate future scarcity based on analysis of ongoing trends and make informed purchases that doctors and hospitals didn't have the intelligence to make.
> You're too stupid to even use it correctly.
Cope more.
Tell me about doomers, why do they wear the mask
Honestly medical staff should get better masks than the disposable surgical or n95s.
I was buying toilet paper out of spite from all the faggots trying to micromanage everyone buying up supplies.
Same I use atomized paint in a side gig. Had to cancel all jobs for the foreseeable future because dumbfucks are buying painting masks.
to burn them, of course.
stand by for video.
I bought mine three years ago, the hospitals had plenty of time since then to get their own.
The masks at home depot are for people working with wood, fiberglass and drywall, which is why they're sold at home depot.
Hospitals go through 10 times the amount of gloves every day.
No, they are NOT for civilian use. Only hospitals.
stay fucking seething you piece of shit. you're the same type of person - when THREE MONTHS AGO we were warning you - that had the GALL to fucking call us delusional maniacs acting alarmist for no reason.
and now you want to sit here and fucking shun us for stocking up on shit back in JANUARY? NO, fuck YOU. You don't get to do that. I live in NYC, I live in a literal fucking cesspool hotspot. "don't even know how to wear it right" are you retarded? it takes zero effort to Google how to wear it right. fuck you.
enjoy breathing in your contaminated air you piece of fucking shit, you get NO empathy from any of us. it's just a flu right? just a big fucking NOTHINGBURGER right?
yeah, you see this fucking chode? CHOMP ON IT, you big fucking pussy, I'm gonna revel in the fact that you or your loved ones are going to get it, but you know what? I'll pray for your family members. but not you, you fucking roach. pic related is you.
The hospitals should have prevented their employees from stealing so many.
And why in the fuck aren’t these hospitals back stocked with all of this? Admins need to be fired when said and done.
>multi-billion dollar industry
>charges people thousands just to show up
>doctors make shit loads of money
>don't have an extra mask or two in case of a viral outbreak
Get fucked good, faggot. I hope all you fuckers drop dead.
Who the fuck cares about other people’s lives?
also the masks pictures are INDUSTRIAL N95.
there are specific n95 masks made for hospital personnel, so please, keep fucking whining about how I bought a pack of them at a convenience store and how I should surrender the masks they can't use anyways.
also again, fuck you.
Fuck the Doctors
>Fuck you if you wear pic related out in public.
Exactly this. That's not nearly enough protection.
I wear a full respirator mask.
Fucking die COOFERs
They can use them now. The law was waived to allow them to use contractor grade masks in hospitals.
Turn yours in now. They need them for something much more important than your single life.
>not wearing a P100
Whew lads
My single life is all I care about so I’m keeping all my masks,gloves and other shit I’ve bought and stole to see me through this
fuck off dude. I had both these in stock already from my construction job. I’m not giving them to hospitals. It’s not my fault they weren’t ready. Suck a dick. I will wear them proudly and I already sold most to make $23,000 before eBay shut me down. So yeah cry about it.
Yeah construction masks are definitely meant for doctors that’s why Home Depot sells them lol
America the free. Fuck off.
oy vey nevah forget da six gorrillion masks
If Democrats hadn’t outsourced all our manufacturing to China over the last 30 years we’d have plenty now
Or. And here’s a better one. You wear the gloves and don’t take them off until you enter your home. Then you put a new pair on as you wipe down your food and supplies. Wow. Now that’s two pair used. Crazy.
kys nomasks
Based libertyfag
Fuck you faggot - you personally caused this epidemic, by allowing our jew-loving politicians to fuck us. I hope you and everybody you love die from the Kung Flu. Not giving up my masks to save your ass.
Burgers go bankrupt because of overpriced healthcare
Nigger please. The republicans did this shit too. You’re ignorant as fuck if you think they didn’t. They’re just as guilty as the dems for what’s happened to us. Look at this bill right now for example. Both sides trying to give billions to random corporations. Democrats with their green energy garbage and republicans to unknown companies we won’t know for 6 months aka after the election. It’s all the same shit dude. They’re all pieces of fucking shit and they don’t care about you.
>Trusting your health to a shit tier paper mask
>They need them for something much more important than your single life.
Idiotic logic. If you're protecting yourself from others (or others from yourself) you're giving the people at the hospital exponentially less work. Think before speak, retard.
>live in new york
>officials between january and march: masks are useless! don't wear them! they don't do anything!
>officials now: "stop buying masks from the pharmacy or home depot because the doctors ran out and they need them!!!"
yeah I'm glad I bought my shit before this blew up. hospitals should have shored up their reserves but they didn't. they charge 3 grand for a 10 minute ambulance ride and a grand for a saline iv and tylenol but they couldn't buy extra masks in the face of a pandemic? and want to shame me for going to the local store and buying like 20 masks out of my wages? fuck 'em.
Fuck your mother you whining cunt of a whore. Just because everyone including the cocksuckers at the CDC had their fucking heads up their ass watching Dancing With the Stars and the fucking Batchelor while I spent hours doing proper research to get the right P100 masks for myself and loved ones and I bought lousy fucking dozen of them? They can eat the shit out of my ass and so can you, you rat fuck weasel cocksucker.
Burn it all down then if that’s what you believe because what other options do you have
But it's just a nothing burger who needs protective equipment
You are like a baby, watch this
Bought 2 of those, a full face, and 25 pairs of p100 filters 2 months ago
>coof and die Normies
i reuse my masks. I spray them with alcohol when i'm down using them.
fuck you for not preparing for a pandemic.
Can't get a good check weld with this so will stick to paper mask.
you deserve fucking lead and nothing else OP. You sub iq fucking waste of air.
I went to a welding supply store last week and saw one full mask, tons of half masks, and tons of P100 filters, both plastic-encased and polypropylene. The "shortage" is a hoax.
I have some because I'm a wood worker. I also have nitrile gloves. I doubt they would take mine because it has wood dust.
The real question: why did the hospitals not have a stockpile? I mean, they charge 100 dollars for a saline bag.
>why did the hospitals not have a stockpile?
Same reason no one else did: just-in-time logistics.
>Fuck you if you wear the very things designed to protect you in instances such as this
No, fuck you.
Hospitals are a business in America. They make a judgement call on how much inventory to carry based on their cashflow.
Alcohol ruins the electrostatic attraction. Baking them at 70 celsius or just quarantining them for a few days works better.
organic vapor filters will work just as well
I need it
I wear it the right way
and fuck the goverment, if they cant do shit, its not my fault. Noone gets my fullmask and P3 filters.
Why aren't doctors, who make more than my entire families income in a single go, not wise enough to stockpile supplies for one of the most predictable emergencies a hospital could possibly face?
Everyone had access to the same information in Dec, if the "oh so smart" hospital doctors couldn't see the need to prepare back in December then how is this my fault? I've literally known about this virus since December, it's interesting how dumb/Ill informed/kikey doctors are when they are faced with dying from a deadly pandemic.
pretty based