Based Trump is killing his own supporters.
Based Trump is killing his own supporters
Trumptards really are the dumbest people. It's amazing how much faith these people put in this pathological liar.
>ingest shitty fish pond chemical
>blame Trump
Stupid people don't trust Trump.
>Imagine being so retarded that actually believe anything this goofball says.
Was it prescribed by a physician, tard?
A warning Yas Forums. This shit is going to be shilled hard over the next day or so..
Eugene is pissed
You don’t deserve to be a Varney poster... stop it
Its a cult.
>Was it prescribed by a physician, tard?
They bought it in a store. It's a component of aquarium cleaner. Based retard calls people he doesn't like shills.
>Actually believing that the government can solve your problems
Please quickly kill them all.
Two senile retards saw Chloroquine on some koi pond pest remover and drank it. The media talking heads have had to admit it wasnt medically prescribed. They're, for (((some reason))) terrified that a treatment has been found.
>Imagine being so retarded you believe a random news story knowing that TDS is a thing
taking medical advise from this orange clown
darwin in action folks
A cult taking down bloodsucker satanic cults
>trump says choroquine is a medicine, which it is.
>man drinks aquarium cleaner, which has choroquine in it.
> aquarium cleaner has lots of other things like chemicals that can kill you.
>man dies
>wife blames it on trump.
Everyone Trump does/says is orchestrated. It doesn't matter if it's something like this, or whatever else. He is nothing more than an agent of chaos. He's a plant designed to turn heads and be talked about while the true people in power (we know who they are) continue to achieve their goals and get what they want. Frankly it's dumb and pointless to even talk about anything Trump related at this point. Stop thinking he has your best interests in mind.
You can die from drinking too much water. Get the dosage right, idiots.
post the link faggot so retards that dont know the full story can read past the fake news headline
Fake news
They ate fish tank cleaner and omitted the phosphate part of the chemical. I too can make fake news and scare people with little chemistry
>Man burst into flame after ingesting sodium (Na)
Most people don’t know salt is sodium chloride (NaCl)and sodium (Na)is highly reactive chemical.
Trump is right that chloroquine is effective at treating Corona and is used as such in Italk and SK, it's not been used in the states solely because the FDA hasn't approved it's use for corona.
These retards drank fish tank cleaner thinking it would make them immune to getting the disease.
Nice spacing r*ddit. Hope I don’t IP you trace you successfully right now. That would be TERRIBLE.
> Fake News Hacks Claim Man Died After Ingesting Chloroquine ‘Because of Trump’ – Leaves Out the Fact He Actually Drank Koi Pond Cleaner
It was pond cleaner.
>Everyone panics
>trump makes an off the cuff remark about medication he doesn't understand
>stupid people die
saw that one coming
It really has every sign of a cult. From worshipping a leader as a God to suicide because the end of times is near.
aquarium cleaner is not hydroxychloroquine
Hydrocloronique and the chemical chlironique phosphate are totally different substances. It would be like trump saying to build something from iron and people use iron oxide and wonder why it crumbled and blamed trump
>I'm pretty thirsty. There's water in bleach right? I'll just drink that.
>Alcohol kills viruses right? In that case i'll just drink a bottle of hand sanitizer.
Hey guise, just run out of cherry jell-o
Noticed my Ibuprofen liquid gels have gelatin in them
Should taste pretty good right?
There is reason why american products always come with a thousand page manual, with warnings about what not to do with the products. Its a country full of people with a special case of down syndrome, where they don't have the facial features of down syndrome.
Make sure ya get your rent check in on time kids and try to lay off the meth.
fuck niggers and jews
More accurate.
nice reading comprehension, niggerfag.
Based Trump raising collective I.Q. with easily misinterpreted information.
>this thread again
The boomer ate a fucking aquarium pill.
I hope more do it honestly.
They didn't die they gained super human abilities and are flying around the world to fight satanic spiders
Brb going for a ride
Trump supporters are uneducated shitbagz who unironically vote against their own economic interests
>Unironically believing the President's medical advice
Well deserved.
>Chloroquine phosphate (fish tank cleaner)
>Hydroxychloroquine (medicine)
Remember when the left was the savvy, educated urbanites and the right was the rural retards? Isn't it weird how that paradigm has shifted?
She and her husband took chloroquine phosphate, a fish tank cleaner.
She mistook chloroquine phosphate for hydroxychloroquine.
What next, she's thirsty and confuses H2O with H2O2. Drink your blue rinse bitch.
>taking medical advice from a reality TV star.
Thats pure comedy.
I've always said as pic depicts.
A little bit of knowledge is dangerous because it gives them a base understanding that makes them think they are experts
If you're taking aquarium cleaner (despite not even having Corona) because you think the president recommended that you eat it you deserve to die.
People that accuse others of reddit spacing are fucking retarded.
That post wasn't even reddit spacing. This post is reddit spaced.
Also, did I mention you're a retard?
Woman randomly self medicates as though she were a doctor. Blames Trump. Welp nothing to see here folks just a female retard.
Fucking kek and based
But these people didn't take the actual medication. They took something used to clean fish ponds/aquariums. Not only that, but they took a WAY too large dose.
You're as stupid as them for not understanding.
>not to believe anything that the media said the president said
would be more accurate
Holy fuck you’re retarded
>drink fish aquarium cleaner
Darwin award candidate right there
A virus that is seemingly only killing the elderly and celebrities is not worth months of economic shutdown over, and anyone who doesn't realize this is buying the narrative being pushed by Trump-hating psychopaths who literally want to destroy the economy because that's the only way they can have an argument for putting Biden into the White House. Anyone who can't understand this is giving into hysteria, and one of the biggest false flags of all time.
True. But he'll stop the Mar-A-Lago and Trump International Hotel from folding and I suspect that matters more to him than losing the election.
Why are Americans this stupid? At some point, (before drinking it like a retard) don't you go like "woah this bottle doesn't look like medicine at all, it's more like an aquarium product"?
And I guess that in the process of saving his businesses he'll also kill off a shitload of whites accelerating the demographic transition, but hey, cant make an omelette, right boys?
>conveniently leave out the part where the guy was self-medicating and also drank pond cleaner
I fucking hate journalists so fucking much. Words cannot describe how much I fucking detest these loathsome parasites.
Well, some aquarium medications are just repacked human meds. Pic related, for example, works like a charm. You definitely want to look up dosage info and side effects before you go playing doctor with yourself.
The media or Trump? Cuz that guy died from ingesting a chemical for fish ponds.
My dad's voted Democrat for the past 30 years, ever since the day he died.